Spread-eagle bondage

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ass hooks

please explain to me how this doesn't cause internal damage. Seems like some skeletal knowledge is a necessity.
please explain to me how this doesn't cause internal damage. Seems like some skeletal knowledge is a necessity.

They don't actually go in all that deep and with that big ball on the end they really can't dig in or tear. Of course common sense has to be used and proper lubrication is important. Like all things up the ass if it starts to hurt its wise to stop.
I thought at first that it was a dartboard. If it were, then I'd be hoping that a treble-three would never be required. :eek:

She can always move on to other pleasures after that treble three

please explain to me how this doesn't cause internal damage. Seems like some skeletal knowledge is a necessity.
That could be said about so many activities pictured here. That's why one, at all times, has to know what one is doing...because it matters. :)

Soooooo glad you could. ;)
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