STC Challenge for UnderYourSpell

Thankyou Bijou and all of you what more can I say? You saw my need and gave of yourselves and in my eyes you are truly blesséd whatever your belief or crede. I came very close to breaking down today to Ron's brother who at least is going to make sure I get to the hospital each day he is a lovely man who I love so much. When I am alone tomorrow night in this house I expect the tears will come but my heart won't be here it will be in that hospital bed holding my Ron.
Thankyou Bijou and all of you what more can I say? You saw my need and gave of yourselves and in my eyes you are truly blesséd whatever your belief or crede. I came very close to breaking down today to Ron's brother who at least is going to make sure I get to the hospital each day he is a lovely man who I love so much. When I am alone tomorrow night in this house I expect the tears will come but my heart won't be here it will be in that hospital bed holding my Ron.

You won't be alone. Not even a little. Just remember we're all in here, with you.

So print everything out, and take it all along with you over the next couple of days. Read them to yourself, ask other people to read them to you, read them to Ron. Just do whatever funny little things you feel like doing with your little packet of papers. Stick them under his pillow or under yours, or on his chair, or post them in his room, or put them up on the fridge, or put them all up in the windows till he gets back, like lanterns to light his way. Whatever you're led to do.

They are your little generators of energy. Little candles to light you both through the dreaming.

blessings, sweet. We're all paying attention, and that particular currency is worth a great deal.

STC entry.

Not convinced this one is appropriate to the mood, but it's all that came to me for this title. Hope it offers some comfort.

Waking and Sleeping

Every evening finds me striving
To retain my consciousness
Mind and spirit fight against it
Though my body needs the rest

But the day no longer lingers
And the night begins to fall
And the keyboard hurts my fingers
And my bed begins to call

So I lay me down to cuddle
Next to she who loves me best
Though my mind is in a muddle
My hands still can find her breast

Then I draw her closer to me
and my mind begins to drift
feeling her love growing through me
and my spirit start to lift

Listening to pleasant prattle
I have given up the fight
My fatigue has won the battle
And I'm sleeping through the night

As I lay there, still unknowing
I awake to hear her say
'Morning Darling, I am glowing!
Time to start another day!

- Rhymesmith
sleeping and waking

Sweet slumber to come
Love wrapping you tight
Every thing is ok
Every thing is fine
Prayers soothing your soul
Inching slowly through this comfortable bliss
Negotiating these myths
Gently the mind sleeps

Angst soothed away
Nuaght but good today
Dreaming through this mission

When the time has come
A voice shall slowlt help you
Keep a smooth path working
In the upward spiral
Negotiating to the sound above
Gently, slowly finding your way home
I've left my darling behind in that alien world of crisp uniforms and backless gowns, They taped over his wedding ring because he refused to take off that symbol of our promise. From the questions asked when filling in reams of forms he is just one more elderly gentleman that just might have difficulties using a bathroom on his own. Questions I know they have to ask but still a form of degredation in my eyes when asked of my rock who stands between me and the world. Now I have to be the strength that holds our heads above water and though I now play the waiting game he did not see the tears in my eyes as I held him and told him I loved him before I walked away.
I stopped at the door and blew him a kiss not caring that everyone saw my love
the eyes may close
breathing slow
the body slumber in disguise
as rest
but love can never stop
the heartbeat sounds
are but a pale echo
of a lover's words
spoken and not
"I love you"
Oh Fool that means the world to me I didn't even thought you knew I was here ... oh heck does that sound awful I hope not just blame my brain for not being in gear today.

After all the wonderful sleeping and waking poems he did have an epidural after all. He has had his operation but has only been back in the ward about half an hour. Why oh why do they talk down to you as if you are a thick 2 year old? I only asked if they would tell him I was on the phone and got told "You know he can't come to the phone dear don't you? We have given him something called an epidural so he won't feel any pain and it makes him numb from the waist down " ........ sheesh really? and there was me thinking he would dance over to the phone!! and that was after they kept insisting his name was Richard and I told them 3 times it was Ron but no no they said it was Richard!
Oh Fool that means the world to me I didn't even thought you knew I was here ... oh heck does that sound awful I hope not just blame my brain for not being in gear today.

After all the wonderful sleeping and waking poems he did have an epidural after all. He has had his operation but has only been back in the ward about half an hour. Why oh why do they talk down to you as if you are a thick 2 year old? I only asked if they would tell him I was on the phone and got told "You know he can't come to the phone dear don't you? We have given him something called an epidural so he won't feel any pain and it makes him numb from the waist down " ........ sheesh really? and there was me thinking he would dance over to the phone!! and that was after they kept insisting his name was Richard and I told them 3 times it was Ron but no no they said it was Richard!

I am going to count this as good news.

Just cuz I lurk sometimes doesn't mean I don't care...:rose:
Oh Fool that means the world to me I didn't even thought you knew I was here ... oh heck does that sound awful I hope not just blame my brain for not being in gear today.

After all the wonderful sleeping and waking poems he did have an epidural after all. He has had his operation but has only been back in the ward about half an hour. Why oh why do they talk down to you as if you are a thick 2 year old? I only asked if they would tell him I was on the phone and got told "You know he can't come to the phone dear don't you? We have given him something called an epidural so he won't feel any pain and it makes him numb from the waist down " ........ sheesh really? and there was me thinking he would dance over to the phone!! and that was after they kept insisting his name was Richard and I told them 3 times it was Ron but no no they said it was Richard!
What the hell? Nana got to talk to us right from the OR! Her doc's a gem, though so...

I'm so glad Ron's doing well. That means so are you.
i'm glad to hear things are as well as they are. hugs to you both. keep us posted.
My bed was lonely last night and I kept hearing noises at one point I am sure I heard voices! Anyway he phoned me this morning and he's bored! He is not an avid reader like I am but he misses his newspaper so I will take him one this afternoon, if I can keep my eyes open I blame the Bistro crew for keeping me up all hours