story acceptance

Hi EL, Will's, Perdita and DJJ. Thanks for the hello's & the info regarding AV. Bummer about having to wait for 100 posts ;-(
I have a ways to go. I have a photo in mind... well, 3-4 I would choose from. Maybe I'll have to enter more posts.

I went back to see what day I submitted my story & just noticed it has been only 4 days since I submitted. My lover said that I must be horny to see my own story published!! LOL Truth


Thank you for your kind words, actually it was delicious even two days old and lightly toasted. Regretably certain individuals have cast doubt upon its edibility, in fact I had more bad feed back on that AV than on any story I've posted. :D

Aw, Wills. I knew it was a cake and it looked quite inviting, esp. after finding out you made it. I took pics of my tamales but am now glad I didn't turn one into an AV :) .

buen noche,

Perdita :kiss:
Flowering Lotus: PATIENCE??? PATIENCE you say??? Who me? ;-)


Not a virtue I possess either! Strike that word out and put 'chill'.

Look forward to reading your stories. Cheers, WT
:) Thanks WT! I keep looking to see if it's been accepted, guess I should take some advice that came my way today and "cool my jets." That's right up there with patience isn't it?? lol
Good morning FloweringLotus. Since you seem to have gotten plenty of the answer, I'll just offer my hellos. *smile*

Whisp :rose:
Hi Wisp~~~ Hello to you too :) Thank you.
Is it cold where you are? I noticed NE. I lived in Montana for 10 years, so I know cold. Prefer mostly sunny CA now. Love it here!
Cute photo, BTW.

~~floweringlotus :rose:
floweringlotus said:
Hi Wisp~~~ Hello to you too :) Thank you.
Is it cold where you are? I noticed NE. I lived in Montana for 10 years, so I know cold. Prefer mostly sunny CA now. Love it here!
Cute photo, BTW.

~~floweringlotus :rose:

Aww....thank you. *blush* And yes, it's REALLY cold here right now, for us. About fifteen below 0 F. *shiver* Could be worse could be raining. :)

Whisp :rose:
Yes, rain would make it worse, for sure! Black ice is horrible!

Sorry i misspelled your name wisp instead of Whisp... not a huge blunder, but wanted to correct myself anyway.

~~ lotus :rose:
Re: Re: story acceptance

whispering_surrender said:
Aww....thank you. *blush* And yes, it's REALLY cold here right now, for us. About fifteen below 0 F. *shiver* Could be worse could be raining. :)

Whisp :rose:

Even though I'll be melting into a puddle in a couple of months when it's 120 degrees, I'll brag while I can & say it was a beautiful 72 here today. Now that the sun has gone down it's getting a bit nippy. Sixty-eight degrees according to Yahoo.

- Mindy
i've got 6 months before we turn 120 degrees. Southern end of the San Joaquin Valley. That is when I want to move somewhere else. We're about 60 here today. I was down in Malibu last Sunday though and it was almost 70. Great to be lying on the beach soaking up the rays. A perfect day!

Well, I got brave and inquired about going back in to view my submission page and I got a response on the same day! Hooray!
Here is my reply in case anyone else is curious:

>>Whenever you hit SUBMIT on a story, it changes the submission time on that story to the moment you hit SUBMIT.
The stories in our approval queue are ordered from oldest to newest, so hitting SUBMIT moves your story to the end of the line. It's generally a good idea to leave your story sitting in the queue unless you need to make changes to it. If it's listed as PENDING, then you are in line to be approved. We get quite a few stories every day, so it may take 2-6 days for your story to be posted. If we have problems with your story, it will be sent back to you with our comments.>>

I guess mine is okay. I just looked at it and didn't hit SUBMIT.

Breathlessly waiting, ... u can tell i'm still a newbie..
floweringlotus said:

Sorry i misspelled your name wisp instead of Whisp... not a huge blunder, but wanted to correct myself anyway.

You called me cute! The misspell was COMPLETELY forgiven. *grin*

Whisp :rose:

Ps. Besides, Wisp is kinda endearing. *wink*
Re: Re: Re: story acceptance

minsue said:
Even though I'll be melting into a puddle in a couple of months when it's 120 degrees, I'll brag while I can & say it was a beautiful 72 here today. Now that the sun has gone down it's getting a bit nippy. Sixty-eight degrees according to Yahoo.

- Mindy

According to the digital thermometer built into my clock, it's 62 degrees inside the house right now...
Hi there, Floweringlotus,

Just wanted to tell you, but you probably already know, your story is up. It's in the new stories list today.


Lou :rose:

P.S. I was gonna post a link, but I thought that might be taking liberties, as it might be something you want to do yourself.
:D Thank you Lou and Colly! I appreciate your warm thoughts. I'm happy it was approved. Actually, Colleen, it's my second story ... still a virgin there, too. ;-)

Okay, so here is another :confused: question Lou, how do I post a link? Admittedly, I haven't looked or tried to figure it out on my own. But, I'm too shy to have thought of that I guess, or else my real thinking about it is that it isn't good enough. :eek:

~~FLotus :rose:
I'm sure it's good enough..

If you pull up your memberpage, the page that displays all your stories and then hilight the address in the bar at the top of your web browser and press ctrl-C, that will copy the address into your computer's memory.

If you then reply to this thread, and in the body of the post, press ctrl-V, that will paste the copied address into the post. After that, all that anyone needs to do is click on the pasted address (which will appear as a clickable link in your post) and they'll be taken to your memberpage where they can read all of your stories. My link is at the bottom of my posts in the 'www' link - To put it there, you need to go into Options and paste your copied address into the section for your webpage.

Raph, hopefully helping.
if you want the links to your stories to be on each post, do you have to copy/paste the link to your story each time you submit a post, or is there a way for that to appear automatically? Like putting it in the signature?? ahh, i'll try that.
Seems like there would be a way.. would be a drag to do it manually each time....


lotus :rose:
Go into your options screen and put it into your signature.. Everything in my posts under the ______________ is in my signature. :)
you can put it in your signature no problem....go to your user control pannel and click on "change profile" or its something similar*L* and just put your link in the relevent signature box :)
Well, I did that, and all that comes up when i post a reply is the http.... and not the title to the story, like yours shows. I tried typing in the title, but it didn't link.

Another ?? Does anyone ever reply to emails they get from readers? I've gotten a few from this story and a few from the first story. I didn't reply the first time around, just enjoyed them.

Thanks, and best to you all,
floweringlotus :rose:
Ahh ha...oh well i will show you how my link goes*L* hang on...

[ url =] English Lady's website! cum and play![/ url]

take out the spaces(they are there so you can see the workins of how it looks) and obviously put in your link and title and voila! :)

Oh and i always reply to feedback..always :)
I always reply to feedback where the reader includes an email address, I just am not very prompt about it. I wait until I have 3 or 4 to reply to before sitting down to do it. *blush* So, some may have a bit of a wait first, but they WILL get a reply eventually.

Whisp :rose:
I always respond to feedback and do so in as prompt a manner as I can. A reader who sends feedback is taking their time to let you now how much they enjoyed your work, I can't imagine not replying with at least a thank you. Feedback is so important to me and I want that reader to feel like they can send more if they read something else Ihave written :)
