Story being Rating bombed?

Fretting about a .03 or a .05 change, with 1200 votes on board, is to be honest, a little ridiculous. Someone giving you a 4 not a 5 will do that. That's so far down into the noise it doesn't matter, surely?
That math doesn't seem right.

Agreed. If a story has 1200 votes, it'll need around 120+ 4-star votes to take it down 0.03 points. That's assuming it had a perfect 5 until then; the lower the starting score, the more 4* votes it will need to bring it down that far.
Agreed. If a story has 1200 votes, it'll need around 120+ 4-star votes to take it down 0.03 points. That's assuming it had a perfect 5 until then; the lower the starting score, the more 4* votes it will need to bring it down that far.
Doing the math, the last 27 votes have averaged 1.888 on a story that had been at 4.92 for over a year.
Doing the math, the last 27 votes have averaged 1.888 on a story that had been at 4.92 for over a year.
Definitely highly suspicious. I suppose the concentrated effort of a troll with alts, or a small cabal of such, is probably the simplest explanation. Otherwise I'm not sure, unless a really bad 'similar stories you might like' link funneled your anti-audience toward it.
Agreed. If a story has 1200 votes, it'll need around 120+ 4-star votes to take it down 0.03 points. That's assuming it had a perfect 5 until then; the lower the starting score, the more 4* votes it will need to bring it down that far.
My point is more, complaining about a .03 or a .05 change is ridiculous, when you've got 1200 votes on a story. As the maths boffins show, that's just a shit ton of fours. That's a first world problem, if ever I've seen one.

Then the complaint is, I don't have a 4.92 any more. Seriously?
My point is more, complaining about a .03 or a .05 change is ridiculous, when you've got 1200 votes on a story. As the maths boffins show, that's just a shit ton of fours. That's a first world problem, if ever I've seen one.

Then the complaint is, I don't have a 4.92 any more. Seriously?
I think the point being made is even with a shitload of votes and therefore a statistically resistant score, it doesn't take that many 1-bombs to make an observable effect. Hence my use of the term "score vandalism" for this phenomenon.
Doing the math, the last 27 votes have averaged 1.888 on a story that had been at 4.92 for over a year.
Was it near the top of the toplist for the category? I'm assuming with that score that it probably was — and probably still is decently positioned. Only a handful of categories have 4.9s stretching for multiple pages, and most of them don't have that kind of vote totals.

If you write something that resonates with readers that well, it unfortunately comes with the territory. It will hit a wall eventually. When the bombs stop coming in, look at whoever is in the couple of positions immediately ahead of you, and you'll have a pretty good guess of whose rabid fans are swarming you. The good news is that with a vote total like that, the odds of them knocking you down too much aren't good, and the odds of the bombs sticking is worse. The more bombs it takes, the more likely they are to slip up and get their whole slate wiped out.

You should be at a point where you're unlikely to lose decent positioning on the toplist, so that submission will continue to be a big draw that builds your readership even while the bombs remain. Once the sweeps wipe out some, you'll pop up higher and get an even higher profile until the scum bomb you back down. ( as far as they can, anyway. )

Losing that higher ranking is frustrating, but you can at least content yourself with the knowledge that the trolls are pulling their hair out and beating their heads on the desk in frustration as well. The sweeps and your building readership will eventually fill the cracks and strengthen your armor, but the trolls' votes are going to end up chilling with the Titanic over and over and over...
My point is more, complaining about a .03 or a .05 change is ridiculous, when you've got 1200 votes on a story. As the maths boffins show, that's just a shit ton of fours. That's a first world problem, if ever I've seen one.

Then the complaint is, I don't have a 4.92 any more. Seriously?
I’m unreasonably blessed by the scores on my stories. The numbers I shared are for illustration only. My point was to let OP know they were not alone, hoping to encourage them to not take it personally.
Was it near the top of the toplist for the category? I'm assuming with that score that it probably was — and probably still is decently positioned. Only a handful of categories have 4.9s stretching for multiple pages, and most of them don't have that kind of vote totals.

If you write something that resonates with readers that well, it unfortunately comes with the territory. It will hit a wall eventually. When the bombs stop coming in, look at whoever is in the couple of positions immediately ahead of you, and you'll have a pretty good guess of whose rabid fans are swarming you. The good news is that with a vote total like that, the odds of them knocking you down too much aren't good, and the odds of the bombs sticking is worse. The more bombs it takes, the more likely they are to slip up and get their whole slate wiped out.

You should be at a point where you're unlikely to lose decent positioning on the toplist, so that submission will continue to be a big draw that builds your readership even while the bombs remain. Once the sweeps wipe out some, you'll pop up higher and get an even higher profile until the scum bomb you back down. ( as far as they can, anyway. )

Losing that higher ranking is frustrating, but you can at least content yourself with the knowledge that the trolls are pulling their hair out and beating their heads on the desk in frustration as well. The sweeps and your building readership will eventually fill the cracks and strengthen your armor, but the trolls' votes are going to end up chilling with the Titanic over and over and over...
It’s difficult to comment without sounding arrogant. Suffice it to say, the overall impact of whatever is happening has been significant. The story I used as an example was #1 for a while and won a Readers Choice award. Thanks to my new ‘friends’ it’s no longer top 50.
Actually, it is possible to ask Laurel, one of the site owners, for a special sweep. Hit the Report icon and ask. Sometimes she will and sometimes she won’t, but the scheduled sweeps generally take care of the crabgrass.
Good luck.
That is good to know thank you, I think I will wait and see unless it gets really bad but it does seem to be bouncing back slowly. I appreciate all the advice
It’s difficult to comment without sounding arrogant. Suffice it to say, the overall impact of whatever is happening has been significant. The story I used as an example was #1 for a while and won a Readers Choice award. Thanks to my new ‘friends’ it’s no longer top 50.
No, I get it. Losing anything in the top 10 or so — never mind a #1 — is a gut punch. Now, some of that is going to be legitimate "liked it, didn't love it" 4s that accumulate in far greater numbers when you're holding premium real estate on the toplists. Those are more or less invisible with vote totals above 1k because the 5s that continue to come in keep them from moving the visible score. It's all in the decimal places outside what they display. Contest winners almost always take a beating in the same way, because they get featured. It's a blessing and a curse, but the blessing side always wins out eventually.

Getting bumped off page 1 is particularly heart-wrenching. Has to be a small spread page 1. A sweep will get them eventually. You might never get your #1 back, but every swept bomb and every new 5 is going to move you back up the list. You'll get back on page 1, keep moving up, and get back into a position where you're picking up a solid stream of new readers, all while still being below the score the trolls consider a threat to their darling. You might even get a big jump if one of them fucks up and gets their whole slate whitewashed, but that will start the trolling process all over again. Every time that happens they have to work harder and leave more traces, so the trolls forever have diminishing returns on their efforts.

You obviously wrote a humdinger of a story. It's going to rise on that merit no matter how hard they try to beat it down.
I have to ask, do readers really care that much about where a story ranks? Back when I was a reader here, I browsed the newest stories, or the randomised list, and sometimes I'd go back to a favourite. I'd check out other stories by the same author.

But I had no idea about best-rated or most-read lists. If I had, I wouldn't have cared about them. These are things that I've only discovered since I've been writing.

The concept of authors with legions of protective fans ready to sabotage other stories just to protect some spot on a list seems pretty outlandish to me.
I have to ask, do readers really care that much about where a story ranks? Back when I was a reader here, I browsed the newest stories, or the randomised list, and sometimes I'd go back to a favourite. I'd check out other stories by the same author.

But I had no idea about best-rated or most-read lists. If I had, I wouldn't have cared about them. These are things that I've only discovered since I've been writing.

The concept of authors with legions of protective fans ready to sabotage other stories just to protect some spot on a list seems pretty outlandish to me.
Trust me, plenty of people are using them as selection criteria. When you hit high on one of those lists, your readership jumps tremendously.

And you discover just how rabid the fanbases are pretty quickly as well.
Doing the math, the last 27 votes have averaged 1.888 on a story that had been at 4.92 for over a year.

Been there ... a few times ... I poop a lot easier now.

Then again, none of my stories have anywhere near 1200 votes so it only takes three or four 1s or 2s to kill it, not 27, although I have had 27 before.
I have to ask, do readers really care that much about where a story ranks? Back when I was a reader here, I browsed the newest stories, or the randomised list, and sometimes I'd go back to a favourite. I'd check out other stories by the same author.

But I had no idea about best-rated or most-read lists. If I had, I wouldn't have cared about them. These are things that I've only discovered since I've been writing.

The concept of authors with legions of protective fans ready to sabotage other stories just to protect some spot on a list seems pretty outlandish to me.
I don't use the top lists at all. I browse the new list every day and open tabs for anything I think looks interesting. So I don't see scores until I get to reading the story (and frequently not even then if it's brand new). The only real indicator I have is the dreaded red H.

When looking at other stories from an author, I will look at the scores. If there are a lot of sub-4 scores, I'll likely give a pass on reading any more of their work.
I have to ask, do readers really care that much about where a story ranks? Back when I was a reader here, I browsed the newest stories, or the randomised list, and sometimes I'd go back to a favourite. I'd check out other stories by the same author.

But I had no idea about best-rated or most-read lists. If I had, I wouldn't have cared about them. These are things that I've only discovered since I've been writing.
Speaking as a reader, the thing about the best-rated and most-read lists is that there are only so many stories on them. They get either read or noped fast, and then I move on to other ways of looking for stories to read. I definitely use scores to help with picking and choosing what to read.

Maybe that makes me an ignorant fucking douchebag of a reader and nobody should even want me reading their stuff if I’m that shallow #inb4critics :ROFLMAO:
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I don't use the top lists at all. I browse the new list every day and open tabs for anything I think looks interesting. So I don't see scores until I get to reading the story (and frequently not even then if it's brand new). The only real indicator I have is the dreaded red H.

When looking at other stories from an author, I will look at the scores. If there are a lot of sub-4 scores, I'll likely give a pass on reading any more of their work.
Top lists are something I rarely look at if at all. When away for a few weeks (like while I am on a cruise). I begin my catchup by looking at popular list for the last weeks. I too look at scores. If I see a low one out of normally high scores, sometimes I want to see why. Often it is obvious. I will admit my selection is based on category. If it is under 3.7 I won't consider even skimming. Other categories it is a 4 and then only if the story seems to be interesting. If it starts as a stroke story, I do not go further. I may look at comments. If the first three comments say, 'hot' I figure it is a stroke story. I want to see, 'well written', "great plot' etc.
peaking as a reader, the thing about the best-rated and most-read lists is that there are only so many stories on them. They get either read or noped fast, and 5en I move on to other ways of looking for stories to read. I definitely use scores to help with picking and choosing what to read.

Maybe that makes me an ignorant fucking douchebag of a reader and nobody should even want me reading their stuff if I’m that shallow #inb4critics :ROFLMAO:
Nope. That makes you critical enough to not waste your time on garbage.
Is there anything I can do when a story is being rating bombed?

Most of my work is are Rated Hot and my new one was doing the same at 4.7 to 5 then suddenly a whole bunch of 1 start must have come in back to back because it dropped in a hour to 3.8

If they are legit ratings ok I can take my lumps but they seem intentional, and considering I had to block some rude fans on twitter just yesterday its seems to not be a coincidence. Can we see rating details or can Admis scrub for suspicious behavior?

My last story:
Hope you don't mind me asking, but you gave your Twitter account to some Lit readers? Unfortunately, social media has gotten wilder, I think, and talking to people can be hazardous. I'm so old I don't even have a Twitter account and, thus, and I don't really miss what I never had. Anyway, it's enough of a challenge dealing with readers only on Lit. It's a judgment call between being too exposed and being a "gray man" who is not that well-known on-line.

But, yes, blocking them on Twitter does indicate that they may come back here for revenge. Childish, I know, but that's what we're dealing with.

P.S.: TarnishedPenny's comments in post #13 are relevant here.
I had this happen with my other account. One of my stories was in the top stories for around a year 4.9+ the whole time and was nominated for the end of year rewards. Then suddenly crashed overnight. Going from one of the top rated to complete off the top stories page.
I have to ask, do readers really care that much about where a story ranks? Back when I was a reader here, I browsed the newest stories, or the randomised list, and sometimes I'd go back to a favourite. I'd check out other stories by the same author.

But I had no idea about best-rated or most-read lists. If I had, I wouldn't have cared about them. These are things that I've only discovered since I've been writing.
As a reader I do. Fairly certain that was how I started. Wanda's Walking with Sam was number 3 in the top list (it still is) and I started with that. Every now and then, I go back to the top list and scan through and see if there's anything I haven't read. Think I've read all the top 250 in Lesbian Sex by now, except for a few stories tagged with personal turn offs.
As a reader I do. Fairly certain that was how I started. Wanda's Walking with Sam was number 3 in the top list (it still is) and I started with that. Every now and then, I go back to the top list and scan through and see if there's anything I haven't read. Think I've read all the top 250 in Lesbian Sex by now, except for a few stories tagged with personal turn offs.
Sure, you found it because of how high it ranked. But were you invested enough to bomb another story that crept above it? Would you bomb other stories to make sure it stays in the top 250?