story idea board

Oh, yes of course the ancient aliens are like indiginous people. What I meant was the earthman is like an indiginous person selling his land for a bunch of trinkets, or infact selling land that did not actually belong to him, and the traders never checking because they don't really care. They only require the apparance of legality to smooth their own beurocracy, which also does not really care.

Yes, blush, MIB it was..

Taking that events somewhat like described took place, from others' points of view a new star appears in the sky and of course various parties rush to investigate (or loot). At first the worlds might be asleep.

Either the light of the star reaches the humans first, and they know the furries will attack as soon as they learn of it, or vice versa, or for some reason they both learn simultaneously and it is a rush to learn it's secrets first?

I think the trader could be a sort of brer rabbit type, always slipping out of trouble by native cunning. She would end up in some game of cat and mouse with the furries, but perhaps forced into alliance with them when the Mantis's appear.. The man working on a Mech on the farm is probably some retired military character who is about to be recalled due to the anomaly. The girl Harry could be assigned to him as dogsbody, just to drive him around or something, and therefore end up pulled into whatever is going on

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Fun stuff

I like what you guys are putting together. I won't presume to butt in, but I do notice that for a porn space opera, there are remarkably few babes as of yet. See what you think about working this in:

The Dutchess, fearsome pirate of the civilized space lanes, stalked the deck in a blind fury.

"Five! If you can't stop that bubbling this instant you know what will happen!"

A the navigation conslole Clone Five struggled to control her sobs, but the welts on her full, round posterior made sitting excruciating, and great tears streamed down her face, glistening on the burgundy leather which stretched accross her pendulous breasts.

Clones Three and Nine cowered at thier stations, jumping to every command in constant terror of displeasing their mistress.

The Dutchess barked into the intercom. "Seven! Did I not make it clear that I wanted the hyperdrive back on line by oh-four-hundred? If I find out you've been playing with your toys down there you'll find yourself on the rack for a week!"

I definitely don't have time to keep at this, but the basic concept is that the Dutchess keeps her crew of identical-lesbian-space-babe-clones away from any male contact, but in the course of the story the girls discover men, stage a mutiny, and she gets hers.

The engineer, Clone Seven, spends her free time inventing astounding sex machines.
Re: Fun stuff

Idle_Hands said:
"her crew of identical-lesbian-space-babes"

Now THAT'S low-brow.... hehehe nice one

Clone Seven?....had someone in mind with that character? The ultimate corest-wearing sci-fi ice-queen with a catsuit and 'implants' to die for?

here's a snippet of my porn writing, just so you all know my style and how good or bad i am at it.....

This is from my own on-going sci fi opera....

Robb opened his eyes. Staring back at him was his own ceiling in his room. Then a figure moved in front of his vision, smiling warmly. His eyes began to focus on the face, and his ears tried to determine the speech.

“…awake again. Do you want anything?”

“Uh,” was all he could manage. He attempted to clear his throat and try again, “A…a good strong drink,” he finally managed.

“Oh no, doctors orders,” he finally put a character to the audio and visual information his brain was pathetically trying to decipher. It was Veronica. The he realised she was in bed with him.

He looked at her. She was only wearing a shiny red bikini bottom. That brought him back to his senses immediately.

“What’s all this?” he asked her, running his hands over her slight frame, flinching slightly as his shoulders protested at his movement.

“Well, I thought I’d be here when you awoke. I didn’t want to sleep on the floor, so I took the bed with you.”

“But the lack of clothing?”

“Well, I got a bit horny lying next to you,” she said, kissing him, “I had to do something,”

He kissed her again, slipping his tongue inside her mouth. She reciprocated, massaging his tongue and lips with her own.

“I’ve got something special for you,” she said, turning her head, “Jasmine! He’s awake properly now.”

Jasmine Payne appeared from his left, coming out of the bathroom. She wore an identical style bikini. This time she wore the top, whilst holding the bottom in her hand. Her pubic hair had been trimmed further, cut close to her skin, only an inch or so wide. Veronica beckoned Jasmine over and she came over and climbed in on top of Robb. Feeling him hard beneath her, she lowered herself onto him, his cock sliding inside her. Jasmine gently raised and lowered her body above him, as Veronica moved in behind her, resting on Robb’s knees. She reached round and cupped Jasmine’s perky breasts, rubbing her nipples. Jasmine’s tight pussy was clamped around Robb’s cock and soon he felt he was reaching climax. Veronica noticed this and pushed Jasmine off him, taking her place. His manhood already sticky with Jasmine’s vaginal juices, he easily slid his cock into Veronica, climaxing immediately. Veronica fell forward, her arms around his head, kissing him gently as his cock throbbed within her.

Jasmine moved back towards Robb, when Veronica rolled over Jasmine moved in, straddling Robb’s face. His tongue went straight for her pussy, licking the wetness from her. Veronica put her head under the covers, kissing her way down Robb’s body. Finally she reached his cock, and as Jasmine squirmed on his face, Veronica began to suck his cock, making it hard again. She moaned with contentment as she tasted the mixture of all their juices on his cock. Jasmine came on Robb’s face, covering it in juice. Jasmine climbed off and began to kiss and lick all her juices off his face, swallowing them down. Then she also went down on him. With two tongues around his cock and balls he was hard immediately, and close to another climax.

Robb pulled away and sat up. He grabbed Veronica by the waist and pulled her towards him. He whispered to her he wanted her anus and she willingly spread her ass cheeks. Jasmine quickly grabbed some lubricant, and used it on Veronica’s ass. Slowly Robb lowered her onto him. Her face twisted in pain and pleasure as the head of his cock penetrated her ass. The rest of his shaft followed and she lay back in his arms for a moment, exposing her pussy to Jasmine’s tongue. Robb thrust with his hips and Veronica cried out loving the tongue and his cock but it hurt her too. Grabbing her breasts roughly he came inside her ass and fell back. Soon after Veronica came and she fell back, his cock still inside her. Slowly she lifted herself off and snuggled up by his side. Jasmine did the same and the three lay together under the sheets.

:p :p
:p :p
:p :p

does the army of :p's help?
Just finished reading a good book on the humans
as indiginous peoples theme. Aliens come to earth
offer to trade their entire knowledge in return
for Jupiter. Jupiter makes up 70% of real estate
in our solar system. Alien knowledge turns out to
be pretty useless as they are so far advanced its
like giving schematics of the space shuttle to
the Aztecs. Whole earth economy is ruined as
earth companies can't compete with hi-tech alien
Just finished reading a good book on the humans

Sounds interesting What was it called?

does the army of :p's help?

Yes I think it does. There is something strangely hypnotic and insideous about the :p. I would really like to see a screenful so you would get that weird 3D effect where your eyes get confused and focus on different places, making the page appear infront of the screen.

Pity there is a limit.
I had this really weird dream. You know the type where it seems to make perfect sense at the time but then, relating it, it seems sort of odd?

In this dream I caught sight of this girl that was entirely white but for black glasses etc, no colouration at all. And her face was somehow without enough detail. I became facinated, and somehow it came that we were introduced. (Friends of hers who somehow knew I was interested lead me to a basement where she was staying and left me with her)

Naturally at this point it was clear she had some special need or infirmity.

Have you ever pushed silly putty on newsprint, then pulled it away to find some of the ink has been pulled into the putty creating a copy of the print? She was like that. Her condition had worsened as it naturally did with time. She was like blue wax, but by rolling her face over mine, starting forehead to forehead and nose to nose, she somehow picked up some of my colour and detail, and became human enough in appearance to go out in public, and this is what I gave her.
peterpan said:
I had this really weird dream. You know the type where it seems to make perfect sense at the time but then, relating it, it seems sort of odd?

That could work...some kind of shape-shifter type who needs the life force/love/lust or whatever of others (particularly the hero)

must go...leture has started

Unregistered said:

That could work...some kind of shape-shifter type who needs the life force/love/lust or whatever of others (particularly the hero)

must go...leture has started


Oops, that unregistered was me.... not logging in at a campus workstation..... surprised "erotica" got through the filters...nice....

[Damn that feels good, for all the bad its doing me...]

[What the hell was that? The engines have just gone... oh shit. Goddamn furballs. How in god's name am I going to get out of this one?]

Captain Celeste remembered the log, and deactivated it with a tap. How was she going to get out of this one? She had no idea. She might have froze but her first priority at least, was plain standard procedure. Get suited up and depressurize the hull.

Tearing herself from the velcro of the captains chair, she launched across the weightless space of the cabin. At that instant a structural quake that might have broken her pelvis, had she been seated, shook the walls. Touching nothing solid, she drifted serenely past metal that bucked so fast it blurred.

The vacc-suit closed on her clam-like. Like a sci-fi monster in an old black-and-white, it needed a bit of cooperation swallowing her.

"Think Mary, Think!" (OOC:Spot the pun:))


Their prize appeared at first to be a ghost ship. A genetic resonance scan had not found the crew, and now it was their task to probe each cranny and hybernation crate, till amongst the vermin and the xenobiologicals they found the cornered alien captain. Skill would not prevent an arm being lost as you reached into a darkened grate, so the Blood-shirts were used for such tasks. Uneducated tribesmen looking to gain their scars. The Falaan Blood-shirts were afraid of no living thing, but they were prone to superstition.

Grorth did not enjoy the task. Falaan metabolism allowed for great bursts of strength and speed, but it did not handle prolonged stress well. Once more, as it had three times in the last hour, his adrenaline equivalent built up to intolerable levels and he had to scream and roar and tear tufts of fur from his chest to calm down.

With his claw bar he was about to force a container from which his scanner detected significant life signs. The wording on the container said "poultry". Even if Grorth could read, and could read buttskin, the container had to be investigated. Before the effort was required, however, his commlink began to growl.

"Search no more. Buttskin captain found." The voice spoke standard dialect, badly. Falaan tribes each had their own language.

"HA! Any sport?" Grorth said.

"Don't know. Buttskin lifesigns detected. Buttskin ejected in suit. Half a Talonet and still flapping like stupid bird in vacuum." The commlink chortled. "Tractor whip retracting with prize already. Cargo bay 5 arms open to recieve."

"I be there!" Grorth assured, grinning. Every blood-shirt that had wasted time on the hunt had earned the right to share in the sport.


The suited figure did not struggle, merely twitched occasionally as two Falaan sort to claw open the faceplate. Perhaps the buttskin was paralysed in fear. Perhaps they had set their oxygen mix foolishly, in their panic.

Grorth, more suspicious than his fellows, activated his scanner and focussed it on the suit.

The contents of the suit certainly registered as alive, but something was wrong. There were many points of heat, a thunder of heartbeats writhing together, and somthing else. Grorth adjusted his scanner and a crackle issued forth.. or.. no! the ravenous scrabbling, scratching of claws on metal and glass.

"Wait!" Grorth barked, too late, as the faceplate slid open and a creature, many creatures, of pasty white flesh and flashing, grasping lizard-like talons burst forth.

At that moment the lights were extinguished.


"It was a trap, Claw-captain!.. unless these creatures consumed the Human. This one launched straight from the suit and tried to insert this end in Faourghr's throat before I shot it. Unfortunately Faourghr was killed in the process."

The blood shirt displayed the relevant end of a mangled corpse, scorched by mazer fire. some of its limbs bore talons, others were mantis like yet soft and fleshy: their purpose not obvious. The end the bloodshirt indicated seemed to have a.. beak.

"That," Tarath hissed, "is a cooked plucked chicken."

OOC: alternatively: 'As humans would say, Bloodshirt,"Your goose is cooked"' :)
"This is 'the beef' Colonel Ravanelli"

Rik studied the information on the small display screen in front of him, his eyes widening.

"And you want my help in this how?"

"well, Sir..."


Mary celeste.... ghost ship.... oh very nice :rolleyes:
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Harry leaned against the throbbing Hummer while the officers conversed with the farmer. She was just the driver.

It should have been a relief to be let out of her morning's conditioning session early but she was still twitchy, and her hands kept expecting HummVee's cabin to melt into the cocpit of a Commanche ornithopter in ground effect mode. One thing you did not need to worry about as a Commanche pilot was putting it in the wrong gear and bunnyhopping it while transporting Her immediate superior, her base commander, and an admiral.

So she had made mistakes, and she felt stupid.

The scene might almost have looked like some Amexican gangster flick, what with the sand and the dark glasses, but it was bitingly cold on mars even after two hundred years. At least her butt was warm where it rested against the HummVee. Harry sandwiched her hands under her arms and wished the brass would get it over with.

Who was that guy anyway? Probably ex, she guessed, if he knew how to maintain a 'walkie'. Most of the engineers on mars were ex something or other. It wasn't anybodies first career choice for sure. Perhaps one of the many that had been discharged after the Political Security hearings.

Good. They seemed to be coming to some sort of conclusion. They were saluting, even if no one was looking all that friendly. Soon Cadet Sky 'Skarry' Harry would be back on base and soaking in something hot.
[bump 'cos i'm at uni and my pc is getting fixed so its a bastard to find time and privacy to write anything]

here we are

[/bump 'cos i'm at uni and my pc is getting fixed so its a bastard to find time and privacy to write anything]
OOC: I kinda pictured mars as a midwest dustbowl... Rik ready to get sweaty in a loose vest and combat shorts... maybe a watery Star Wars Tatooine or something.... but as Mars is farther from the sun it should be colder..... d'oh!

Ever read Red Mars? about its colonisation...followed by green and blue Mars.... very interesting to see how they'd terraform it


Rik vaulted into the back of the humvee, adjusting his sunglasses. He slipped the keycard to his walker's barn into his jacket pocket. He ran his eyes over the form of the driver for a moment, but then he turned his gaze back to the bitterly cold sands of the Martian plains.

'what do the furballs have to do with this? And how was that damned villain Blood invovled?' Too many questions... but he had been selected to 'volunteer' and sort out the answers.....

Clarify something for me, will ya?

So is Mary Celeste this off colour putty creature?

And are the off colour putty creatures the indiginous aliens with all the weapons in the baseball universe?

And when are we gonna get some harcore pornography into this thread (other than mine!)?
I kinda pictured mars as a midwest dustbowl...

Thats my idea. It LOOKs a lot like a midwest dustbowl, and it looks hot with all the red dust, and people wear sunglasses and burn easy because there is no ozone layer.. it just FEELS cold :)

How about if the people that actually live there long term have some modification, or drink some revolting substance that keeps their metabolism up? So they all wander about like cowboys while outsiders and visitors shiver and turn blue because it LOOKed so warm in the brochure ;)
peterpan said:

Thats my idea. It LOOKs a lot like a midwest dustbowl, and it looks hot with all the red dust, and people wear sunglasses and burn easy because there is no ozone layer.. it just FEELS cold :)

sounds like a plan batman...

peterpan said:

How about if the people that actually live there long term have some modification, or drink some revolting substance that keeps their metabolism up? So they all wander about like cowboys while outsiders and visitors shiver and turn blue because it LOOKed so warm in the brochure ;)

How about (as mars has slightly less gravity)... Martians (ie babies born and living their lives on mars) are taller and more muscular (generally bigger in every dimension... helllooooo ladies... hehehe ;) ) perhaps our man Rik could be too, one of the first born on Mars
So is Mary Celeste this off colour putty creature?
And are the off colour putty creatures the indiginous aliens with all the weapons in the baseball universe?

And when are we gonna get some harcore pornography into this thread (other than mine!)?

No, those really were chickens. I figure they transport them in hybernation and bald. Mary stuffed a suit full of them so it would register as having life signs and threw it out the airlock... Just think how UGLY a live bald chicken would be, especially if you were not familiar with that species. Mary was hiding in that poultry container Grouth was about to open, beneath some cold sleepy chickens but I guess she could have made her way somewhere else by now.

Porn? Do I gotta? When ever I write that stuff it always turns out to be girls messing around with everything BUT guys. Infact I was messing around with another thread "Space Marines" (look in chyoo authors: ) that might turn out to be all girl and not so much sex as pervasive kink. I decided that I prefer writing disconnected paragraphs to interactive chyoo stories that are impossible to rearrange. If I do anything more in Chyoo it will probably be to dump in an entire story as a central thread once it is finished.
peterpan said:

No, those really were chickens. I figure they transport them in hybernation and bald.

AAAaahhhhhh.... I guess the *your goose is cooked" line threw me

"Where's the forest?... all these damn trees are in the way!"
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