Strange Sleep Stories

This dream started with me and some others running around a shambling castle in cautious pursuit of, but mainly in escape of these blood hungry creatures- wraiths or vampires.

At some point we ended up outside of the castle on the shore of what looked like an ocean. On this side we were being harrassed by powerful, yet stringy haired and frail, old women- classic non-wiccan, broomstick wielding wicked witches.

So I took steerage of a ship in the harbour there and we set course for the other shore. Usually when I dream of oceans, the water is dark, murky, frightening really with sea serpents and god knows what else underneath. But without a clear transition this ocean became merely a lake and the water drinking clear and beautiful so that we could see the bottom, sandy with colourful stones and shells.

There was a giant waiting for us hip deep in this water throwing stones at us while the witches hurled curses from the other shore. But without much resistance on our part, the giant changed sides. Me and my crew got out of the ship and showed him how shallow the water was after all (we somehow knew it would be) and for some reason this was significant and he turned against the witches and directed all of his missiles at them. Then he just died presumably of a broken heart, some complex betrayal by the witches.

Walking back to the other shore we found the witches in a much weakened state. We picked up strips of cloth and each one seemed to undo the witches even more.

Suddenly I was watching this adventure on television with my sister of all people, and the girl on the screen, no longer me, had picked up a large hand-stitched quilt, the witches completely vanquished now and this angelic music, about five bars of a made-up dream song that sounded like a combination between a clear soft voice and a stringed instrument, kind of followed me awake, and I woke up smiling which hasn't happened in a long time.

It felt like, with this quilt being waved, all sorts of oppressive secrets were out in the open and a victory over them had occurred.

This has nothing to do with BDSM but it's one of the most strange and beautiful dreams I've had in a long time. I actually transcribed the song to violin this morning and am quite pleased-I've never been able to do that with dreamsongs before.
SexyChele said:
Well, if you were to go with Freud's interpretation of dreams, I'd say he would have had a field day with yours! :D (For those who are scratching their heads: Freud believed snakes in dreams were a symbol of the penis)

Yeah he saw penises everywhere which makes me wonder if his was either teeny tiny or he was impotent.
