Stupid people

BlackSnake said:
I think the problem comes when you don't recognize the stupid things you do, and/or recognize the stupid things and do them again.

never a truer word spoken!

the ultimate stupid phrase I've ever heard is "I really can't stand stupid people all around me"
SlaveMasterUK said:
never a truer word spoken!

the ultimate stupid phrase I've ever heard is "I really can't stand stupid people all around me"

Thank you :cool:
I try to be patient with those who are BORN stupid, or have become stupid due to some accident. But I loathe those who HAVE a brain, but are too lazy to use it!
Svenskaflicka said:
I try to be patient with those who are BORN stupid, or have become stupid due to some accident. But I loathe those who HAVE a brain, but are too lazy to use it!
Actually, Flicka, I've never been able to tell them apart.
Do you think that is stupidity on my part, or sheer bone laziness? :rolleyes:
Oh, they are easy to tell apart. Just say something clever to them. The TRULY stupid people will answer: "huh?", whereas the LAZY people will say: "yeah, yeah, yeah..." and go back to watching Big Brother.
Svenskaflicka said:
. . . say: "yeah, yeah, yeah..." and go back to watching Big Brother.

I'm supposed to WATCH Big Brother? :eek:

I thought HE was supposed to watch ME? :(
I'm thinking of creating a whole new TV show, called Little Sister. You go into a house, and get locked up in a room for 100 days, and not one person looks at you for the whole time, and then you get out of there, and no-one gives a damned.:rolleyes:

Depends on the category really, stupid natured, or genuinely stupid.

Stupid natured folks engage their mouth before putting their brain in gear, then wish they hadn't. Or suffer a little confusion over something new or unfamiliar.

Real stupid folks don't know the difference and genuinely believe what they are saying / doing is right and proper, and they never learn from experience.

Stupid airline pilot to control tower.

"Hello control this is flight 725, we have a major problem"

Controller to pilot.

"725, what is your height and position"

Pilot to control.

"I'm 5ft 9inches tall and sitting at the front"

Svenskaflicka said:
Not to mention the famous "Where's the Any-key?"

Hiya, Swede,
Well ..... C'mon, where is it?
Ps. Your eyes are going to get stuck like that if you keep rolling them.
I get stupidity itself, it can be harmless or charming even. I can't bear willful stupidity; e.g., from politicians and their like.
Well, BS, if you have any problems with those computer thingies, just ask your DW. I've heard kids these days are really great at using computers...:p
Re: Re: Stupid people

MathGirl said:
Dear Muffie,
I have a feeling you posted that statement just to liven things up around here.


I mostly posted it because I was thinking about what constitutes stupidity. I've met people who do stupid things, but does that make them stupid? I've been aggravated by people to the point of wanting to choke them, but that doesn't make them stupid.

I was motivated to think about this because someone had asked a question a few days/weeks (I forget) ago that's pretty routine around here. Something like how long until my story is published or something. This person was treated as if they were a complete idiot for asking that question.

Was this person stupid? I don't think so. I don't think the question was particularly stupid either, though the research effort was a little lax on the part of the poster.

I think a lot of times we judge someone's behavior or actions as "stupid" and then call those people "stupid" in return. But are they? Really?


People who really are stupid, those who don't possess intellectual capacity would never be called stupid. They have a biological impairment that decreases the functionality of their brains. We call them challenged or some other PC word. We don't call them stupid. We don't even think of them as stupid.

So, no, despite my perceptions on other people who irritate me in some way, I still don't think that I've ever met a stupid person. I've met a lot of people who have said or done things that I consider the height of stupidity; after all, if s/he just exercised a little thought s/he'd figure it out. However, that doesn't make them stupid. Just annoying.
Svenskaflicka said:
Not to mention the famous "Where's the Any-key?"

I actually used that on my boss when he called from home and asked me to find a report for him. Surprisingly he wasn't amused...
Re: Hmm

pop_54 said:
Stupid airline pilot to control tower.

"Hello control this is flight 725, we have a major problem"

Controller to pilot.

"725, what is your height and position"

Pilot to control.

"I'm 5ft 9inches tall and sitting at the front"


Yeah but pops, can he reach the pedals?

and, i'm waiting for somebody to explain what an Any-Key is.
Svenskaflicka said:
Well, BS, if you have any problems with those computer thingies, just ask your DW. I've heard kids these days are really great at using computers...:p

Hmmm, not what I meant. I have a degree in Computer Science, five active computers working in my home, three on my desk at work, and I work in my field, hence the choppiness of my text and wrong words, which make little difference because the are just variables anyway.

What I wasn't saying was, during the discussion of an application project one of the stakeholders was worried about which button they pressed last. These are well educated people, seemingly from the frames on their office walls, why couldn't they get "Just press the damn button"?
Re: Re: Hmm

wildsweetone said:
Yeah but pops, can he reach the pedals?

and, i'm waiting for somebody to explain what an Any-Key is.

A lady called tech support with a problem with her computer. The curtious tech support guy asks what is the problem. She tells him that she can't get the computer to turn on.

Taking a deep breath, the tech describes the power button, and she says that was the button she pressed.

He then asks her to make sure that the computer is plugged in. She asks him to wait a minute because it is dark. She says she has to use her cigarette lighter to see. The tech waits and a few minutes later the lady comes back to the phone and tells him that it is plugged in.

The tech thinks and then ask the lady does her light switch control the power where the computer is plugged. The lady tells him that she tried the switch, but nothing happened.

The tech had been taking notes of what the lady was telling him. A thought came to him. He asked the lady to go to her window to see if she could see any lights outside. The woman tells him no that there are no lights on anywhere.

The tech then ask the lady if she still had the box that the computer came in. She said that she still had the box. The tech told her that she should put the computer back in the box and take it back to the store where she bought it.

She asked if the problem was that serious. He told her that it was very serious. She asked what should she say when she got there. The tech told her to tell the sales person that she was returning it, because "she was too stupid to own a computer."

I'm sure I messed that up, but it was funny when I heard it.
I have hissy fits when the power goes off here.

And, I have hissy fits when my computer doesn't work right.

And, I purposely got rid of the box my computer came in because I didn't want it going back from whence it came no matter what I did to it! ;)
wildsweetone said:
I have hissy fits when the power goes off here.

And, I have hissy fits when my computer doesn't work right.

And, I purposely got rid of the box my computer came in because I didn't want it going back from whence it came no matter what I did to it! ;)

Have you heard that joke I tried told right? I LMAO! Some of the phone calls I get about programs I've written. "Just press the damn button" I just don't know how easy I could make it. There's only one button. I have the caption "Click Me!" on it. Gosh dang!
I learned how to handle computers the Brave Way. I bought a computer (second-hand), took it home, fitted all the plugs and cables where there was room for them, turned the thing on, and it worked. I then learned how the computer and all its programs worked by pushing a button at random, and analyzing the consequences.

"Oooooo-keeeeeeey... so if I press this button, I get a calculator. And if I press thaaaaat one... the screen turns black-and-white. Uh-huh... and what does this button do, then? Oh, my! Cool! And what happends if I press this one? Oooops..!"
Svenskaflicka said:
I learned how to handle computers the Brave Way. I bought a computer (second-hand), took it home, fitted all the plugs and cables where there was room for them, turned the thing on, and it worked. I then learned how the computer and all its programs worked by pushing a button at random, and analyzing the consequences.

"Oooooo-keeeeeeey... so if I press this button, I get a calculator. And if I press thaaaaat one... the screen turns black-and-white. Uh-huh... and what does this button do, then? Oh, my! Cool! And what happends if I press this one? Oooops..!"

You go girl! :)