Sub or Slave


i am not a submissive. i am a slave.

i believe that being submissive is an inherent personality trait and yes, i posses that trait. i also believe that one cannot be an unowned slave.

Not long ago M'Lord had me define servitude. my definition:

"in a word, slavery.

A state of being in a position or circumstance that places one under the the power, authority or control of an owner or master.
Lack of personal freedom to be and act as one chooses.
To work for or be a servent to a master.
To give homage, respect and obedience to a master.
To be owned bodily by the person one serves and to be treated as property."

Maybe the difference in being a sub or being a slave is equal to the difference in being Dom and being a Master.

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AnonymousSlave said:

i am not a submissive. i am a slave.

i believe that being submissive is an inherent personality trait and yes, i posses that trait. i also believe that one cannot be an unowned slave.

Not long ago M'Lord had me define servitude. my definition:

"in a word, slavery.

A state of being in a position or circumstance that places one under the the power, authority or control of an owner or master.
Lack of personal freedom to be and act as one chooses.
To work for or be a servent to a master.
To give homage, respect and obedience to a master.
To be owned bodily by the person one serves and to be treated as property."

Maybe the difference in being a sub or being a slave is equal to the difference in being Dom and being a Master.


So eloquently said and so reflective of my interpretation of my position as slave also.

AnonymousSlave said:

i am not a submissive. i am a slave.

i believe that being submissive is an inherent personality trait and yes, i posses that trait. i also believe that one cannot be an unowned slave.

Not long ago M'Lord had me define servitude. my definition:

"in a word, slavery.

A state of being in a position or circumstance that places one under the the power, authority or control of an owner or master.
Lack of personal freedom to be and act as one chooses.
To work for or be a servent to a master.
To give homage, respect and obedience to a master.
To be owned bodily by the person one serves and to be treated as property."

Maybe the difference in being a sub or being a slave is equal to the difference in being Dom and being a Master.


amazing that we all seem to orient on one thought

It was a choice that we made and are content within our lives and lifestyle

As long as you are in the place that you choose to be, what more matters.

I couldn't agree with you more AnonymousSlave
Godspeed and Anon.....
It is in how you perceive these words: Slave would more entail being at the Master's every whim, always calling him Master or Sir or something of that nature, etc. Sub means just being submissive in sex!

I myself tried both, but decided I thought "slave" was a bit racier and spicier so I decided to be a "slave." I truly don't do all the "slave things"---most slaves like to do EVERYTHING for their masters, including cleaning and such, which I do sometimes, but not for being a slave, of course---but I like the whole "having to call them 'Master' or show higher authority" bit.

Hope that helped a bit, or at least made sense.
slave or submissive??

there are 2 very clear differences, in the way i have been taught, a submissive has the right to say no i am not ready for that yet, or ever if they desire, and can use it as a barganing tool with his/her Dom/mes. A slave on the other hand has all the rights to discuss and a look at every angle together, But ultimately Master/Mistress is the one that decides, and the slave must live with it or be severely punished (and that is another thing again and in slave situation would not suggest it!).
Just my opinion
Re: slave or submissive??

le_kinklet said:
there are 2 very clear differences, in the way i have been taught, a submissive has the right to say no i am not ready for that yet, or ever if they desire, and can use it as a barganing tool with his/her Dom/mes. A slave on the other hand has all the rights to discuss and a look at every angle together, But ultimately Master/Mistress is the one that decides, and the slave must live with it or be severely punished (and that is another thing again and in slave situation would not suggest it!).
Just my opinion

oh and i am a perverted lil submissive tart!!:devil:
barelylegalslve said:
It is in how you perceive these words: Slave would more entail being at the Master's every whim, always calling him Master or Sir or something of that nature, etc. Sub means just being submissive in sex!

oh gosh do you truly believe this?? submissive has nothing to do with sex, slave has nothing to do with sex. submissive is a personality trait, in some it's stronger than others. for me, it overwhelms all my other traits. so my submissive nature is actually the dominant part of my personality. slave, imo, means being owned. one does not need to be a submissive to be owned, although that would definitely make the situation more tolerable/pleasant.

i am a submissive, who is a slave. if i never had sex again, none of these things would change.
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Ditto to ownedsubgal, immediately above.

However...not ever having sex again sounds like it would be a rather dreary existence!
oh i agree more sex would make this subbie slave a very very moody unhappy camper!