sub Philosophy : come I never hear Doms waxing poetic about who is worthy or not worthy to partake of their discipline?

I get this kind of "kneel in awe before the glory of my humility" feeling from the original excerpt.

What's up with that? Wonder how glorified she'd feel in her submission if she spent her days dressed in beige doubleknit and a Short-Bus haircut alphabetizing my junk mail and scrubbing floors.

I would doubtless be deemed unworthy of the priceless blessing of her subservience.

I'm gonna miss that like a hemorrhoid.

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bridgeburner said: come I never hear Doms waxing poetic about who is worthy or not worthy to partake of their discipline?
Oh, but they do ... have you never heard of Billy Joe Bob, the redneck Dom?
WriterDom said:
someone sent this to me and gave me permission to post it for comments.

My Philosophy :
I believe that one must be secure, emotionally strong and healthy in order to truly embrace this lifestyle without adverse effects and with true joy._ I think that many younger subs become burned out and emotionally spent because they do not pace themselves and do not fully understand the art and the gift of submission._ That is why older subs are so much more enticing and rich to possess....the surrender is more complete and more enriched. To surrender oneself is to truly be free and alive._ To give control to another is liberating, intoxicating and invigorating.__ The gift of surrender should only be given to one's equal and to one worthy.__ TO many subs give away their gift to quickly and to too many Dom's, thus diminishing their gift.
The balance and dance of D/s is subtle, sublime and serene._ There is not another such relationship that can compare._ The heights are beyond anything is addictive and becomes part of your body, your needs, your being, and can not be denied for long before it screams out to be recognized.
I know, because I tried to deny it for too long. I can not anymore....I must admit, and submission
I dunno..i read this more then once and it is nicely written. But it sorta sounds like a sub trying to sell who SHE is to a perspective dominant. I dont think there are any rules that apply to any two ppl in this stuff. All the flowery sweet D/s stuff is not what makes this life so beautiful. Its the raw reality that makes it pretty for me. Our deviant needs wants and desires are met by another person with the same needs wants and desires. The dance is in no way subtle and in no way sublime or serene. Its dark and scary and nasty and exciting, it puts our minds in places most never would dare go....and thats what makes it pretty, well at least to me. :rose:
bridgeburner said: come I never hear Doms waxing poetic about who is worthy or not worthy to partake of their discipline?

I get this kind of "kneel in awe before the glory of my humility" feeling from the original excerpt.

What's up with that? Wonder how glorified she'd feel in her submission if she spent her days dressed in beige doubleknit and a Short-Bus haircut alphabetizing my junk mail and scrubbing floors.

I would doubtless be deemed unworthy of the priceless blessing of her subservience.

I'm gonna miss that like a hemorrhoid.


This is just hella funny. Loved the beigh doubleknit. Bet she never thought of THAT when thinking of the glories of humiliation. I mean there's humiliation and then there's HUMILIATION. Why, I wouldn't be caught Dead in a humiliation like that!
Re: Re: sub Philosophy :

Kajira Callista said:
I dunno..i read this more then once and it is nicely written. But it sorta sounds like a sub trying to sell who SHE is to a perspective dominant. I dont think there are any rules that apply to any two ppl in this stuff. All the flowery sweet D/s stuff is not what makes this life so beautiful. Its the raw reality that makes it pretty for me. Our deviant needs wants and desires are met by another person with the same needs wants and desires. The dance is in no way subtle and in no way sublime or serene. Its dark and scary and nasty and exciting, it puts our minds in places most never would dare go....and thats what makes it pretty, well at least to me. :rose:

I agree with your take on this, and if that last line doesn't make it into the subs hall-of-fame-thread, or whatever it's called, Someone's not paying attention!

(I notice none of My comments ever make it in there -- maybe I should try to be more Gloriously Humble in the future? hmm, maybe I'll start a Subbrat's Hall-of-Famer thread, or The Smartass Sub's Digest of Quotes and Quips, or some such.... )
Re: Re: Re: sub Philosophy :

Phoenix Stone said:
I agree with your take on this, and if that last line doesn't make it into the subs hall-of-fame-thread, or whatever it's called, Someone's not paying attention!

(I notice none of My comments ever make it in there -- maybe I should try to be more Gloriously Humble in the future? hmm, maybe I'll start a Subbrat's Hall-of-Famer thread, or The Smartass Sub's Digest of Quotes and Quips, or some such.... )
you are adorable :kiss:
I think it would be really interesting if the writer of the original prose were available to discuss this.

Perhaps, we are reading it out of context or something.

Or perhaps WD could expand upon the original thoughts.

They are romanticized, but where would we be with no fantasy, not romantic thoughts?

And scooter's gift is simply HUGE!

MissTaken said:
I think it would be really interesting if the writer of the original prose were available to discuss this.

Perhaps, we are reading it out of context or something.

Or perhaps WD could expand upon the original thoughts.

They are romanticized, but where would we be with no fantasy, not romantic thoughts?

And scooter's gift is simply HUGE!


After all the critiquing here, I am not sure I would want to take credit for those original thoughts, if they were mine.

But you are right on target when you asked where would we be without the fantasy and romance... and those are different for everyone. I've said it before, we spend way too much time putting this lifestyle and ourselves under a microscope and not enough time just savoring it and enjoying ourselves and each other.

There has never been anything to compare to the first time I knelt before the Dom I adored. It's a feeling I won't forget.

I'm all in favor of romance and fantasy. It enriches my life a lot.
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A Desert Rose said:
After all the critiquing here, I am not sure I would want to take credit for those original thoughts, if they were mine.

But you are right on target when you asked where would we be without the fantasy and romance... and those are different for everyone. I've said it before, we spend way too much time putting this lifestyle and ourselves under a microscope and not enough time just savoring it and enjoying ourselves and each other.

There has never been anything to compare to the first time I knelt before the Dom I adored. It's a feeling I won't forget.

I'm all in favor of romance and fantasy. It enriches my life a lot.
You both are right in what you are saying. Although im begining to think that the softer side of a persons submission really means not a whole hell of a lot to a dominant type person. The softness and the trust and the honesty...the ability to feel the sensual seems to not fit...or it gets overlooked. When its pushed aside, ignored or unwanted something happens to it, it gets pushed way back....hidden and eventually lost. Probably not making sense here because i cant really describe what im trying to say with typed words. Bottom line to me dont get anything if you want more then a person wants to give.
Kajira Callista said:
You both are right in what you are saying. Although im begining to think that the softer side of a persons submission really means not a whole hell of a lot to a dominant type person. The softness and the trust and the honesty...the ability to feel the sensual seems to not fit...or it gets overlooked. When its pushed aside, ignored or unwanted something happens to it, it gets pushed way back....hidden and eventually lost. Probably not making sense here because i cant really describe what im trying to say with typed words. Bottom line to me dont get anything if you want more then a person wants to give.

You make perfectly good sense. I understand exactly what you are saying. And to give credit where it's due... there are Doms who appreciate those feelings (WD, DVS and Navarre, just to mention a few.) Your posts usually seem to be right on target for me, KC.

(And to be clear, I know that WD posted this for comment. But that still does not change my feelings... I would not take credit for it if it were mine.)
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I have to agree with the unknown author's comment about submitting to an equal.

Take, for instance, the BDSM symbol... one portion is no bigger than the other. The Yin and Yang symbol is another identical example.

I've read in many places that the D/s relationship is a delicate balance. One gives, One takes and then gives back... at least, that's been my experience.

To me, balance means equal. When o/One gives more and gets less back, there is no longer a balance. The equality is gone and then o/One becomes nothing more than a toy for the o/Other.
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A Desert Rose said:
I have to agree with the unknown author's comment about submitting to an equal.

Take, for instance, the BDSM symbol... one portion is no bigger than the other. The Yin and Yang symbol is another identical example.

I've read in many places that the D/s relationship as a delicate balance. One gives, One takes and then gives back... at least, that's been my experience.

To me, balance means equal. When o/One gives more and gets less back, there is no longer a balance.

very thought provoking comments rose.
A Desert Rose said:
And you are another on my list of favorite Dom-guys. :kiss:

well ty and you would definently be a favorite sub of mine. must build my castle and go bring rose and kajira to my dungeons.
lorddragonwolf said:
well ty and you would definently be a favorite sub of mine. must build my castle and go bring rose and kajira to my dungeons.
purrrrrs and swishes tail
A Desert Rose said:
After all the critiquing here, I am not sure I would want to take credit for those original thoughts, if they were mine.

I would, but then I'm a glutton for punishment, and just love to fight (sometimes.)

A Desert Rose said:

But you are right on target when you asked where would we be without the fantasy and romance... and those are different for everyone.

I really wasn't arguing with what seems to me to be the Intent of the quote but with some of the specifics.

A Desert Rose said:

I've said it before, we spend way too much time putting this lifestyle and ourselves under a microscope and not enough time just savoring it and enjoying ourselves and each other.

Oh couldn't we do Both?? PLEASE? (How come we have no beggy-face smilie?)

A Desert Rose said:

There has never been anything to compare to the first time I knelt before the Dom I adored. It's a feeling I won't forget.

I'm all in favor of romance and fantasy. It enriches my life a lot.

Me, too. And there were some parts of the quote that move me in a good way. Just like seeing both sides given a good airing. And once it goes too far one way -- that balance thing -- the devil's advocate in me comes back out. No quote or post bashing intended.
Kajira Callista said:
You both are right in what you are saying. The softness and the trust and the honesty...the ability to feel the sensual seems to not fit...or it gets overlooked. When its pushed aside, ignored or unwanted something happens to it, it gets pushed way back....hidden and eventually lost.

This -- YES.

There's something beautiful here, and it would make me really sad if it gets lost. Or is discounted by bdsm as out of place or irrelevant or something. (Maybe for some bdsm play lets us allow this side back out?)

"Although im begining to think that the softer side of a persons submission really means not a whole hell of a lot to a dominant type person."

So what do the Doms say?
Phoenix Stone said:
This -- YES.

There's something beautiful here, and it would make me really sad if it gets lost. Or is discounted by bdsm as out of place or irrelevant or something. (Maybe for some bdsm play lets us allow this side back out?)

"Although im begining to think that the softer side of a persons submission really means not a whole hell of a lot to a dominant type person."

So what do the Doms say?
Im in the mood to put my ass on the line big time here so im going to post how i feel at this very moment.
I have encountered in my life one too many Doms who will manipulate submissive me to get at masochist me. In the end Dom and masochist are happy while submissive sits in the corner wondering wtf. Eventually what happens is submissive sees it coming and lets Dom right through the door without the need for the manipulation and creeps deeper into the darkness til she can no longer be seen.
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Phoenix Stone said:
"Although im begining to think that the softer side of a persons submission really means not a whole hell of a lot to a dominant type person."

So what do the Doms say?
Depends on your bent, and what facet the PYL chooses to show. If the PYL feels sadistic, why not use the softness for a mindfuck? Regardless, an intelligent person takes into account all of the submission.

What said intelligent person does next depends on the choice of the PYL.
AngelicAssassin said:
Depends on your bent, and what facet the PYL chooses to show. If the PYL feels sadistic, why not use the softness for a mindfuck? Regardless, an intelligent person takes into account all of the submission.

What said intelligent person does next depends on the choice of the PYL.
hmmmm i think i need to think about this one.
OK I'm back from migraine hell and still a little fuzzy but had to add this.
AA this is sort of a question directed at you to see if i got what you were saying.

D and s are hangin out talking and D decides to grab s by the back of her head and plunge it underwater.
s reacts with the squirming and trying to get away,D of course likes this but that isnt how s is thinking at the moment.
D knows how much air s took in before plunged (we hope) and waits, he pushes her head down further before pulling her up by the back of her head...waits as s gulps air. then does it again.
The mind fuck begins...s understands once because D felt like it, the second time s doesnt get it.
s starts out with the squirming trying to get free, then it stops.
D can feel the body relax the tension go...but how does D know if s has been bent and is complying to Ds wishes or if damage has been done to s.


Anyway my point is...i love a good mindfuck and all the emotions that go with it. But there is a difference between a mindfuck and someone damaging the submissive part of a persons soul. What i was trying to say is that i'm pretty sure that once it retreats, its gone for good. And im not saying that one person can do that...but that one person should take into account that they could be the one to push it over to the other side.
Probably not making sense but im gonna post it anyway.
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Phoenix Stone said:
This -- YES.

There's something beautiful here, and it would make me really sad if it gets lost. Or is discounted by bdsm as out of place or irrelevant or something. (Maybe for some bdsm play lets us allow this side back out?)

"Although im begining to think that the softer side of a persons submission really means not a whole hell of a lot to a dominant type person."

So what do the Doms say?

I just hate seeing it get Hallmarkified and sold back to us, and I think it kind of is sometimes.

I love romance, but my dream date requires a little black dress with a subtle spatter of my victim's blood, not a pink chiffon prom gown.
Netzach said:
... my dream date requires a little black dress with a subtle spatter of my victim's blood, not a pink chiffon prom gown.
"Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."

With the funnies aside Kajira, i can romance, seduce, subjugate, dominate, rake, rut, use, and destroy with the best. i, however, choose, and reserve that right to choose. i choose when, why, and how as i see fit. i will listen if she has concerns, wishes to match views, or simply wants to express what she needs.

She, however, doesn't have, nor can ever earn, the right to choose how i implement my craft. If that doesn't meet a submissive's desires, she has the right to walk away any time she chooses. The former implies, no, screams oxymoron for a D/s lifestyle.