
See a penny pick it up

And all the day you'll have good luck.

I, to this day, still pick up pennies when I see them on the ground, but only if they are heads up. If they are tails, I flip them over and let someone else pick them up, because we were always told, tails up pennies gave you bad luck. You therefore avoid the bad luck, and leave good luck for the next person.

And I used to stomp on cracks when my mom was in an evil mood and sharing. :devil:
My grandmother insisted that if you get water on you when washing dishes, especially on your "belly", you would marry a drunk.

My Father In Law was adamant about this superstition!

Also about if your palm itches You will come into money....
"My nose itches. I smell peaches.
Somebody's coming with a hole in his breeches."
I personally don't have any superstitions that I can think of, but they do cross my mind when say breaking a mirror or working around a ladder.:eek::D

I'm the same way. I don't actively think about superstitions but if I'm in the situation, black cat crosses my path, I'll start to feel a little leery.

And all the day you'll have good luck.

I, to this day, still pick up pennies when I see them on the ground, but only if they are heads up. If they are tails, I flip them over and let someone else pick them up, because we were always told, tails up pennies gave you bad luck. You therefore avoid the bad luck, and leave good luck for the next person.

Haha, good to see I'm not the only person checking out pennies on the ground! But you are such a better person than me, if a penny is heads down I just keep walking (don't want to touch the bad luck) instead of flipping it for the next person.

I thought I was crazy because of checking out pennies but geez, there are some keerazy superstitions on here! Fascinating. Thanks for sharing!
One of my closely held superstitions is that if you hand someone a pocketknife with the blade open, it's bad luck for them to close the blade before they give it back to you.
That was a folk-belief where I grew up.

If it's one of my knives, most people have a hard time figuring out how to unlock them, and the blades are so sharp they're afraid to touch them anyways.

My personal one is:

Never say 'at least it's not raining' when you're on the west coast.
[\cultural history lesson] <snip>[/cultural history lesson]

Talk about having a girl crush! Your knowledge of history is extensive, FB! :rose:

I keep most of the theatre superstitions..

I'm not familiar with most theater superstitions, but when someone is about to dance, I NEVER wish them good luck. I always say, "Break a leg."

I've never really thought much of this, but my grandmother, my mom and my tias absolutely believe in the evil eye. My mom had admired a cute kid at a school function and asked me if I knew the family. When I said I did, she asked me to introduce her to the kid so that she could shake hands with him. I thought it was an odd request and asked why. She said she didn't want to accidentally give him the "mal de ojo" and that by touching him, she could ward off any negative perception of envy.

If you're feeling out of sorts, the consensus among the tias is that someone might have given you the ojo. To achieve a cure, you're supposed to gently roll an uncooked egg over your body to absorb the negative energy. Then break the shell, put it in a bowl with some water and then slip it under your bed. If the color of yolk deepens by morning, you've been "cured".
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I've never really thought much of this, but my grandmother, my mom and my tias absolutely believe in the evil eye. My mom had admired a cute kid at a school function and asked me if I knew the family. When I said I did, she asked me to introduce her to the kid so that she could shake hands with him. I thought it was an odd request and asked why. She said she didn't want to accidentally give him the "mal de ojo" and that by touching him, she could ward off any negative perception of envy.

If you're feeling out of sorts, the consensus among the tias is that someone might have given you the ojo. To achieve a cure, you're supposed to gently roll an uncooked egg over your body to absorb the negative energy. Then break the shell, put it in a bowl with some water and then slip it under your bed. If the color of yolk deepens by morning, you've been "cured".
I'm glad you shared this, as I recently heard a reference to the "evil eye" and never had a chance to investigate it further.

I wonder if the egg yolk ever fails to deepen in color. Oxidized yolks always deepen, right? Though I'm not sure how the water might affect this.
The Appalachians are rife with superstition. My grandmother and mother ingrained in all of us that it was bad luck to walk with one shoe on, so even now, I have to have both shoes together before I attempt to put them on. If you spill salt, you must throw a pinch over your shoulder; you can't open an umbrella in the house; if you give someone a knife as a present, it will sever the ties that bind you; if you drop a spoon a woman is coming to visit; if you drop a fork a man will visit; if your right palm itches, you will pay money, if it's the left someone will give you money; if you dream of a baby being born someone close to you will die, and conversely a death dream means someone is pregnant; if a bird flies into your house, a resident of that house will die; never bring an old broom into a new house; the list is endless.
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