TABOO (check out this thread Freehawk)

Oh Wicked. *heavy sigh*

This poem had promise. Okay, no it didn't. It was always going to be maudlin. I hate maudlin. But I put way too much time in it not to throw it out there. I didn't even throw in a....nevermind.

Crepe paper streamers
Decorate a dingy gym.
Long ago tunes
Sing of lost time
And innocence.
“My Name Is …” tags
put half-forgotten names
to stranger’s faces.

Stilted conversations,
Hugs and remonstrations,
As old friends renew acquaintance.
Reveling in the old
Boasting of the new.
No one admits
To less than perfect lives
Perfect husbands or perfect wives.

Twenty years of living
Line my face.
Sorrow in my eyes
Speaks of castoff dreams,
A broken marriage,
and chances that passed me by.

Morbid thoughts are my mistake.
I find myself restless for change
A desire to go away.
I have no desire
To regurgitate the past.
To share in the repast
Of false camaraderie
As we chew on old memories.

Rising from my chair
I am suddenly aware
Of her moving
The look on her face
Puts expression to my mood
As we both work our way
Toward the door.
Wanting something more.

A smile of thanks on her face
As I hold open the door
Sends my thoughts to a place
That rocks me to the core.
Twenty years have passed my by
And not a week has passed
Without a sigh
Of wistful memory
Of this woman that I see
Standing her in front of me.

My expression
Must have given me away.
For there was nothing I could say.
She looked at me again
Then it was as if she could see
The man in front of her was really me.
For a moment we forgot to breathe
As thoughts scattered to the wind.

Unable to resist
I started to reach for her.
I looked deep in her eyes,
Seeing her tears swirl through mine.
With a will of its own
My hand reached for her face.
Touching that place.
Where I laid my first kiss.

Twenty years ago
The memory striking like a blow.
I’d found the love of my life.
Thinking I’d make her my wife.
But in a heated exchange
I turned my back
Refusing to apologize
Not about to compromise

Stupid in my pride
I walked away
And away I stayed.
Until it was to late to take it back
She was history
No matter what she meant to me
I was way to blind to see
All that was left was misery.

My first thought was to apologize
Wanting to take back all the lies
Wanting to turn back all the years
To forget the pain and all the tears.
The many conversations
That had played through my mind
Rehearsed apologies
Gone through time after time
Should have left me with plenty to say.
But I found myself unable to start.

“I love you.”
Did I really say that?
Her sudden smile said I did.
A smile of amusement
But eyes filled with pain.
“You haven’t changed.”
Was her reply.
And then she cried.

Over drinks in a bar.
In the park in my car.
We spoke of years apart.
We spoke of broken marriages
And kids.
We covered college and work.
Caught up on friends and family.
Anything but her an me.

The sun began to rise
And we realized it was time for goodbyes
I took her back to her car.
Looking at her she was so near
But so very, very far.
There was nothing I could say,
Except goodbye.
So she turned to go her way.

I can’t say why I reached out.
I don’t know why I pulled her close.
Our kiss was filled with need.
I didn’t know where it would lead.
But she was in my arms.
And I held her tight.
It felt so right.
Especially when she looked at me and smiled.

just another damn fool
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Re: Well...

freehawk said:
I posted my poem, and nobody has any thoughts?
On lit or on this thread? Did I miss it? I'll go in search of it. :)
The_Fool said:
Oh Wicked. *heavy sigh*

This poem had promise. Okay, no it didn't. It was always going to be maudlin. I hate maudlin. But I put way too much time in it not to throw it out there. I didn't even throw in a....nevermind.
Even though it needs some work, it still had the power to move me. Maybe, I'm just sappy (and wicked. don't forget wicked.) but it had me right on the edge of shedding a tear. My eyes are moist now. Of course, I have a cold... no, it's the poem. I'm sure of it. :)
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freehawk said:
Such a long time gone by
Remembering moments as he hears her sigh
Feeling her warmth as she lay next to him
A chance meeting, together on a whim

He turns now to show her she's been missed
Sensing her shiver as his tongue parts her lips
Giving her all that he has and then some
For they never thought they would again be one

Slowly now as he teases her gently
Watching, hearing, feeling her so intently
The climax grows into an explosion of colors
Taking her past all the wonders

The ache for her slowly slipping away
Holding each other tightly as they lay
Side by side in utter delight
And only the beginning of the night
I found your poem. By the time I checked the thread a few days ago, that whole cream cheese and tuna thing had hit the fan, and I didn't even notice your poem. You know how it is with cream cheese and tuna.
Anyway, not bad. I like this line: "Taking her past all the wonders." Sometimes, I tend to focus on a small part of a poem.
Keep trying the challenges, and read the other poems posted. It's a great way to learn.
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Freehawk, I apologize for the above post. My kids can show me a scab or bug, and I'll say, "Oh, that's nice honey." No, it's not nice, but I tell them it's nice.

Your poem didn't communicate much to me. After I read it, all I remembered was that two people met and did it. Read Fool's poem. Yes, it needs work. He realizes that, but it did stick with me. He gave me some details and images that created a story for me.

Read all the different approaches to get some ideas on other ways to write your poem. Check out champagne1982's and OT's. Then read what Angeline wrote.
Read all the different approaches to get some ideas on other ways to write your poem. Check out champagne1982's and OT's. Then read what Angeline wrote.

Thanks for the recommendation, Eve. :)
I posted my poem, and nobody has any thoughts?

Such a long time gone by
Remembering moments as he hears her sigh
Feeling her warmth as she lay next to him
A chance meeting, together on a whim

He turns now to show her she's been missed
Sensing her shiver as his tongue parts her lips
Giving her all that he has and then some
For they never thought they would again be one

Slowly now as he teases her gently
Watching, hearing, feeling her so intently
The climax grows into an explosion of colors
Taking her past all the wonders

The ache for her slowly slipping away
Holding each other tightly as they lay
Side by side in utter delight
And only the beginning of the night

Freehawk, I'm with Eve on this. Your poem is well written, put together well, but doesn't move me. Why? Because there's nothing there to grab me--it's too general. Yes I know there is detail, but it's a vague kind of detail.

I think the problem is that you're trying to write about something you haven't really experienced--you don't have lots of 20-year old memories (which, trust me, has its good points, lol). My poem rings true because what I wrote is real, and I suspect that is true of the fool's, too. I, for example, specifically put in my poem the section about trying to climb the rock and falling down together because it is innocently sexy and moving. I know a reader will be able to picture that and react to it. That's the kind of detail that makes a poem work.

Look at this section from the fool's poem:

My expression
Must have given me away.
For there was nothing I could say.
She looked at me again
Then it was as if she could see
The man in front of her was really me.
For a moment we forgot to breathe
As thoughts scattered to the wind.

Unable to resist
I started to reach for her.
I looked deep in her eyes,
Seeing her tears swirl through mine.
With a will of its own
My hand reached for her face.
Touching that place.
Where I laid my first kiss.

You can feel that when you read it. His memory of this person is real enough that he knows if they met again they'd be very emotional, there would be a moment where they remembered what they once felt for each other. Then he summarizes it perfectly by saying he wants to touch her face where he first kissed her. That's just beautiful. And it works because it draws you, the reader, into a very intimate moment.

I'm not meaning to be pedantic, just trying to be clear about why a good poem is good. You can't help not having a specific memory, but you still need to be authentic. Here's how. Take a memory you already have--it could be something that happened last year or last week, but it must be real. Think about the sensory aspects of it. You kissed someone and his mouth tasted a certain way, his hair felt however, he whispered something. Whatever, but these are the sort of details that will move your readers.

I'd try writing the poem again, doing that and see what you get. And try my music poem challenge. :D
Poetry is about showing, not telling.
20 year reunion

Past life lovers
hung in a balance
of right and wrong

youthful energy
ignites again
as they unite

memories of the 69 'stang
and mirror hung panties
steam the evening

yesterday dreams
wisp out in gasps
of velvet content

as spouses sleep alone

speaking of mirror hung panties, can I have a pair of your eve ;)


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_Land! You sneaky lurking tigger! How the hell are you? Get your bouncy butt back here and post more poems! :kiss:

Tell me you did NOT have a Mustang with panties hanging from the rear-view mirror. That is so....silly. snort.
Whats up with all the rhyme?

is rhyme back in vogue here or what?
all these lil poems with there icky rhyme schemes, where are the scalpals, the pruning shears................ what happened to the poets that taught me that poetry was art not rhyme?

ack cough spew

that said...... just had to throw up a little ;)

Welcome back Land

Good to see everyone ;) angeline, lauren, eve, if i keep going this list is going to take the rest of the thread space.......

Land, I heard you were abducted by a horde of bad poets and forced to read everything they wrote. How did you escape?

No, you can't have my panties. You'll just end up stretching them out of shape.
is rhyme back in vogue here or what?
all these lil poems with there icky rhyme schemes, where are the scalpals, the pruning shears................ what happened to the poets that taught me that poetry was art not rhyme?

Whattsamatta u? We can never rhyme? Go read a sonnet. And stop puking in Eve's thread. I'm telling JUDO you denigrated rhymes. And Lauren has the gun AV. :p

P.S. Oh yeah. And I challenge you to write a poem for my music challenge thread. (Please. People are avoiding it like it has b.o.)
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Angeline said:
P.S. Oh yeah. And I challenge you to write a poem for my music challenge thread. (Please. People are avoiding it like it has b.o.)
b.o. hee hee
A music challenge thread? Really? Where? Oh, my! Goodness gracious! Um... It's against my religion to listen to music, and then write a poem about it. Are you even sure you have a music challenge thread posted yet? Maybe you just imagined it. How about if I listen to my kids' Barney music?
wrap me up in our memories
show me those yellow roses
the ones you gave me
when he died
remind me of our kisses
in your mama's basement
when we
were supposed to be playing tennis

remember when your sister caught us
the first time we
studied anatomy?
I loved that class.
who knew I'd have
a hands on partner
someone who knew me
and all my cells

Tell me about
all those break up songs
and how melodramatic we were
when you touched me
made me those tapes
with the songs
that screamed of angst
and love and everything
we stood for

Hold my hand
lets talk about those mountains
the ones we never climbed
because we were too busy
wrapping you in latex
and making me see

Tell me why
we couldn't talk
all this time
twenty years of us
remembering our firsts
wanting them to be

b.o. hee hee
A music challenge thread? Really? Where? Oh, my! Goodness gracious! Um... It's against my religion to listen to music, and then write a poem about it. Are you even sure you have a music challenge thread posted yet? Maybe you just imagined it. How about if I listen to my kids' Barney music?

God. I'm still all excited and sweaty from my wild Tina Turner poem, and you're threatening my thread with the Barney song? I feel crushed. Lol.

Do you know how long it took me to recover from Barney? I worked very hard to steer my children toward the infinitely more subversive Simpsons and Animaniacs.
Re: _Land!

I will be around a lil more frequently, if for nothing more then amusement i mean the muse ;) I find here.

Truely it is good to be back,

and angeline, im only 29 and not anywhere close to that 20 year

Angeline said:
_Land! You sneaky lurking tigger! How the hell are you? Get your bouncy butt back here and post more poems! :kiss:

Tell me you did NOT have a Mustang with panties hanging from the rear-view mirror. That is so....silly. snort.
I was abducted, but escaped using the panties of lit poetess' tied together, my only regret was that i wasnt able to retain Judo's as the alien poets snatched it from me. Apparently her panties were more poetic then they so they wanted it for study.

I would not stretch them either my nose isnt that big :p~

Ps: your habit submission addy came back delivery failure.....

WickedEve said:
Land, I heard you were abducted by a horde of bad poets and forced to read everything they wrote. How did you escape?

No, you can't have my panties. You'll just end up stretching them out of shape.
and angeline, im only 29 and not anywhere close to that 20 year

Well my school's--which I hasten to add was verrrrry recent, lol, was a cruise. I kid you not--a three day cruise with the people you graduated with. Think about it. If that isn't scary material for a halloween poem thread I don't know what is. And no. Did not go. I started having nightmares about a gilligan's island-like scenario, where I was forever trapped with them on a desert island. It gave me hives.
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_Land said:
I was abducted, but escaped using the panties of lit poetess' tied together, my only regret was that i wasnt able to retain Judo's as the alien poets snatched it from me. Apparently her panties were more poetic then they so they wanted it for study.

I would not stretch them either my nose isnt that big :p~

Ps: your habit submission addy came back delivery failure.....
Nose? :eek: Did you use that one?
Angeline ;) :) :x :D

I will write a poem for your music challenge, as well here is a chalenge for you my dear prose poet. since you have a fear of a reunion on a cruise boat hehehehehe write a survivor/gilligans Island type poem using the various characters of lit as participants. The ship my dear is the SS. Porno


Big Bump.

I like this thread and there are lots of new poets who would enjoy this challenge.
Tristesse said:
Big Bump.

I like this thread and there are lots of new poets who would enjoy this challenge.
Hey, girl, why don't you come up with a new taboo challenge. Give us a new idea with new taboo words. :D
WickedEve said:
Hey, girl, why don't you come up with a new taboo challenge. Give us a new idea with new taboo words. :D

*sound of rusty gears and wheels turning.*