TABOO (check out this thread Freehawk)


I almost forgot I used to call you that. Now it's Eve, Darling or Hey good looking. I don't remind remembering calling you Wicked, but that poem has got to go....

Beneath an August moon we said goodbye,
A soundless night, a somber night,
The promise of tomorrow broken.
Lips brushed, eyes closed, you slipped away.

Two decades and two marriages later,
A crowded bar, familiar eyes crinkle with laughter.
Inhaling memories with your earthy cologne,
Eyes lock, lips meet, we slip away.

Hands travel twenty years of changes,
Taste leftover wine on my lips you whisper my name.
Bodies join, hips thrust, and press against each other,
Adrift on twilight waves of loving, we slip away.

Midnight moon illuminates our nakedness;
Lust not yet sated, lips continue exploration.
Tender touches erase his absence from my body,
And twenty years of questions slip away.

Beneath an August moon we say goodbye,
A soundless night, a somber night,
The promise of tomorrow spoken.
Lips brush, eyes close, we slip away
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Give Me Twenty

Eyes lock to the familiar
Craving which flames obscene.
Focused intrusion shunts aside
All in all who stand between.

Two decades of hot Augusts,
But not a day seems passed.
A closed door and key secure
Dark needs playground at last.

Mouths stirred to bite,
Mounds firm to grope,
Scarf blinds the eyes
Hands teased with rope.

Cloth stripped from skin
Hard tip swallowed within
Humid oven unseen
Sucking sounds obscene.

Legs split with delight
Crow merrily alight.
Demons sings and groan
Dripping from the bone.

When exhales begin
And time moves to slow
The buttons find holes
And ties crease to bow.

Brushed hair finds a curve
Lips paint their red.
Minds chuckle with pictures
Of their lives unled.

A smile, then a word
Find hands clasped to part,
"Again, shall we dance
Two decades apart?"