Taking on all cummers, male or female.....

Is there a conclusion? :)

Where does the blatant two-faced attitude come from? Is he playing out the tapes in his own head? Those things we learn and accept in childhood - is he stuck there? Or is it just a momentary wild exploration and explosion on the internet to pass the time?

For example: One of the first things you do when arriving at lit is post pictures of your butt spread vulnerably begging (demanding?) for all cummers to take you. Your second deed is to attack everyone on the BDSM forum, because BDSM is abusive always, in all cases. The denial and disconnection between his two conflicting expressions is just amazing.

You state when love and sex are combined it is never boring, yet here you are on the internet begging to have your butt reamed by anyone, male or female, and then you show pictures of masturbating your penis, and the picture clearly shows a wedding band. Hmm, highly doubtful that his wife knows he is doing these things online - so much for love and sex never being boring. Perhaps he is just a shell of things he is supposed to be, but truly isn't. Perhaps he just doesn't get enough attention in his real life. Perhaps he is so busy keeping up a contrived facade for most of his life, that his frustrated release on the internet just becomes one huge annoying contridiction.

You claim to pray and have a connection with god, care and have concern for an issue and people, and yet always end up spewing venomous contempt on an abusive smear campaign for an entire group.

The list could go on and on. Contridictions are in part, a human condition, but when it gets this excessive and outstandingly silly is it extreme discomfort in your skin or simply folly for a couple of hours of "fun" on the internet getting a rise out of people in whichever way works? I agree with the tweaking and dolt conclusion, but it's also seems there are other factors leading to this behavior. It's almost like this really bad self-fulfilling prophecy - doing everything in your own power to trip yourself up and be impossible to take seriously or respect no matter what you attempt, yet needing to grandstand nonetheless. If it just for fun, then perhaps it is like slipping on the role of the bad guy and disconnecting with your own reality and anyone else's humanity - but why such an abusive hobby?

Anyhow, I guess he had to abandon all of his threats because in truth he is pretty ineffectual at all of his self-stated endeavors here so far, but for gaining negative attention, and he keeps coming back for more as his schedule allows.
I refuse, personally, to gloat in lance's whining to get fucked. It's not proof that he's a further asshole than his posts whining about SM are. It's not some kind of secret triumph for me to know he wants to get rogered, most of my best friends want to get rogered too.

No, this angle really disappoints me. An ass is an ass is an ass is an ass, and he's proven it whether he wants humiliation or not.
Perhaps it comes off as gloating and secret triumph, but I think of it as more about coming to the common denominator, as people have approached him in numerous ways, and yet he continues. People deal with his attacks differently - ignoring him, starting rebuttal threads, following him around defending against every word he says, antagonizing him, etc. If he were to start at the point of his liking the idea of being rogered, rather than BDSM is undeniable abuse and you are all sick, we would have a common link and a point of convergence on which to discuss his concerns about (but seemingly undeniable pull towards) BDSM.

when I posted my buttocks on lit, I didn't get anywhere near this much attention!

:eek: :D

However, Lance believes what he believes and each of us have our own beliefs. None of us are likely to be swayed by the other. At some point, agreeing to disagree is the only option left.

Further, I would no more try to psychoanalyze any other poster based on their performance on a porn board, than I would want to be psychoanalyzed or judged based on my lit posts.

I guess I am not sure what the point is to fueling a fire that many find distasteful.

*stepping down off my soap box and getting back to the business of sexuality!* ;)
MissTaken said:

when I posted my buttocks on lit, I didn't get anywhere near this much attention!


I commented about your beautiful ass more then once
and was ignored
Richard49 said:
I commented about your beautiful ass more then once
and was ignored

I didn't ignore you on purpose!


I think I am still in shock that I actually posted the pic!

How would you suggest agreeing to disagree with someone who comes to the board spewing trash on as many threads as he has time for?

Isn't there an amount of judgement used when dealing with posters and responding to their posts? Most of us have nothing to go on but someone's posts. When someone's only impetus is to disrupt, demean, spread misconceptions about BDSM and attack people randomly does it not invite speculation of intention? Unless someone here is a psychoanalyst and getting paid, I believe it is a simple case of regular people trying to figure out a puzzling behavior and in some cases letting off a bit of steam. Perhaps some understanding, however vague, will lead to less overt annoyance. Has he not earned this dubious judgement through his continued attacks? Should we treat him as a reasonable and polite poster despite all his behavior to the contrary?

Is it really unrelated to the business of sexuality?

<whew> and finally... it does become a tired subject quite quickly lol... but if you have any ideas I'd still like to hear them. :)
If a poster is annoying or distasteful, it is best to ignore them.

Lit is based on the concept of free speech even when it disrupts the masses. He has a right to say whatever he wants and we have a right to execute the ignore option.

That's just my two cents.

True, MissT. Though it's difficult when it's a subject you care about in a space where people come to learn, share and hope for relative safety/understanding/good counsel. Ignore is always an option, and perhaps the quickest way back to business as usual at times. :)
Is there a conclusion...is one of many questions asked...

Conclusions are as fluid as are opinions, as changable as minds and as authentic as the next persona.
Soap boxes are not always the best formats for seeing with the crowd as standing to far above can cause the eyes to scan masses rather than the individual pain.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them but just like assholes some have more knowledge than others.
Vagrant contradictions spoken from a whisper to a roar are a wake up call to caution.
...and so continuing from the eyes of BDSM...and the original appearance of ABUSE against W/we the most depraved amongst the depraved...is it not our own community that we depend upon to watch for predators in whatever form they emerge?
Has anyone demanded a voice be silenced? Or has that voice and voices like it been given the opportunity to back up venom with fact not fiction?
Search My posts and it is likely you will be hard pressed to find Me wasting My time attacking, provoking or belittling. Those that have seen My words from day one will have a hard time denying they have been well chosen to help and not hurt.
I have no need to be defended nor do I jump in and defend those who cannot defend themselves but I WILL always begin a conversation to open eyes to see more than the obvious.
Because at the end of the day we all walk alone, it is easy to take what one sees at face value, to allow our own pasts to color our judgements.
Ugh, God, the more I listen to him, the less I can even defend my stance in this thread.

He's making it look bad for the buttfucking afficionados.
Netzach said:
Ugh, God, the more I listen to him, the less I can even defend my stance in this thread.

He's making it look bad for the buttfucking afficionados.
Butt fucking is a good thing! Seems to Me that anyone with that desire does not need a defense. Butt fucking is just one of a myriad (sp?) of sexual pleasures experienced or desired by many.
A good strap on and an eager ass make a very nice compatable consensual companion.
one liners...

since I am always reading between the lines...over and under them...

I ask Myself how much is hidden in one liners? Are they useful to get attention without giving depth. An easy way to feel important by the long thought out rebuttals?

Do they simply show a disdain, or a lack of a real rebuttal?

A twist to take a conversation to a new direction burying the original intent?

Granted there is a time for one liners but is that time chosen by the one with the original question seen when the conversation is not going as intended?

Every sentence has at least one word buried in its simplicity that speaks of the writers intent.

It would appear that one liners should garner one liners in return.
I posted this elsewhere too.....

Trying to find love through pain is like beating your head against a brick wall and expecting to get smarter

The above sig line explains it all. You obviously understand nothing about that which you criticize. I am hoping that along with me, everyone else will give you no time and no explainations. It would be a waste and would fall on deaf ears.

You are getting your rocks off by coming in here and trying to rankle people. It might work on some, but most of us are smarter than that.
Re: I posted this elsewhere too.....

A Desert Rose said:
Trying to find love through pain is like beating your head against a brick wall and expecting to get smarter

The above sig line explains it all. You obviously understand nothing about that which you criticize. I am hoping that along with me, everyone else will give you no time and no explainations. It would be a waste and would fall on deaf ears.

You are getting your rocks off by coming in here and trying to rankle people. It might work on some, but most of us are smarter than that.
Highjacking My own thread...

Good morning little one.
Hmm now you have me thinking...

What does the title of a personals ad say to you?

I skimmed our personals and found some that made me think.

"19 y.o. Black Stud Loves to Lick and Eat Out Women of All Ages"

"Truly beautiful female sub wanted"

"Michigan Men-I need you"

Any thoughts?
MissTaken said:
Hmm now you have me thinking...

What does the title of a personals ad say to you?

I skimmed our personals and found some that made me think.

"19 y.o. Black Stud Loves to Lick and Eat Out Women of All Ages"

"Truly beautiful female sub wanted"

"Michigan Men-I need you"

Any thoughts?
For Me a title shows respect for oneself or
No self respect or
Desperation or
Deception or
To much chat room experience or
well...now there must be other thoughts...I will leave it to you all!
I must agree with Netzach that perhaps enough is enough on this thread
Lance's sodomistic proclivities--very close to what he denounces as abusive sex--are now well documented by me, LS, Eb, and others on most of his threads .

I might also point out that the issue "Is BDSM sick and/or abusive" can and should be addressed as such; indeed several of us have, either in booktexts or personal narratives. If it's time to stop explaining--because dealing with a brick wall-- we simply stop.

Further, if a Crusader says "x is sick" it actually makes no difference to that claim that the Crusader is inclined toward X.

Taking the example of alcoholism, for instance. If the debate is because Joe Blow alleges the 'sickness' of alcoholism, it in fact makes no difference to settling the debate, if someone says "Well, in fact Joe Blow, alleging the sickness position, is himself an alcoholic, and I saw him drunk last night. So nya nya nya."

Let's look at a typical posting of Shadowsdream, here, who is otherwise pretty smart and rational. I pick her since she started the thread, but the content is echoed in several other's posts.

I can't agree about the stupidity..there is always an agenda...I tend to look beyond the obvious and delve for the agenda. Sometimes the obvious is a smoke screen to cover dishonesty, the not so subtle desperation for attention by one that no one sees in real life..or?

Agenda, dishonesty, desperation for attention. All this is totally irrelevant. Indeed such tactics have been used against gay advocates of "Gay is good."

"You have an agenda. You just want attention, etc."

All the psychological speculation is totally irrelevant to the matter. It does not matter if LanceM whipped his mother to death so as to get on the front page of the New York Times, his assertions about BDSM might stand; they are in no way weakened. They have to be addressed as such.

I say this to all, having posted sustantive material, but personally embarrassing [to L] material as well, so I am as guilty as the rest; I'm not in any superior position.
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Netzach said:
Ugh, God, the more I listen to him, the less I can even defend my stance in this thread.

He's making it look bad for the buttfucking afficionados.

Nah, he can't make anyone look worse than himself.

No one has to defend themselves. That is akin to living by committee, and we all know that is a losing proposition.
I must agree with Netzach that perhaps enough is enough on this thread
...then perhaps not posting to this thread would be indictated for you?