Teach-in (no Rhymes!!)

I think what we have here is a backwards Acrostic (if such a thing exists! but hey start your own!) The brother at the end I get but I'm afraid PDWCABW at the beginning is a fail!

Ah! That's me not understanding the rules. I was concentrating on the ends of lines only. I now know for next time.

Ah! That's me not understanding the rules. I was concentrating on the ends of lines only. I now know for next time.


The Only time you need to have the letters at the end is for a Double Acrostic, where the last letters echo the first letters only reading from bottom to top
I set out a base so the word father for a 2 x acrostic.....

F - r
A - e
T - h
H - t
E - a
R - f

....this helps me but others may have better methods.
I set out a base so the word father for a 2 x acrostic.....

F - r
A - e
T - h
H - t
E - a
R - f

....this helps me but others may have better methods.

Thanks, this is what I did for the end of the lines, but obviously not the beginning.

I will have another go later.
Dangling my thoughts on the words you say
Anticipating the wisdoms that are always painted
Daily rituals where my innocence is fluttered
Don't think I don't enjoy our intimate academia
Your voice alone though leaves me sated

Am I close?
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Dangling my thoughts on the words you say
Anticipating the wisdoms that are always painted
Daily rituals where my innocense is fluttered
Don't think I don't enjoy our intimate academia
Your voice alone though leaves me sated

Am I close?

Daintily she curtsies after
A ballet of beauty pure
Unique, this thought
Galvinized by emotional depth
How to love this little being
That smile and tu-tu
Every time I see her grow a
Revelation hits, time is precious indeed
Dangling my thoughts on the words you say
Anticipating the wisdoms that are always painted
Daily rituals where my innocense is fluttered
Don't think I don't enjoy our intimate academia
Your voice alone though leaves me sated

Am I close?

Well done will just nit pick your spelling though :) *innocence
Daintily she curtsies after
A ballet of beauty pure
Unique, this thought
Galvinized by emotional depth
How to love this little being
That smile and tu-tu
Every time I see her grow a
Revelation hits, time is precious indeed

Great double, you have the flow too. So are you ready to move onto Pantoums now? :)
Thank you all! This was fun. :).

Whew! What does it say about me if I can't even SPELL innocence? :eek:
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Try number 2.....

Following you in that haiku thread,
Responding to those thoughts within,
I often wondered about that person there.
Eventually, I discovered you, near flowers of confetti.
Now, daily, we share words together,
Delighting in friendship itself.
Following you in that haiku thread,
Responding to those thoughts within,
I often wondered about that person there.
Eventually, I discovered you, near flowers of confetti.
Now, daily, we share words together,
Delighting in friendship itself.

Now you've got it :) and congrats on finding 'confetti' I'm impressed!
In under the wire

So, I finally chisel out time and we're packing up for next subject, eh? hehehe Fine, fine...I'll be along to Pantoums in just a moment, let me paste this up first, 'kay?

Labor Day Reunion

She shone that summer, caught
In the dying sunlight’s rays,
Shimmered in a way that was new to me
Thoroughly altering our usual dynamic,
Ending on the hearth of the family den,
Relaxing afterwards, eating calamari.

So, I finally chisel out time and we're packing up for next subject, eh? hehehe Fine, fine...I'll be along to Pantoums in just a moment, let me paste this up first, 'kay?

Labor Day Reunion

She shone that summer, caught
In the dying sunlight’s rays,
Shimmered in a way that was new to me
Thoroughly altering our usual dynamic,
Ending on the hearth of the family den,
Relaxing afterwards, eating calamari.


Dirty boy ;)

it's ok newbs I've know Remec a very long time I can insult him with impunity!
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Dirty boy ;)

it's ok newbs I've know Remec a very long time I can insult him with impunity!

I'm not so certain 'dirty boy' could be called an insult around here. hehehe More of an affirmation, esp considering you've inspired more than one of my naughty poems. ;)

Coming together finally, after these months,
Our bodies merge in an erotic tableau.
Inspecting your breasts topped by nipples so pert,
Tasting you, I see your lips as red as Chianti.
Under me, you writhe, your heat an inferno,
Surrendering to me, as we become, ecstatic.
Coming together finally, after these months,
Our bodies merge in an erotic tableau.
Inspecting your breasts topped by nipples so pert,
Tasting you, I see your lips as red as Chianti.
Under me, you writhe, your heat an inferno,
Surrendering to me, as we become, ecstatic.

Thundering applause !