Tess's Trifles

Well, if you have anything to say... Or, even anything you don't. I could always try to help the words jump out. Or whisper, or laugh, or cry, or scream.

Mmm. Promises, promises, beautiful. For that, I may just stumble over my words on purpose.
Mmm. Promises, promises, beautiful. For that, I may just stumble over my words on purpose.

Oh, please, please do. You know how I hate structure. Any words, noises... I'd promise to find as many little buttons as possible to push. Well, maybe. I'm just so bad about being greedy.
Oh, please, please do. You know how I hate structure. Any words, noises... I'd promise to find as many little buttons as possible to push. Well, maybe. I'm just so bad about being greedy.

Perhaps. But sometime, you'll have to let yourself be greedy, sugar. People often equate greed to something bad. It isn't always. Sometimes, greed is exactly what you need.
Perhaps. But sometime, you'll have to let yourself be greedy, sugar. People often equate greed to something bad. It isn't always. Sometimes, greed is exactly what you need.

That's good, because I'm generally fine with being greedy. And I'm inclined to think it's exactly what I need. I just don't let it out very often.
Messing around with provocative words n stuff.

Open your mouth for me. Just let me creep and crawl, past the outline of your lips, let me skate over you. That way. Like that. Any textures, any touch, any words – give them to me and trail them into my head. My thoughts, my own substance. Kick it out from under me and give me your fists. No, don't let me – I'll take what I want to, and I'll spit out the rest. Swallow the best pieces and you can watch me. You want to watch me? You want to see what I'll uncover for you? I want to see. Yeah, I want to see it. Scraped knees and bruised knuckles. Chip your teeth on me. Sink them into me. Don't disappear inside – no, hold yourself. Just. Like. That. You could be my tripwire. This could be an explosion. Are you soft or rough? Will my skin drag on your skin? Will you break my fast, break through at its thickest? And I wonder if any of these things stick, or if they just wander around the margin of a drain. It'd be nice to circle around the edge like you're not going to fall in, like I'm not going to pull you in. I won't tell you to gnaw on pillowcases. I won't tell you to turn off the lights. I can see you in the mud or as my halcyon, and either way I want to bring it out in you.

None of these things are linear, to me. There's not a piece of you in a line. No circles, no enduring shapes. If there's anything that classifies you, it's what I'll draw on you. It's what you'll imprint on me. Tell me about it. Open your mouth for me. Lie for me. Lie to me. Lie with me. I don't want an itemized list. I don't want roles. I want weak spots, and structural damage. I want a narrow appreciation that can be terrified or livid. No more




What's it going to be?
That's good, because I'm generally fine with being greedy. And I'm inclined to think it's exactly what I need. I just don't let it out very often.

I think you should let it out more. You'd be surprised what it does for you.


I meant to say thank you for these! Not sure what happened, got busy. That post is coming together. I want it to be just right.
I'm so irritated.

"Political storytellers should reconsider the idea that irony is depoliticizing. Left-leaning storytellers might instead tell victim stories not in the tragic form we’re used to but in a way that combines heroism and irony. For example, they could tell a story of a hardworking and resourceful woman on welfare. Show what she has to do to keep her family clothed and fed, but do so with wry humor. Emphasize the woman’s creativity in a way that sheds light on the irrationalities of the bureaucratic structures she has to negotiate. The goal is to elicit in the audience a response not of 'poor her' but 'this is nuts!'"

This from an article about political storytelling?! This is literally an article describing how to spin inequality to make it more palatable ABOUT THE THINGS IT'S TRYING TO FIGHT AGAINST. Why does this keep happening?! Really?! Tell a story about a working woman who has it hard and do it in a way that's gracefully humorous? Show her as really some kind of intellectual that "has so much more capability"? Why can't it just be that a woman tells her story how she wants to and less about assignations that she doesn't even want? Why is it about being MORE when it isn't even up to someone else?