Testing/Pushing Limits

mbb308 said:

*making notes to self*

Making notes is fine, but what you really need is practice.

Come here, mbb...I want to show you something...
Ebonyfire said:
Making notes is fine, but what you really need is practice.

Come here, mbb...I want to show you something...


Should I be panting like Fido?
I am sensitive to proper etiquette, and would never want to be out of line.
mbb308 said:
I am sensitive to proper etiquette, and would never want to be out of line.

Hmm, sensitive. I like that in a victim, uh, I mean person.
I believe a Dom/me should push a subs limits, as Eb stated earlier. The surprise and resestablishing of limits keeps things fresh and interesting.

It's funny, but I have seen many threads about pushing a subs limits, but almost none about pushing a Dom/mes limits.

I think we need to push our limits too!
zipman7 said:
I believe a Dom/me should push a subs limits, as Eb stated earlier. The surprise and resestablishing of limits keeps things fresh and interesting.

It's funny, but I have seen many threads about pushing a subs limits, but almost none about pushing a Dom/mes limits.

I think we need to push our limits too!

Zipman ~ Now that sounds like a good thread. Perhaps you will start it. I don't know if it would work if sub tried to start a thread with that topic. :)
kayte said:
Zipman ~ Now that sounds like a good thread. Perhaps you will start it. I don't know if it would work if sub tried to start a thread with that topic. :)

Thanks for the push, I was being lazy! ;)
mbb308 said:
I am sensitive to proper etiquette, and would never want to be out of line.

Aww phooey!

EB would certainly keep you in line, and in the right mood, I just might try!

Shadowsdream said:
Come on Lazy Bones.....Lets get pushing!
Nice to see You back My Friend.

It's already up. Of course, I clearly expect you to add your usual value to the conversation! ;)

It's good to see you too!
zipman7 said:
It's already up. Of course, I clearly expect you to add your usual value to the conversation! ;)

It's good to see you too!

Gotcha! Been there and added My 2 cents!
Shadowsdream said:
Gotcha! Been there and added My 2 cents!

There's a first. A Domme minimizing her own worth! :D

That was at least a $20 or $30 post! ;)
Shadowsdream said:
American I hope!

Of course! Although I will add royalties for every person who quotes it. How does $5 (US) each time sound to you?
zipman7 said:
Of course! Although I will add royalties for every person who quotes it. How does $5 (US) each time sound to you?
Perfect...already opening My conversion program...American to Swedish!

Oooops better get back on topic here...

My slave had a fear of knife play...but an erotic fear..a love/hate relationship with even the fantasy of it. he is a toy that finds a great comfort and erotocism in bondage but after a few years of bondage, denial, torment and the usual whippings etc etc etc...something truly new and unexpected MUST occur. Enter knife play...beginning with the Domination of the voice...the torment of what is to come...the added cruelty of My tone to drop him to where he needs to be just to cope with the new game. Using the edge of a toothpick and the words of the knife to get his body past the inevitable spasms of fear and acceptance. The dialogue of fantasy red lines to heighten the senses as I watched him begin to accept the inevitable.
When I knew he could go to the next level (having already thought he was there in his own mind) I brought the real knife into the moment....My words cut deeper than the blade but at the end of an hour he was a sweating, weak mass of submission.
Shadowsdream said:
When I knew he could go to the next level (having already thought he was there in his own mind) I brought the real knife into the moment....My words cut deeper than the blade but at the end of an hour he was a sweating, weak mass of submission.

All I can say is Wow!