
Four years is a big part of one's life to devote to a forum. Crap on forums is cyclic, I'm sure nearly every one of us has seen and heard near everything possible on Lit. It happens on ALL forums on the internet at some point in time. It takes HUGE effort to stop it from happening.

If a place is to work, then it does take time and effort. It also takes encouragement, it takes caring, and it takes support.

Eve, if you're reading this, and I've barely spoken half a dozen words specifically to you before so please forgive me, but, it's time to put that effort in again... if you want to turn the forum around.

It's past time the poetry forum had a 'cafe' like the BDSM forum, where any and all antics/play can hang out. Thus making the serious poetry area, serious for those who want to share and learn.

If those poets with better skills than me disappear, there is little point to having this forum. I want to improve my writing and having less examples of good skills to see is simply going to narrow my own scope.

The Author's Hangout has already turned into another General Board, I don't see why we participating members should allow the Poetry Forum to go the same way.

Best wishes Eve!

I'll miss your great poetry and smart-ass comments.
not to mention your insightful thoughts and welcoming, encouraging attitude to
WickedEve said:
Thanks for the past 4 years of friends and poetry. I was going to simply leave, but it didn't seem right to walk away from so many who have meant so much to me.
Ange, Lauren, I doubt you need another mod, but if you do, I know you'll find a replacement for me.
I'm hoping to have the rest of my poetry saved in another few days, then I'll ask Laurel to remove it. If there is anything you may want to read, now is this time. I'm telling you this because I hate to look for a poem and realize that the poet has removed all his work.

Take care,

I don't know you well. I think you are beautiful as a person, a spirit and a poet. I wish I could know more about you, but you are a gorgeous enigma to me. I hope your leaving makes you feel better than staying, and I wish for you to keep posting all the poems I have not read. I would like you to stay for these reasons, but they are selfish on my part .... getting to know you and reading you.

In your decision, though? I wish you best always, and hope you keep giving the world your words and your best, as you have given us. :heart: And welcome with open arms and as big a kiss on your leaving ... and hopefully on my part? When/if you return? .... some really hot lesbian action! ;)

Luck Eve :heart:
I have read some of the posts made on this thread and on a few other threads. And I felt I needed to say more than what I originally did. I'm leaving for several reasons but not out of anger. I'm not leaving because of hurt feelings. And this was not a spontaneous decision. I have been wanting to make some changes for many months.
As the days went by, and I participated less and less, even became a negative on the board, I knew it was time for me to move on. It was not an easy decision. I've invested four years in this poetry community. I feel like I'm part of its foundation, like I'm the old momma of the board. lol I feel as though I'm deserting some of you. Yes, I'm feeling guilt. But I can't do this community any good the way I am right now.
I'm actually excited to go out and find something new. Being at lit has made me lazy. I rarely submit my poetry anywhere else. Why should I? I have lit. No rejections, convenient. In just the past couple of days, I've begun working on my site again. I'm interested in submitting to some other sites. I think I needed this to jump start me. I hope once I've accomplished whatever it is that I need to do, I'll be able to come back to the board and participate. I don't plan to moderate or submit poetry here. I don't want to be that wrapped up into literotica again. I swear, it reminds me of my marriage. I became so use to the way things were that I didn't realize how unhappy I was. I had stopped caring or trying. Lit's not that bad, of course, but I was in a rut, and like I said, it was making me lazy--as far as my poetry is concerned.
Once I get my site back online, and once I submit to some different places, I may stop in from time to time, post a hello, and let you know what I'm up to. It really will be hard for me to stay away from you guys.

Ah well, all that makes sense to me. Good luck with rearranging your priorities Eve. I'll look forward to reading more of your work when you link up all your published pieces in your sig line *hint hint* :D

Good luck Eve what you are doing takes guts and strength...
Du Lac~
Hey Eve,

Just wanted to let you know that there are other ways to network... if you want to keep in touch, please do. It gets kind of lonely sometimes submitting to strangers and not getting feedback from editors etc. If you ever want feedback on your writing, please keep me in mind. It is a shame Lotus has died a slow death. Very little action if any. But also a good place to get a few views and hopefully a few comments.

Take care!



We were just startin to have so much fun !!! I do not have to tell you. I Love your poetry, witty sense of humor and snide tongue in cheek innuendo's. I shall miss you. Yes, like a Mom leavin for college. *grins*
Please do keep in touch, and do not forget we are here waiting ... come visit, Hell just come back to us SOOOOONN!!! This place will NOT be the same without you. I always look so forward to snooping to see what you are up to, and reading all your comments.
You are an outstanding poet. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you !!! Yes, ass kissing is advisable at this point, awww (stomps foot) I don't want ya to go ....!!!!!!

(wipes cheeks and sniffs) Please ... remember we love you and await your return, with bells ... gongs, and trumpets blaring ~

:rose: :heart: ;)

pouts* n grins* cause I know you LOVE my grins*

RhymeFairy said:
<snip> Please ... remember we love you and await your return, with bells ... gongs, and trumpets blaring ~</snip>
All that noise is bound to get tiring. Can we stop and have drinks?

Can we?

Good luck with your Habit, Eve. I can't wait to see what's on the pages of it. Don't forget to send me an invitation for the opening!
champagne1982 said:
All that noise is bound to get tiring. Can we stop and have drinks?

Can we?

Good luck with your Habit, Eve. I can't wait to see what's on the pages of it. Don't forget to send me an invitation for the opening!

Yeah, what champagne said...<g> I'll miss you, naturally, and your words, images, thoughts, etc. Even though I barely know anyone around Lit at all, whenever I hear someone is departing it's like another piece of the place has gone dark--temporarily at any rate.

I'm going to be busy reading and rereading some poems this week, y'know?

WickedEve said:
I have read some of the posts made on this thread and on a few other threads. And I felt I needed to say more than what I originally did. I'm leaving for several reasons but not out of anger. I'm not leaving because of hurt feelings. And this was not a spontaneous decision. I have been wanting to make some changes for many months.
As the days went by, and I participated less and less, even became a negative on the board, I knew it was time for me to move on. It was not an easy decision. I've invested four years in this poetry community. I feel like I'm part of its foundation, like I'm the old momma of the board. lol I feel as though I'm deserting some of you. Yes, I'm feeling guilt. But I can't do this community any good the way I am right now.
I'm actually excited to go out and find something new. Being at lit has made me lazy. I rarely submit my poetry anywhere else. Why should I? I have lit. No rejections, convenient. In just the past couple of days, I've begun working on my site again. I'm interested in submitting to some other sites. I think I needed this to jump start me. I hope once I've accomplished whatever it is that I need to do, I'll be able to come back to the board and participate. I don't plan to moderate or submit poetry here. I don't want to be that wrapped up into literotica again. I swear, it reminds me of my marriage. I became so use to the way things were that I didn't realize how unhappy I was. I had stopped caring or trying. Lit's not that bad, of course, but I was in a rut, and like I said, it was making me lazy--as far as my poetry is concerned.
Once I get my site back online, and once I submit to some different places, I may stop in from time to time, post a hello, and let you know what I'm up to. It really will be hard for me to stay away from you guys.


:heart: WOW! Stay? :catroar: You are a ... wow. :D :catroar: Luck babe.

PS... Shall I sing it? :D
WickedEve said:
I have read some of the posts made on this thread and on a few other threads. And I felt I needed to say more than what I originally did. I'm leaving for several reasons but not out of anger. I'm not leaving because of hurt feelings. And this was not a spontaneous decision. I have been wanting to make some changes for many months.
As the days went by, and I participated less and less, even became a negative on the board, I knew it was time for me to move on. It was not an easy decision. I've invested four years in this poetry community. I feel like I'm part of its foundation, like I'm the old momma of the board. lol I feel as though I'm deserting some of you. Yes, I'm feeling guilt. But I can't do this community any good the way I am right now.
I'm actually excited to go out and find something new. Being at lit has made me lazy. I rarely submit my poetry anywhere else. Why should I? I have lit. No rejections, convenient. In just the past couple of days, I've begun working on my site again. I'm interested in submitting to some other sites. I think I needed this to jump start me. I hope once I've accomplished whatever it is that I need to do, I'll be able to come back to the board and participate. I don't plan to moderate or submit poetry here. I don't want to be that wrapped up into literotica again. I swear, it reminds me of my marriage. I became so use to the way things were that I didn't realize how unhappy I was. I had stopped caring or trying. Lit's not that bad, of course, but I was in a rut, and like I said, it was making me lazy--as far as my poetry is concerned.
Once I get my site back online, and once I submit to some different places, I may stop in from time to time, post a hello, and let you know what I'm up to. It really will be hard for me to stay away from you guys.


I will be back one day and hope to see you here Eve, I cannot imagine this place without you but i do understand what you are saying.
So many of you have helped, inspired, pushed, hugged, devoted your time and energies and remain forever the backbone of Lit and are always on my mind. Unfortunately or fortunately I do not follow the politics of this board :confused:
there is too much in my life right now to allow myself be affected by this and I was never a political based person in the first place, prefering peace and unity most.
My heart to you Eve :heart: