Thanksgiving Challenge

Sentimental and weepy

annaswirls said:
I wrote this comment on tt's poem, but I wanted to share. Maybe it is the season, but this exercize made me feel so sentimental and weepy. This was such a great exercize, I feel like I have gotten to know some people here a lot better by reading through the poems out there today.
okay I really am going now
over the river and through the woods
be back Sunday, happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

I agree, anna; this was a fun experiment rhetorically and socially. Thanks to those from whom I borrowed for inspiration, and thanks to those who borrowed from me for insight.

And my apologies to Ange and Neo for taking two beautiful poems and stirring them into a vulgar stew!
Re: Sentimental and weepy

flyguy69 said:
I agree, anna; this was a fun experiment rhetorically and socially. Thanks to those from whom I borrowed for inspiration, and thanks to those who borrowed from me for insight.

And my apologies to Ange and Neo for taking two beautiful poems and stirring them into a vulgar stew!

Um Mister Fly, there is no way in hell I am able to read this post until you put your shirt back on. It was hard enough to concentrate with your red legs.

there is no smilie over there to represent my face.

I guess I could animage the heart to show severe palpitations

annaswirls said:
I wrote this comment on tt's poem, but I wanted to share. Maybe it is the season, but this exercize made me feel so sentimental and weepy. This was such a great exercize, I feel like I have gotten to know some people here a lot better by reading through the poems out there today.

"I had forgotten all about that poem, must say you brought me to tears this morning literally, I love the lines inbetween, I am learning how personal poetry is with this exercize, I knew it but didn't know until I found myself sinking into other peoples cores and like this poem, feeling connected so intimately with someone I really do not know, I do, but I don't. Words. Thank you"


okay I really am going now
over the river and through the woods
be back Sunday, happy Thanksgiving, everybody.


I just read your comment on "Trap", anna. Thanks. I'm sorry...

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p

This is the best i can do about some tissue. :) I guess you now understand the pm a little better, at least I hope you do.

I am sorry and thanks.

(I wanted to put more frogs to help with the tears, but they wouldn't let me)

I am utterly amazed and humbled to have had three quotes from one poem (Tears of Desire) chosen for this challenge.

For some reason, that poem has only had 3 votes in all of the time it's been posted...and I just figured no one liked it. It is one of the most personal and heartfelt poems I have ever written, and I'm honored to have had you wonderful poets use my lines.

Big thanks!

I wanted to do more poems and if I had the brain to do it, I might have tried to eke out another, but putting all of our work together was more important to me.

Did you learn something from this? I did. Y'all are good poets! Okay, I knew y'all knew that. I knew that I knew that, too, but I needed to let y'all know that not only did I know, but that y'all now know that I know.

I can't believe I said that.

All of the poetry I read was amazing stuff. I challenged myself further. With the exception of a couple of lines, I went to non-erotic poetry that was not hot. I found these poets' lines spoke to me (I had a lot of them saved aside just to see what worked) and went with them. Thanks to annaswirls (I used two of her lines), BooMerengue, champagne1982, CremeBrule, darkmaas, jd4george, Miss Oatlash, Remec, sandspike, The Mutt, and WickedEve for participating so I could strengthen my writing.

I also want to thank jd4george, postobitum and Remec for deeming my words worthy enough to be used.

Use the post, please! :)
Re: Amazed...

Miss Oatlash said:
I am utterly amazed and humbled to have had three quotes from one poem (Tears of Desire) chosen for this challenge.

For some reason, that poem has only had 3 votes in all of the time it's been posted...and I just figured no one liked it. It is one of the most personal and heartfelt poems I have ever written, and I'm honored to have had you wonderful poets use my lines.


I was hoping you would notice that. :D
One didn't make it on time...

I had forgotten to post one. I'll put it here for y'all to see.

How Dare You
I was sure that I might have you
for so much longer
you broke my heart
as you got weaker
how dare you do
what the doctors expected
damn it...
how dare you consider
not being strong enough
to beat the odds
you were suppose to live
you were larger than life
not the other way around
damn it.
i am selfish now
wishing you had endured
wishing you suffered
beyond measure
just to touch you
damn it!
could you not
have taken me with you?

first line:
"Boulevard" by darkmaas

last line:
"Adrift" by BooMerengue
I've read and commented on about half. Whew! You guys are so good!

*bows to jd4george... You have really floored me w/ The Sanguinated Water!

All of you are soooo good! I'm glad I didn't try.

Well, actually I did try... I had a couple nice pieces goin on... then I read this line...

"I'm the woman you were fucking lucky to have" from Disney Family Night by Wicked Eve
and all my good intentions went to hell. I just couldn't get what was screaming at me in my head to come out on paper! So Thanks, Evie!! lol

*goin back to read the rest.
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Just wanted to say that I have finally finished reading everyone's challenges (wasn't able to leave comments on all of them, in fact I didn't have time to leave many at all but I sure as hell voted for ya!!) and I am floored by the immense talent swimming around in here. Makes me damn proud to be submitting my stuff with all of you. Happy Thanksgiving! :rose: :heart: :kiss:
I've been sick the past few days, so I just now got a chance to peek at the poems for the challenge. I hope to comment on them later. And to those of you who used lines from my poems: it really made me smile. I actually wrote a poem for this challenge back when it was first announced. I hope to find it and submit it. Yes, find it. I'm disorganized. By the way, hope everyone had a good T.G. Day. :)
WickedEve said:
I've been sick the past few days, so I just now got a chance to peek at the poems for the challenge. I hope to comment on them later. And to those of you who used lines from my poems: it really made me smile. I actually wrote a poem for this challenge back when it was first announced. I hope to find it and submit it. Yes, find it. I'm disorganized. By the way, hope everyone had a good T.G. Day. :)

Glad you're feeling better are, aren't you?...or is it just you can't keep yourself away no matter how sick you are....

Anyway, sick or well, love you Eve, and good to see you back...and on tenterhooks waiting to read your challenge poem.
So find it quick, these damn tenterhooks hurt...

tungtied2u said:
Glad you're feeling better are, aren't you?...or is it just you can't keep yourself away no matter how sick you are....

Anyway, sick or well, love you Eve, and good to see you back...and on tenterhooks waiting to read your challenge poem.
So find it quick, these damn tenterhooks hurt...

I'm a little better thanks to 3 trips to the doctor and 1 to the hospital and 6 different medications. :rolleyes: I'm near death at the moment (well, about 6 miles away) yet I couldn't stay away any longer.
WickedEve said:
I'm a little better thanks to 3 trips to the doctor and 1 to the hospital and 6 different medications. :rolleyes: I'm near death at the moment (well, about 6 miles away) yet I couldn't stay away any longer.

As a friend of mine's mother used to say....

"See how you are?"......:D
Good to see you back Eve, sorry to hear you are so sick! Here's hoping the miracle of modern medicine can save you - :rose:

(Of course you'll be fine, I'm just joking witcha)
Thanks, posty. :)

I found my challenge poem, which I wrote on the 3rd, using lines from Tath's and Maria's poems. I'll submit it tonight.
Hey why sorry? Am I going to have to put you through the same apology addiction program that I went through (okay I am still in remediation)

Nothing to be sorry for they were good tears. Thank you for all your work!

Take care,
thanks for having me revisit some of my old poems as well as others! Sometimes anna feels like a stranger.



average gina said:
I just read your comment on "Trap", anna. Thanks. I'm sorry...

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p

This is the best i can do about some tissue. :) I guess you now understand the pm a little better, at least I hope you do.

I am sorry and thanks.

(I wanted to put more frogs to help with the tears, but they wouldn't let me)
WickedEve said:

according to Oxford:
tenter: machine for stretching cloth to dry in shape ~(hook), each of the hooks that hold the cloth.

Imagine them on your nipples.......;)

where's your poem.......ouch...:D
WickedEve said:
Thanks, posty. :)

I found my challenge poem, which I wrote on the 3rd, using lines from Tath's and Maria's poems. I'll submit it tonight.

Eve! Where is it? I'm gonna go through the poems that I have been putting off on reading, but for the people who want to know... Do tell!

Stand in line...

annaswirls said:
Hey why sorry? Am I going to have to put you through the same apology addiction program that I went through (okay I am still in remediation)

Nothing to be sorry for they were good tears. Thank you for all your work!

Take care,
thanks for having me revisit some of my old poems as well as others! Sometimes anna feels like a stranger.



I have a list of people waiting to take me to the "Dammit! Stop Being So Fucking Polite!" seminar, to no avail, might I add. Thanks again for the availability to use your lines. :D