Thanksgiving Challenge

Re: Updated list...

Bringing it back to the front for those of us who still have not picked the lines.

Anyone find the script Lauren posted and bring that to the front too? Greatly appreciated!

average gina said:
average gina said:
I'm just a lazy bum. I didn't want to have to type the code. I woke up this morning and said to myself "Hey! I don't have to type the code! I can copy (CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL+V) the information into Lauren's code!" I worked for a few hours on this post and, dad gum it, I'm going to post it! I hope this helps the code-challenged. I am a code-challenged person, but hopefully you will be able to follow it this way.

Gosh, I hope this helps.

Copy the following:

the first line<sup>1</sup>
your absolutely brilliant poetic content
the last line<sup>2</sup>

<sup>1</sup> <I>in <a href="the"first line" poem link">"the "first line" poem title"</a>, by <a href="the "first line" poet's submission link">the "first line" poet's name</a> ©the "first line" poem's year, check the last column on the submissions page for that.</I>
<sup>2</sup> <I>in <a href="the "last line" poem's link ">"the "last line" poem's title"</a>, by <a href="the "last line" poet's submission link">the "last line" poet's name</a> ©the "last line" poem's year, check the last column on the submissions page for that.</I>

Paste it on body of the submit page. (THE GREEN WILL DISAPPEAR. DON'T YOU FRET, BECAUSE YOU ARE A SMART PERSON AND YOU CAN DO THIS! If you open a separate window, you can use this page as a reference.) Replace your information. It helped me to have all of the information on the same page as the poem is on in my Word document. The safest way to remove the stuff I typed is just put the cursor before the first line and press the delete button. If you 'over delete', just use CTRL + Z to undo.

I did it and it came out great. Now I just have to rewrite the poem. The first line I picked didn't deserve the poem that I put under it.

Thanks Lauren, for putting up the information. I get it!

Okay, so I over did it. I'm sorry. I really hope that this helps someone. After trying really hard to do this, I'm sure that I've confused someone. :( :(

Re: Find em and pm them?

average gina said:
This link will put you on a page where you can not only search a person, but once you find them, you will also find a link to directly email or pm them! Click here.

I thought it would be a great idea to bring this up as well. :D

I think I'm distraught. Soon, this thread will fade away... :( What a load of information that was put on here!

I meant 'load' in a good way, y'all. :p
the line I didn't use.....

To a Muse
by tungtied2u ©
gently spread from post to pillar

damn I really wanted to use this one..... and I cannot get it moving in my mind.

it is up for grabs if someone is still looking :(

I think I am done
average gina-- you are far above average in my book.

Thank you for making the directions for posting so simple. I am glad I did not need to send my poem to Lauren to do for me. It was nice of her to offer.

I know this is not necessary, but I wanted to say, I am using flyguy69's

Can't Sleep II

and sandspike's
A Poet's Singularity

In my poem. It was hard to pick. Good to read.

Thank you to those who have helped me figure things out here.

creme brule
Re: Re: Find em and pm them?

average gina said:
I thought it would be a great idea to bring this up as well. :D

I think I'm distraught. Soon, this thread will fade away... :( What a load of information that was put on here!

I meant 'load' in a good way, y'all. :p

Then let's keep it going, make into the holiday challenge thread, there's enough holidays throughout the year that we can just keep on truckin. Christmas, New Years, Groundhog Day, there's Boxing Day in Canada somewhere in there, and ooo! Secretary's Day!!! My favorite!:D
Re: Re: Re: Find em and pm them?

postobitum said:
Then let's keep it going, make into the holiday challenge thread, there's enough holidays throughout the year that we can just keep on truckin. Christmas, New Years, Groundhog Day, there's Boxing Day in Canada somewhere in there, and ooo! Secretary's Day!!! My favorite!:D
And Shakespeare's Birthday.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Find em and pm them?

Cordelia said:
April 23rd, if anyone cares...

*grins* :D


Hey! On my birthday, which is January 17, we could celebrate Muhammad Ali, David Bowie, Jim Carrey, James Earl Jones and Betty White! And it's two days after Martin Luther King's birthday!(Because my asking y'all to celebrate me would be way too crass...) :D
Preparing the submissions

Hey guys! I am so excited to read the challenge poems!! I hope you are too! To make sure that all of the poems can be seen from this thread, Tristesse asked me to set up a way for the challenge poems to be seen in one place. I am hoping the way that I thought of doing it will be the simplest.

Please pm me with your poem information in the following format:

your name

the name of your poem in quotes

the first line

'first line' poem's name in quotes

'first line' poem's author

the last line

'last line' poem's name in quotes

'last line' poem's author

For those who can, please provide the 'first line' poem link and 'last line' poem link. For those who can't, no big deal--I'll find them, but it would save some time and get this post up that much faster if you can.

No promises, but I anticipate that I'll have this done Thursday or Friday (probably earlier, but I'm giving myself some time). I'm asking to keep this thread simplified (I know, I know... too late for that), please use this link to pm me the information instead of posting it here.

If I'm correct, I should not be expecting a pm from *Catbabe*, Angeline, BooMerengue (unless she decided to do a poem and I'm really hoping she has), eagleyez and twelveoone. I'm looking forward to hearing from the rest of you guys.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation! :D :D :D

I don't think this is gonna happen.

I have not even finished yet.

I plan on submitting my poem(s) like normal on Tuesday like originally stated.

Folks, from what I understand, everything else is optional.

how the fuck did this get so complicated

I am ready to burn my bra in protest. But I think it is polyester so it would just melt and stink up the place underwires flying loose and branding innocent bystanders.

Re: Preparing the submissions

If you have received my pm (yes, I sent one to all of the participants), please understand that the requested information is for posting it all on one post on this thread and not to assist you in formatting your poem to submit.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation! :D :D :D
Angeline said:
Don't worry. It's not anything dumb, like write about what you're thankful for--even *I* am not that sappy.

But I am thankful for all of you. I learn from you and like you and and and... you get the idea.

So in honor of friendship and poetry:

Write a poem in which the first and last lines are taken from poems by other poets here. And they can not be from the same poet. So, for example, let's say neonurotic does the challenge. He writes a poem that goes like this:

first line: "blah blah blah blah blah' (from poem X by Wicked Eve)

middle of poem: "blah blah blah blah blah" (neo original)

last line: "blah blah blah blah blah" (from poem Y by tungtied2u)

Get it?

Gonna do it?

C'mon it'll be fun. The_Fool is gonna do it because he's no wimp. And I am because well now I have to. And Tath will because....I'll think of a reason....I know! Because the poet chicks here will say "OOOOOH. Do me Tath. My poem. Mine!" And he'll succumb because he's...yknow how he is. :D

Submit on Tuesday, November 23rd so they appear on Wednesday November 24th.

Be sure to post in this thread the poets and poem titles from which you took your first and last lines.

Who else is in?
My Thanksgiving poem is called....

Cialis 3 Viagra 1
It's a tail about growing old and getting it on. I hope you read.

Thanks to Oat: 1st line from 'Tears of Desire'
Thanks to Boo: last line from 'an eye blink love'
Re: Re: Preparing the submissions

average gina said:
If you have received my pm (yes, I sent one to all of the participants), please understand that the requested information is for posting it all on one post on this thread and not to assist you in formatting your poem to submit.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation! :D :D :D

I got your PM Gina... I'm working on one but not sure if I'll get it in here in time.

I appreciate your efforts (which are HUGE!) but...

A lot of poets here- well... some poets here don't always have the time or maybe the interest to vote and comment on other poems. I know I don't. I try to get to New Poems and read, etc. but I rarely have time. I always vote if I read, but I can't always comment.

If you post all the entries here then a lot won't get the votes and/or comments. If I were doin it I would wait til all are posted and up for the public. Then I would put the links in here. Maybe it won't make any difference; it's just a thought.

Can't wait to see the entries! :rose:
good point Boo.

in the past we have put up just the links to the challenge poems, so that if people are interested they have to click and read the poem, and hopefully read, comment and or vote


I am still writing mine and so I am a little cranky

I don't think gina was planning on posting the whole poems, just an expanded version of links...leastways, all I gave her was form, no content.

Funny how these things suck you in. I know my boss wishes I worked this hard...

Mine is submitted.

*sigh* Now I need to come up with something half decent by the 30th. Don't want to get shown up considering the talent anna is going to draw just by being herself :D .

BTW, title is "Better Left Unspoken" and I stole from jd4george and Champagne1982.
Last edited:
Yay. Got in on this challenge in the neck of time. Poem submitted. Eagerly anticipating the verdict...

Mine's been submitted. I decided on a villanelle. It wasn't as hard as I thought to find rhyming lines with similar meters. Plus, I got to read a lot of wonderful poems.

Here is a small poem I put together of some of the rhyming pairs I *didn't* get to use.

1 - Was it her lips just on the other side
2 - tell me how your gloved and oiled hands slide

3 - summer cools golden while you’re away
4 - and sends a silent tune to tease our play

5 - the legacy of kisses bestowed all summer long
6 - starfields yield to sun. This is a song

1 - The Kissing Leaf by WickedEve
2 - beg your confession by SeattleRain

3 - October Odyssey II by WickedEve
4 - The Pangs of Focused Regret by JUDO

5 - Fecundity by Tristesse
6 - Painting Night by Angeline

Cordelia said:
Mine's been submitted. I decided on a villanelle. It wasn't as hard as I thought to find rhyming lines with similar meters. Plus, I got to read a lot of wonderful poems.

Here is a small poem I put together of some of the rhyming pairs I *didn't* get to use.

1 - Was it her lips just on the other side
2 - tell me how your gloved and oiled hands slide

3 - summer cools golden while you’re away
4 - and sends a silent tune to tease our play

5 - the legacy of kisses bestowed all summer long
6 - starfields yield to sun. This is a song

1 - The Kissing Leaf by WickedEve
2 - beg your confession by SeattleRain

3 - October Odyssey II by WickedEve
4 - The Pangs of Focused Regret by JUDO

5 - Fecundity by Tristesse
6 - Painting Night by Angeline


You know?

I really lust after you......:kiss:
