The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

Below is the part you accidentally left out, me lamenting what the rules don’t say. That’s the issue.
Oh, so you want people to be penalized for something that doesn't exist. Very wise of you
The rules say nothing. They are vague. That’s the issue. People wanting to make chapters and series and use pre-established universes can, because the ambiguous rules don’t set boundaries.

Finally, and this is pivotal: My definition of story is different to yours. I don’t accept your looser definition and you don’t accept my stricter one. And that’s fine. Debate not necessary. Writing iron-clad clear guidelines would make no debate necessary.
Ok, here is the iron clad clear guideline -

Write a
complete story in exactly 750 words.

If you don't understand what a story is, here's the definition:
  • an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment
  • a plot or story line
  • a piece of gossip; a rumor
There's nothing vague about the rules the only thing vague is your harping that your definition of a story is superior to everyone else here but yet you can't be bothered to give us your so so superior version of a very simple concept - a COMPLETE story in exactly 750 words

Your only function here as far as I can see is that you are out to embarrass a new writer that didn't understand they couldn't use chapters and I won't put up with it. This is a place for learning and expanding your skills. It's not for posturing and aggrandizing and making baseless accusations based on an inability to understand simple directions.
The rules say nothing. They are vague. That’s the issue. People wanting to make chapters and series and use pre-established universes can, because the ambiguous rules don’t set boundaries.

Finally, and this is pivotal: My definition of story is different to yours. I don’t accept your looser definition and you don’t accept my stricter one. And that’s fine. Debate not necessary. Writing iron-clad clear guidelines would make no debate necessary.

I’ll repeat one thing. No harm regarding the past. People can use loose interpretations this time and it’s Fine. Next time, however, we could improve.

You don't get it.

Duleigh is the only one who should be permitted to stretch his 750 words stories into other bigger ideas. He is the only one around here with the style nuance and skills to pull it off. All else are pretenders. He has spoken. It is done. Give it up to him.
You don't get it.

Duleigh is the only one who should be permitted to stretch his 750 words stories into other bigger ideas. He is the only one around here with the style nuance and skills to pull it off. All else are pretenders. He has spoken. It is done. Give it up to him.
What is with worrying about what I do with my 750 word stories?
(They're jealous Duleigh)
Quiet, I'm trying to make a point. ANYONE can do ANYTHING they want with their character, universes, storylines any time they want
(pink_silk_glove is taunting you, she always wanted a dachshund)
Stop, it's too cold in Canada for dachshunds
It is as advertised.
No it’s not!

Interracial Love
It's all black & white, and white & Asian, and..

I wrote a black and white and Asian story.

How is that not what is advertised?
You just didn't play up the races and went the pc route.
You read the story, right?
That's like writing noncon with blantant consent, and wondering why it's in EC.
I’ve never been kicked out of noncon - even when writing my own take on it.

This isn't a contest or a competition with anyone else. Take the 750-word challenge and do what you like with it as a personal writing exercise. Screw a lot of rules attached to it.
This 👆👆👆 and people please chill.

It’s meant to be fun.

Oh, so you want people to be penalized for something that doesn't exist. Very wise of you

Ok, here is the iron clad clear guideline -

Write a
complete story in exactly 750 words.

If you don't understand what a story is, here's the definition:
  • an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment
  • a plot or story line
  • a piece of gossip; a rumor
There's nothing vague about the rules the only thing vague is your harping that your definition of a story is superior to everyone else here but yet you can't be bothered to give us your so so superior version of a very simple concept - a COMPLETE story in exactly 750 words

Your only function here as far as I can see is that you are out to embarrass a new writer that didn't understand they couldn't use chapters and I won't put up with it. This is a place for learning and expanding your skills. It's not for posturing and aggrandizing and making baseless accusations based on an inability to understand simple directions.
You again think your definition of story is the only one that counts. I say strory means standalone, you say story can use other stories for backdrop.

“Complete” means nothing else (no other story) should be read. That, is complete.

And the person I mainly want to embarrass is you. You are the most vocal bragger of how well your stories score, when you’ve cleverly disguised them to look like series, thereby benefiting from the series bonus.

And chapters aren’t explicitly prohibited, btw. Your own vague instructions don’t forbid it. You decided to tell that person no chapters. I’m calling out vague rules.

[Edit (below. New version of previous paragraph with changes italicized, since some missed my intended meaning. Original intact above) ]

And chapters aren’t explicitly prohibited, btw, in the rules as they exist today. Your own vague instructions don’t forbid it. You decided to tell that person no chapters. I’m calling out vague rules.
Last edited:
I do have a total of four 750 word stories, btw. None this year, but perhaps I’ll get one out.

Each stands 100 percent on its own. No characters or background descriptions anywhere else. One story, no other reading required.
Ok, here is the iron clad clear guideline -

Write a
complete story in exactly 750 words.

Oh great, now that the iron clad rules are clear you’re going to need a clearly defined set of consequences for breaking said rules.

Gotta make sure everything is fair and square you know.
I say strory means standalone,
Well I say story means stand alone. Fine, stand alone - so you agree with me a complete story means NO ADDITIONAL CHAPTERS otherwise it's not standalone Duh
you say story can use other stories for backdrop.
Yes - outside this exercise. Why do you have a problem with that? Look, if you can't come up with story ideas, I'll give you a hand
“Complete” means nothing else (no other story) should be read.
Good, you agree, a CHAPTER is completely out by YOUR definition because in this exercise the 750th word ends the story. Duh
You are the most vocal bragger of how well your stories score,
Actually I've said very little about how well my stories score. Once I mentioned my average score. Only once. You must be feeling very small. I give good hugs, you sound like you need one.
when you’ve cleverly disguised them to look like series, thereby benefiting from the series bonus.
I disguise nothing. None of my 750 word stories are written as a series, but some are part of a greater universe... SO WHAT? Are you afraid that you're going to lose a non-competition?
There is no such thing as a "Series Bonus" You really need to settle down, deep cleansing breaths and think rationally
And chapters aren’t explicitly prohibited, btw.
You just described TWICE how they are btw.

You know, this simple rule has been in place 6 years and suddenly it's not good enough for you. Very odd...
Well I say story means stand alone. Fine, stand alone - so you agree with me a complete story means NO ADDITIONAL CHAPTERS otherwise it's not standalone Duh

Yes - outside this exercise. Why do you have a problem with that? Look, if you can't come up with story ideas, I'll give you a hand

Good, you agree, a CHAPTER is completely out by YOUR definition because in this exercise the 750th word ends the story. Duh

Actually I've said very little about how well my stories score. Once I mentioned my average score. Only once. You must be feeling very small. I give good hugs, you sound like you need one.

I disguise nothing. None of my 750 word stories are written as a series, but some are part of a greater universe... SO WHAT? Are you afraid that you're going to lose a non-competition?
There is no such thing as a "Series Bonus" You really need to settle down, deep cleansing breaths and think rationally

You just described TWICE how they are btw.

You know, this simple rule has been in place 6 years and suddenly it's not good enough for you. Very odd...
keeep in mind I began this with polite suggestions: clarify the stated rules to be more clear. The personal barbs came from you, although I admit sniping back in kind. .

The rules allow motivated loophole seekers ample opportunities, including chapters. My point was you took a stand against chapters, when the instructions don’t expressly forbid them. It’s not that I like that chapters and series are allowed. I’m saying improve the instructions.

Last year was the first year people, including you, started bending the rules. Even now, the majority of writers choose to pursue standalone stories. Most.

And more to come.
. .

The rules allow motivated loophole seekers ample opportunities, including chapters. My point was you took a stand against chapters, when the instructions don’t expressly forbid them. It’s not that I like that chapters and series are allowed. I’m saying improve the instructions.

I’m sorry if I’m seeming out of my lane in anyway but reading about your concerns has me wondering why you are concerned about writers “seeking loopholes”.

Is there a damage being done by not adhering to any particular rules?

What do you consider to be the purpose of the challenge?

What rewards or costs are at stake?

This is a writing challenge , it is not a contest and there are no prizes. Are you concerned about writers garnering accolades and recognition in ways that detract from the accolades and recognition gained by others?

Please share what your main concern is?
… Please share what your main concern is?
Gladly. It’s a challenge. Write in 750 words. that’s the whole point of the challenge.

So when some writers develop their characters or settings in another chapter, another series entry (another story), or elsewhere in their universe (another story) it means that they don’t have to expend any of their current 750 words explaining that background. It means More than one story, thereby at least 750 words times 2 = 1500, had to be read, and 1500 is more than 750. That is completely bypassing the intent of the challenge

My proposal is, improve things next time through more specific instructions. Have everyone partake of the same challenge.
Actually I've said very little about how well my stories score. Once I mentioned my average score. Only once. You must be feeling very small. I give good hugs, you sound like you need one.
Forgive me questioning your counting abilities. Starting below, this thread only (cause you did it last year too): one.
I entered 5 seven fifty word stories last year, the average score for those five is 4.64 So I don't think it's the case that readers don't like 750 word stories, it could be they don't like the words that were used? Possibly the order they were put in? 4.64 is a touch lower than the average score of my full size stories but not that much lower.
Like I said, If you preface the story with one or two sentences that say that this is a complete story in 750 words, they respond quite well. My stories from last year fell within my average story score.
Hang in there. These early scores are actually meaningless. My scores on my 5 stories last year averaged around 4.4, but now a year later and they're all above 4.5. two are over 4.7. Give them time for a lot of people to read
Give it time, the first month means little to nothing because the voting will be reactionary. Let the stories age and you'll get a good idea of what the proper score is. All of my stories were in the 4.0 to 4.4 range last year. They eventually crawled up to 4.5+ with one hitting 4.73
I proposed an improvement to the specifity of the instructions. I made no insults. Someone else did.