The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Wednesday I tripped on the top step of a set of two, fell and fractured my left leg. Mrs Rj is always telling me to pick up my feet...
After six hours in the ER, all I got was a nylon leg brace and a shot of morphine.
I'm not going to be dancing anytime soon though...
Wednesday I tripped on the top step of a set of two, fell and fractured my left leg. Mrs Rj is always telling me to pick up my feet...
After six hours in the ER, all I got was a nylon leg brace and a shot of morphine.
I'm not going to be dancing anytime soon though...
This sucks! I'm sorry that happened. I hope you heal fast!
That has a totally different meaning in Scotland so if you plan to visit you had best start studying your Scots dictionary and phrase books. A “piece” is a packed lunch! Think sandwiches, crisps, chocolate bar and an apple or you won’t get out of the airport! 😂
That wasn’t quite what I was implying.

But very good to know! 🤪😂
Poison ivy is not joke. You have to be careful with the clothing you wore too.
Yes, and animals. Only human skin is impacted by those oils.

When we cleared parts of our farm and also our property when we first got it, it was choked with poison ivy.

We were wiping down our boots with alcohol to break the oil and stripping naked and putting her clothes in a big bucket filled with mild detergent.

The showering w dish water.

Knock wood, I haven’t had a really really bad case in years.

And I’ve had some very bad cases…
I recall most of the basics.
Chips - crisps
Boot - bonnet
Chat up - slag
Need a primer for the rest.
Slag is one of my favorite words in English/scottish/British isles use:

I think a slag is a person of loose morals. But also to slag someone off is to tell them where to go I think.

The Toy Dolls - Deirdre is a Slag

Wednesday I tripped on the top step of a set of two, fell and fractured my left leg. Mrs Rj is always telling me to pick up my feet...
After six hours in the ER, all I got was a nylon leg brace and a shot of morphine.
I'm not going to be dancing anytime soon though...
Oh no RJ. Are you getting some follow up visits. If it’s a break, make sure everything’s ok w your doc or an orthopedist. 🙏🫂
Wednesday I tripped on the top step of a set of two, fell and fractured my left leg. Mrs Rj is always telling me to pick up my feet...
After six hours in the ER, all I got was a nylon leg brace and a shot of morphine.
I'm not going to be dancing anytime soon though...
RJ hope you get over it. The Management did that and was out of the brace in about six weeks. Good luck