The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Happy Wednesday!!! Kinda tired this morning since yesterday was . . . full. Cats are fed, dishes are (mostly) done, coffee is half drunk, and Wat is slowly plodding to a state of . . . Ready. Ready for what remains to be seen. It'll be another full day at work and then it'll be get-the-trash-out night for tomorrow's collection. And tomorrow's payday.

Wat heard back from a company he talked to in June. They want another go at him, it seems. Very well, Wat wants another go at mo'money. H000rish? Allah damned right it is.
Yahoo giddeee up
The avg adult American is overweight and has no cardiovascular fitness. Everyone knows how this works, you need good blood flow.

Add the # of prescription drugs that create or exacerbate natural ED issues, and many men take benedryl or other antihystimines that unknowningly will take a man out of commission on its own. Yes, the antidote for a 4 hr erection at the ER is an injection of benedryl to the member.

Put all this together and we have as a human society created so many issues for the human body that never existed even 35-40 yrs ago.

Sure, there are certainly men that do actually need it, nothing can be done or true health issues, but it is so readily accessible so many use it as a crutch instead of rectifying the true problem.

Thank God at 50 I don't need it, even if she wants to take advantage of me for hours.
Interesting point of view. I hadn't considered that young men today just can't get it up without help.
Morning all...

I was hoping I didn't offend anyone! I found and saved the picture from another site. I couldn't resist posting it here. 🤭🤭
loved it
Getting mine right now. I don't know how long I've been driving around with a knick in my sidewall.....
stay safe, Q
How do you do without TV?
I could do without my $200.00 cable bill, but I wouldn't get my wifi or phone too
I've always been more of a book person than TV/movies.
There's more than enough free online - for myself anyways.
I do need the wifi - for work and play. That bill is hefty enough without adding cable, satellite, or a bunch of streaming services as well IMO.
Morning all...

loved it

stay safe, Q

I've always been more of a book person than TV/movies.
There's more than enough free online - for myself anyways.
I do need the wifi - for work and play. That bill is hefty enough without adding cable, satellite, or a bunch of streaming services as well IMO.
Mrs Rj likes TV. I can only communicate this on wifi as we don't own a cell phone. And we can't get satellite here & we have streaming through the TV provider.