The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Oh no.... they are only getting maintain professional korry. Not friendly lets all be a team korry.... my give a damn has busted.....
Assume the professional role at all times separating your personal life from your business life it's not easy sometimes especially with somebody who's sociable, and likable. We all want to be accepted but sometimes we have to distance ourselves from situations. And it sounds like you separating yourself from this situation would only benefit you.
Hey you! Good to see you! Welcome to this thread! There are rules in the first post, but you’re a good guy and don’t stir up shit, so everything will be fine. Maybe read back 20 or 30 pages to get the flavour of the place.

Best wishes to you, and keep coming back
Always good to see you about, too. And yes, I will take a gander at the beginning of the thread.
Yep. I had a rainbow my sister borrowed it and I let her keep it. Would love to get a rainbow but on the cheap end 3000 dollars...gulp...this is rainbow like for 1/4 the cost and has some features i love.i am pretty clean so to see that much dirt in my living room carpet was something else....
One of my father’s businesses he ran was an industrial cleaning franchise. We had one of those extractors with a pull along hot water tank. One side was the recovery side and it was clear. You could see all the grime extracted from your carpets. We’d go into these immaculate homes and the homeowners would be shocked at how dirty the carpets were!

I didn’t know you could buy a home version? 🤔.

Let’s ratchet the Morning Z up to Draught horses!

Best wishes to you! Just keep coming back. This is a good group of people here. You would go along way before you meet a better one.
Except me, avoid me like the plague, like I'm patient zero, typhoid Mary, or for any other viral or biological disease you've ever heard of and a whole lot you never even dreamt existed. Thank you !😁😇