The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Interesting what Facebook throws up,as memories. I had forgotten I posted this several years ago

Interesting trip to London yesterday when I met a school party heading to the Houses of Parliament. Speaking to a teacher there was a boy of about 12 who was very nervous. She explained it was his first time on a train. The rocking , rolling, creaking and rattling made him very anxious. As I followed them back to their seats and subsequently the shop he had to be persuaded it was safe to step across the strip between carriages. When I expressed surprise the teacher said “but what do you expect, they get taken everywhere by car!”. I have no doubt that child is probably a whiz with a computer but if it were not for his teachers would anyone be preparing him for life?
Thank goodness for teachers, their assistants and all who do things for our children by giving them the opportunities that would otherwise pass them by!

Step forward all those that teach in any capacity and take a round of applause!
Interesting what Facebook throws up,as memories. I had forgotten I posted this several years ago

Interesting trip to London yesterday when I met a school party heading to the Houses of Parliament. Speaking to a teacher there was a boy of about 12 who was very nervous. She explained it was his first time on a train. The rocking , rolling, creaking and rattling made him very anxious. As I followed them back to their seats and subsequently the shop he had to be persuaded it was safe to step across the strip between carriages. When I expressed surprise the teacher said “but what do you expect, they get taken everywhere by car!”. I have no doubt that child is probably a whiz with a computer but if it were not for his teachers would anyone be preparing him for life?
Thank goodness for teachers, their assistants and all who do things for our children by giving them the opportunities that would otherwise pass them by!

Step forward all those that teach in any capacity and take a round of applause!

Interesting what Facebook throws up,as memories. I had forgotten I posted this several years ago

Interesting trip to London yesterday when I met a school party heading to the Houses of Parliament. Speaking to a teacher there was a boy of about 12 who was very nervous. She explained it was his first time on a train. The rocking , rolling, creaking and rattling made him very anxious. As I followed them back to their seats and subsequently the shop he had to be persuaded it was safe to step across the strip between carriages. When I expressed surprise the teacher said “but what do you expect, they get taken everywhere by car!”. I have no doubt that child is probably a whiz with a computer but if it were not for his teachers would anyone be preparing him for life?
Thank goodness for teachers, their assistants and all who do things for our children by giving them the opportunities that would otherwise pass them by!

Step forward all those that teach in any capacity and take a round of applause!
They really do. Thought I was gonna be "swing and a miss" with the Google Shopping search. But wow - lots of options.

From basins that clip/clamp onto a deck railing to standalone ones like this - they are out there. I've heard of using a bubbling fountain type set up to keep the water from freezing. But that only works to a certain temp. :LOL:
I would be worried they froze after coming out of it 🤔
Interesting what Facebook throws up,as memories. I had forgotten I posted this several years ago

Interesting trip to London yesterday when I met a school party heading to the Houses of Parliament. Speaking to a teacher there was a boy of about 12 who was very nervous. She explained it was his first time on a train. The rocking , rolling, creaking and rattling made him very anxious. As I followed them back to their seats and subsequently the shop he had to be persuaded it was safe to step across the strip between carriages. When I expressed surprise the teacher said “but what do you expect, they get taken everywhere by car!”. I have no doubt that child is probably a whiz with a computer but if it were not for his teachers would anyone be preparing him for life?
Thank goodness for teachers, their assistants and all who do things for our children by giving them the opportunities that would otherwise pass them by!

Step forward all those that teach in any capacity and take a round of applause!
We have the kids clean the lunchroom after they are done eating. We run 2-3 vacuums a day. Most of the teens that vacuum have to be shown how to use a vacuum down to moving things out of the way. Some have even entangle themselves in the cord before. It's crazy to see a teen who has never done that before. I take it for granted I guess because mine does it at home and she's not even a teen yet.
Up early and out at 4:30 this morning. Ran 12 miles today was 32 degrees. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️. Was hard starting but stretching helped, and warmed up quick. I hope everyone has a wonderful day in doing whatever they have to do, or choose to do...😘🤗💋❤ (Or choose not to do!🤭🤫).
Wow! You are really dedicated, OM! 🏃‍♀️
Do they really make these?? That is funny
Dear Santa,

This year I would like a Heated Bird Bath please and thank you.

We have one too. It runs on a solar panels it’s not on a pedestal but we put one out in the winter near our bird feeders.
Interesting what Facebook throws up,as memories. I had forgotten I posted this several years ago

Interesting trip to London yesterday when I met a school party heading to the Houses of Parliament. Speaking to a teacher there was a boy of about 12 who was very nervous. She explained it was his first time on a train. The rocking , rolling, creaking and rattling made him very anxious. As I followed them back to their seats and subsequently the shop he had to be persuaded it was safe to step across the strip between carriages. When I expressed surprise the teacher said “but what do you expect, they get taken everywhere by car!”. I have no doubt that child is probably a whiz with a computer but if it were not for his teachers would anyone be preparing him for life?
Thank goodness for teachers, their assistants and all who do things for our children by giving them the opportunities that would otherwise pass them by!

Step forward all those that teach in any capacity and take a round of applause!
It’s an unsung job. Vitally important!!