The Allure Of Men's Accessories. Fuck yes.



Only really an accessory if the man happens to be a surfer ... which the guy I'm seeing is. He sent me a photo of one of the things the other day and suggested we might see if we could find other uses for one ... or two or four.

Uses that don't involve surfboards.

(ETA - this photo is not him. He has nicer hands.)
Firstly...there's kink on FB? Secondly, "dark and erotic fine art" has me very intrigued.

I think any promotional material of his here would be well received.
Yet another great thread idea of yours Miss Honey.

Greetings, Miss B!

1. Yes, there's kink on FB! :nana:
2. After having a look at his shop, I can say that the dark aspect of his art is not for me. The photos I had seen in a group were BDSM-flavored - those, I liked. But YMMV.
3. His Instagram handle is 'fallen veil photography.'

Thank you!:rose: