The Average IQ of Congress Has Just Markedly Increased

It’s like writing stories under the pen name Joseph Goebbels. Not something to joke about.
Ohhhh, Unity was different. She was a bit of a sad story in the end.

Now Diana was something different again. I've always wanted to do an alt history where Mosley was elected PM, assassinated, and Diana became PM and led the UK thru WW2 - the "Iron Lady". The Mitford sisters were quite fascinating. The youngest sister, Decca, eloped at 19 and headed to Spain with her husband to fight the Fascists, and was fetched back by a Royal Navy destroyer sent to retrieve her. Her husband died early in WW2, and she headed off to the US and joined the Communist Party of America. She was just as good a writer as Nancy, altho their subjects were rather different. Try reading her first book "Hons and Rebels." As for Nancy Mitford, she was a brilliant writer.....
Daily regimen, 2 tall glasses first thing in the am. Gets me up and energized so I'm ready for my Tai Chi session.

I'm still waiting for my distributorship packet to come in the mail. Bad as my Post Office is, they prolly lost it.
I'm still waiting for my distributorship packet to come in the mail. Bad as my Post Office is, they prolly lost it.
!!!!!!!!!!!! You sent it thru the POST OFFICE!!!!!! Wat, what were you thinking??????

Do you know what they do with mail????? OMG!!!! This is why we have FedEx and UPS. To get stuff delivered. The Post Office is there to send fake stuff thu so they can lose it and you file the insurance claims and make like a bandit. They don't actually, you know, deliver stuff.....they are there to expedite theft and create work for otherwise unemployable people. N bad thing in itself, we need a welfare program, but to entrust a package to them....ohhhhh, Wat. What have you done?????
!!!!!!!!!!!! You sent it thru the POST OFFICE!!!!!! Wat, what were you thinking??????

Do you know what they do with mail????? OMG!!!! This is why we have FedEx and UPS. To get stuff delivered. The Post Office is there to send fake stuff thu so they can lose it and you file the insurance claims and make like a bandit. They don't actually, you know, deliver stuff.....they are there to expedite theft and create work for otherwise unemployable people. N bad thing in itself, we need a welfare program, but to entrust a package to them....ohhhhh, Wat. What have you done?????

It wasn't me. It was those damned Carbon Water people. I'm an innocent victim here.

And FedEx ass-raped a package sent here a couple of weeks ago, so they must have hired some ex PO people or something.

Or some ex SS/DHA people . . . .
It wasn't me. It was those damned Carbon Water people. I'm an innocent victim here.
And FedEx ass-raped a package sent here a couple of weeks ago, so they must have hired some ex PO people or something.
Or some ex SS/DHA people . . . .
AActually, all joking aside, back in 2022 I was busy fund-raising for Ukraine and using the $'s to buy stuff like medical equipment and winter sleeping bags - the good ones that go to -40C), and a bunch of other stuff that was in short supply with Ukraine military units at the time. Mostly buying of Amazon and some of it was shipped from the seller using the US Postal Service and honestly, about 1 in 3 were never being delivered and I was constantly having to claim thru Amazon. It wasn't just me either - in the end Amazon reduced the tracking so you couldn't tell if it was actually delivered by USPS so I stopped buying thru them and switched to buying in Europe instead, but it was really bad. I don't buy anything online now that will be delivered thru USPS. It's just not worth the hassle.
AActually, all joking aside, back in 2022 I was busy fund-raising for Ukraine and using the $'s to buy stuff like medical equipment and winter sleeping bags - the good ones that go to -40C), and a bunch of other stuff that was in short supply with Ukraine military units at the time. Mostly buying of Amazon and some of it was shipped from the seller using the US Postal Service and honestly, about 1 in 3 were never being delivered and I was constantly having to claim thru Amazon. It wasn't just me either - in the end Amazon reduced the tracking so you couldn't tell if it was actually delivered by USPS so I stopped buying thru them and switched to buying in Europe instead, but it was really bad. I don't buy anything online now that will be delivered thru USPS. It's just not worth the hassle.

eBay uses the USPS. I've had good luck. I don't know why. Then I ordered this reproduction bayonet and it should have been here days ago, and the tracking says they sent it across town. It makes a body wonder, and then I wander into the PO and deal with a clerk and I don't wonder any more.
Ohhhh, Unity was different. She was a bit of a sad story in the end.

Now Diana was something different again. I've always wanted to do an alt history where Mosley was elected PM, assassinated, and Diana became PM and led the UK thru WW2 - the "Iron Lady". The Mitford sisters were quite fascinating. The youngest sister, Decca, eloped at 19 and headed to Spain with her husband to fight the Fascists, and was fetched back by a Royal Navy destroyer sent to retrieve her. Her husband died early in WW2, and she headed off to the US and joined the Communist Party of America. She was just as good a writer as Nancy, altho their subjects were rather different. Try reading her first book "Hons and Rebels." As for Nancy Mitford, she was a brilliant writer.....
Out of all the Mitford sisters you chose the hitler fan girl, no.surprise.
I'm still waiting for my distributorship packet to come in the mail. Bad as my Post Office is, they prolly lost it.

All you have to do it prove you didn't receive it and we'll send a new information packet. Just pay shipping.