The Club De Sade

Sure, rhyme and meter and alliteration can make a girl go weak in the knees.
But after a while you get tired of saying "Sorry, can't make it. Gotta date with a verb."
smiles while letting the ice cold martini glass rim caress my lips
Oh Darkness, you'll learn no one does stupid humor quite like I do.

wondering how i ended up leaning against the piano
Laughing, I say, Nothing stupid about it.

Watching her take a sip of her martini, I bite down on my bottom lip at the sight of her luscious lips.

I fear it is very late this side of the world. I wish you a good night, I whisper close to Vail's ear, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. It was fun rhyming with you, I tease.

A dark mist slowly ... reluctantly, starts swirling around me. My form disappears into the swirling mass, leaving a soft caress across Vail's cheek before disappearing into the night sky ... the scent of a highveld thunderstorm lingering in the air.
sighing softly, the room so empty now...hoping that I'll find this Mystery again soon...perhaps in my sparkly gown

unable to resist, though, lifting myself up onto the piano, sprawling
returning, as seems to be her habit...long black wrap skirt, green cami top...finding the bar and perching on a stool
the sound of leather hitting flesh, a low moan....carried on wind...a hint of sandalwood....another whimper, a lower moan...the flat sound of flesh being struck....and then the tap of heels....
smiling...always always always happy to see her

C'mere, babygirl
A little afraid of the wolven one. Slipping silently into the seat next to her, eyes lowered ears open.
small grin, eyes focusing on Vail and her loved one, white teeth flash in the gloom, leather strap hitting bared thigh, wrapping the entire warm mass of it...a sigh, a groan...another strike of own own hands...mine...

Don't mind me ladies, only here for...Unwrapping the leather from my thigh, shaking it loose, letting it fly, hitting my lower back, so the end wraps round to touch my belly...a hiss of breath...eyes flash...grin widens...a shot of Stoli...
enters on quiet leather soles passing up the bar, hates barstools

Evening Ladies.

Chooses a comfy large chair, sits, turning sideways tossing my legs over the arm, takes out my notebook, favorite pen and begins to write while watching the room
Eyes wide and my hand slips to my Mistress's thigh squeezing with each of the wolven one's strikes. I place an unbidden kiss on Her shoulder, and remain silent.
a wide, glittering grin at the bar tender...

Shot of Stoli please, sloe gin of each, no ice in either...

set up a second round...for consumption in a moment...

another flick of a strong wrist, leather touching flesh, leaving a welt behind...a hiss
arm around my beloved, her hand exactly where it belongs

Oh, Little Artemis, you are...whats the word...a liar
Oh no, sweetness, I had started in my Den, you see...but needed the coolness and calmness liquor brings..

Shakes the strop loose, slams the shot, the slow gin, and turns to face Vail and Ausus, my eyes a fierce glitter, my smile, wickedly wide...

Sometimes hurting myself is a safer alternative than hurting another...

Takes the second round of drinks...

This is one of those times...
mmmm...and perhaps soon you'll have some time

nails digging into my Girl's thigh, deeply
I am sure you could find a volunteer, ma loup belle.

Smiling into my cosmo, not looking up, blushing from Her touch and pain. almost craving more.
mmmm...and perhaps soon you'll have some time

nails digging into my Girl's thigh, deeply

Help? voice a low murmur, the whistle of leather that flies and lands, wrapping a bared thigh in red bliss...a sigh...silence...then a slight THWACK...felt on the back...a burn... Mayhap one day...

I am sure you could find a volunteer, ma loup belle.

Smiling into my cosmo, not looking up, blushing from Her touch and pain. almost craving more.

Eyes training on Ausus, on the fingers that grip her thigh...

No volunteers darlin'. I am not safe, I think. Using the strop over my left shoulder, a stinging sensation...starts to burn...a low moan... Most are not good enough to handle me in this state, on either side of the strop...

lower voice, whisper

and the few that are??? take time...