The Crimson Tide and other emissions

Scalywag said:
How true. Between Eilan, Dallass_Drake and quoll (different thread) I've been wearing out my dictionary and thesaurus. But at least i've learned a few new words along the way. :)
If it's any consolation, writing those posts gave me a headache.
Eilan said:
If it's any consolation, writing those posts gave me a headache.

Yeah no kidding! You know how hard it is to find a a rhyme that fits with Crimson Mask? :p
Well, the precipitation has come to pillage my paycheck of its prodigiousness, yet again, and thus I am back in my lair and away from the delicate Canadian roses the devil would choose to fall victim to my foul, deviant fantasies. Nope, the only target that appeared on my crumpet radar was a motel attendant, who had perhaps once looked through a childs innocent, ponderous eyes at Panzer Divisions tearing through Poland, and while I could never rule out feasting on such an aged crone, being a man for all women, at the time I lacked the mental and physical resources to launch a charm offensive that would imbue her with feelings of nostalgia. Still firmly in possession of an inquisitive mind though I, during the tiresome four hour drive I completed yesterday, temporarily set up camp in Calgary, where I visited no less than four infant unfriendly establishments in quest for learning materials of a visual nature, and despite investing maybe two hours of browsing time, I found not a single recording involving menstruation (Although shamefully $312 were left behind enemy lines, for reasons I shan't disclose although even the most casual speculation would have deadly accuracy I'd imagine, sadly), nope, it would seem the city of Calgary took great pleasure in purloining this objectionable artistry from my intrepid gaze, combining rather bewildering, disorganised storage methods with abundant female assistants (They are to be feared, for they don't understand 'tis natures will that we are tainted with such filthy wants and needs, my cowardice forced me to conclude).

Not wanting to spoil the atmosphere of the thread with my lecherous, ignoble escapades, I should finally say that my honorable, innocuous escapades relating to a womans natural and beautiful emissions have been put on hold temporarily although I suppose there's an off-chance I'll be able to quaff from a quim of quaint qualities ( :cool: Don't bother telling me if that could be considered a platitude) sometime in the next few days, which case I will of course report my findings soonest.
well shit, I wanted to read this entire thread but I had to look up too many words to fucking comprehend what was said.

Jeez man, why do you have to be so complicated?

I have a fucking headache now :(
naughtygirl69s said:
well shit, I wanted to read this entire thread but I had to look up too many words to fucking comprehend what was said.

Jeez man, why do you have to be so complicated?

I have a fucking headache now :(

My mood upon reading this could be described as distinctly lacking in happiness, and rest assured that if I wasn't so disinclined towards exacerbating your agonies, I would type a million words in a futile attempt to fully express the myriad of injuries I sustained once learning of your woe's, in a pathetic attempt to grant you the comparitive happiness you most assuredly deserve.

Basically, I am engineering a light-hearted jape in which I seduce a lovely young darling and indulge in my fondness for what you may call pussy eating, however, this wouldn't be your standard feast, oh no, this would be a feast basted with one of womens most natural emissions, that which her menstrual cycle provides. But in the same way an Englishman accustomed to his native cuisine may need very extensive and buoyant reassurance before embarking upon a journey to a noticeably French (/spits) restaurant, I would cherish similar canoodling before placing my loyal taste buds within what could potentially be a rather displeasing environment. Being interested in details, I have been asking for information on the specifications of these emissions, volumes, piquancy, velocities, compositions, threats etc...

Additionally, I requested details on the the taste a conoisseur of pussy eating may experience, relating of course the natural lubricants of the female body that can be tempted out in larger quantities with a tongue of immense professionalism. A impalement of my pride 'tis that my tongue enjoys simply immersing itself within a lady, too lethargic to put in any kind of graft and effort, although I intend to begin a strict regimen of gentlemanly discipline for this defiant instrument and would like again to be encouraged with promises of ambrosia's flooding my mouth as a reward for such harshness. Details on the piquancy (The pleasant aspects of taste and smell) of such emissions would leave me in thrall to the provider.

I would be most appreciative for further contributions towards both these topics :devil: Indeed, I am already indebted to those who have enthused my appetite for the former.
Dallass_Drake said:
My mood upon reading this could be described as distinctly lacking in happiness, and rest assured that if I wasn't so disinclined towards exacerbating your agonies, I would type a million words in a futile attempt to fully express the myriad of injuries I sustained once learning of your woe's, in a pathetic attempt to grant you the comparitive happiness you most assuredly deserve.

Basically, I am engineering a light-hearted jape in which I seduce a lovely young darling and indulge in my fondness for what you may call pussy eating, however, this wouldn't be your standard feast, oh no, this would be a feast basted with one of womens most natural emissions, that which her menstrual cycle provides. But in the same way an Englishman accustomed to his native cuisine may need very extensive and buoyant reassurance before embarking upon a journey to a noticeably French (/spits) restaurant, I would cherish similar canoodling before placing my loyal taste buds within what could potentially be a rather displeasing environment. Being interested in details, I have been asking for information on the specifications of these emissions, volumes, piquancy, velocities, compositions, threats etc...

Additionally, I requested details on the the taste a conoisseur of pussy eating may experience, relating of course the natural lubricants of the female body that can be tempted out in larger quantities with a tongue of immense professionalism. A impalement of my pride 'tis that my tongue enjoys simply immersing itself within a lady, too lethargic to put in any kind of graft and effort, although I intend to begin a strict regimen of gentlemanly discipline for this defiant instrument and would like again to be encouraged with promises of ambrosia's flooding my mouth as a reward for such harshness. Details on the piquancy (The pleasant aspects of taste and smell) of such emissions would leave me in thrall to the provider.

I would be most appreciative for further contributions towards both these topics :devil: Indeed, I am already indebted to those who have enthused my appetite for the former.

MUCH too verbose for my tastes.

That being said, I can't help you. I don't eat pussy and most certaintly don't eat bleeding pussy.

I've received very little oral sex, and never have even fucked while on my period, but after reading threads on this topic, am just a wee bit curious and with the right person, MIGHT do it.
Elias Uzhakov said it best I fancy when proclaiming “Coin is the best lubricant for all life’s most lubricious activities”, and indeed I like to think he looks down at me from the heavens, nodding mechanically with a grin suggesting almost parental pride at my burgeoning salaciousness. Merely burgeoning because unlike the Petropavlosk native, harsh, unforgiving Russian winters are as alien to me as they are to Facist Blitzkriegs and generously perfumed Frenchmen mucking around with swords and muskets, and thus I have yet to be drawn into the welcoming, sultry rectums of local wildlife (And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise). Nay, my depravity has to muster strength for perhaps a billion footsteps before I can look the likes of Caligula square in the eyes once I am banished to the dwelling of he who chose to taint my mind with such hopes for vice. But soldier on I must and delighted I am to say that I achieved but one objective in my life long campaign of prurience, that relating to The Crimson Tide I confessed to covet at the beginning of this thread, however I must also confess to resorting to opulence to obtain a girl sufficiently obsequious to allow me to sup upon her chalice. But this was no whore (That is, I like to imagine she wasn’t officially part of their coven, no offence to courtesans who I must confess have relieved me in the past of perhaps a paper cupful of my seed), no, just an innocent, delicate young rose who enjoyed excesses of alcohol and money, and indeed I exploited both thanks to my nefarious usage of disposable income. Anyway, I loosened her tongue with my formidable charm, earned by my avoidance of the more despicable English accents that could’ve threatened to cripple me, and discovered this girl was not only of a demeanor infinitely appealing to any red blooded male but was also currently experiencing that lovely seepage I so craved. Pressing on I revealed to this delirious flower that, being so gentlemanly and chivalrous, that I cared not for inundation in this potential deluge, any disgust would instantly be offset by my overwhelming desire to please her not only sexually but emotionally, for you see I wanted to know who this woman was, to know everything from the darkest recesses of her soul, and I would most assuredly weep as she would upon beginning these loquacious liaisons that would shed light on all the most lamentable experiences of her life etc… Naturally, ‘twas not long before she was ensconced within my motel room, none the wiser to my inglorious caprices although perhaps not without suspicions since I ‘jokingly’ offered her several hundred to provoke some promiscuity on her part, which she accepted jubilantly. Bravely my tongue and digits sought to explore the charming folds of her femininity, as if to speed the process, but to no avail it seemed. Since this was an actually very attractive lass I was tempted to bring to bear my mighty (Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise) weapon, perhaps to try again in several hours or at the conclusion of these delectable escapades, but this inclination dissipated once I draw back my gaze only to have it drawn to a very watery concoction, that would’ve been declared colorless but for a diluted redness, that seemed to enter the fray from a mysterious origin obfuscated, to pool within the subtle ponds offered within her flesh and cascade modestly onto the sheets below. I stabbed my moist dagger (Tongue, that is) inwards several times but there was little change in piquancy, this pugnacious mademoiselle kept herself in pristine condition and thus very little taste actually caressed my taste buds. This represented what could be declared an anti-climax, I half expected jovially to battle drowning despite the paltry dimensions of this petite rose. She was entirely unaware of her emission, and an instinctive brush of the forearm rid me of any vampiric countenance, if I had gained such a façade, and thusly to stave off boredom I unleashed my full repertoire of cavortations, a truly exhausting hour and a half (Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise) ‘twas. The rascal, taking advantage of my sleepiness and general fatuities, would surreptitiously relieve me of a number of notes later that morning and leave me to awake with a blazing erection and nothing but a sweaty hand with which to extinguish this conflagration, and I also found myself atop a rather crusty blotch. Sadly before I could make good my escape a vindictive maid entered the room as I was cleansing myself and spied the imperfection, and they had the impudence to charge me extra for leaving the sheets in such a state! Still, I’m sure there are lessons contained within these chronicles for my grandchildren so I did not protest vehemently.

Regardless I’d say this peccadillo of mine is still present and could benefit from repeated exploration, clarity has not of course been obtained fully and there is much to be reaped from this genre I fancy. Shan't linger on this thread though, much thanks for all the contributions :)
The conquering hero strode through the whitewashed gates of the citadel and into the hall, his sanguine quest fulfilled. The magnificent room was draped in red bunting and the collected crowd showered him with crimson roses as he past. He knelt before the throne and the regal man pinned the broach upong his chest, a pair of scarlet angels wings trimmed in gold.

"Arise Sir Dallas Drake, Knight of the Order of the Red Wings."

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
TBKahuna123 said:
The conquering hero strode through the whitewashed gates of the citadel and into the hall, his sanguine quest fulfilled. The magnificent room was draped in red bunting and the collected crowd showered him with crimson roses as he past. He knelt before the throne and the regal man pinned the broach upong his chest, a pair of scarlet angels wings trimmed in gold.

"Arise Sir Dallas Drake, Knight of the Order of the Red Wings."

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Surely even Genghis Khan returned from his conquests of rape and pillage unable to regale his comrades with tales of consuming menstrual emissions, regardless of his other behavior that elicited frowns I can't help but feel I've surpassed him :devil: Although this isn't open to debate btw /exits abruptly
TBKahuna123 said:
You know I love this thread and D_D's style and I love this board! Where else can you have a discussion like this where the leader speaks like a cross between Shakespeare and my college English professor? I just have this vision of a bunch of us sitting in a drawing room somewhere, sipping brandy in front of a roaring fire, discussing eating sanguine pussy while D_D sits in a wing chair smoking a pipe and wearing a smoking jacket. It's like Masterpiece Theatre meets Dr. Ruth. ;)

Style, D_D, if nothing else, you've got Style. :nana:

I am taken aback by the obvious perspicacious conversation Eilan and Dallas have shown, it is AppleBiter that I totally understand. ;)

AppleBiter said:
Cathleen said:
I am taken aback by the obvious perspicacious conversation Eilan and Dallas have shown, it is AppleBiter that I totally understand. ;)

Perspicacious? Sheesh, where'd you get that one at? Do you know how long it's been since I had to look up a work I didn't know? :eek:

Thanks for making me feel stupid, Cathleen. :cool:
TBKahuna123 said:
Perspicacious? Sheesh, where'd you get that one at? Do you know how long it's been since I had to look up a work I didn't know? :eek:

Thanks for making me feel stupid, Cathleen. :cool:
But Moondoggie, I looked it up too! lol Sometimes you just gotta go after these erudite highbrows with words they understand. ;) Like I said, Applebiter is more my speed. (No disrespect to Applebiter at all.)

I cannot let your analogy of this thread being a cross between Masterpiece Theatre meets Dr. Ruth is priceless. Only at Lit!