The Dark Arts (Closed)

Verity looked around, it looked like a neighborhood right out of a horror movie. Of course so did Islan, but for some odd reason she kept finding her self attracted to him. Shaking her thoughts she looked around the buildings and the few people that seemed to be hidden withing the shadows. A chill went up her spine as she stood there. Keeping herself calm she took a step up to Islan.

"Alright, where do we begin."

She said to him as her eyes scanned the area around her. Her trust flew right out the window as she stood there. This did not appear to be a safe haven, but then again when you were dabbling in the things that they were, well it was better to be not noticed at all and to blend in, then to stick out as they would have from her part of town.
"Right this way my dear" he said with a smile as he put his arm around her shoulder. Showing his tattoed hand, the people in the shadows would know to leave them alone now

He lead her into a large abandoned building. They walked down I to the darkness, taking several flights into the darkness. Islan used his arts to make his hands glow in a bright reddish orange to light their way down into the depths nthey soon arrived Ina large store room. He had set the room up with small lanterns, he cast his hands at hem and they each ignited inflame, lighting the large room

"Now I hope you have shed your modesty from yesterday. For this little ceremony you will need to remove your top you can keep on your bottoms, for now we will it be doing anything with that" he told her as he gestured into the room non onside was a work bench that had several archaic devices and bottles of differnet collored materials
Verity looked at him a little suspicious at first but she had come to far to let this stand in her way. Sliding her shirt up over her head she stood there for a few moments before she unclasped her bra and allowed it to fall down her body. She knew the necklace was safely hidden with in her as her tattoos flowed over her chest and abdomen. Again the tattoos landed on her chest in a protective manner.

The ones across her abdomen wrapped around her waist, with twists and turns up her back as the formed until deciding to finally settle. Staring at him she raised her head slightly.

"Will this do?"
His eyes slidnover her body as she unclasped her bra. Her full breasts bouncing free slightly, but the firm flesh resisted gravity as the dull orbs stood out perky on her chest. He watched as her tattoos swirled about her, coalescing over her chest. Another band slidnaround her waist and finally slowed into another set of what resmbled protective wards

"Yes that will do nicely" he said with a smile. Then he gathered several diffeent powders and liquids from the work table. He got a large bowl and then a small tattling prong. The prong was a slender steel stick that clauses at the end with a cluster of small needles. He grabbed several of them, each one flaring out differently and having different arrangements and numbers of needles at the tip. He mixed several of the powders in precise amounts and one of the black liquids. Then he took a small knife, sliced a cut along his palm and let several drips of blood mingle with the tincture. He stirred it all together nad then placed it over a brazier. With a wave of his hand a small fire burst to life under the brazier

"I am going to give you four tattoos. One on each shoulder, one on your back and the last on your chest" he told her as he continued stirring

"It will sting, the tincture being slightly unpleasant to the flesh, but this will give you focal points to aid in anchoring your own magics as well as giving you a tie into the nether Eelam that binds it to your flesh, and in so doing, binds it to your will" he told her

Then he reache over and pulled her closer to the light, as she stepped to him hensmiled as her full breasts jiggled ever so sloghtly. Tuen he turned her, presenting her back to him. He took one of the smaller straighter needles, dipped it into the tincture and the stuck it into her skin, slowly scoring her flesh as he worked th outline of the glyph into the center of her back