The Economy

Oddly right wing radio shows basically only tell their listeners to buy gold, so they could careless about the stock market and investing in America!

Pay up front to buy the gold and again when you sell it great business! Maybe a great investment but certainly NOT helping America be great again.

Take money away from social security is wall street’s dream, but these folks would buy gold

For MONTHS they have been hawking $1 hold pieces from the 20’s. Uncirculated
500 of them ? Why the hell is taking them so long to sell?
US mortgage rates tumble to 6.55% in biggest drop in two years

The decline in rates “should set the stage for a modest recovery in transactions in the rest of the year, providing that recession fears prove unfounded as we expect,” Thomas Ryan, North America economist at Capital Economics, said in a note. “We think this marks a turning point for the housing market, which has been frozen for a while now.”
I'm really starting to wonder what exactly the Rich are up to. I remember being told that the stock market and employment were going up because the rich were sure Trump had this in the bag and there was nothing to worry about it. Now I'm being told that these same people are fleeing the market because they sure Kamala is going to win.

Now short term which for me is generally anything less than year if you can't point specifically to a dagger is just something that happen. Don't look too much on a single day, week or month. Look for a trend that last a bit. The market will turn down again sooner or later probably sooner but I don't think we are quite there.

However if the rich are THIS powerful in the nation that seems like a very important reason to absolutely do anything we can to spread wealth to more Americans as soon as possible. Its not enough that a handful of people can buy up all the air space, that only the rich can run for office but they can also just sell off chunks of their companies to destroy the economy and thus affect the mood of the entire nation and really the globe? That's the world the Right not only thinks we live in but is a proper world?

I think that's insane but I've read the Bible. Turns out men do want Kings.
actually its 3 percent and by the way how do you get safeway to roll back there 30 to 40 increases over the last 3 years or GM and Ford lower the prices on their products?

The core PCE inflation rate is 2.6%, as explained in the link in my comment. Reading links is usually a good idea. 👍
actually its 3 percent and by the way how do you get safeway to roll back there 30 to 40 increases over the last 3 years or GM and Ford lower the prices on their products?

Without an absurdly powerful government that even the most radical liberals in the country aren't calling for you simply don't. That 30-40% (Which isn't event true) is here to stay.
The core PCE inflation rate is 2.6%, as explained in the link in my comment. Reading links is usually a good idea. 👍
Gas is still at 5 bucks a gallon in Seattle and diesel is worse. Worse if Ms Harris wins she will likely raise taxes which will fall on the consumer to pay....Joe and Chuck and Nancy killed the golden goose
Gas is still at 5 bucks a gallon in Seattle and diesel is worse. Worse if Ms Harris wins she will likely raise taxes which will fall on the consumer to pay....Joe and Chuck and Nancy killed the golden goose

US oil field production is at all-time highs.

If Harris raises taxes, it will only be on the richest few.

Trump’s tariff plans would raise prices on everything imported into the US.

The US economy has done very well during the Biden administration, particularly in comparison to other nations.
Oddly right wing radio shows basically only tell their listeners to buy gold, so they could careless about the stock market and investing in America!

Didn't picture you as the type to spend much, if any, time listening to right-wing anything...
Trump Wants to Reduce the Independence of the Fed

Former President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would like a "say" in setting interest rates if he is reelected, further raising the prospect that the Republican nominee could seek to reduce the independence of the Federal Reserve if he wins in November.

"I feel the president should have at least say in there, yeah, I feel that strongly," the presidential candidate said in response to a question about the US central bank interest rate policy and the prospects of a soft landing for the US economy.

No sane people think politicians should control the Fed.
Note! The tax relief that was allowed to the lower classss has to end! Not that it helped many in Blue states.
The upper class oligarchs who benefit the MOST from corporate tax rate? No no no! We need the to keep trickling on us!!

Have you heard about the deficit??
If MAGAs knew anything about money they wouldn't invest in a company where one bullet or a choking to death incident on a hamburger will turn their investment to zero.
Meanwhile, Truth Social is down again today. 52+% down in the last three months.
If MAGAs knew anything about money they wouldn't invest in a company where one bullet or a choking to death incident on a hamburger will turn their investment to zero.
Meanwhile, Truth Social is down again today. 52+% down in the last three months.
It wasn't that long ago that one of the three big MAGATts on here claimed that no one had ever lost any money on Truth Social.
Inflation continues to be completely under control. Good news.

The Producer Price Index for final demand increased 0.1 percent in July, seasonally adjusted, the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Final demand prices rose 0.2 percent in June and
were unchanged in May. (See table A.) On an unadjusted basis, the index for final demand
advanced 2.2 percent for the 12 months ended in July.