"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

Her last act before surrendering to a wondrous unconsciousness was to whisper, "You can stay with me the night if you want. I'd ... I'd like that."

Oh thank god, Mac thought. There was no way he was getting up at the moment. Alice was smart, beautiful, skilled, and rather energetic in bed. Bluntly, he was fucking exhausted. He hadn’t had an orgasm that intense in years, before the pod time.

He wasn’t sure how they were going to sleep, facing and spooning, but it didn’t really matter as they both fell asleep before they could figure out logistics of the situation.

“She may have young eyes, but she has nice firm tits.” Alaina commented with a grin. “If you ever decide you need to practice before you move to guys, just let us- me – know. I’ll make sure you’re satisfied. And that way you’ll know what you like, and we can pass the information along to tall dark and sexy. So he can make sure it’s totally awesome for you.”
Day 15:

Alice and Mac:

It had been a long time since Alice had spent the night in bed with a man. Her last few lovers prior to her century and a half stint in stasis hadn't been sleep over types, in her mind anyway. They'd spent hours bumping uglies, cuddled a few minutes, then went their own way, with either the man leaving Alice's place or her leaving his.

This unfamiliarity caused Alice to wake around 0430 hours, her brain instantly recalling the night before and recognizing the feel of Mac's arms around her. They'd each been so exhausted from their hours-long love making session that they'd gone to sleep in this position and remained there almost 6 hours without budging. Alice found it a delicious feeling, the warmth of Mac's body against her backside, his left arm under her neck, his right around her waist with his hand upon one of her firm breasts.

She didn't want to move ... ever! Alice could have stayed here for eternity. But after several minutes of realizing that she'd never get back to sleep -- her mind was spinning with wondrous memories of the night before -- she decided to get up and around. Gently, she slipped out of Mac's arms and out of her bed. Naked, she stood over him for a long moment, smiling as replayed each and every moment of pleasure that had occurred between them.

Alice's smile faded as she suddenly found herself wondering, Was this a one-night stand? She hoped not; Alice had enjoyed the physical nature of what had happened between them, but it had felt like so much more. Oh, she wasn't the fall head over heels type who fucked once and started planning a wedding. But there was something about Mac that ... that just felt right.

Wrapping her robe around her otherwise still naked body and snatching up her towel from where it had been drying over the back of a chair, Alice headed for the Hygiene Room. She soaked under the hot, streaming flow several minutes before finally getting to work washing the remainder of the dried sweat and other bodily fluids from her skin and pits.

Adeline, Marcia, and Alaina:

Marcia was the first of the three lovers to rouse, rolling to look into the peaceful faces of the other two with a delighted smile. The two side-by-side mattresses they'd spread on the floor of Adeline's quarters gave them plenty of room to be adventurous with one another. As with the shower earlier in the evening, the three of them had been all over each other until each had enjoyed their share of orgasms. They went so well together, leaving Marcia very content with the two.

She had, of course, offered her pussy to Ty at one point. He'd passed, though; she preferred that word to rejected. She'd been disappointed at the time but had come to accept it. Everyone was getting what they needed from someone by now -- well, except for Rita and the Captain. (Marcia didn't know about Alice and Mac, of course.)

As with the bunker boss in the room a level below, Marcia rose quietly and carefully as to not arouse her lovers, then made her way to the showers. She cleaned up, dried, dressed, and headed upstairs to the Saloon kitchen. She put on coffee and water for tea, then began preparing breakfast for the others.

Leslie and Ty:

In contrast to those still sleeping on this level and the one below, Leslie roused at the movements of the other person in bed with her. Ty always got up early enough to be on duty at 0500 hours, but this morning Leslie had every intention of causing him to be late.

She reached out to snatch one of his hands, pulling him back onto the bed again as she sat up, exposing the upper half of her naked body. Pulling Ty close to her, Leslie kissed him with wet lips and a toying tongue, whispering, "Stay ... stay ... and let me suck your cock."

Without waiting for a response, she reached a hand to his crotch, taking hold of him as she kissed her way down his body. If Ty didn't stop her, she'd take his length in between her lips and do her best to cause him to fill her mouth with his thick, salty cum.
Unlike the Captain his encounters with the ladies had been more.. committed. Very very few had been one nighters. And he was a light sleeper, a tour in Kazakhstan after the ‘The 42’ had solved being a heavy sleeper. At east for him, some in his squad never woke up when they got hit. Which was one of the reasons he’d never gone career with the Military. Plus, he was too damned smart for the run and gun shit.

After she left the room, he sat up. Had she just wanted a one nighter? Did she want him gone before she got back? Should he wait, or leave? Deciding it was best to leave, and talk more with her later, he got dressed and listened at the door before slipping out and heading up to the hygiene area. This place had the weirdest names. ‘Monitoring station’ in stead of ‘security center’. ‘Hygiene Area’ instead of ‘shit and shower’. Or just ‘Showers’. ‘Research and Infirmary’ instead of ‘Med Bay’, ‘Medical’, or ‘sick bay’. ‘Repair bay’ instead of ‘Maintenance’. ‘saloon’, instead of ‘Chow Hall’. Weird but whatever.

Evading everyone he was back in his quarters and got clean clothes before heading to ‘Hygiene’ and taking a shower. Only one shower was running and it was Alice’s robe on the hook. So he took the stall next to her and turned the water as hot as it could go.

“If that’s you Captain, I’d like to meet with you this morning and go over what I’m fixing, just to keep you in the loop and updated. Unless you’re busy.”

Waking with a start as one side got cold, Alaina looked around and realized Marcia was gone. Normally she woke up to one of them eating her out, but Marcia was gone. Did this mean she didn’t want threesomes anymore? Did she want to detach from Alaina or Adeline? Maybe she didn’t want either of them anymore? Was she going to just stop being with them or was she going to say something about it? Was she mad, disappointed, tired, or upset?

Grabbing clothes Alaina left Adeline in bed as she headed for the showers and broke down crying under the hot water.

Ty and Leslie:
Never one to turn down a good ole blow job Tyrande lay back in bed and watched her. His eyes-crossing for a moment at the sheer pleasure of what she was doing. Unlike their sex/love making, this was faster. So much faster. Within minutes his cock began to hurt and then he was grasping bedding and trying his damnedest to not choke her by shoving his cock into her throat. It was bad enough when his cock exploded like a volcano, erupting with white cream to spatter against her tonsil and coat her tongue.
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Alice and Mac:

Alice had had her head under the flow of the shower head when Mac entered, realizing he was present only when he began speaking to her, causing her to flinch in surprise. He finished his report with, "Unless you’re busy.”

She pulled back the shower curtain, looking for others; she didn't expect anyone, of course, as she and Mac were on the otherwise unused Level 5 berthing area. Still, Alice wasn't ready for her brand-new sexual relationship to become the latest gossip for the bunker grape vine.

She pulled her drape open further, stepped out and to Mac's stall, and pulled his curtain open as well. Waiting for him to make eye contact with her, Alice stepped in, closed the barrier, wrapped her arms around her lover's torso, and before meeting his lips with her own, said, "I'm not busy now. Why don't you tell me what your day holds for you."

Adeline and Alaina:

Of the three lovers, Adeline was the last to awaken. The bed felt so enormous without the warm bodies of Alaina and Marcia occupying it. She rolled to her back and stared at the overhead, crowded with pipes, ducts, and conduits and only barely illuminated by the indirect and only partially energized light of the common area.

After recalling the joy of the threesome, Adeline next thought was of Ella and Seashore. The French woman was eager to learn more about the community that she, Alaina, and Alice had deduced was likely in the Liverpool area of England or possibly to the south-southwest of that in Wales.

One of the women -- Alaina, Adeline thought she recalled -- had suggested that Ella's belief that Seashore was in Norway might have been a language issue, a mistranslation; Ella's Norway might very well have been North Wales. Even though the message they'd received had been in English, Ella's native language might very well be Welsh. The fluent-in-9-languages Adeline had, once upon a time, considered learning that Celtic language, instead studying two Innuit languages because she'd wanted to be able to converse with the locals on a summer vacation to Canada's Northern Territories.

Eager to get back to the Monitoring Station to see if they'd received another message from the world beyond the bunker, Adeline hopped up, grabbed fresh undergarments and yesterday's outer clothes, and headed for the Hygiene Room. (She, like Mac, had wondered to herself why the various compartments in the bunker had such strange names.)

Inside, she heard water from one of the showers splashing to the deck and presumed that the stall's occupant was one of her two lovers. Dropping her clothes and stepping out of her panties, she moved closer -- and caught the sound of a woman crying.

Without announcing herself, Adeline pulled the curtain open just a smidge, finding Alaina sobbing under the flow of the hot water. Without hesitation, Adeline stepped into the stall, taking the other woman into her arms as she said with a sympathetic tone, "Oh, ma chérie, pourquoi pleures-tu ... why are you crying, my love."

Ty and Leslie:

Leslie went immediately to work on Ty's cock; this wasn't making love but was instead pure, dirty sex. She hadn't wanted him to leave, despite knowing that he had duties to which he needed to attend, and knowing how good she was at oral and how much he liked when she performed it on him, Leslie was confident that Ty would be willing to be a few minutes late this one time.

She was initially surprised at how quickly his cock began leaping inside her mouth, flooding her tongue and the back of her throat with his warm, thick goo. But later, when she thought about it further, she would realize that while they'd spent the previous night together, they hadn't fucked; all Leslie had had to do was prime the pump to get it to deliver.

In all honesty, the Doctor had never much enjoyed the taste of a man's cum; the only reason she'd ever blown her previous male lovers was because it meant they were obligated to reciprocate, putting their tongues and fingers on her clit and in her pussy. But Leslie had come to like the taste of Ty during their ten days or so as lovers. Was it his diet that made him taste so good? Something biological or genetic?

She was a doctor and should have been able to offer an answer. The only answer she'd come up with was that she loved him dearly -- even without a commitment on his part -- and perhaps had convinced herself that the taste and feel of his salty, warm load pooling on her tongue and slipping down her throat was somehow different than those many loads that had found their way to her belly so long before Ty.

Even before his cock ceased twitching, Leslie pulled her mouth back to contain only his bulbous head, then milked his shaft with tightly gripping fingers and thumb to get every last drop. She swallowed, cleared her mouth with her tongue, then licked his cock all over to get anything that had earlier escaped her mouth.

She moved up Ty's body to put her lips to his, then remembered what he'd said days earlier about not wanting even the hint of his own cum on her mouth when they kissed. Instead, she kissed his chest repeatedly, feeling his heart beating in his rising and falling chest and listening to his deep breaths.

"You liked that, yes?" Leslie asked, already knowing the answer. She waited for his response, then sat up tall to look down upon him. "You should get to work. The captain's going to be wondering why you're late."

For just a moment, she considered telling Ty about her condition. She didn't. This wasn't the right time. She didn't know when the right time would be. But Leslie knew that right after she'd blown him to an explosive orgasm wasn't that time.
Alice and Mac:
“Um… I’m not sure how to start this.. Was this a single event? I’m not normally into that but if that’s what you want I’ll Acquiesce.”

“Granted we’ve only known each other for a few days, and I don’t expect confessions of undying love. But I enjoyed myself immensely last night and I’d like to continue those events on regular basis. I’m not saying every night, just more than once a month. If your willing.”

As he spoke his hands were roaming across her body, his fingertips stroking and caressing her spine, shoulder blades, her hips, her gorgeous breasts, hell anything he could reach that he knew were potential erogenous zones.

Ty and Leslie:
"You liked that, yes?" Leslie asked, already knowing the answer.

“Any man that says he didn’t like a blowjob is insane, or a deviant.” Ty commented. “And if I cum, I enjoyed it he added with a grin.

"You should get to work. The captain's going to be wondering why you're late."

“She doesn’t get into her office until about oh-six-hundred, But I do need a shower, and to do laundry, Again. I need to get with Alaina as well, check on the status of the uplink she’d established.”

“But before that,” he said pushing her onto her back and crawling downwards. “What’s good for the gander, is good for the goose.” Kissing her inner thighs and just above her clit he indicated this was going to be one of his torture sessions of love making.

Adeline and Alaina:
“I don’t know?!” Alaina cried. “I overthink to much. And I’m under stress to give the Captain information faster than I can do it. Whomever wrote the satellite coding was an idiot and I have to rewrite the whole thing just to save space and get it to processes faster. And Marcia doesn’t want me anymore, she snuck out of bed like she’s ashamed of us. Or me.”

“I’ve never had a relationship with a girl last this long and I don’t know why it keeps happening? Am I too clingy? Am I fat? Maybe she wants pretty girls like you but not me!” Breaking into another bout of sobs she couldn’t hold back.

“Everyone fucks me until they’re tired and then they just move on. I’m the fat friend. Sexy enough to bed but not pretty enough to wed.” Why marry the fat girl, she wouldn’t leave, as long as she was getting laid she was happy. But Alaina wasn’t happy, she was stressing out and didn’t know how to fix it. Even talking to Adeline was going to push the cute redhead away. Nobody wanted an emotional wreck!
Alice and Mac:

"I'm more than willing," Alice said when Mac asked if she'd want to hook up more often than only occasionally. "I enjoyed last night immensely ... and I'd like to repeat it often ... as often as you wish."

She took the bar of soap from his hand and ran it over his body with an erotic touch. She told him, "I'm not a one-night stand kind of girl. I ... I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself ... but I'm hoping that maybe we can make a habit of this."

She rose to her toes to kiss him, saying, "I hope I don't offend you when I say this ... but I would prefer to keep this between us for now ... if that's good with you. My position here ... as leader of the Community ... I'd just..."

She didn't finish, hoping that Mac would understand.

Ty and Leslie:

Ty let Leslie know that there wasn't a reason to hurry after all and repositioned them to go down on her. She hadn't expected this anymore than Ty had expected what she'd delivered to him. As he had the first time he'd put his mouth to her body, Ty took his time, first kissing, licking, and caressing her thighs and neatly trimmed mound before ever finding her womanhood.

Ty kept Leslie moaning deeply and crying softly for what seemed like an eternity. Often, she found the pleasure building toward climax, only to have him slow down to extend the fun ... and, as he'd described it in his own mind, torture. She laughed once, demanding that he get her off; another time she begged him desperately.

When finally, his skilled work sent her over the edge, Leslie was both relieved and disappointed. The euphoria was magnificent, yes, but it also meant that they were done ... for now, anyway. They each had jobs to do; they couldn't spend the day here fucking and sucking each other off.

As she was coming down from the euphoria, Leslie pulled Ty up to her for a deep kiss; he may not have liked the taste of his own cum on her lips, but she didn't at all mind the taste of her juices on his. Between deep breaths, she told him, "Thank you, Ty. You ... you make me very happy."

Adeline and Alaina:

Adeline held Alaina tight to her as the latter sobbed about the things that were stressing her out: Alice's demands for information about the world beyond the bunker; the incompetence of other computer programmers whose work from so long ago was making her own work today so much more difficult; and then -- most unexpectedly -- her feelings that Marcia didn't want to be involved with her anymore.

"Oh, pour avoir pleuré à haute voix," the French woman exclaimed with laughter. "You're imagining things, chérie. Marcia loves being with you as much as I do." She took Alaina's face in her hands and kissed her. "And I love being with you."

“Everyone fucks me until they’re tired and then they just move on," the hacker said. "I’m the fat friend. Sexy enough to bed but not pretty enough to wed.”

Adeline pulled back from Alaina, looking her naked body up and down and smiling wide with joy. "Look at you!" She ripped open the shower curtain and turned the hacker until they were both looking across the room at the mirrors over the sinks. "Look at you! Mon dieu! Vous êtes parfait! You are perfect!"

Adeline ran her hands over Alaina's tight, curvy body, finding a breast with one while the second dropped to her neatly trimmed bush and nearly found the folds within which just last night her tongue was playing. Kissing Alaina's shoulder, Adeline said with a promising tone, "Marcia will be your lover for as long as you will have her. Trust me."
Alice and Mac:
“I don’t kiss and tell, and I’d very much like to have a dedicated relationship with you. I don’t play around. And I ask that you also refrain from such activities. If, however, you do decide you need to occupy your time with one of the ladies, they do have equipment I don’t, so I will understand. If, however, I discover that you occupy yourself with any male while we are together, it will be a breakup. I won’t be cuckolded.” Picking her up he kissed her, his whole being putting more into the kiss than he’d intended, the sheer emotional output indicating he had feelings for her. Feelings that quite possibly would extend very far. Given time.

Ty and Leslie:
Returning the kiss Ty looked down at her, he was in perfect position, and hard, to take her again. “You make me happy as well.” he told her. “If you didn’t take so long to cum, we could have sex, but I need to shower and do my rounds.” But he couldn’t resist teasing her so he guided his cock to her saliva saturated mound and slide inside her. Just once, slowly easing in with short in and out strokes until her was buried inside her. The head of his rigid cock pressing against her cervix, and his pubic bone against her clit. Pulling back he slid from her core and grabbed his clothes. “Maybe we can finish this sooner rather than later?” he suggested.

Walking from the room his hard cock led the way to the showers. Afterwards he went to the saloon, long before Marcia woke up and started coffee, then he made his rounds starting at the top floor and working his way down to the bottom. Walking among the pods he reminded himself to get with Alaina and find out what the settings needed to read, and exactly how many survivors they still had.

None of the gauges on the pods were the same and he didn’t know what the ‘safe range’ was supposed to be. But Alaina had been so busy of late with the external contact he’d been hesitant to ask. He needed to ask how that was going as well.

Adeline and Alaina:
“Then why did she sneak out of bed? Why didn’t she wake me up? She always wakes me up, she’s never snuck out of bed like that before. It always starts like that. Distancing from me, secretive shit. Sneaking from bed to avoid me. She’s probably meeting with Rita or Leslie, or the Captain. That’s why the Captain is always alone. She has Marcia! I bet she puts so much on me to keep me busy so she can spend time with Marcia!”

“It’s fine though, if Marcia wants to be with the Captain, they can have each other. I won’t interfere. They have a right to be happy.” Pushing her way past Adeline she washed the tears from her face. “I’m sorry you had to see me like this. I won’t blame you when you move out of my room.”
Alice and Mac:

Mac repeated Alice's desire to have a one-to-one relationship, though, he did give her one out, the freedom to partake of one or more of the women in the bunker, if that was to her liking. She had to smile at that thought, wondering if he wasn't also contemplating the possibility that she'd invite him to such an encounter. Most of the men she'd known in her life had dreamed of a three-way with two beautiful women. Ironically, most of those men who had realized that dream had discovered that they would have preferred to simply have at it with each of those women one at a time if given that chance.

Mac lifted Alice so hard and high against him for a passionate kiss that her tippy toes were touching the floor but not actually supporting her. Their tongues danced as she felt his hard cock trapped between their bodies. She was about to suggest that he turn her around for a quickie when the bunker's AI interrupted, her almost-human voice sounding from the nearest intercom speaker.

"Captain Walker, we've received another text message from the source you've identified as the community of Seashore," it informed. "Would you like me to--"

"Not now, Bertha!" Alice cut in, laughing as her head dropped forward to rest on Mac's chest. When she looked up into his eyes again, she explained, "She can track each one of us to our precise location, but she can't understand that if two people are in the same shower stall together, they might not be on the clock."

She kissed Mac again, pulled away, and told him, "I should go. But ... we'll continue with this soon ... perhaps tonight...?"

Alice asked the question with obvious hopefulness. She'd been out of stasis now for over two weeks, ravaged by the same cryo drug sexual side effects as the rest of them without doing anything about it, and now -- finally -- she had a man with whom she could satisfy her physical needs without the worries of chain of command issues. It wasn't just that, though; Alice truly liked this man and, despite having known him for only a few days, believed they had a chance of becoming more than just fuck buddies.

Leslie and Ty:
“If you didn’t take so long to cum," Ty told Leslier, "we could have sex, but I need to shower and do my rounds.”

"Oh, you fucking tease!" she laughed, slapping at his bare thigh. "You put this on me?"

She was relieved when he moved up her body and slid his cock inside her ... only then to pull out after she'd only just begun to moan at the wondrous feeling and tell her, “Maybe we can finish this sooner rather than later?”

As he dressed, Leslie just stared in amazement. "Are you kidding? Are you kidding...?"

She laughed again, disappointed that another orgasm wasn't coming her way but understanding that he needed to get to work. Leslie watched Ty finish up, smiling; she was so happy with him as her partner, her lover. Again, she contemplated whether this was the right time to tell him she was pregnant. Would there ever be a right time? He'd learn eventually, of course, when her perfectly flat belly began swelling before his very eyes.

She still had time to end her pregnancy, of course, and she was the facility's doctor, meaning she had easy and confidential access to the drugs necessary to make it happen. Leslie had never contemplated having a child simply because the right time hadn't yet arrived. But she wasn't against being a mother. And particularly now, with the world as they'd known it gone and her previous professional responsibilities null and void, what more did she have ahead of her?

Once again, she kept her secret to herself as Ty made his escape. Leslie laid there for a long moment, staring at the overhead in silence. Without realizing that she was doing it, she began caressing her hands over her naked body, eventually finding that part of her body that Ty had teased and then abandoned. She drove herself to orgasm with nibble fingers, imagining her lover's tongue lapping at her energetically.

After she'd come down, she let herself slip back into a delightful rest. Unlike many of the others, Leslie had no reason to be up and around so early in the morning.

Adeline and Alaina:

“Then why did she sneak out of bed?" Alaina asked about Marcia's silent departure. "Why didn’t she wake me up?"

Adeline held Alaina as she listened to the latter rant about how she thought Marcia had moved on, to Ty or Mac or one of the other three women. Adeline couldn't help but chuckled, pulling back to take Alaina's face in her hands and look into her eyes as she said, "You're wrong, chérie. You're wrong! Marcia yearns for no one the ways she yearns for you. Believe me."

“I’m sorry you had to see me like this," Alaina said after wiping away the tears and trying to regain her composure. "I won’t blame you when you move out of my room.”

Again, Adeline chuckled. "I'm not moving out of your room. Not unless you kick me out." She took Alaina's face again, kissing her softly. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, chérie. Not me ... not Marcia."

One more kiss, and Adeline headed out to dry and dress for work. She would continue to be there for Alaina if she needed her; she was falling in love with the woman, as she knew Marcia was, too. Adeline hoped that the pair of them could keep Alaina from cracking up under the pressure of her job. That was the real problem here, Adeline believed: the job. Maybe she would speak to Alice later about giving Alaina a break, a mini vacation.
Dropping a note with his information request on the keyboard so she’d see it when she got in Ty took a quick glance at yesterday’s logs. Then he went to The Captain’s old desk and started writing out notes, checking with Bertha to find everyone's current location. It was just now getting to 0450 hrs so no one else would be up for a few minutes, which made it easier.

Marcia was up and leaving Alaina’s room. Alaina and Adeline were still in there. Rita was in her Quarters. Leslie was in his. The Captain and Mac were on the next level down. In her quarters?

“Bertha, what is the medical status of The Captain and Dr. MacFerguson?”

“Both life-signs are within standard operational human parameters.”

“How long have they both been in that room, together?” He asked slowly.

“Nine Hours fourteen minutes thirty-seven seconds.” Bertha replied.

The Captain and Mac? He wondered. They could have been working on a project together and fallen asleep. Or she’d finally found someone to, relieve her stress with.
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After leaving the showers Alaina went up to get some food, not that she was really hungry, or had the time. With a sigh she grabbed some buttered toast and coffee and took them to the Monitoring station. Maybe she could find out where the Tweeter was at today.

Seeing Ty’s note on her keyboard she growled, “I have enough shit to do! I don’t need your added work, asshole.” Crumpling it in her hand she threw the note in his trash can.

Turning she headed back to her desk, but never made it. Everything went dark as she lost balance in a spinning room and fell to the floor.
Putting the last bolt in place and tightening everything down, Mac sat back and looked at the pump. He’d rigged up a power cord for testing, and plugged it back in. It gave a hard chug and coughed a few times but it started up and ran smooth after that.

Good now all they had to do was reconnect it down below and everything should be good. He’d let them know at the daily meeting. No need to spoil the good news.
Marcia and Adeline:

had biscuits that were as close to homemade baking in the oven when Adeline entered the kitchen with an odd expression on her face. The chef cocked her head, asking suspiciously, "What...?"

"Your leaving Alaina's bed this morning..." the French woman began, not finishing her sentence.

Marcia poured one of her lovers a hot mug of water for tea, asking, "What about it?"

"Alaina thinks you snuck out," Adeline answered, adding, "Because you are tiring of her ... of being her lover.

She opened the tin of loose tea leaves and searched for the tea infuser. Adeline had been relieved to find that the bunker's Administrators had passed on individually bagged, commercial tea portions as she'd always hated the taste of the bags themselves, some of which were made from a blend of wood and vegetable fibers, others of which were cotton.

Marcia's immediate response to the idea was to laugh aloud. "That's crazy! I..."

When the cook went silent, Adeline turned to face her. She inquired, "You what?"

Marcia didn't immediately respond this time, instead looking down to the bowl in which she was stirring ingredients for some breakfast entree. Adeline moved closer, intimately closer, and repeated her question, "You what?"

"I ... I think I'm in love with her," the cook said softly, sincerely.

She looked up to meet the beautiful redhead's hazel-green eyes with her own deep brown ones, her expression easily revealing the hesitance she felt speaking those words. Adeline reached out to caress her cheek with the back of her curled fingers, asking, "Were you afraid to say that because you haven't known her that long, chérie ... or ... because you don't feel the same for me ... and you are afraid you would hurt me?"

Marcia's eyes fell to the bowl again, the big spoon in her hand not circling but simply still in the thick batter. The French woman took the container of mixture from the cook's hands, set it aside, and pulled her into an intimate hug, telling her, "C’est bon, ma chérie ... it is okay. I know ... I know how you feel for her. You and I..."

Adeline pulled back enough to look the other woman in her now glazed over eyes. She smiled, saying, "J’aime être ton amante ... I love being your lover. But I am not in love with you, any more than you are in love with me. Alaina ... she is special ... merveilleux. The two of you are meant for one another. I know this. You know this. But Alaina...? She needs to know this."

Adeline backed up and aside, clearing a path for the kitchen's exit. Marcia looked to the bowl on the counter, then to the oven. The French woman knew what was crowding Marcia's mind and told her, "Aller ... go ... I am perfectly capable of finishing whatever confiserie you are preparing for breakfast."

Marcia hesitated a moment, then moved to Adeline to hug her and kiss her on the lips softly, before heading hurriedly out. Behind her, Adeline considered the exchange; she truly did love being Marcia's lover, being Alaina's lover, being their lover. She hoped that she hadn't just ended that relationship. But if she did, it would be a worthy sacrifice.

Alice, Rita, Alaina, and the rest:

had arrived at her new office in the corner of Level 3's Saloon to the wondrous smell of something baking. She poured herself a mug of coffee from behind the bar without bothering Marcia, entered her storage room to retrieve a computer tablet on which the day's priorities were listed, and spent a couple of minutes reviewing them.

Rita knocked on the open door and catching the boss's eye, asked, "Captain, do you have a moment to look at something in the Hort Lab? I don't want to bother you, but--"

Alice waved off the young woman's concern, heading for the door. "You're not bothering me, Rita. What's this about?"

As they headed out of the Saloon and up the stairs to the next level, the plant lady spoke about issues with water circulation and waste processing. The fertilization system used processed human waste -- urine only -- that went through a very specialized filtration system to prevent the passage of any potential human-transmitted diseases, but it hadn't been functioning well recently, so Rita had taken it offline.

The two of them spent several minutes reviewing the situation before Alice suggested, "We'll take this to Mac. If he can't fix it, Ty can."

Alice turned the younger woman for the door when an emergency tone began sounding, followed by Bertha's voice over the intercom with its never changing tone of calm: "Captain Walker, Lieutenant Collins, Doctor Hawkins ... medical emergency, Level 1, Monitoring Station. Miss Carmichael is down. I repeat, Miss Carmichael is down."

Even as Bertha was repeating everything she'd reported, Alice -- followed closely by Rita -- was sprinting up the stairs from Level 1 to Level 2. The Captain arrived so quickly that she was turning the unconscious Alaina to her back even as Bertha was finishing. As she checked for a pulse and evidence of breathing, she was calling out just in case the message hadn't reached the woman, "Doctor Hawkins to Level 1, now! Bertha! Make sure the Doc is on her way!"

"Yes, Captain," the AI responded calmly.

"On my way, Captain!" came the response from Leslie over the intercom, followed by, "ETA less than two minutes!"

"Make it faster!" Alice snapped; most of the residents could run the entire facility's height from bottom to top in less time than that. She couldn't know, of course, that the Doctor was naked and covered in suds at the moment, having finally awoken after her wondrous morning sex and subsequent nap. To the AI Alice said, "Bertha! Get everyone here, now!"

"Yes, Captain," the AI responded, still calm. Over the system-wide intercom, Bertha made the announcement that all hands were required on Level one for a medical emergency. The computer system would also track down each of the currently reanimated residents one by one, checking in with them personally to ensure that all were aware of the orders and responding. Ultimately -- with some of them already arriving -- Bertha reported, "Captain Walker, all personnel have checked in and confirmed their--"

"Yeah, yeah, got it!" Alice interrupted, looking to Rita and the first of the males to arrive, ordering, "Help me get her to a bed in the Infirmary."

They picked the still conscious woman up and hurried her to a bed. Leslie came flying into the Infirmary, dressed only in a pair of boxers and a wife-beaters tee shirt, both of which Ty had left behind at one point or another and permanently lost to her own sleeping comfort; having not dried herself off before donning the wardrobe, the cotton fabric was pasted to her bountiful bosom like a second skin, her nipples -- excited by the unexpected activity and natural chill of the bunker -- swollen significantly enough to draw attention at a time when she would have preferred they didn't.

"Okay, here we go," she told the crowd, which was continuing to build with the arrival of one person after another. "Listen close and do what I say when I say it!"

The Doctor began ordering this person to do that, that person to this, until very soon Alaina had leads and cuffs and infusion lines everywhere. Leslie was fairly impressed with how quickly and efficiently everyone hopped in to help their friend. Still, at one point she looked to Alice and with a serious tone and expression demanded, "I need more medical staff ... another doctor or at the least and RN."

"You'll get it," Alice responded without hesitation.

They continued working on Alaina, with Leslie directing the others to track and report what they were seeing on various monitors, gauges, and whatnot. Leslie was confused by what they were seeing; she asked questions of the others who spent more time with the woman -- Marcia, Adeline, even Alice -- looking for causes of the collapse and the odd vital signs they were seeing.

It was generally agreed that Alaina hadn't been eating properly and -- like many of them but even more so -- had been suffering from stress. Adeline pointed out without placing specific blame, "She works all the time. There's just too much on her plate."

Leslie crossed to a computer monitor that had beeped loudly with a report. She read the text, processed the information, then pointed and ordered, "Rita! That drawer, in the back ... pregnancy test."

Adeline laughed without hesitation, asking, "Why...? She hasn't been with one of the guys."

"What about that asshole, Greg?" Rita asked. "How do we know he didn't--"

"He didn't!" Alice said with authority. When the others looked to her, she clarified, "You weren't with him at the end, before we put him back into stasis. You know what the man was like. If he'd had sex with Alaina, whether she'd done so willingly or not ... trust me, he would have boasted about it. He didn't."

Looking to Leslie, Alice said, "A pregnancy test is a waste of resources. Move on."

But by now, Leslie was looking to Ty with a knowing expression. Neither Alaina nor Ty had spoken about their one time fucking one another to any of the others, yet Leslie knew how Ty felt about servicing those females in need after exiting stasis. She knew; she had no doubt. She did, however, question what she thought about it all.

Softly, she asked in Ty's general direction, "Would it be a waste of resources...?"
“As your conscience captain I recommend taking the test and using the resources. She’s only been awake two weeks. But she could have had a event before the pod and after her medical clearance. Hell she could have been.. violated by a Doctor, a technician, or even a security guard just before or even after her preparation for Deep Sleep. Hell, she could have even been with greg during the first few days of awakening. Until she’s tested we won’t know anything. Would an Ultrasound tell us?” Ty said, giving his theories and options. All without violating her privacy.

“Three of the potential security officers are MP’s, and field Medics. Two of them are female.” Ty suggested in response to Dr. Leslie’s comments about a doctor or Nurse. He also wanted a female Security, but medical was more pressing. Far more pressing indeed.”

Tapping into one of the I.V. Lines Mac took a blood sample and moved over to a Gas Spectrometer. Listening into everyone's conversations – small room. “Excuse me her Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is to low for her to be pregnant, unless it’s being suppressed by something. Is she on birth control? The Pill? Any natural Herbal remedies?”

“Wow.. that’s way to high! How the fuck did you get that much in your system?” Looking over at Leslie and the Captain he said, “She has elevated levels of Flibanserin and Bremelanotide, those are for treating depression and anxiety, but these levels are a thousand times what they should be. She’d have to be taking a thousand milligrams a day. They’re addictive, but they don’t generate a euphoric state. It’s a physiological dependency not a psychological one. Oh.. oh.. shit… she’s in withdraw. It happens when someone is taking SSRI’s.. bipolar meds. Some of them have to reduced slowly, not cold turkey or you can have complications. Seizures, loss of appetite, hypertension."

"But if she was Bipolar she’d have been pulled from the program, and she’d have crashed within the first few days of waking up, it has to be something else.” Ty said.

“Has anyone seen her taking anything, or eating anything unusual?” Ty watched everyone, someone new something. Suspected something. “No one is being blamed, but we need to know of anything suspicious. What’s changed recently? Different food? Different schedule? Rita is anything from the garden being consumed yet? Could she be having an allergic reaction?”
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Everyone, pretty much:

listened to Ty recap the possible ways Alaina might have become pregnant, none of which included him putting his own cock inside her. She was conflicted on how she felt about this: on one hand, Leslie wanted to believe that she was okay with Ty fucking Alaina -- fucking any of the other women; but on the other hand, she didn't think Alaina being pregnant with Ty's baby did anything for her own chances of a significant relationship with her lover.

Alice was thinking the same thing about Ty and Alaina, of course; all of the conscious women were. But she wasn't about to make accusations and instead only said, "We'll figure that out after Alaina regains consciousness."

When Ty offered up some optional medical personnel, the Captain asked the AI, "Bertha! Give me the names of Stiffs who are former military with both security and medical training."

"Yes, Captain," came the response from the intercom. A moment later, Bertha listed just two names, adding, "I am sorry, Captain Walker, but with only 35 people from whom to choose--"

"No, no ... I understand," Alice cut the AI off. She looked to Ty, saying, "Choose one ... or both maybe?" She glanced to Marcia: "Can we afford two more mouths to feed?" Before the cook could even open her mouth to respond, Alice looked to Rita, asking, "How long until you're supplying us fresh food?"

"About a week," the Horticultural Expert answered.

"It would be a burden," Marcia answered, "but I think it'd be worth having the extra medical help."

Alice looked to Ty. "You're call, Lieutenant."

Ty made the call requested of him, and the group returned their full attention back to Alaina. The medical terminology flew back and forth between Mac and Leslie, with the remainder of those present struggling to understand even a portion of it.

"No, she isn't on birth control," Leslie responded to one of Mac's questions. "No herbal remedies either. I don't know where she would have gotten them."

"No, not possible," Rita answered when Mac asked about Alaina and the Hort Lab. "I'm not growing anything she could be allergic to. No peanuts, no tree nuts, no shellfish -- even though we will be raising Tilapia soon -- no wheat, soy, sesame. Those are the most common food allergies."

"Can you treat what's happening to her?" Alice asked Leslie about Alaina's condition. "Is she going to survive this?"

"Yes ... of course," Leslie said confidently. She looked to her patient, to the tablet with her vitals on it, then to Mac. Speaking to the Captain about the two treating the hacker, Leslie said, "We'll get her through this ... I promise."

Alice nodded to the Doctor, then looked to the others. "Clear out, the rest of you rabble. Give the Doc and Mac some room to work."
Lt. Tyrande Collins:
Leaving the medical bay Ty went to his desk in the monitoring station? Was he over working her? Was there anybody that could help her do her job? Would they have enough food resources?

Pulling up the files he reviewed the two options one had more combat, one had more civilian life. Should he tell the Captain he’d had sex with Alaina? Would it matter who got her pregnant? Was she pregnant? If she was, how did he feel about it? He wasn’t sure he was even ready to be a father. But if she was? They’d only been together the one time, Leslie had a better chance of being pregnant than Anyone here.

Looking over at The Doctor Mac asked. “Do you have any idea what’s going on with her bloodwork? The malnutrition and dehydration I get. But most of this is really weird. How did she get such high levels, and if she was pregnant her HcG would be higher, it would have to be. Wouldn’t it? I’m a Bio-Engineer, not a Medical Doctor.”
Leslie and Mac in the Infirmary with Alaina:

“Do you have any idea what’s going on with her bloodwork?" the four-time PhD asked the Medical Doctor, remarking about Alaina's malnutrition and dehydration.

Leslie should have seen and/or medically detected these deficiencies earlier; after all, there had been near-daily medical exams of all reanimated bunker occupants to ensure no lasting, detrimental side effects of their suspended animation. Leslie had missed this; she'd failed as Alaina's doctor. It had been her addiction to Fentanyl, she knew. Or ... was it her addiction to Ty? Between being high on drugs or sexual ecstasy, Leslie had let things slip, and now the hacker was paying for it.

"How did she get such high levels?" Mac asked, "and if she was pregnant, her HcG would be higher, it would have to be. Wouldn’t it? I’m a Bio-Engineer, not a Medical Doctor.”

"She is pregnant," Leslie answered, turning the tablet in her hands to face him, showing the blood test results. She swiped the screen, scrolling down to a list of statistics her red stuff had given her. Mac continued talking about the case from the other side of Alaina's bed, but Leslie was lost in the numbers, and while her ears picked up the sound, her brain didn't comprehend them. After a minute or so she realized two things simultaneously: first, that Mac had been talking to her; second, that -- realizing that she wasn't listening -- he'd gone quiet and was no just staring at her. "Sorry."

She headed to a cabinet, unlocked it, and quickly inventoried it. Slamming the door shut, Leslie headed for the Infirmary's exit, saying over her shoulder to Mac, "Gimme a minute. Bertha! Where's Lieutenant Collins?"

"Lieutenant Collins is in the Monitoring Station," the AI answered.

Leslie was out the door and across the Level 1 foyer in seconds, finding Ty sitting at the desk that was once was Alice's office. She set the tablet before the Head of Security and pointed at some numbers that he wouldn't understand simply because she was likely the only person currently awake that would.

"There is only one reason for this," she told him, "these numbers and conditions: dehydration, weight loss, anemia, low iron, high flibanserin and bremelanotide ... I mean those last two shouldn't even be in her blood at all."

Leslie took the tablet back, drew and released a deep breath that emphasized the still-swollen nipples that were still on full display behind the cotton fabric. "She was being dosed." She paused a moment, then accused, "I think maybe Greg was doing this. I checked my inventory. I'm missing some things: medications, chemicals ... some of them--"

She paused, her eyes and mouth opening in sudden realization. With a shocked tone, Leslie said, "Some of them are used in the suspended animation process." She rolled her eyes, murmuring, "Oh, Jesus Christ. They would have caused Alaina to become horribly horny ... just like when she -- when we -- came out of stasis. "She would have been almost boiling over with lust."

Despite the horror of what she was realizing and saying, Leslie couldn't help but smile with understanding. Leslie had been gossiping with Alaina, Adeline, and/or Marcia on occasion about the trio's fun together. Often, she'd been told that Alaina was the one who seemed to initiate sexual interaction more than the other two, and often, the place and time had been a bit inappropriate. Leslie now understood the reason for the girl's insatiability.

"Have you and Alice stored Greg's ... Airman Young's things yet?" she asked. "I need you to check for these." She turned the tablet again, pointing at a list of chemicals. "Actually, just look for anything that he shouldn't have."
Lt. Tyrande Collins:
“I’m going to thaw him out and rip him apart,” Ty snarled as he walked out of the ‘office’. “I’ll find whatever it was. Bertha, I want a tracking of all of Airman Young's movements since he woke up until he was put back in cryonics.”

“Cross match that to any Interaction with Alaina Carmichael. No matter how minuscule.”

While Bertha was processing and compiling his data request Ty was going through the shoe box of personal effects. Young’s clothes had been searched and washed. His linen’s had been searched and washed. So now Ty trashed his room, pulling the mattress out and anything not bolted to the floor out. Then he inspected everything. A loose screw? Removed and inspected for hidden compartment.

Ty was positive that fucker had done another vile deed and he was going to find out how. He spent an hour going everything from the Airman’s room, finding nothing. Not even in the mattress. And that was a favorite spot for drug heads.

“Bertha, you got that information yet?”

“Affirmative Lieutenant Collins.”

“Send it to my Tablet.”

“Compliance,” the system said as his screen lit up. A 3D model of the base showed with a timestamp in the corner. He watched as Young’s ‘blip’ moved around the map. And again. And again.

Zooming in he watched iin detail, pausing the image at several location to observe specifics. “Bertha, what’s your GPS accuracy inside the base?”

“Precise, with a twelve inch deviation for boy posturing.”

“Good,” Ty commented almost to himself as he went to the lower levels. Watching Young’s pattern on the screen he went to Level eleven and basically watched on screen as his blip stayed at a certain Cryopod for several minutes. Following to the next location that was unusual and often visited he stopped at a Power station and looked around.

Young was standing.. here. But there was nothing there, just a power station. Opening the door he looked inside at all the switches. There was nothing here, but the space between the door and the switches was big enough to hold some pills. Maybe?

Moving to the next spot he stood where Young had stood, Soap, Shampoo, Toilet Paper, body wash. Towels. Pulling everything out he unfolded every towel one at a time. Nothing. Checked every bottle of liquid for being empty. Nothing. Toilet paper? Shaking each one he found two that rattled. Opening them he found hand made envelopes. Printer paper. And more than a score of pills.

Taking them up to the two Doctors he set them on the desk. Two Fucking hours of searching. “I’m not done, but that’s what I have so far. He had a hiding spot that everyone was next to, every fucking day.”

“I’ll be checking other places as well. And trying to plot his movements. See when and how he did it.”
Leslie, Ty, and Mac:

“I’m going to thaw him out and rip him apart,” Ty snarled after Leslie told him her suspicions about Greg Young possibly – likely – dosing Alaina with drugs to make her horny and increase the likelihood of her opening her thighs to him.

As he stormed out to begin his search for Greg's stash of drugs, Leslie once again considered the question of whether or not she believed it had been Ty who'd knocked up the hacker. His fury pushed Leslie toward believing that the rapist Stiff was indeed Alaina’s baby daddy.

Does it matter? she thought to herself as she returned to the Infirmary and her patient. No matter how hard she tried to convince herself the other way, she knew what the answer was: Yes, it does.

Leslie had reconciled the fact that Ty was going to fuck other bunker females. She didn't like it, but it was what it was. But the thought of him having children with one or more of those women – or any of the women yet to be thawed – was simply unacceptable if there two of them were also to have a baby together[/i].

Mac was still monitoring Alaina when Leslie returned, and looking the man up and down with her mind reeling, Leslie began to formulate a plan.

She and the man with 4 PhDs worked closely together for another couple of hours, giving Alaina fluids, taking more blood, adding stabilizing drugs to her IV, and more. As they worked, Leslie chatted up the Scot about his life before cryo. She had a goal in mind that necessitated casual conversation. Ironically, though, she found him to be remarkable at the same time.

When she was certain that the still unconscious Alaina was going to recover just fine, Leslie drew Mac from the Infirmary’s main room to the adjacent storage room with a request for help getting a large box of first aid supplies off a top shelf.

As Mac was working to get the box down, behind him Leslie was removing the scrubs top she’d donned earlier to hide her conspicuously displayed bosom, once again revealing her wonderfully firm breasts and they're once again hardened nipples.

As he turned back to her, Leslie untied the string of the scrubs bottoms, letting them fall; early, when she'd donned them along with the now-shed top, she'd removed Ty’s boxers – still wet from the earlier shower – which now left her standing before the man in nothing more that Ty’s wife-beater tee.

“I really need someone to fuck me right now, Mister MacFerguson.”

(OOC: I’m sure that whatever happens between them will conclude before Ty returns, so I think the timeline is okay.)
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Mr. MacFerguson:
Giving a startled cough, Mac did get an eyeful before he shifted the box of medicl supplies in his arms to place them between him and Dr. Leslie. Damned those are nice tits, he thought as he stepped back. Mr. Collins is very lucky indeed.

“I’m sorry, but I am aware of you and The Young Lieutenant’s.. relationship status. And I won’t do that to anyone. Especially someone that could injure me as badly as I’m sure he could.”

“I do greatly appreciate the offer, but I recommend you check yourself or elevated levels as well. In fact I recommend you check everyone for elevated levels.”

Moving through the base and stopping at specific spots he occasionally ask Bertha if she could see him on any camera’s. Every time she said no he clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth just a little more.

When he got to back to his office he moved to the main computer there and had Bertha replay footage for him. Footage from When Greg was in the infirmary.

It wasn’t the first or second time the man was there, but the third, when he was mopping the hall and taking out trash. He watched as Leslie moved off screen, and then a few minutes later the Airman was in the hall mopping. The angles were hard and he was forced to watch several camera angles at once to see what wa happening, but at least he was able to watch in a reflection as Leslie reached under her shirt and scratched her shoulder blade. And a minute later she was just sitting there staring at a wall as the Airman walked in. Audio pickup was clear, even if Camera was shit.

“Hey doc, need your trash taken out?”


“Doc? You awake doc? Hello? Earth to Doctor Slutty... Anybody home in there?” A chuckle. “You want me to play with your tits doc? Oh, yes I’d love too.” He watched in the reflection as Young pushed the Doctor’s hand down his pants. “Oh doctor, that feels so good. Maybe you should cum to my room tonight and I’ll show you a real cock. Bigger than Lt. Steroid.” After another minute he broke off his perverted actions and moved to the Medical cabinet, with Leslie’s keys he opened the Secure case and pulled out several containers. Wrapping the pills up in paper he labeled them before returning everything to the way it was. Off camera he could be heard just before he left the Infirmary. “Hey doc, I’ll take that offer.. next time you can suck me off. I’ll blast my nut sauce across your tonsils. Tomorrow? Same time? Oh and don’t wear panties anymore. I want easy access to that snatch.”

Was the man hearing voices? Or just making shit up? Was he mocking her unresponsive status? Or was he totally off his fucking rocker?

The man was good though, he was hard to catch in his movements. Only the one time was he on camera, taking the pills, everything else he did ’invisibly’ off camera.

He’d leave the Saloon with food, stop out of sight of the camera’s on the stairs, or in a corner. And then he’d continue. Pausing once to retie a shoe off camera was one thing, but he spent a lot of time pausing off camera.

He volunteered to take food to Alaina, whenever she didn’t come to breakfast or lunch. Had the captain assigned him to help Marcia in the kitchen? The man seemed to lay to do it volunteer style.

Researching the medication, he discovered that it was water soluble. Very quickly in hot liquids. Her coffee. Or he could powder it, when she had reconstituted Orange Juice.

He watched Young’s movements for a week. He liked watching all the ladies in the shower. As soon as one went in, Young would leave his quarters and stand just out of camera near the doors. Watching and fantasizing about whomever was in there. He was present when Alaina and Adeline showered. When Ty and Leslie showered. Hell the bastard had stood outside Ty bedroom while Ty and Leslie were fucking like desperate bunnies. That time he’d shifted position enough to be seen masturbating.

“Berth, Did, or does, Mr. Young have access to any alerts?”

“Clarification please?”

“Are you set to alert Mr. Young for any reason?”


“What?” Tyrande asked confused. ”Why is that classified?”

“Classified.” The System known as Bertha replied.

“Security Override. Unclassify it.”

“Insufficient security clearance.”

“What level clearance is required?”


“Bertha stop playing games, and open the files.”

“I’m sorry Lieutenant, you don’t have the clearance for such actions.”

“Bertha, what is Airman Youngs Clearance level?”

“That information is Classified.”

“Who set the classification in place?” Ty asked, thinking of a work around.


“Does Captain Alice walker, United States Space Force have sufficient Clearance?” He asked, already knowing his fucking answer.


Who the FUCK was Airman Young?!? Jumping up he took a half step before he sat back down. He needed Alaina to break into the computer, but she was ‘unavailable’. Adeline? Did she have the skill set? Without crashing the computer anyways. Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!!!!!

Back to video’s he watched as Young started stalking Rita, then Ty and Rita were in the water a lot. And Young’s behavior got sloppy. Camera’s started having technical issues and would shut off, particularly Camera’s showing Rita’s bedroom door, and Alaina’s bedroom door.

“Bertha, why didn’t you notify anyone that camera’s were failing?”

“No camera’s are failing.” Bertha replied.

“Bertha, cycle through all camera’s, starting at Number one. With a ten second view of each camera. Live action please. Not a recording.”

Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen he started writing down each ‘failed’ camera.

“Bertha what is the status of Camera one-Bravo.”

“Camera Bravo, Level One is in Maintenance diagnostic.”

“Two Charlie?”

“Camera Charlie, Level Two is in Maintenance diagnostic.”

Nine of the twenty two offline camera’s had the same response. Young had put Three in diagnostic mode, Ty had done two, and Captain Walker had done 2, and Alaina had done two. Except Ty had never put any in diagnostic mode. He didn’t even know how. And he doubted Alaina would put the Horticultural lab camera in Maintenance Diagnostic mode, without telling anyone.

The others were offline before they woke up, hell more had been offline and were being fixed slowly. Apparently a system glitch had occurred in programming and at some point in time they just didn’t exist in network anymore. Alaina had been working on those. Plus there were the ones underwater.

“Bertha, Please inform the Captain we need to talk in my office.”
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Leslie and Mac:

Mac's ogling of Leslie's nearly naked body was conspicuous and welcomed, making her smile. With his eyes glued to her, Leslie pulled the wife-beater up and away, leaving her standing before him in nothing more than a pair of exam room socks with the non-slide bottoms.

“I’m sorry, but I am aware of you and the young Lieutenant’s ... relationship status," Mac said. "And I won’t do that to anyone. Especially someone that could injure me as badly as I’m sure he could.”

"We aren't exclusive," Leslie said without hesitation. "Ty fucks around ... with my permission ... my blessing even."

That wasn't entirely true, of course. Leslie tolerated her lover's desires for other women, knowing that even to attempt to cease his philandering would mean the end of them.

When Mac spoke his appreciation for the offer she was providing him, only to once again turn her down, Leslie blurted out, "Alaina's carrying Ty's baby."

She drew a quick, sharp breath at the realization of what she'd said and the potential ramifications of it. She didn't know for certain that Ty had impregnated Alaina or even that he'd fucked her. But Leslie knew he'd wanted to and -- more than likely -- would one day if, by chance, he hadn't already.

Knowing that she couldn't unring that bell, and remembering why she was attempting to seduce Mac here and now, Leslie decided to be frank with him. "I might be pregnant, too. I haven't tested yet, but Ty and I have been fucking nearly every day -- sometimes multiple times a day -- and we haven't been using protection. If I am pregnant, I don't plan on telling him that it's his."

This next part was the hardest part, because it was such an absolute lie. She went on, "I don't want to have a baby with Ty ... but I do want to have a baby. I want to be able to say honestly that I don't know whose it is."

She'd moved so close to Mac that her belly was pressing the box in his hands against him, subsequently backing him up against the shelves behind him. She asked in a soft voice with a touch of humor in it, "Help a girl out...?"
Alice, Rita, Marcia, and Adeline, a few minutes before the above post:

After Ty and the other three women departed the Infirmary to leave Leslie and Mac to tend to Alaina, Alice made her way to her new office off the Saloon. She knew that she shouldn't so early in the day yet still pulled the whiskey out of a bottom drawer, sucking a gulp right out of the bottle.

"Are we sharing, Captain?" Marcia asked from the door which Alice had not fully closed. Alice hesitated, embarrassed that she'd been caught like this, then offered the bottle out before her. The cook entered, took the bottle and a draw from it, grimaced, and handed it back. "Jesus, how do you drink that?"

"Practice," Alice said. Regarding Alaina, she asked, "Did you see that coming? I mean, were there signs you might have caught that I didn't ... you know..."

"Because we share a bed you mean?" Marcia asked. "Yes. I, um ... I think there were signs. She did look like she was shedding some pounds, but I thought maybe it was a post-stasis thing. I've dropped a couple of pounds myself. But there was more, and I should have said something ... should have acted. I thought it was just stress from all the work she performs."

"I'm pushing her too hard, aren't I?" Alice asked. She already knew the answer, of course. Marcia shrugged. "I'm not sure what to do about that. Without Alaina, this place is toast."

"What about another Tech?" Marcia asked. "Why can't we wake up another technician? Someone to take some of the load off Alaina. I mean, she's a wizard at what she does, but she can only sit in front of those screens so many hours day. And there's far more than just the computer work that she's doing."

Alice thought about the idea for a moment. "We're already reanimating another doctor ... maybe two. Can we feed another mouth after those?"

"Can we survive down here if Alaina croaks from overload?" Marcia asked, a question she thought had more weight to it. "I mean, Mac is great! But I think we still need more brain power to get this place ship shape.

"I'll make it work," Marcia said. "We've been eating pretty good so far. Ty had told me often that we eat too good. Yeah ... I can feed three more on rations that won't result in people raiding the fridge after dark. Rita's farm will be up and running soon, giving us the fresh food we need for a truly healthy diet. I can do it."

A knock at the still open door interrupted the conversation. Rita poked her head inside, asking, "Is there anything I should be doing...? I mean, about Alaina?"

"No, get back to work on the Farm, Rita," Alice said, smiling. "Leslie and Mac have it well in hand."

"What about the bunker leak and the second sump pump?" the young woman asked. "Are we putting that in yet?"

"Not right now," Alice told her. She didn't explain what Ty was doing, saying only, "We're good for a day without the second pump. What we do need are fresh greens. I'd kill for a salad."

The three spoke a moment about the farm's immediate and future history before Rita headed out again. As plant girl was departing, Adeline was arriving, reporting, "The message ... the latest one from Seashore..."

Adeline handed Alice a computer tablet. "We got another one. Ella is asking for more information on us. What do you want to say?"

Alice read the latest message, then swiped to look at the previous ones as well. So far, all they'd told Ella about the bunker and its residents was that they lived on Green Island and that their village had a population of 60, which included those still in their pods, both the living and the dead; Alice had ordered that no other specific info be shared about the living, the dead, or their bunker home.

"Did you send the message trying to determine Seashore's latitude?" Alice asked. "Do we know if--"

"Northern Wales," Adeline cut in. "Alaina figured it out, before..." She let the thought go. She reached to the tablet, tapped, and swiped, bringing up a map of what they now were certain was Southern Great Britain. Pointing, Adeline said, "'X' marks the spot ... 53.01 degrees north, 3.1 degrees west. It's Northeastern Wales ... very close to what used to be the city of Wrexham.

"Alaina did some digging -- with Bertha's help, of course -- and learned a bit about the place," Adeline continued, again scrolling the screen Alice was viewing. "Wrexham was in the lowlands of the Dee Valley, due south of Liverpool, northwest of Birmingham. It's entirely plausible that with sea levels rising, Wrexham and the rest of the valley was covered by a new inland sea."

"Leaving a new settlement higher in altitude to be named Seashore," Marcia added. "Makes sense?"

Alice studied the map a moment, handed it back, then asked the important question: "Why does this matter?"

Adeline's expression, body language, and tone made it obvious that she thought it mattered. "These people survived the Armageddon Pandemic. They survived global warming ... the melting of the ice caps and the rise of world's oceans more than ... well, honestly, we don't really know how high. Bertha's performed calculations based on the few, very poor maps of the current global situation and the presumed quantity of volume of the world's ice caps, glaciers, etc., back in 2041, and are answer is still so wide as to be worthless.

"So, what are you saying?" Alice prodded.

"We continue communicating with Ella, "Adeline said, "to learn more about the world as it is now ... learn what they know because -- presumably -- they haven't spent the last century and a half in suspended animation ... and then..."

"Then what?" Alice asked pointedly.

Adeline looked between the other two women, then stated bluntly, "We go to Seashore."

"What about the pandemic?" Alice asked, reminding Adeline, "Over 7 billion dead...? I think it was in the papers ... maybe even on the internet."

"But Ella and her people are still alive," Adeline in turn reminded Alice. "They survived the pandemic. Maybe they have a cure. Or maybe they're all naturally immune."

"Or maybe they're all infected mutants," Marcia mused. Seeing the other two give her sharp looks, she shrugged, saying, "Hey, I've seen all the movies about this shit. Besides, didn't Ty and Alaina discover a message early on about cannibals? For all we know, Ella and her people are looking for their next meal."

Adeline began mumbling in French, then -- seeing that the glares were now coming her way -- said with frustration in English, "We found people alive out there, people who likely know a lot more than we do about what the fuck is going on out there. We need to talk to these people. We need to trust them."

Alice contemplated a moment, then said, "We'll talk about this more later, when Lieutenant Collins can weigh in. For now ... for now, I don't want you telling this Ella anything more about us. Ask her how her people survived the pandemic. That'll be all."

The way she'd finished sounded very military in nature, leading the frustrated Adeline to stiffen up, click her heels together, and salute. "Yes, sir!" she snapped before turning on a heel and storming out. Behind her, Marcia looked to Alice, hesitated, shrugged, and said, "I have lunch to make."

She stood, thanked Alice for the whiskey, and headed away. A moment later, Bertha informed the Captain that her Head of Security wished to speak to her in his office, which at one time had been her office, of course. She headed up to the Monitoring Station, stopped before the large table covered in Ty's work, smiled, and quipped, "Love what you've done with the place, Lieutenant."
Listening to her confession about the paternity of Alaina’s child and her own growing infant Mac looked at her. “You do understand, that paternity will be required for anyone born. To prevent inbreeding of siblings and half siblings. And if you don’t want his child, you may want to cease and desist having sex with him. But you and I will NOT be having sex.”

Pushing the box into her chest his facial expression shifted slightly. Less... joking and more... serious. “You are an amazingly incredibly attractive woman, everyone here is. But you are having sex with someone. You and he can have whatever relationship you want. I’m not part of it, and if, between the two of you, that means I never find anyone that’s fine by me. But I’m not a pawn in your game.”

“Now if we’re done here, I will consider this matter as concluded and the offer as non-existent. I will not spread gossip either.” Pushing her back with the box between them he walked out and set the box on a table, before leaving the Infirmary as well. If she’d been a day earlier things might have been different, but today was today. Heading for the saloon he grabbed a coffee and sat at a table. American coffee tasted like shit, but it gave him something to do. Maybe he could build something to make a good Turkish blend? But that would require good grounds, and that didn’t exist on an American Base.

The Doctor was a strange one. She wanted a baby but not her lovers. They had an open relationship, but she was angry he’d slept with someone else. They needed another doctor alright. A therapist.
"Love what you've done with the place, Lieutenant."

Looking up from his notes and the computer Ty was thankful of his short hair, otherwise he’d probably have more than a passing resemblance to Einstein. Jerking upright he saluted out of habit, barely suppressing the urge to shout, ‘Officer in the room!’.

“I apologize Captain, it was simply more expedient to have you come here, than for me to travel to you with my notes. I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything?” He explained gesturing at the spread-out sheets of paper, Paper he’d used over and over. They did have a rather large supply, but it was still limited.

“You may want to sit down, this is going to take a while.” And then he went through his notes, detailing Airman Young’s activities from the moment he woke up to his return to cryo-prison. Using audio/video as evidence to prove what the man had been doing.

And then he got to the next part.

“Bertha what’s Airman Young’s Clearance Level?”

“That information is Classified.” The Computer replied.

“Who is Airman Young?”

“That information is Classified.”

"Who Assigned Airman Young to this Facility?”

“That information is Classified.”

Does Captain Alice Walker have Clearance Level to access the information?”


The weirdest part was Bertha’… tone. Even though she/it was a computer A.I. it normally had a softer tone. A conversational pitch when speaking. But now it was more. Blunt. Demeaning. Hard. Like a parent with clenched teeth saying ‘Wrong!’.

“Bertha override Airman Young’s security protocols and disable anything he’s done.”

“Negative. Authorization insufficient.”

“Who has the level of Authorization required?” Ty asked through clenched teeth.

“That information is Classified.” Bertha replied stoically.

Looking at The Captain he sighed. “We may need another hacker before we wake up a Doctor.”
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Alice and Tyrande:
Alice waved off Ty's concerns regarding requesting her presence in his new office as opposed to coming to her. "I totally understand. What are you working on, Lieutenant?"

Ty delved into his investigation like a police detective reviewing a case before an arrest. Then he had his conversation with the AI, something that had left him curious and Alice furious. The former Air Force officer had had dealings with CIA spooks during her time in the Middle East, and she'd hated ever encounter. This had the same feel.

“We may need another hacker before we wake up a Doctor,” Ty told her.

Alice's mind was reeling from this new information when Leslie's voice came over the intercom: "Captain Walker, I need to speak to you immediately."

To herself, Alice murmured, "Now what?" Louder, for the intercom mike in the nearest wall-mounted panel, she asked, "Is it about Alaina...? Has there been a development?"

"No, Captain, but..." Leslie began, hesitating. "I have a request I need to make, and I'd like to speak to you about it in the Infirmary, please."

Alice stood and -- again, more to herself than to anyone else -- asked, "Why did I bother establishing an office?" Again to the speaker, Alice said, "I'll be right there, Doctor." To Ty, she said, "When Alaina is awake again, I want the two of you to go over the personnel list and find someone to help her figure this bullshit out.

Pointing a finger at Ty and speaking with a serious tone, Alice stressed, "Alaina is not to work on this herself. She is overworked. That's my fault. She will help you pick another body, another Tech ... and then she's out. Do I make myself clear, Lieutenant?"

With this business done, Alice turned and headed for her next piece of business...

Leslie and Mac, a few minutes earlier:

"But you and I will NOT be having sex.”

Leslie had listened to Mac compliment her on her physical appearance and had smiled with appreciation. But she didn't really hear anything he said after he'd nixed providing her with a semen sample the old-fashioned way, other than, "But I’m not a pawn in your game.”

He departed. Leslie stood there a long moment in silence, then finally dressed again. She returned to the Infirmary and checked on Alaina, finding no changes during the time it had taken her to strip, proposition the new guy, and get rejected.

The Doctor turned for the medication's cabinet and the Fentanyl locked within. She found herself staring at the keypad, distraught. After her earlier overdose, she and Alice had changed the security protocols on the locker such that opening the locker would cause Bertha to immediately contact both the Captain and the Lieutenant.

There was another way to deal with this. Leslie went to the nearby computer and brought up the list of Stiffs, filtering for medical personnel. She found the file for which she was looking and tapped the link, opening it. A handsome, young man in scrubs appeared on the left of the screen, with everything about him on the right below his name: Dr. Spencer Long, Ob/Gyn.

Leslie found herself conflicted over learning that Spencer had entered stasis after she had, as opposed to departing Richardson a century and a half ago to return to his husband and their adopted children in Denver. Her relationships with this man -- both professional and personal -- had been ... turbulent. She would actually have preferred to learn that he was no longer here in the bunker. In fact, she'd so longed to never see him or even think of him again that she hadn't even looked for his name on the list of Stiffs until this moment of desperation.

She called out to Bertha, telling the AI to put her into contact with Alice. "Captain Walker, I need to speak to you immediately."

Alice and Leslie:
A minute later, Alice was entering the Infirmary. The first thing she did was approach Alaina and check her condition, before then crossing over to where Leslie was still sitting at her computer. She asked, "What's going on, Doc?"

"We need to reanimate this man," Leslie said, pointing to the screen. "Doctor Spencer Long. He's an Ob/Gyn. I think we need his specialty available to us."

"We have one pregnant woman," Alice said with a bit of a dismissive tone. "You have the training and experience to be Alaina's doctor, yes?" When Leslie only stared up at her in silence, Alice added, "We can wait. We won't need him for--"

"We need him now," Leslie interrupted. She hesitated; she wasn't about to tell Alice that she, too, was pregnant. She considered her words, then said, "We don't know what kind of damage this shit Greg gave Alaina might have done to the fetus. We need an expert in the field, and I am not that expert." She jabbed a finger at the screen. "He is!"

Alice studied the doctor before her for a moment. There was something more going on here, but she couldn't figure out what it was. In the end, she looked back to Alaina for a moment, then back to Leslie as she said, "Fine. I agree." Louder and to the ether, Alice said, "Bertha."

The AI responded, "Yes, Captain Walker. How can I help you?"

"I am authorizing the reanimation of Doctor Spencer Long," she said, leaning to look more closely at the screen before continuing, "Cryogenic Stasis Pod number ten-charlie. Doctor Hawkins is in charge. Work with her to get this done per her orders and schedule. Copy?"

"Yes, Captain Walker," the AI responded.

Alice looked down to Leslie again, then asked with a sincere tone, "Is there anything else I need to know, Leslie. Any ... problems ... concerns that I should be aware of?"

Leslie shrugged -- Alice's most hated gesture -- and answered, "No, not at all. Just ... worried for Alaina."

"Hmm," Alice snorted lightly, before turning and heading away.

Alice and Mac:

Arriving in the Saloon on her way to her corner broom closet office, Alice found Mac sitting alone at a table nursing a mug of something hot. She looked for Marcia, didn't see her, and crossed to sit opposite him. She wore a pleasant smile, recalling what the man had done to her the previous night below the sheets, above the sheets, and once atop her little desk -- which she now reminded herself she needed to wipe down when she returned to her room later.

"You look like you have something on your mind," Alice said, hoping he was thinking about putting his cock inside her pussy again after they'd ended their day. "Anything you want to talk about?"
Looking up Mac new he’d made the right decision, a difficult one considering the drugs still coursing through his bloodstream. But morally and ethical the decision hadn’t existed, he’d never been the kind of guy to consider sleeping around even when there were millions of women on the planet, and now with a shoe box of space, the situation was no different. He didn’t cheat. His older brother had fucked everything with pussy in University and ended up with six kids by six different women. His own father had been abusive and a cheater before his parents got married and stayed that way through his life. If he’d ever tried to d a DNA test of his childhood county he was certain most of the county was related to him. Hell his neighbor’s two kids looked like Mac and the daughter had chased Mac for years. He’d fucked her once, and his mother had lost her shit.

“Doctor Leslie came onto me. I turned her down. She tried again. Apparently, she doesn’t want Mr. Collins to know he’s the father of her child. She wanted.. ambiguity. I informed her that ambiguity wasn't an option due to the nature of inbreeding.”

“I think she needs a therapist, hell I’m sure all of us do or will. Being stuck in a concrete coffin without windows or sunshine isn’t healthy for a human. I never went into the Mental Fields, but I think that ‘Cabin Fever’ is being experienced by a number of people.”

Looking down at his coffee he thought for a minute. “Is it wrong for me to want you to carry my child?” He finally asked looking over at her. “If we ever get outside that is.”