"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

Alice and Mac:

“Doctor Leslie came onto me,” Mac said.

Alice was surprised to hear this. Everyone knew how committed Leslie was to her relationship with Ty.

“I turned her down,” he went on.

That was a relief to Alice, of course. She, like Mac, was hoping for a monogamous relationship with the other.

Then Mac dropped a MOAB: Leslie was not only pregnant but was both keeping this fact from the father of her child and trying to muddy the waters by having a second dose of sperm splashed into her womb.

Alice listened as Mac continued, now speaking about inbreeding amongst the minimal bunker population.

This was not a new topic to Alice, of course. She, Leslie, and Adeline had had a conversation about the lack of genetic diversity in a population of only 36 men and women.

“Well, that's not entirely true,” Adeline had said about that number. “We have the Ark.”

“The what?” Alice and Leslie had simultaneously asked.

Days earlier; Alice, Adeline, and Leslie:

“Why wasn't I informed of this?” Alice asked as she stared at the stainless steel, liquid nitrogen cooled containers Adeline had revealed by opening a secret panel hidden behind an Infirmary cabinet. “And how the heel are these still being cooled after a hundred and fifty years?”

“Why wasn't I informed of this?” Leslie asked with even more anger than that of the Captain. “It's my fucking Infirmary.”

Adeline dealt with the cooling question first. “The system was designed to operate for as long as 600 years. The Garden of Eden folk … when they approached the cryo project people at the beginning of the Pandemic … they calculated an end date of stasis of 500 years. The bunker’s systems were designed to last that long … possibly longer. Some of them failed, obviously. And there was the earthquake.”

What the fuck, Adeline?” Alice growled, gesturing toward the containers.

“There was a fringe element,” Adeline explained. “They felt that if Humans had destroyed their planet and civilization once … that maybe they shouldn't have an opportunity to repeat those errors a second time.

“This fringe element hoped to limit the recovery of the Human Race … to disrupt the Garden of Eden Program, as well as other efforts to repopulate the planet.”

“So … these were hidden to protect them?” Alice asked, “From this fringe element?”

“Yes,” Adeline answered simply.

After a moment, Leslie asked, “And how do we know that members of this fringe element aren't amongst us now … animated or yet to be?”

“We don't,” Adeline said. “Which is why it would be best if no one else were to learn about this. No one … not even your Head of Security.”

“I trust Lieutenant Collins more than I trust anyone in this facility,” Alice said with a firm tone.

Adeline immediately responded, “And I trusted Carl Green … one of the Garden of Eden doctors … and, it turned out, a member of this fringe element. He attempted to destroy this cache of fertilized embryos. I caught him myself. I…”

Adeline paused as the words caught in her throat. After an anxious breath in and out, she told them vaguely, “I stopped him.”

Adeline didn't explain how she'd done this, and the two women standing there with her didn't ask.

“Close it up,”Alice said, adding, “This stays between us… for now.”

Alice called out to get the AI’s attention. She ordered Bertha to replace the recording of the three of them in the Infirmary with time from before that. “I don't want any record of us being here.”

A moment later, the AI reported, “Task completed, Captain Walker.”

“Also, if anyone attempts to move this cabinet without my permission, you are to immediately inform me and prevent such an action. Non-lethal actions only. You can do that, Bertha, yes?”

“Yes, Captain Walker,” the AI responded. Bertha had a number of ways of incapacitating personnel, from sudden evacuation of a compartment’s oxygen to high pitched, disabling sound to bright, crippling strobe lights. The AI asked, “Do you wish for members of the Security Force to have override capability of these measures, Captain Walker?”

No!” Alice said firmly. “I am the only person to have override, unless I am unable to provide this capability, in which case, override capability is to be passed to Miss Legrand.”

“What about me?” Leslie asked.

“Can you prove to me that you aren't a member of this fringe element?” Alice asked. When the Doctor only stared, then shrugged, Alice said, “There's your answer.”

Now; Alice and Mac:

“I think she needs a therapist,” Mac said about Leslie. “Hell, I’m sure all of us do or will.”

“You're not wrong,” Alice agreed, contemplating the issue. “I'll take it up with–

She stopped, chuckling softly; she'd been about to say she'd take it up with their doctor. “I'll speak with Marcia and Rita about taking on yet another moth to feed.”

“Is it wrong for me to want you to carry my child?” Mac suddenly said.

’scuse me?” Slice asked in shock.

He added, “If we ever get outside that is.”

Alice laughed. Sardonically, she replied, “Sure … if we ever get out of here.” She stood. “I have work to do.”

She curled around the table toward her office, paused, looked for the cook, and not seeing her asked, “My room…? Twenty-one hundred…?”
He lay in bed for over an hour before he’d inquired of Bertha were the Doc was. Only then did he close the door to his room and go to sleep. He doubted she’d be there tonight, but just in case she changed her mind, he left it available to her.

Mac had been at Alice’s a few minutes earlier than 2100 but everything else was done for the day without starting something new, or continuing projects into the dark hours. He didn’t bring up kids again, since she’d brushed off that subject rather quickly once before.

Day 16:

awoke on her side, with the still soundly sleeping Mac spooning her; one of his arms was under her neck, the other around laying over her waist, and whether he knew he was doing it or not, he was gently clutching one of her tits with warm fingers. She couldn't help but smile with delight. It had been a long time since she'd had a lover as opposed to a sex partner. The night before, the two of them had made slow, gentle love to one another for almost an hour before finally becoming more energetic and driving each other to wondrous orgasms just seconds apart.

Laying next to Mac now, Alice was happier than she'd been in years, and that didn't include the 144+ of them that she'd spent in stasis. She tried to warn herself that she hadn't known the man long enough to feel this way. But that heads up just wasn't playing with her right now. She wondered whether these emotions could be related to the cryo drugs that had made each of them so horny after reanimation but knew that wasn't it. Was she simply desperate for someone to love and for someone to love her? Maybe. Or maybe ... maybe this was just right.

She tried to slip out of Mac's arms to begin her day, but he stirred, murmured something she didn't comprehend, then pulled her tighter to his delicious, fit body. Alice rolled to face him, kissed him on the lips, then maneuvered to lay atop him, asking in whisper, "Wanna start the day out right, lover?"


Marcia was the first to awaken, her brain immediately recognizing that there was a body missing in the bed that most nights had been sleeping three. Adeline stirred a bit, only to roll away and curl up into a semi-fetal position; the French woman had been up twice during the night, checking on Alaina, as had Marcia. The hacker's condition hadn't changed; her vitals were steadier, but she was still unconscious.

The cook got up, dressed, and headed out. Having only cuddled without sex the night before, she didn't feel the need to shower. Arriving at the Infirmary for one last check on Alaina, she found the hacker and the doctor each sound asleep in adjacent hospital style beds. She didn't wake either of them, instead heading for the Saloon's kitchen. She started the coffee and water for tea, then began mixing dough for her usual feast of biscuits, gravy, faux-bacon, and equally faux-sausage links.

Rita awoke alone as usual. Her first thought was of Alaina. Her second was of Ty, specifically of Ty's cock. Leslie had advised Rita to wait on sleeping with Ty until she was certain where she was in her period. She was now, her flow having begun last evening. She was happy to know for relative certain where she was in her cycle while simultaneously disappointed to realize that it would be more than two weeks before she could safely have intercourse sex with Ty with little chance of becoming pregnant.

As her hands slipped down to between her thighs, finding her wetness, Rita reminded herself that there were other things the two of them could do that didn't threaten her with conceiving a baby. As she performed little circles with her clit, she remembered her afternoon in the shower with the Head of Security, followed by giving him a titty fuck on the edge of her bed a bit later. She wondered whether the two of them could get naked with one another for more such fun without Ty feeling the need to put his cock inside her pussy.
Ty: (0400)
Waking up earlier then God as usual, went through his regular morning workout routine of weights, treadmill, and sauna before he shit, shaved, showered and dressed then went about his rounds. Starting coffee first then going level by level through the base. Making sure everyone was safe, uninjured, and not being assaulted. After the Cryo tans he used a stop watch and checked times at a walking speed from each level to the Saloon, making notes on a hand held piece of paper which he made sure Bertha couldn't read. After yesterday he wasn’t sure the AI was safe.

Watching Infirmary camera records he checked on Alaina’s status as well as verifying Leslie wasn’t sneaking any more patches.

In the saloon he grabbed coffee and decided which Security medic would be support the facility at this time. Both of them had necessary skill sets, but Lupo would do better for now. She had civilian Police experience as well as Military. She had a temper, but she’d help calm the ladies a little. Maybe. He was half tempted to wake one of the guys instead, but it was kind of nice to ogled, a lot.

He kind of didn’t want to be with Rita, but he’d also said he would. And he wanted to make sure her first time wasn’t rough, uncomfortable, or painful. It was weird that she was only a year of so younger than him, but she had so much less experience in the world than him. Had war changed him so very much? Watching for Marcia he knew she’d be checking Alaina before making any food, so he made sure to add a little more hot water to the coffee, making it more tolerable for the civilians.

They should have put dogs in cryo as well, it would have helped the sanity, but not the sanitation of the facility. Or a cat. Dogs would have been useful for hunting, cats for moral.

Once she had her ingredients and started making food he walked over to Marcia and asked, “How’s Alaina doing? I heard Mac is looking for another hacker in the roster to take strain off Alaina, and so she can take a break for a while.”

"Wanna start the day out right, lover?" Alice asked, on top of him as Mac awoke, his erection already giving her a subtle answer as his fingers slid along her ass cheek. “If I ever decline, shot me.” He replied kissing her.

Sliding his hands up he caressed her breasts before kissing each nipple and enjoying himself, his teeth parted enough to drag across and gently pull.

Alaina: (0632)
Alaina lay still on the bed, naked under the sheet that was there only for modesty and politeness of the staff. Ty had already seen her naked – hell they’d fucked. Mac was a semi-medical professional and had seen her naked yesterday during the emergency. And the rest of the staff was female and between medical training and or Military duty or showers in high school/collage/university all the ladies knew what a female body looked like. Hell the only one hadn’t seen her naked so far was Rita.

And then the readouts on the monitor connected to her skull started doing a dance of spikes and valleys that made it look like an earthquake was happening in her skull.
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Marcia and Ty in the Kitchen:

“How’s Alaina doing?" Ty asked as he entered the kitchen.

Marcia was stirring a pepper gravy she'd made for the biscuits. Testing it carefully as to not get burned, she answered, "Still unconscious last I checked ... 'bout an hour ago. Vitals are getting stronger, but her system is still full of all that shit Leslie said.

"I heard Mac is looking for another hacker in the roster," he said, "to take strain off Alaina, and so she can take a break for a while.”

"So I hear," the cook said, crossing to Ty to offer a spoonful of gravy for his approval. After he gave his opinion, Marcia continued with obvious concern, "Alaina needs help, there's no doubt about that. I understand that Greg Young had a hand in this, and that maybe it wouldn't have happened now if it wasn't for him. But it would have happened eventually."

Serving up a plate and offering it out, Marcia said with a hard tone, "Eat! Or you're going to collapse just like Alaina did."

Alice and Mac in the former's bed:

The feel of his hands all over her body sent a chill up Alice's spine, leading to her giggling like a girl. She kissed him passionately, then slid up his body to give his mouth easily access to her swollen nipples. She moaned at the delicious feel, spreading her legs a bit farther and pressing her wetness against his belly, maneuvering her clit and lips up and down his muscular belly.

Desperate for more stimulation, Alice knee-walked her way up the bed until her pussy was directly over Mac's face. With her palms and fingers against the wall before her, she begged, "Make me cum, Mac ... make me cum."

Adeline in the Monitoring Station:

Adeline was doing her best to check on Alaina's various work in the Station; some of it she understood and work with, while most of it was simply over her head. A familiar tone sounded -- another message from Seashore -- exciting the French woman. She rolled her chair to the other station and read:

Father's sailboat is 50ft. Sails N, then W, then NW to Volcano Isle. Gone 6 days. 600# Cod, 200# Salmon. Good catch!

Ella was responding to a message Alaina had sent asking more about the village and how it survived. They'd been hoping for a reply concerning the Pandemic and a possible cure to the virus, but this was interesting, too. Volcano Isle, Adeline thought to herself. North, west, then northwest to a volcanic island. Gotta be Iceland.

Of course, Iceland wouldn't have any ice on it these days. But it would almost certainly still be sending lava and ash into the sky; a major eruption had begun just a year before Adeline had relocated to Richardson, and vulcanologists had expected it to continue for years, possibly decades. A hundred and fifty years later, it most certainly could still be spitting fire.

Adeline tapped some buttons and brought up the map of Greenland that Bertha had downloaded for Alice on Day 1 of the Captain's reanimation. Depending on which locations in Greenland and Iceland you were using at starting and ending points, the two islands were only 300-500 miles apart. Adeline estimated the distance from Iceland to Seashore to be lest than twice that, perhaps 800 miles.

"If Ella's father can reach Iceland to catch fish," Adeline murmured to herself, "we can get to Iceland and..."

Her brain ran fast and hard with thoughts about what it would take to make this happen. The first step, of course, was suggesting it to the Captain for her approval. Or maybe... Adeline wondered, what if I didn't ask ... and simply worked on it myself?

She nixed that idea after a moment, doubting whether or not she could pull it off. Between Alice, Ty, and the omnipotent Bertha, it just didn't seem possible. Finding her teacup empty, she stood to head for the Saloon. She stopped in at the Infirmary to check on Alaina since it was right there on Level 1. There was no sign of Leslie. Adeline moved to the side of the hacker's bed, seeing nothing different from when she last checked a couple of hours earlier.

She turned to leave but barely reached the door before an alarm sounded behind her. Turning quickly and returning to Alaina's bed, she found the woman beginning to twitch all over. By the time Leslie came flying out of the Infirmary's bathroom, the patient was almost leaping out of the bed, looking as if she'd grabbed hold of a 440-volt power cable.

"What's happening?" Adeline called out in panic. "What's wrong with her?"

"She's having a seizure," Leslie said, getting quickly to work on trying to correct the situation...
Marcia and Ty in the Kitchen:
Sitting at a table with coffee and Biscuits nd gravy Ty had eaten about have when an Alarm went off. “Medical Emergency in the Infirmary, all medical staff report.” Without anyone giving her a directive, Bertha recited the default Medical Message. But they only had one patient

Ty looked at Marcia, “Stay out of the way in the hall, but yes, you can go.” he told her shoving the rest of the food in his mouth like a zombie having tasty brains, or a cop with a donut.

Alice and Mac in the love bed:
With his hands holding her tight ass, Mac was licking and kissing her with a ferocious passion, his tongue dancing on her clit. It was easier on his back when he could use his fingers as well, but he loved having her any way he could.

Between her sounds, and the thighs on either side of his head, he couldn’t hear Death itself coming for him, much less Bertha’s announcement.

After several long and terrifying minutes Alaina’s pulse slowed and her brainwaves returned to normal. If it happened with no one around, or lasted longer than three minutes, she could suffer permanent brain damage. Petite mals, the most common were bad, Grand Mals with a full body reaction were deadly. There had to be more going on than just what They knew Young had been drugging her with. Were there more drugs stashed away somewhere?
The last thing Marcia needed to respond to an emergency involving her lover and her love was the Lieutenant's permission. She hopped up with him and followed him to the stairwell and up to Level 1. Her heart was pounding just at Bertha's announcement and was thumping by the time they entered the Infirmary.

Leslie and Adeline were working frantically on Alaina, with the former monitoring the patient's vitals and the latter holding the flopping woman down. The newly arrived pair made their presence known, offering whatever help the Doctor needed.

Alice was by now writhing wildly as she sat on Mac's head; a sheen of sweat had come to cover her from face to ankles over the several minutes that his lips had been wrapped around her labia and his tongue worked skillfully upon her clit. She was moaning out loudly, begging her lover, "Don't stop! Don't stop! I'm there ... I'm almost there!"

The pleasure began to well exponentially within her, and Alice drew a deep breath and held it as she orgasmed; unlike her typical climaxes, she cried out loudly at the explosion that so completely overwhelmed her body...

...and prevented her from hearing Bertha's first announcement. As she trembled to the core and continued crying joyously, she did, however, hear the AI repeat a second time, "Medical emergency in the Infirmary, all medical staff report."

With her heartbeat still pounding in her head and her mind lost to the euphoria, Alice didn't entirely understand what was happening. Between deep gasps, she called out, "Bertha! Repeat your last!"

“Medical Emergency in the Infirmary," the AI said a third time, this time clarifying, "Patient Carmichael is suffering a seizure. Medical staff is responding."

By the time Bertha finished speaking, Alice had rolled off Mac's head and out of her bed, murmuring to herself, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck...! What the fuck is happening!"

The AI misunderstood Alice and began giving more information, thinking that the question had been meant for her, rather than being rhetorical. Alice snatched a towel from the back of a chair and wiped at her snatch, looking to Mac with an expression of mixed panic and disappointment. She couldn't help but laugh aloud, and as she quickly began donning a zip-front set of overall -- she said, "Reminds me of when I was 16 and got caught by my mother with my cousin's head between my thighs ... my female cousin." She laughed again, saying, "That's a story for another day."

With her boots in her hands, Alice sprinted across the otherwise vacant Level 5 to the stairs and ascended to the Infirmary. Taking the stairs two at a time, she caught up with the smaller and shorter Rita, who was taking the steps one at a time as fast as she could.

"What's happening?" the plant girl asked.

"I asked that same question," Alice confessed as she passed the young woman at the top of the stairs and ran for the Infirmary. By the time she got there, Alaina was once again laying peacefully on the bed, surrounded by those caring for her. "Doctor, report!"

Leslie leapt into a response filled with precise medical jargon, most of which Alice understood generally. The Doctor continued barking out orders to those aiding her, and when eventually there was a moment of silence, Alice asked, "Why is she bleeding? Why is she bleeding there!"

One after another, the others caught what Alice had: a spreading spot of blood at the meeting of Alaina's torso and her legs. Leslie ripped the sheet back to find a mass of blood upon the woman's inner thighs and the sheet and pad below her. The doctor growled, "Fuck!"

They worked furiously to clean Alaina's nether region and look for an obvious injury. It was pretty obvious what was happening, though: she was having a miscarriage. Losing her baby wasn't Alaina's biggest concern right now, a danger that Leslie made obvious when she said in desperation, "I can't stop the bleeding!"
Standing outside the doorway, Ty saw the bleeding and left it to the medical team. But he had a feeling he knew what it meant. Shifting to the side he closed his eyes and prayed.

He understand the words coming from Leslie, but not their connections to what was happening the Hacker. So he just focused on what he could. Bleeding. Thin Blood. She needed a coagulant. He didn’t know of any treatment for thin blood. There were dozens of medications to thin the blood but he didn’t know of any to make it thicker.
Leslie was working frantically to stem the bleeding yet getting no where. This wasn't simply a miscarriage; something unexplainable was happening within Alaina, and the doctor could neither uncover the issue nor solve it.

Another alarm sounded, followed immediately by Marcia warning, "Her blood pleasure is dropping."

Leslie had expected that, of course, but not so soon and not so drastically. As she worked furiously, continuing to occasionally bark orders in simplified terminology to her non-medical assistants, Leslie already knew she was losing an unwinnable game.


Ten minutes later, Leslie reached a bloodied hand up to silence the last of a series of alarms. The only sounds in the Infirmary now were the soft cries of the women who'd been closer to Alaina than anyone likely ever had been in her life, despite having known her for less than two weeks.

Leslie shed her latex gloves, retrieved a fresh sheet from a nearby locker, and returned to Alaina's bed to cover her stilled body with it. Marcia prevented it, though, growling, "No!"

The cook who had fallen deeply in love with Alaina during their brief time together moved to wrap her arms around the dead woman's shoulders and head, lifting her a few inches to embrace her; she kissed Alaina softly on the lips, then simply held her tightly while she sobbed into the crook of her neck.

A few feet away, the hacker's second lover stood there in shock, sobbing softly while tears ran down her face. Adeline had cared deeply for Alaina, too, but -- as she'd explained to the now deceased woman just yesterday -- Marcia was madly in love with her. Adeline's tears were as much for Marcia as they were for Alaina.

"Why don't you go get washed up," Leslie suggested to Rita, who was also standing nearby crying. The doctor helped the young woman out of her bloodied gloves and gown, shed her own gown, and took Rita into her arms for a long embrace. She whispered to Rita, "Go ... clean up and change. There's nothing you can do here now."

The young thing turned and almost ran from the Infirmary. Leslie looked to Alice, who -- as she shed her gloves and gown -- told the others in a soft voice, "Let's ... let's clear out ... give the Doctor some room."
Disconnecting from any association with the situation Ty did what needed to be done. Placing equipment into the autoclave for sterilization, collecting soiled linens for washing. He’d do the laundry himself to reduce any trauma the others would feel. Once Dr. Leslie kicked him out he went to his office and found a viable candidate as Alaina’s replacement.

Selecting one he flagged it and sent the information to the captain for review. He’d selected a man this time. Replacing Alaina was going to be difficult. And having another female sitting in Alaina seat would potentially be traumatic for Marcia and Adeline.

Going to the repair bay he collected the secondary water pump and went to work. He didn’t need help attaching it to the floor and he needed to be alone, at least for now. He went slow and fed the airline down himself before he went swimming.

Mac pretty much felt useless, he didn’t have the medical degrees or knowledge they needed. He was a Bio Engineer. Hell he could clone the girl but couldn’t save her life. Right now he was a glorified mechanic and electrician.

He’d known her for like three days? Four maybe? But she’d had an effect on everyone in the facility. Would a blood transfusion have helped? Was there enough time or enough blood?

Looking at Leslie he stated: “We need to remove her ovaries and put them in stasis. Before it’s to late. We also need tissue samples. The skin will be fine. If you can assist in this it’s appreciated, but I can do this on my own while you, The Lieutenant, and Captain get suitable personnel from Pods.”
One by one, the occupants of the Infirmary began dispersing or performing other work in the space:

Rita was the first to leave, practically running away. She hurried down three flights of stairs to her own room on Level 4, where she stripped out of her blood splattered clothing and in nothing more than her panties sobbed until she lay to her side and passed out. She wouldn't awake for more than an hour, and slipping into a robe, headed off to the Hygiene Room to shower, dress, and mosey up to the Horticulture Lab to work in stunned silence.

Marcia departed only after Alice gently pulled her from Alaina's side, telling her that the Doctor needed to tend to Alaina. Also covered in blood, she was escorted by Adeline directly to the showers on Level 4. They had to stop twice as Marcia's weak knees threatened a fall on the steps, an accident Adeline knew they didn't need right now. The French woman stripped them both to their undergarments and got them under the hot flow; the water at their feet was reddish from Alaina's blood for the first few minutes.

Alice assisted Ty with gathering the bloodied equipment for cleaning. They worked in silence; what would they have said to one another? She went to Leslie with her support, only to be told, "I'm alright. I got this."

Alice looked to the others -- the men -- who were continuing to help. She looked to Alaina again, now covered with a sheet that had been placed over her clean but was already stained red. She couldn't stay here any longer and headed away, descending to her office. She reclined back in her chair, staring at the overhead for a good long time before finally taking the bottle from her desk and sucking down one, two, three big swigs of whiskey.

Back in the Infirmary, Leslie found herself trembling. She'd never lost a patient before. She'd been a General Practitioner before joining the USSF suspended animation project; she'd never faced the serious traumas of an emergency room doctor. She suddenly found herself needing time alone. She looked to Ty and Mac, saying with a harsh tone, "You can go now. Now! You've ... you've done enough, thank you."

Ty departed first, with Mac approaching Leslie to tell her, “We need to remove her ovaries and put them in stasis. Before it’s too late."

She opened her mouth to tell him that that wouldn't be necessary, then caught herself. Only she, Alice, and Adeline knew of the Ark Project. She glanced toward the bookcase hiding the secret cache of fertilized embryos. She wished she could have told Alaina about this; she would have found this intriguing and -- to be honest -- relieving, seeing how Alaina hadn't wanted to be a brood mare for the Garden of Eden Program.

"We also need tissue samples," Mac continued. "The skin will be fine. If you can assist in this it’s appreciated, but I can do this on my own while you, The Lieutenant, and Captain get suitable personnel from Pods.”

"No," Leslie said, before then clarifying, "I mean ... not right now. Not yet." She stood again, telling Mac, "Help me get Alaina into a body bag." She snorted, pointing out, "They provided us with body bags. Believe that?"

She pulled the sheet back from Alaina's face for one last look. "She's so beautiful." To Mac, she explained, "We don't have cold holding here, so ... we have to get Alaina's body down to the Saloon's walk-in fridge. Alice approved the reanimation of an Ob/Gyn, a Doctor Long. I want him to do this ... harvest Alaina's reproductive organs. I'd like you to help, if you don't mind."

Mac had already offered to do this, of course, but Leslie still felt as though she should verify his willingness to participate. Something else came to her as well. With a sincere tone, she told him, "I'm sorry, Mac. I'm sorry I, um ... propositioned you ... the way I did. It was so inappropriate of me to involve you in my drama."

She hesitated, looking down at her fingertips as she toyed with a hangnail. She added, "I'm going to tell Ty ... about our baby. Not today, of course. But ... soon." She looked Mac in the eyes, saying, "If you could keep this to yourself, please."

Leslie didn't know that Mac had already told Alice about not only her failed seduction of the man but about her pregnancy, too. Alice hadn't told Ty what she now knew, though; Alice didn't feel it was her right or responsibility.
Specialist Jo Lupo / Lieutenant Tyrande Collins:
Stretching in the pod, Jo rolled her neck as a voice said “Wake up Sierra One-Zero-One, you’re back on duty.”

Blinking she opened her eyes and squinted at the familiar voice and face. “Sarge?” she asked. “Sergeant Collins?”

“It’s First Lewy now, Got me a field promo. Skipped a couple steps in between as well.”

Grabbing the offered hand Jo sat up in the pod and looked at the other people around her. “Nine months was quick, but if you got jumped in the promo chain, the shit hit the fan. Hard. Real Hard, you never wanted to be an Officer.”

“We have a few to wake, up. Go with Rita, she’ll show you were to get gear and a shower. Boots on the ground Specialist. Briefing in one hour. No Questions.”

Specialist John Schneider / Lieutenant Tyrande Collins:
A few minutes after the Lupo was awake and on the move The next pod was opened and The new Hacker was awakened. He was a little more groggy than Lupo but was still moving as soon as he was upright. Though he asked for an energy drink on his way to a shower. He didn’t get it but he still asked for it.
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The whole crew:

Alice was conflicted about the goings-on of the late evening. They'd lost Alaina a mere 12 hours ago, and now they were reanimating 3 more Stiffs to replace her and supplement the medical staff that -- without blame! -- had been unable to save her life.

Of course, could Alaina really be replaced? Certainly not in Marcia's heart. The cook had been devastated by the hacker's death, going about her kitchen duties in a silent, almost robotic autopilot. Most of the other others had tried to talk to her at least once, only to be shrugged off or totally ignored.

“Sarge?” the first of the awakened Stiffs asked as Ty stood over the opened cryo pod. “Sergeant Collins?”

Ty talked of his promotion, looking to Alice when Josephina "Joe" Lupo said, “Nine months was quick..."

Alice shook her head at Ty; she had told each of the others that the newbies were not to be told of the delayed reanimation until each had gotten in their shower and rejuvenation meal and intravenous drugs, then assembled on the mess decks for dinner and a proper explanation.

Ty ordered Joe to go with Rita, to which the young woman smiled and offered a steadying hand. She explained the bad news: "We have to climb 5 flights of stairs up to Level 4 'cause we still don't have the elevators working."

From there, the welcoming crew descended one flight of stairs to Level 10 to bring the next team member into the Community. Jonathan Schneider was Alaina's replacement, another skilled hacker who -- with any luck -- would not only continue with the departed woman's work but would expand on it, fixing the multitude of issues the bunker and its occupants were facing.

As Ty assisted John out of his pod, Alice couldn't help but notice how incredibly attractive he was ... Hollywood leading man attractive. She teased herself silently, Maybe I jumped the gun going after Mac. She chuckled softly, looking his way. She winked to him in private, then said reassuringly to herself, No, no ... he's the man for me, no doubt.

As with Joe before him, John was sent upstairs, this time helped by Mac at Alice's request. The Captain looked to Ty and said, "One more."

They descended yet another floor to Level 11, the last of the decks that was still entirely dry. Leslie had begun the reanimation process for each of the previous Stiffs and was now finishing her work on the third when Alice and Ty arrived. Alice thought Leslie had a curious expression on her face when they arrived, asking, "Everything okay, Doc?"

"Yes, fine," she responded. She looked to her lover and smiled softly. She repeated with a loving smile on her face, "Everything's fine."

Leslie had claimed to Alice that she'd chosen Dr. Spencer Long for reanimation and addition to the medical staff because she thought they needed an Ob/Gyn; she, Adeline, and -- no longer applicable -- Alaina were all pregnant, and the way the bunker's Community members fucked like bunnies without any birth control other than the rhythm method, there were undoubtedly going to be more intentional or unintentional pregnancies in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.

The truth, though, was that Leslie had chosen to awaken Spencer to make a sperm donation to create the ambiguity Leslie wanted regarding her baby's parentage. That, like Alaina's need for an Ob/Gyn was no longer applicable; Leslie had decided that she was going to tell Ty the truth, as well as keep her womb closed to the seed of other male bunker mates.

"He just about ready?" Alice asked the old doctor about the new one. She checked her watch -- it was getting close to 2000 hours -- and reminded Leslie, "It's getting late, and we have an orientation to complete before we all head to bed."

Those last 5 words made Alice thing of Mac and what he'd been doing to her this morning when the announcement had come from Bertha about Alaina's seizure. One on hand, Alice felt ashamed that she'd been experiencing one of her best orgasms yet while Alaina was in the throes of a seizure that would, ultimately, take her life. On the other hand, she'd done all she could have to prevent the hacker's untimely death.

Or ... had she? Alice often found herself feeling deep guilt over not having detected Airman Greg Young's true evil early enough to save Alaina from what he'd done to her. Now, of course, she was at times overwhelmed with trying to simply understand the man; what Ty had learned about his security clearances had left the two of them simply baffled and searching for answers.

"Hello, Spencer," Leslie said with a smile when the man finally regained consciousness and looked up at her. She gave him a moment to blink clear and focus his eyes, then asked, "Do you remember me?"

"The Hawk ... of course," Spencer said with a weak voice. He cleared his throat, then said more formally, "Doctor Leslie Hawkins ... what're you still doing at Richardson?"

Leslie helped him sit up, then turn to fling his feet out over the pod's side. He cleared his throat again, stretched his back and arms, then said, "I thought you were going home to ... Cleveland, right?"

"Akron," Leslie corrected. She was checking his vitals as she explained, "No, I stayed behind. The Pandemic ... well, it was getting pretty bad, so..."

In his twisting and turning, Spencer caught sight of and made eye contact with two faces he didn't recognize. He looked around to ensure that he was still in the RIBC, then -- knowing something wasn't as it should be -- asked, "What's gone wrong...? Something has gone wrong ... right?"

"Doctor Long, we have reanimated you because we have some pregnant females who could use your professional services," Alice cut in, fearing that Leslie might get into the subject of what had gone wrong. She gestured to Ty, continuing, "Lieutenant Collins will--"

"I'll help," Leslie cut in. She looked between the Captain and her lover, saying, "I mean, if it's alright with Ty."

"Doctor Hawkins ... the Hawk, apparently ... and Lieutenant Collins will get you to your new quarters," Alice continued. She joked, "Your sleeping room is a little bigger than your pod."
Specialist Jo Lupo:
Jo thought about flirting with the girl but something was …. off. So she kept her mouth shut and watched and listened. She’d do without a back massage in the shower for the moment, though God knew she desperately needed a mouth on her pussy. Fucked she hadn’t been this horny since she met Candy. Hell she needed to get a hold of her fiancee!!

“Hey do we have a phone I can use? I need to call someone.” She called to the pale as shit cheerleader type. After the response she was even more confused, but it was a top secret base. Someone was probably listening. Someone was always listening. Maybe if she got a hold of the Sheriff he could get a message to her girl.

Sitting in a seat in the saloon after her shower, her uniform crisp and clean as Boot camp she could feel the dread, see the eyes that had been crying. The red head and the cook were crying the most. The cheerleader looked like she wanted to vomit or disappear in the floor. The female doctor looked like she was in shock. Ty and the other guy were hard as nails, but even The Sarge.. LT had been affected. Someone had died. But who and why?

Looking at the food she ate, it was better than most base grub, and it had salt and pepper in it so whoever was cooking wasn’t a military cook.
Specialist John Schneider / Lieutenant Tyrande Collins:
The guy escorting him was like a brick, silent and hard. But he wass efficient, showing him to a room and where the showers were. God damned he needed a hot shower. Under the hot spray he rubbed one out until he exploded his cum on the wall, his knees shaking. God Damned he needed his cock sucked. “You wouldn’t happen to be gay, bi, pan, or just wiling to help a guy out would you?”

“What?” Mac asked, caught off guard. “Oh, no. The.. sexual urges is normal. It will pass within three to ten days.”

“DAYS!!?” John gasped loudly. “Fuck me Raw! Can I get an energy drink at least? I need a red bull bad.”

“Sorry the closest we have is coffee,” Mac explained.

The curtain ripped open, and John glared at Mac. “Coffee? COFFEE!? That shit is disgusting. But at least you didn’t say tea!” Stepping out he grabbed a towel and dried off, his cock red and swollen from the abuse it had just received.


Sitting between his two pod mates John pushed his food round on the plate before he ate. “Civilian cook? What gives?” he whispered softly to the guy on his right trying to make conversation, but that guy seemed more interested in the hot chocolate that had woken him up than anything else.

“Whatever,” he said turning to look at the spicy enchilada on his left. “at least we won’t die from the cook’s lack of talent, right?”

The LT gave him a glare that would have killed the mood in a love story so he shut up and ate, drinking water. COFFEE?! Fucking gross ass shit. He’d drink horse piss before he drank coffee.
Lt. Collins, Dr. Hawkins, Dr. Long:
After helping the man sit up Ty ad Leslie got him situated with clothes and a shower. Ty wasn’t sure if Dr. Long was going to be a problem or not. Alaina had shoved a wedge between them, and he was fairly certain Dr. Long and Leslie had a previous partnership. They knew each other but was it professional or personal.

Out of duty, and interest, he’d been with Alaina. And he’d be with Rita when she was ready. But Leslie thought it was more than that. Her demeanor, body language, tonal inflection. It had changed after he’d spent a morning with Alaina, satisfying her desperate aching need for a cock. Hell, that girl probably had more sex than anyone else on in the facility. But she’d needed cock, so he’d provided.

If he and Leslie weren’t a semi-sort of thing, he’d probably have been part of the Adeline/Alaina/Marcia group. Certainly, would have been interesting, but he’d never have been able to make them all happy. Now he doubted if Marcia and Adeline would ever be happy again.

Unfortunately, Alaina dying only reinforced his own mental trauma, Survivor's guilt was a bitch for soldiers. Getting the Doc clothes as the man showered, and giving Leslie a minute with the man, alone. He escorted him to the Saloon where Marcia had made food for everyone, how she was holding up was a fucking miracle. He’d get with the Captain about having everyone rotate in the kitchen, helping her with prep and dishes. And making sure she wasn’t alone for a couple weeks.

The three new pod-lings sat at one table while everyone else sat alone or in pairs. The room was quiet as a fucking cemetery.
Rita and Jo Lupo:

Rita missed the flirting glances from Jo, her mind still racked with the image of Alaina laying there in the Infirmary bed, blooded all about her midsection. There was no doubt that Jo Lupo was a beauty; Rita might use the word attractive if she herself was attracted to other girls. (Rita's first and only sexual experience before her afternoon with Ty had been reaching third base with a female cousin in her mid-teens, of course, but that had only been exploration, not preference determining.)

“Hey, do we have a phone I can use?" Jo asked as she undressed. "I need to call someone.”

"Um, no ... I, um...," she mumbled. "We're having some communications issues. Alice ... the Captain will explain it all at dinner ... at the orientation, I mean. She called it an orientation when she talked to us earlier about--"

Rita went silent, recalling the don't tell them anything about anything warning. "The Captain will explain it all in a bit. Enjoy your shower. I'll, um ... I'll be waiting out in the Common Area for you."

She gestured toward a stool on which clean clothes awaited Jo. "We retrieved your uniforms from your locker before reanimating you. Everything's there."

Rita turned to leave, then stopped and said, "Oh, I'm Rita. Rita Reynolds. They call me the Plant Lady. I run the Horticulture Lab, up on Two."


Leslie, Ty, and Spencer Long:

As she and Ty helped Spencer up the many sets of stairs, Leslie found her situation awkward. The last time she'd been in physical contact with Spencer, there had been no clothes and lots of sweat accompanied by animalistic sounds.

After deciding not to have sex with her former lover to cover the fact that her current lover had knocked her up, Leslie had attempted to find another Ob/Gyn amongst the Stiffs. She'd failed. Plus -- based upon Leslie's glowing recommendation -- Alice had already made her decision to reanimate Spencer.

"So, Hawk, you've been out of stasis for a while, I guess," he asked as they made their way up the stairs. "I mean, I'm assuming you went in. You don't look a day older than when I went into that glass-topped coffin, and I'm assuming that you haven't been awake this whole time, monitoring the GOE."

By GOE, Spencer meant the Garden of Eden Program's participants -- the Stiffs who the GOE personnel called the Shanghaied. Leslie wasn't supposed to talk about this and only responded with, "No, I was in stasis, too. I've been up and around for, what ... ten, eleven days?"

Spencer was about to tell the man to his right a personal story about the woman on his left, then caught himself. His and Leslie's relationship back in the day had been highly secretive for two very good reasons: first, one or the other of them would have been transferred if their sexual relationship had been uncovered; and second, Spencer was married.

"My husband's back in Denver," he said instead, looking to fill the climbing time since his aides weren't talking at all. "I hadn't seen him in ... oh, I guess it was a bit over 4 months prior to coming here to Greenland...

"Harry's a sculptor," he said at the next landing while he rested his aching body. "Works with metal. He has -- or had, I'm not sure -- an exhibit at the Denver Museum of Modern Art when I came here...

"He's a stay-at-home dad, too, thank God!" the conversation continued at yet a higher landing. "I don't know how we'd make it if Harry wasn't home with the kids...

"Two boys ... Charles and Gregory," the chat continued. "We adopted them. Charlie is Ugandan; Greg is Ethiopian. Wow, have they got their work cut out for them. African children raised by two white-as-fuck gay men..."

In between the personal stuff, Spencer tried to talk about the bunker, the various projects/programs, and more. Each time, Leslie politely said something to the effect of Captain Walker will talk about that later, maybe.

Leslie abandoned the pair at the Hygiene Room on Level 4 and headed directly to the Infirmary. She stopped short, seeing the now vacated hospital bed. Alaina's body had been moved to the very back of the walk-on Saloon fridge where it would remain until Spencer, Mac, and Leslie (maybe) performed the surgery to collect her reproductive organs for future use.

Leslie glanced to the medications cabinet again, yearning the relief of a Fentanyl patch. No ... NO! Not going there! she chastised herself. She went to her computer, finding the one and only mental health professional in the personnel inventory. There was concern about reanimating too many people too soon, but a head shrinker was desperately needed for the Community.

The Saloon -- the whole gang is here:

Alice came out to join the others, finding them scattered across five different tables. The mood was solemn as fuck, what with the tragedy of Alaina's death and the semi-conscious nature of the newly reanimated Stiffs. At the comments she overheard regarding the food before them, Alice explained, "We are fortunate enough to have a very skilled and genius chef. Marcia ... she, um..."

Alice hesitated, then explained, "We suffered a tragic loss today. Miss Alaina Carmichael died of ... complications of ... well, we're still working on that. Alaina was very special to all of us..."

She hesitated; it was inappropriate to speak about the personal relationships Alaina had with the others -- Marcia and Adeline in particular -- in this setting and at this time. She only added, "She will be missed ... greatly."

Looking to the newbies, Alice got right to the heart of the matter: "I have the great misfortune to be the person responsible for telling you that ... well ... things are not as you might have expected them to be when you exited suspended animation."

The level of knowledge the three had about the world situation prior to entering stasis varied, of course.

Doctor Spencer Long had been part of the Garden of Eden Program's medical team, so he knew about the shanghaiing, the Armageddon Pandemic, and the Richardson International Bunker Complex. Of the three, he was the only one who knew it all -- well, except that he'd been in stasis for 144 years. Did he know about the Ark's cache of fertilized embryos.

Jo Lupo, of course, had been coopted into the cryo project while serving in the USSF Reserves at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado Springs. Alice didn't know just how much Jo knew about what she'd gotten herself into, but she was certain the woman hadn't expected the long sleep.

Johnathan Schneider was a big fat question mark. His record wasn't redacted or anything like that; it was simply filled with stuff that neither Alice nor Bertha cold decipher. She'd sit down with him later to hash out the details of what he had to offer -- as well as who and what the hell he was.

"You all have been in suspended animation for roughly 144 years," Alice said bluntly. "Oh, and Jo and John ... you're in Greenland, not Colorado or--" She looked to the mystery man, saying, "--wherever you came from."

She went into a detailed explanation of the Pandemic, the Garden of Eden Program, and everything else, some of which some of them knew, some of which none of them knew. She held nothing back -- well, except for the Ark Project. That was being kept from even her Head of Security -- for now.
Specialist Jo Lupo:
“Christ on a crutch!” Lupo grunted. “Are you sure this isn’t some digital fuck up? Or a mind game set up by the higher ups to test us? Yeah the flu was bad, even worse than C19, but still….”

“I was gonna get married for fuck sake. Was she put in stasis? Was there any chance our families were saved? If this is real anyways.” Looking over at the other new guy she felt for him a husband and kids? At least the Sarge.. er LT had always gone the smart route of no relationships. Yeah he fucked, he’ll she’d let him inside out in the field a few times, but he never got involved.

She would have been Sheriff in a year or five,, when the current one retired. That was dust in the wind now. FUCK! There goes the retirement plan.

“144 years?! Years?!” Leaning his head into his hand, elbow on the table he scratched his skull, thinking. “I heard about the project through the grapevine, and the dark web, But I didn’t think they were actually doing it. How did I get here? I was civilian, not military. I was having drinks with.. Lt. Col. Hammond, he wanted me on a project. Then I’m here. In.. Greenland?”

“Why am I here?”
"It's real," Alice answered in response to Jo Lupo's questions. "We have limited access to information regarding the world beyond this facility ... but from what we've accessed, this is what we know...

"The human race has taken a major hit. We estimate a total toll over 6 billion, from the combination of the virus and the mayhem that would have followed ... conflict, disease, starvation..."

Alice's number was conservative, actually. She believed the true number to be closer to 7.5 billion, but she couldn't be certain because they only had current satellite images of Greenland, North America, and the British Isles; they still hadn't been able to access images from any satellites passing over South America, Africa, Australia, Asia, or the remainder of Europe. Hopefully their new hacker would figure out a way to get into the satellites that they knew were flying overhead.

"Regarding your friends and family," Alice continued, her tone becoming more solemn, "We reviewed the list of personnel in suspended animation prior to waking you. I can tell you that none of your family or friends were included in that list. I'm sorry. I wish I had better news for each of you." She swept a hand to indicate the others, saying, "We -- the people reanimated before you -- we ... our friends and family are all gone, too."

“144 years?!" John exclaimed. "Years?!”

"It's the year 2185," Alice informed the trio, adding, "14 April 2185."

John spoke about hearing of the cryo project -- or did he mean the GOE Program? -- on the dark web, then asked, "How did I get here? I was civilian, not military."

"Well, yes ... that's a sticky little subject around here," Alice responded. She talked about how the majority of the Stiffs -- reanimated and yet to be -- weren't here by choice. "I would apologize to you for that if I'd had anything to do with it. I myself went into cryo voluntarily in Nevada, only to wake up here. We have American military and civilians ... French civilians ... more from other places. This facility, the Richardson International Bunker Complex, was actually an international facility. It was owned by Denmark, operated by the US, and staffed by civilians from six different countries.

"I've reviewed the list of Stiffs, of course," Leslie offered. "The complex was staffed by personnel from 6 countries, but those in cryo come from a total of 9 different nations."

"You said I was reanimated for a reason," Spencer cut in, wanting to move on from this mind-spinning conversation. Looking to Alice, he asked, "You have pregnant personnel you need me to examine ... yes? Who are they?"

"Me," Adeline said without hesitation. That didn't surprise any of those who'd been living and working with her for the past 10 days, of course, though it might have surprised some of the new residents.

What was going to surprise the original community was Leslie suddenly saying, "I'm pregnant, too."

She looked directly at Ty for his reaction. She hadn't planned on doing this here and now; it just sort of came out.
How does one properly react to the news they were going to be a father, the same day a friend dies? How long had she known? Why say it here and now? Was this a game to her? He’d fucked Alaina six days ago, she died earlier today, and now Leslie was proclaiming herself pregnant. If Alaina had been pregnant it was just a clump of cells, not even a heartbeat yet. Same with Leslie. Was she doing this to lock him down? She didn’t need to, he’d already decided he’d help Rita, but not after that. And even though it was erotically arousing to take the girls virginity, there was so much drama happening because of it he regretted saying yes.

Keeping his face like stone, he didn’t react. Any reaction would be misconstrued, so would his not reacting. He’d talk to her later, find out what was going on.

“Sorry guys, I need a minute to process..” John commented as he got up and left the saloon, taking a self guided wandering tour around the facility. Finding the submerged Cryo-tanks solidified events, and swimming over to one and seeing the dead person inside was like a hammer on the spike.

Sitting back Lupo leaned against a wall. Another dirty mission by a dirty and corrupt government. At least her and the.. L.T. were used to it. And babies. Apparently the two guys had been busy fucking the available pussy. So who was with whom? She’d figure it out in time. Was the LT attaching himself to someone? That would be a fucking miracle.

Hell maybe she could get him to give her a good hard fuck. Unless one of the ladies was willing to help her out.
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Alice was surprised by Leslie's sudden declaration; she'd known the chef was pregnant, of course, but she wasn't aware that Leslie had shared the news with Ty already. She had told him, she was certain. She was wrong. Ty's lack of a reaction, though, incorrectly reassured her that the baby daddy was very aware.

"Okay, well, Doctor Long, you have your patients to see then," Alice said, standing. Looking to the women, she continued, "Adeline, Leslie ... tomorrow morning, get this done."

“Sorry guys," John said, standing to depart. "I need a minute to process.”

As he left, Alice looked to Ty, then Jo. "Specialist Lupo, I, um ... well, I don't really have anything for you tonight, so ... you're excused, unless the Lieutenant has something for you. You work for him, after all. Is that correct, Lieutenant?"

She listened to his reply, then said to Ty, "Right now, though ... I need to speak to you in my office ... right now."

She turned to leave but stopped when Spencer said, "Oh, Captain. I was hoping to have a moment with you, too."

"Can it wait until tomorrow, Doctor Long?" she asked. He shrugged -- Alice's least favorite physical gesture as the others already knew -- to which she said, "My office, 0800 hours ... okay?"

By now, Leslie, Adeline, and Rita -- who hadn't spoken a word during the get-together -- had stood and headed for the door, followed now by Spencer. Alice continued onto her office, and when Ty caught up to her, she waggled a finger toward the door and ordered, "Close that, please ... sit."

Alice fished out the bottle of whiskey, waggling it as she had her finger to see that there was only an inch left. She opened the bottle, took a swig, then set the bottle in the middle of her desk, telling Ty, "Finish it. You might want this ... before I go on."

If he didn't empty the bottle, Alice would. She asked, "How certain are you that what happened to Alaina was due to Airman Young's abuse?" Before Ty could respond she quickly continued, "And the reason I ask is this: I want to reanimate him again and get answers to who he is, what he is -- professionally -- and why our Artificial Intelligence seems to believe that he's some sort of God."

She took the bottle and set it aside. It would be used again when they had the available resources and a person skilled at processing them in a moonshine still that Alice had been yearning since she first realized that the now-empty bottle wouldn't last long.

"Once we have our answers," she went on, "or don't ... if that's the way Greg wants to take this..." She looked to the bottle again, wishing to God that it was full to the top. She looked to Ty again, finishing, "Once we have a conclusion one way or another ... we'll put Young back in his pod ... and deenergize it."

That was her subtle way of saying execute Greg.
Lieutenant Tyrande Collins:
“I’m certain enough that the only reason I haven’t smashed his pod to hell with him in it is because I plan on sacrificing him to the first set of Cannibals we come across. Fully aware, and unable to move. I’m hoping Mr. MacFerguson has the capabilities of synthesizing Tetrodotoxin from the Fugu fish so I can make sure he gets his justice.”

“I had Bertha provide me with uses of the drugs in question. And their side effects. If she’d had the dosage slowly lowered she’d have survived, as it was the sudden withdraw was to much for her to handle. In conjunction with other factors. I’ll of course wait for an autopsy to provide me with proof, but after watching camera footage I’m quite certain he’d have been convicted just off the footage.”

Shifting in the chair he looked at the empty bottle like he wanted it full as well. “The Prisoner found Dr. Leslie in a state of.. disconnect after she used a Patch, possibly more than one. He stole the medication then. I have not informed her of that video evidence. From what he said during the event, I’m certain he.. made physical contact with her as well. It was off camera but a reflection provided me with visual clues and body position as well as his verbal comments.”

“Was I the only one that didn’t know?” He asked. “Is she going to have it aborted? Is that why she wanted him woken up? To kill the baby? How certain can she be at two weeks?” Taking a long slow deep breath he closed his eyes for a moment. “If you wake him up, I’ll torture him to death. And then we lose any bargaining chip with cannibals.”
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Alice and Ty:

Her Lieutenant verified his certainty as to whether Airman Young was responsible for Alaina's death, then spoke of the punishment to which he would subject the man. Alice couldn't help but smirk; she both believed that Greg deserved such pain and that Ty was capable of delivering it.

"I’ll of course wait for an autopsy to provide me with proof," he added.

"I don't think we need an autopsy to prove that," Alice responded. "I do think we need it to ensure that what happened to Alaina wasn't partially a result of such long term suspended animation. No human being ... no test animal either, has ever been subjected to this length of cryo. You and I, we were part of the 3-month test, the longest human trial to date at that time."

“Was I the only one that didn’t know?” Ty suddenly asked.

Alice knew about what he was asking, of course, and was surprised that he asked the question. "You didn't know...? I thought Leslie told you." She shook her head, saying, "I'm sorry, Ty. When she said that, I was sure that she'd already discussed it with you."

“Is she going to have it aborted?" he asked. "Is that why she wanted him woken up? To kill the baby?"

"No, no, Ty," she answered without hesitation. "No, that's not it at all. Trust me. I, um ... I'd like to explain it to you ... but I really think this is something you should discuss with Leslie. But Ty, trust me! She'd keeping the baby ... and ... and I'm sure that she wants you to be part of its upbringing. I really do. Talk to her ... tonight!"

"How certain can she be at two weeks?” he asked about whether Leslie was sure she was pregnant.

"I talked to Leslie about that," Alice answered. "She said the new tests provided by the GoE folk are accurate after just 6 days. Revolutionary, is the word Leslie used."

They sat in silence for a moment, and just as Alice was about to dismiss him and once again tell him to go talk to his lover, Ty said about Greg Young, “If you wake him up, I’ll torture him to death. And then we lose any bargaining chip with cannibals.”

Alice laughed, though, she wasn't entirely certain whether or not Ty's declaration was meant to be comical or not. She stood to come around her desk, an indication that they were done for now. She told him with a bit of humor in her tone, "Trust me, Lieutenant, by the time we get out of this dungeon and see the blue skies above us, I'm sure we will have a sacrificial lamb for you to feed them. Someone is going to annoy one or both of us so horrifically that we won't hesitate to throw them out to be eaten alive."
Standing up Tyrande left the Captain’s office. She’d already made up her mind. She’d simply wanted his approval to d it. He’d objected but it was happening anyways. Fine. But he’d make sure the fucker couldn’t do any damage. For the next several hours he tested the range and failure point of Bertha’s internal communication system. Then he set up an interrogation area on the lowest level and printed several warnings for the rest of the staff and posted them on the next level up. If no one came down they didn’t need t know.

He also changed the signage so it looked like they were on level 9, instead of twelve. Let the Airman think things were much further along with the flooding. Make him think months had passed. Granted Marcia was going to be upset that he’d taken some ingredients from thee kitchen, but they were painfully effective.

After his torture room was set up and ready he went through the facility checking garbage cans for any medication packages, Writing, anything really for what happened with Alaina. Did she OD on something and leave a not? Was it an accident? In the monitoring Station he found several blister packs of Benadryl. Taking them as evidence he checked her room as well and found another one.

In his office he reviewed footage. He watched as she woke up, went to the bathroom, and then grabbed a couple from the infirmary cabinet. They weren’t ‘drugs’ so they weren’t locked, but neither was Tylenol or a dozen other medicines. But she didn’t take them until just before going to her room? Using them as a sleep aid? Treatment for motion sickness, induce sleep, Parkinson's?

After compiling a list of things he’d need from the infirmary he exercised for a couple ours, burning off energy, and anger before he finally went to bed.
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After Ty left her office, Alice once again glanced toward the empty whiskey bottle. She shook her head, thinking maybe a still would be a bad idea.

She'd had a long and trying day -- who hadn't? -- and decided to end it. She descended past Level 4 where the others slept to her room on Five. Stopping in front of the door, she silently wished that upon opening it, she would find Mac laying naked in her bed, inviting her to him with a curling finger and a stiff cock.