"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

Lupo, Rita, Marcia:
Taking Marcia to her bedroom/quarters Lupo got her to sit on the bed before she looked at Rita. “I don’t know the whole story, but from what I’ve heard the situation will be dealt with and he’ll be punished for what he did.”

Looking over at Marcia she said, “In the before world I was a specialist in the military, and a Deputy Sheriff, when I wasn’t in other countries. I’m not sure how you want to deal with the grief. Well, I do, but you can’t kill him yet.”

“I do know some people cry, some scream, some keep themselves busy. However you need to cope, will be fine. And I’m here for that even though you don’t know me from Eve.”

Mac and Lang:
Once Airman Young was secured and they’d been banished to the upstairs, away from the prisoner, Mac looked at Dr. Lang. "We need to harvest her Ovaries as soon as possible; they’re already degrading in the kitchen fridge. They need to be frozen.”

“No time like the present,” the Youngish Doctor replied. "Besides we’ll get less interference if we do it now and have the tissue tests run through the night.”

Nodding in agreement Mac and Long went to the Cooler to collect Alaina n and reassessed the situation “You know, we could do this easier here..” They both said in unison. “Yes, yes we could. I’ll move stuff around here; you get the equipment. Then we shower and operate. She might be dead, but we don’t need any contaminants interfering with testing.”

An hour later they began the Autopsy. Thank god they were doing it at night and they were cleaning everything themselves afterwards. The cook would kill them if she knew the flour scale was being used to weight Alaina’s internals. Once the autopsy was done, just under three hours later Dr. Long assisted Mac in preparation and analysis of the DNA they’d collected from Alaina. Including her ovaries.

Another two hours later and everything was back as it was. They’d made notes of what went where for it’s return. Disrupting the already emotionally distraught cook was the last thing they wanted. Should the cook be put on suicide watch? What about Adeline? Where was Adeline anyways? Realizing it wasn’t his concern, not his responsibility to babysit the facility crew, he kept his mouth shut.

As it was it was time for the late late show, or the early early show. Either way he needed some sleep for tomorrow. His medical professor would have said he was getting lazy,, but his old body said he was jut fucking tired. “Can you write the autopsy report?” Mac asked Long. “I have to do one for the viability of her cells for future usage.”

Dr. Long didn’t really want to do that, he’d rather go back to the bedroom and join the party, if it was still going on. But he agreed anyways, and left Mac to write his report.

John and Adeline:
With the Dr. out the door Adeline took over and mounted The latest hacker with ease. He was slightly larger than the average man, but he wasn’t as big as Mac, and she was slippery and ready as a succubus on a beach campus.

John really liked her tits, the way the shook and bounced as she rode his rock hard cock like a bucking bronco. There was a reason this was called Cowgirl, he though as he rose to meet her.

He watched her eyes and body as she rode him, waiting for her to find her bliss several times before he shifted them onto her back. With his hands on either side of her head he started to drive his cock into her. Cowgirl was fun and all, but it wasn’t enough for him to cum. Though with as tight as she was he could have, eventually.

Sliding his cock back and forth in her incredibly tight pussy he damned near pulled out several times, once he did and nearly shoved his dick up her ass before he re-positioned and drove it into her pussy again. Biting her neck, he gave her a world of hickeys as he sped towards his own release like a locomotive, he felt her convulse with release a number of times, undoubtedly missing several as he concentrated on prolonging his.

No matter how many times he had sex, no matter how long it lasted, it was over to soon and he was pressing hard into her, his cock and balls tightening and pulsating as his cum plastered her insides. If he’d had a dick in his ass the contractions probably would have pinched it off, as it was a muscle spasm in his leg clenched the muscles into a Charlie-horse. So he was cumming in pleasure and experiencing pain at the same time.

When he was spent, well and truly spent, he pulled out, his cock covered in their combined fluids, and rolled onto his back. “Damned I haven’t had that much fun in ages.” he sighed.
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Almost Everyone:

As he helped carry the still unconscious Stiff up the stairs on a backboard, Doctor Spencer Long's mind was racing with thoughts about what was happening. This was just way too much for him: one bunker mate, Marcia Weathers, had threatened to kill the man on the stretcher, Greg Young, while he was still emerging from stasis; the CO of the bunker, Captain Alice Walker, had talked her out of the murder, only to order that the man be secured for what Spencer was beginning to understand was going to be enhanced interrogation; the man at the other end of the back board on which the to-be-tortured man was on, Kirk "Mac" MacFerguson, was apparently tasked with building a stationary, immovable seat on which the torture was going to take place; and the man escorting Spencer and Mac -- Lieutenant Ty Collins, the Head of Security -- was, apparently, the man who was going to be doing the torturing.

Meanwhile, two of the women, Rita Reynolds and Jo Lupo were comforting the would-be-murderess; the facility's medical doctor, Leslie Hawkins -- who had once been Spencer's lover but was now Ty's -- was hurrying upstairs to the Infirmary to get sedatives to drug Greg; and the final female in the Community, Adeline Legrand, was upstairs fucking John Schneider, who only twenty minutes earlier had been sucking Spencer's cock and swallowing his load.

What the fuck was going on here?

After they'd delivered Young to his torture chamber, Spencer hurried up to the Infirmary on Level 1 to retrieve the requested sedatives, then hurried back down to a corner of the Generator Systems Room. He injected Young as ordered, explained to Ty how long the drugs would last and how much to give if again needed, then headed up again, eager to not just get back to the bed in which he assumed Adeline and John were still mussing up but to get the hell away from whatever was happening down on Level 6.

Adeline and John, in John's bed:

The redhead couldn't help but smile, then even chuckle at the clean-cut brunette man's expressions and sounds as he orgasmed for the second time, this time deep in her pussy as opposed to semi-deep in her mouth. Adeline initially thought that his look and sounds were simply a result of the throes of passion. Then she realized that he'd suffered a muscle spasm in his leg from the massive exertion he'd put into driving her them to a spectacular simultaneous orgasm.

When he rolled off of her to his back, he sighed, “Damn, I haven’t had that much fun in ages.”

Adeline's chest was still rising and falling as a result of the fun she'd had, but she managed to sigh back, "Was fun, wasn't it?" She laughed again, then rolled to lay at his side, kissing his sweat-covered chest and nibbling at the nearest nipple. "That was incredible."

She wasn't trying to boost his ego with flattery: John had driven Adeline to three quick but satisfying orgasms while she'd been riding his cock cowgirl style, then two deeper, even more satisfying ones once he'd rolled her to her back. She lifted herself to kiss him on the lips, then returned her mouth to his chest ... and bit him, causing him to call out in pain.

"Don't think for a moment," she told him, laughing as she slipped quickly out of bed, "that I didn't feel you giving me hickies, buster. Mon Dieu."

She looked down at the wound, knowing that he'd have teeth marks as well as a bruise when he showered in the morning. Moving to the narrow but tall mirror on the back of his door -- it had a standard issue sticker that all the mirrors sported reading, Look smart today! -- and examined her neck. Looking back to John's face, then looking to his only-now-weakening cock, she warned with a smile, "Just be glad you did this after I had your cock between my teeth."

The return of Spencer:

There was a knock at the door just inches from Adeline, causing her to shriek short and sharp, then laugh loudly. She opened the door to find Spencer, his face tied up in an expression that told her that whatever he'd responded to had been bad. She took his arm and pulled him inside, asking, "Chéri, what's wrong...? What happened? Parle-moi ... tell us what happened."

Spencer's eyes fell to the shapely redhead's still naked body, then to the finally-flaccid yet still delicious cock of tonight's other lover. He asked instead, "Did we all have fun?"

Adeline laughed. "Oui, nous l’avons certainement fait ... yes ... certainly. But we missed you, too--" Looking back to John, "--didn't we?"

Spencer explained the basics of what had happened -- excluding the whole upcoming torture bit. Adeline was shocked; the three lovers hadn't heard Bertha's announcement of the emergency, of course, as it had only been broadcasted to the rooms in which Alice, Ty, and Leslie had been at the time. The Frenchie asked where Greg was now, and getting the answer realized immediately what was coming.

Adeline had strong feelings about Greg, of course. He'd raped her, impregnating her while he was at it. She hated him for that first part but was conflicted on the second bit. She'd always wanted to have children; and being both a part of the Cryogenics Project and -- later -- an advising member of the Garden of Eden Program, she'd known that -- for the future of the Human Race -- she'd one day carry a child in her womb whose father had likely not been a prospective hubby type.

She regretted the idea that that non-hubby type had been a rapist and now a possible murderer. But Adeline had no issues with the fact that Greg's sperm had been the other half of creating the child she would be birthing in eight and a half months.

"Come back to bed with us," Adeline invited Spencer. She tugged on his hand as she backed toward the bed, smiling as she said, "I think you need to catch up on orgasms. I'm in the lead with four or five, maybe six. John's only at two, but they were spectacular, so we'll give him a multiplier. What do they call that in golf ... a handicap?"

"No, not tonight," Spencer said, resisting the pull of the beautiful woman. "I, um ... I had fun. And I want to do this again, soon. But ... I need to call it a night after..."

Adeline understood. This place and all that happened in it could spin anyone's mind until it felt like mush. She moved up against Spencer, rising on her tippy toes to give him a wet, erotic kiss, then told him softly, "Bonne nuit, ma chérie ... sleep well."

Spencer looked to John, smiled, told him goodnight, and departed. He crossed to his own room, stripped, laid down, and soon realized that he couldn't sleep. He couldn't get what had happened out of his mind. There's also been the conversation with Mac about Alaina: "We need to harvest her Ovaries as soon as possible.

Spencer rose and crossed to the Hygiene Room for a long, hot shower, and finally feeling tired, returned to his bed. He fell asleep at some point while staring at the overhead and the multitude of ducts, pipes, and conduits crisscrossing just beneath it.

Back in John's room, Adeline laid down next to the man for a moment of kissing, caressing, and groping before telling him, "I need to shower ... and sleep in my own bed, chérie. You are a spectacular lover. We'll do this again soon, oui?"

She rose, slipped into her coveralls, and -- carrying everything else -- headed for the Hygiene Room and her own shower, just as hot but not nearly as long. Spencer was in the stall next to her, and Adeline contemplated slipping in with him but didn't. She exited before he did, headed for her room, and was out like a like, spent from her multiple orgasms.
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Rita and Jo Lupo taking Marcia to her room after nearly killing Greg Young:

“I don’t know the whole story," Jo said to Rita, "but from what I’ve heard, the situation will be dealt with, and he’ll be punished for what he did.”

"It's probably better that you don't know the whole story," Rita responded. Even as she was saying it, she knew that Jo would learn the whole story soon enough; she was, after all, a member of the Security Force, which meant that Ty would inform her or would open the record to her.

“In the before world," Jo said to Marcia, "I was a specialist in the military, and a Deputy Sheriff, when I wasn’t in other countries."

Even though Marcia's mind was spinning too much to really grasp what Jo was saying, Rita was impressed. Of course, that might have had something to do with the fact that that Rita and Jo had not long ago been making out and caressing each other's body.

"I’m not sure how you want to deal with the grief," Jo continued to Marcia. "Well, I do, but you can’t kill him yet.”

"Yet!" Marcia emphasized. She glanced at Jo, then Rita; the latter shrugged, without explaining her gesture.

“I do know some people cry, some scream, some keep themselves busy," Jo went on. "However you need to cope, you will be fine. And I’m here for that even though you don’t know me from Eve.”

Marcia looked to Jo again, studying her as she considered the woman's words. She was conflicted about whether Jo meant professionally as a member of the Security Force or more personally, as a woman ... or even more.

Marcia had, of course, been Alaina's lover. More than that, Marcia had desperately come to love the hacker, despite the short amount of time they'd known one another. She didn't know if she would ever love someone like that again. Sure, she'd been Adeline's lover as well; in fact, the three of them had been together from the beginning.

But Marcia's relationship with Alaina had been much deeper than with the French beauty. She didn't think her feelings for Adeline could ever be like those she'd had for Alaina, and -- even though she'd known Jo for less than a day -- she doubted she could ever feel the same for her either. And yet, Jo had a look to her and a personality that made Marcia think that the two of them could find great pleasure with one another in bed, likely with Adeline lying with them.

"Thank you," she said simply to Jo. Suddenly feeling exhausted and looking between the other two women, Marcia said, "I need to sleep. Do you mind?"

Rita stood to leave, hoping that maybe she and Jo might return to the Commons Area couch and make out some more. But Marcia quickly snatched the horticultural expert's arm, asking, "Will you stay, Rita? I ... I don't want to be alone."

Rita initially thought the request was ... odd. Of all the females in the bunker -- possibly with the exception of the Captain -- Rita was the least lesbian of them, so why was Marcia asking her to stay behind. Then, it struck her that Marcia wasn't looking for someone to sleep with her, as in sex; she simply needed someone she trusted to be close to her during this emotional time.

"Of course," Rita said. "Of course, just ... let me go get my jammies."

She leaned forward to hug Marcia, then turned to head out, casually nodding her head to Jo in invitation to come with her. Once outside and away from the cook's door, Rita smiled timidly and whispered to the Security Officer, "Maybe ... we can try that again ... tomorrow maybe...?"
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Lupo talking to Rita:
Moving into the hall with Rita, as the other girl was on a mission to get her Jammies, Jo smiled at her question. “Yes we can continue where we left off tomorrow. Though I am wondering if your jammies are flannel or lace and silk?”

“And earlier when I mentioned my career path. I wasn’t trying to brag or anything. A specialist isn’t even a sergeant, I kept getting demoted for my .. um.. fighting. Probably won’t be a problem here. The Sarge.. fuck.. the Lieutenant knows I like girls and he never cared. Before, guys liked to call me dike and I liked to punch guys that called me that.”

“Mostly I think the guys got mad cause the girls they wanted, usually went home with me. Don’t get me wrong. I like dick as well. I just find girls to be... Better. And guys have their uses. Sometimes in bed, usually changing the oil in my Truck, loading my groceries in the bed, rotating the tires, things like that. Manual things. But to be honest guys suck at feelings and relationships.”

Stopping at Rita’s bedroom door, she looked the cheerleader over. “I won’t push. I won’t stalk, though it’s a small facility. But my door is always open, so whenever you want to continue, I’ll be here.”

And then after Rita got her ‘jammies’ and Jo raised an eyebrow. Those jammies would spend more time on the floor than they did on the girl, she smiled and watched Rita walk back to Marcia’ room. This felt like boot camp again. So much candy, but you had to be careful how much you ate. It could lead to trouble.

And she got into a lot of trouble in boot. But that’s the thing.. you can never try just one piece….
Knocking softly on Alice’s door Mac waited to make sure she was awake before he stepped inside. He looked like hell and he knew it. He’d hand written his report, he’d enter it into the computer and make it official when he woke up. But there were some things he didn’t like at all. He’d run a blood gas spectrometer on Alaina’s blood just to find out everything in her system. He’d not liked the results so ran a test of his own blood as well, for a baseline. He’d had to run the test twice more to verify.

Tomorrow was going to be a lot of testing. On everyone. Dr. Leslie was doing her job just fine, but she hadn’t had a cause to do a blood gas analysis before. She’d looked for the standard stuff, not exotic elements. Silently undressing he slid into her bed and spooned behind her, his arm naturally going under her head as she curled into him. He didn’t envy her her job. It had to be hell, Mayor of he last outpost of pre-shit collapse humans.
Day 17: 15 April 2185

awoke without the need for an alarm just past 0500 hours. She smiled, pleased; Mac was still right where he was when she'd slipped into unconsciousness, spooning her with one hand under her neck and the other around her waist. Her smile widened as she focused on his fingertips. The previous morning, he'd awoken with his hand asleep from his arm having been under her during the night.

As opposed to their first morning awaking together, when her movement woke Mac and they ended up fucking yet again, Alice managed to get out of bed without waking her lover. She understood why, of course; he and Doctor Long had been up working on Alaina's autopsy and reproduction organs removal until the wee hours of the morning. She wrote a note telling him to sleep in, folded it so that it would stand tall, and set in on the tiny lamp table so that it would be the first thing he saw when he awoke.

Alice headed straight for the Saloon, desperate for a cup of coffee and some breakfast. She was surprised to find not Marcia but Rita working the kitchen. The farmer's daughter -- another of the nicknames she'd picked up lately -- explained, "Marcia was exhausted. I told her I'd handle things."

The spread was actually pretty impressive. Rita explained, "I used to share breakfast cooking duties with my sisters growing up. I had three of them ... sisters, I mean. They were all older than me. I grew up -- you know some of this already, Captain -- I grew up on a farm near Bend, Oregon. It was a WWOOF farm ... World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. We hosted Woofers over 300 days each year, and we cooked breakfast for them, too ... so that we were all together in the morning, to talk about the day ahead. It was how I grew up."

"Make a plate for yourself and go sit," Alice told the young woman. "I'll finish this up."

"I'm going to take a plate to Marcia," Rita said, already working on filling plates for each of them. "This is ... it's going to take a while for her to get past this, Captain."

They chatted a moment more before Rita headed off to Berthing and Alice finished up the cooking already begun. As one woman departed, another arrived. Adeline looked bright eyed and bushy tailed, explaining that she'd already been up an hour or so. "We got another message from Ella. She responded to our message, the one where I asked for more specifics on where her father fishes. Captain, I'm positive he's fishing off the east and south coasts of Iceland.

"Captain, I sent another message without..." She grimaced, continuing, "...without telling you. Sorry. I asked her if her people were immune to the Armageddon Virus or if they had a vaccine. She only had 140 characters, of course, but over two messages she was able to tell me that her ancestors had the vaccine, which is how they survived initially, but--"

The French woman's excitement level rose conspicuously. "Captain ... they're immune now. I'm still waiting for another message -- the satellite passes over Seashore in an hour and over us four hours after that -- but I think we might be able to replicate the vaccine and get the fuck out of here."

"Cool your jets, Frenchie," Alice said, chuckling. "We don't know enough to be--"

"I need John," Adeline interrupted. She smirked a bit at how her statement had sounded sexual in nature. "John's our new Alaina, right? Super-hacker? If Ella has the recipe for a vaccine and if she can transmit it to us, it'll take years. We have to find a way to talk to Ella in more than 140 characters at a time."

"We'll find it," Alice promised, adding quickly, "but for now ... don't talk about this to the others. I don't want you getting hopes up."

They ended their conversation as others entered the Saloon for breakfast, coffee, tea, and conversation. Spencer was one of those arriving. The pair watched him as he poured a cup of coffee, then a second one so as not to have to return to the maker. As the man sat before Alice, she pointed out, "You look like death warmed over, Doc."

"I feel like death warmed over," Spencer murmured. He didn't want to talk about what he and Mac had done last night; it was too gruesome. Instead, he only said, "Didn't sleep well."

Leslie showed up about then, looking surprisingly spry. Alice couldn't help but worry that maybe the Doc had returned to her Fentanyl usage. She knew that couldn't happen, though; the security measures put in place by Alice and Ty and monitored by Bertha didn't allow it.

"I'm gonna need your help today," Leslie said to Spencer as she came to the table with a plate of food and a cup of coffee. "All that information you and Mac collected last night..."

She went quiet, remembering where that data came from: Alaina's dead body. Sipping carefully from her steaming mug, she only said, "We're going to be busy all day."
Sitting at a table John ate and drank water, he’d tried logging into the computer but had been denied. Yeah he could have easily hacked his way in, but he’d rather find out why he was supposed to talk to Alice first. Maybe she wanted him up to speed on what Alaina had been doing before she died.

Walking into the saloon in uniform she looked for Ty but settled on Rita. He was probably doing rounds, and she didn’t feel like running stairs to track him down. Grabbing food and coffee went to the gathering group and sat down at the end of the table. Did security sit with the rest? What about military/civilian seating? After sitting she waited a minute to see if anybody kicked her off the table before she started eating. They looked deep in conversation and she didn’t want to interrupt or intrude.

He’d allowed himself three hours of sleep before h got up and started his daily routine. Exercise, shit, shave, Shower, do rounds. The Prisoner was secured. And awake. And oh he had angry eyes. Couldn’t say anything with a gag, but his eyes said he was pissed. Ending his check he headed for the saloon, he’d noticed Rita on chow instead of Marcia, but had made no comment. Her helping was a good thing.

When he woke up and saw the time Mac started to panic thinking he’d overslept, then the reality slapped him in the face, and he remember he wasn’t in the old world anymore. He didn’t have a timecard to punch. But he did did need to give his report to Alice, in her formal capacity. After showering he dressed and headed for her office, his report in hand.

Looking at the clock he turned and headed for the saloon. He’d get food, and probably find her there. Though it was late in the morning for chow.
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Everyone in the Saloon (except Marcia):

Finishing the cooking, which had already been near completion as it was, Alice headed from the kitchen to the Saloon's eating area, carrying a platter of pancakes and faux meats in links, patties, and strips, aka fakin' bacon. She caught Mac's eye and smiled. She hadn't felt so into a man in a long time, and from what she could tell, he was into her as well.

She set the platter on the end of the table at which most of the Community was sitting, telling the others with humor, "You want more, come and get it. This ain't IHOP."

She popped a link sausage into her mouth as she circled around the table, inconspicuously caressing a hand across her lover's back. Continuing on, she stood over John, sipping at her coffee before saying, "Adeline needs help in the Monitoring Station with ... well, with everything really. I have to apologize for not setting up your access to the system. We set up some higher security after the shit with Airman Young. It'll all be corrected within the hour."

Alice explained about the communication limitations with Seashore, telling John, "We desperately need a way to talk to Ella -- she's our Seashore contact, in case you didn't already know -- a way that doesn't feel like a Tweet, or whatever they were calling it in 2040. I have no idea how you're going to get this down, but Alaina was the one who recommended you for the job..." She looked toward the French woman, adding, "...or maybe it was Adeline, I don't know."

"Don't look at me," Adeline said, adding with humor, "I don't know this guy any more than I know Mandarin."

The inside joke here, of course, was that Adeline was fluent in Mandarin ... and English -- obviously -- German, Euskara (also known as Basque), 2 African Bantu languages, 2 Innuit languages, and, of course, French, her native tongue. She caught John's eye and winked, feeding her mouth a link sausage in a rather erotic fashion.

"Alright, alright, moving on," Alice growled playfully. She looked to Jo, saying, "Specialist Lupo, I think we might have a similar situation with you, regarding your access to the computers and weapons locker. We'll deal with that today, too."

Looking to Rita, Alice asked, "Miss Reynolds, how's the farm?"

The plant lady had a mouthful of pancake and lifted an index finger to indicate a need for a moment. Chewing and swallowing most of the food, she managed, "Good."

"You need help?" Alice asked. "You're the only one working it as a primary duty." The irony of that statement was that the one person who'd spent the most time in the Horticulture Lab -- at least until Rita asked an end to his help -- was the now bound and gagged Greg Young. "I'm sure what we could find someone who--"

"Jo," Rita interrupted, accidentally spitting a bit of batter out onto her face. Her face flushed, and after she swallowed, she asked, "I mean, if Specialist Lupo doesn't have Security duties ... I wouldn't mind the help."

Alice didn't know about the encounter that had happened between the two women last evening; she assumed that the young woman had simply found someone she liked. Looking to Jo, Alice said, "After breakfast, find me so that we can upgrade your security access..."

At that moment, Ty entered. Alice finished such that he heard as well as Jo did, "Then check with Lieutenant Collins to see if he has tasks for you. If he doesn't, report to Rita in the farm."

Leslie stood with her plate and glass, heading for the kitchen as she said, "Bring your dishes, and I'll wash'em." She thought she should help cover for Marcia.

"Leave'em," Alice countered. "You and Doctor Long have work in the Infirmary. We'll get'em done."

Leslie shrugged, looked to Spencer, giving him a little head nod, set her dishes down, and headed for the exit. Adeline hopped up, taking her freshly filled coffee mug with her as she followed Leslie out. In the foyer of Level 3, she told the Doc, "I'm going to check on Marcia."

Behind them, Alice took a load of stacked dishes to the kitchen, told John to meet her in the Monitoring Station in an hour, then asked the remaining Community members, "Anyone got anything for me, I'll be in my office ... after I make a visit to the head."
Mac and Alice in her office:
Once he was done eating, and moved his dirt dishes to the kitchen and helped clean at least some of the mess up Mac took the paperwork he was guarding with his life to Alice’s office. He’d seen her enter and stood outside her door for five minutes. Giving her that much time, and glaring at anyone that came towards the door. He wass going to be first, and hated that he had to do this.

After he gave her that five minutes of alone time, he knocked on the door, and only after she acknowledged the knock, did he open it and go in. Locking the door, he took a seat and set the paperwork down so she could read it. He understood she wouldn’t understand most of it, it took multiple degrees in bio-Engineering for him to understand it, and that was after verifying some of the chemicals in Alaina’s blood stream and tissue samples. Once Alice looked stopped reading and looked at him, he sighed. Yeah, this was gonna suck big time.

“She was murdered. There’s a good half dozen drugs in her blood, skin, brain, muscle, liver, kidney’s and heart that don’t belong naturally in the human biological form.”

“Flibanserin and Bremelanotide are bipolar medications, they adjust the SSRI by making the subject more.. happy. A side effect is sexual arousal. In men it can lead to ‘Priapism’ a permanent erection. A few documented cases of high doses in women have resulted in advanced sexual compulsion. Nymphomania and/or Multiple orgasms. If Ms. Carmichael was susceptible to both, it would have been impossible for her to get enough sex. Unfortunately, both of those drugs are a Class III narcotic. And addictive. Any subject must have dosages reduced gradually. As the intake must be a gradual increase. A sudden decrease... withdraw... can induce Seizures, Myocardial Infarction... a Heart Attack. Or arrhythmia, either Tachycardia or Bradycardia. A heart beating to fast or to slow. Incarcerating Mr. Young stopped her drug flow, resulting in her death. If anybody had known, we could have saved her.”

Picking up the papers he flipped to a section that had a list of toxicological screens. “All of these should be less than half of one percent. “

Pointing at two separate chemical names and their test results he added. “These shouldn’t be there.. ever.”

‘Zolpidem Tartrate’ is a Hypno suggestive chemical used by.. well... the CIA during the cold war. Think of it as part of the Truth serum equation. It’s a Hypno-inductive drug. Makes you suggestive to compliance with someone else’s directives, suggestions, or comments.”

“The last drug is Methyl(1R,2R,3S,5S)-3-(benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2-carboxylate,” Looking at her he made sure she was understanding he was serious. “It’s street name is cocaine. I tried doing a baseline test. A second tissue sampe to make sure there wasn’t an error on her test. I used my skin and blood. As well as Dr. Long’s skin and blood.”

“All three of us have Zolpidem and Cocaine in us. I’d like to test everyone to find out for sure. But I think everyone is being drugged. The cocaine is addictive, but Zolpidem isn’t. So we may be addicted to something containing Zolpidem.”

“It could be in the water, the food, the air. If it’s in aerosol form, we’re fucked. An air freshener maybe? I need samples from Young, find out if he has it as well. The current levels aren’t dangerous, at least for me and Long, but I need to test everyone find out what the various levels are. Ms. Carmichael had massive amounts, hell the coke withdrawal could have kicked off a heart attack.”
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Alice and Mac in her office:

Alice's response when Mac handed her the report was to hand it back to him thirty seconds later, saying, "I have no idea what this says."

“She was murdered," he said, referring to Alaina. Mac explained in more-or-less understandable terms what the report meant, then explained, "Incarcerating Mr. Young stopped her drug flow, resulting in her death. If anybody had known, we could have saved her.”

Alice wondered if perhaps she wasn't just as much to blame as Greg had been. Perhaps they should have left him shackled on Level 6, as opposed to putting him back in stasis. No, no ... this was all him, she told herself.

When Mac began explaining that all of the Community members were affected by some if not all of the drugs, Alice asked, "Was it in the cryo mix...? The drugs that prepped us for suspended animation?"

She knew that each and every one of them had awoken to a deep need for sexual release. Were some of these drugs in that concoction, too?

“It could be in the water, the food, the air," Mac continued. "If it’s in aerosol form, we’re fucked."

He talked more about the issue, speaking about getting more samples from the Airman who Alice had believed was at the center of this but whom, she suddenly realized, might not have been the source of the problems after all.

"You'll get'em ... the samples from Young, I mean," she promised. "I'll, um ... I'll delay Lieutenant Collin's interrogation until you have what you need."

They concluded their meeting on the subject ... but Alice wasn't ready to be rid of Mac quite yet. She stood, telling him, "Wait one."

Going to the door, she unlocked and opened it, stepping outside with her coffee cup in her hand as cover for why she was stepping outside. Seeing that the Saloon was vacant now -- anyone who'd been wanting to see her had departed during the delay -- she stepped back inside again, locked the door again, curled around Mac's chair to face him, and sat in his lap.

"We didn't get to fuck this morning," she said softly after kissing him once. A second, more erotic kiss came before she asked, "Wanna get naked and do it ... right here, right now, just like this?"

As she waited for his answer, Alice began unbuttoning her uniform blouse, slowly revealing the deep cleavage caused by the tight-fitting spaghetti tee that she wore more often than a brassiere. If he did nothing to stop her, Alice would strip her top half and his, then his bottom half and hers, and retake her seat for a bit of energetic fun.
Mac and Alice in her office:
"We didn't get to fuck this morning," she said softly after kissing him once. A second, more erotic kiss came before she asked, "Wanna get naked and do it ... right here, right now, just like this?"

She didn’t have to ask him twice. As a red blooded american male, and a living breathing human male at that, he thought about sex every ten minutes on average and food every twelve. But with the lust drugs running through his body he thought about sex every five minutes.

By the time she had her shirt off he had a full-blown erection straining in his pants, and he was helping her get the rest of their clothes off. Don’t get him wrong, having a hot lady take your clothes off was amazing and seductive. But he wanted to be inside her. Deep.

When she retook her seat in his lap, he used one hand to guide his cock and the other hand to tease her clit as he sank inside. “Damn, your tight.” he groaned before he kissed her. Pulling her close as he released his cock and slid that hand along her spine, caressing her body. He needed this. No.. he needed her. Sex with someone else would be just this side of masturbation. Sex with her was always.. making love. Sometimes it was a little slower, sometimes a little rushed. But it was always more about the journey and less about the goal. He was gonna need to track down some medication to make it last longer for him, cause damned was she skilled and tight. And both of those made him want to cum quicker than he wanted to. And thinking about autopsies only worked for so long.
Ty and Lupo:
Stepping into Ty’s off Lupo snapped a salute as Ty looked up. “Not needed. Were slightly less formal in this facility. So thousand salutes a day is not happening.”

“Thank god,” Lupo replied. “I was afraid you’d gone full Lewey on me.”

“No, That was the Captains Idea,” He told her brush a finger across the sewn on bars on his collar. “Trust me, I argued against it.”

Pointing at the chair opposite him he typed at the computer. “Username and Passsword?”

“Rakshasa R.a.k.s.h.a.s.a. and Garou. G.A.R.O.U.” Lupo replied.

Raising an eyebrow Ty looked at her. “Dungeons and Dragons?”

“Werewolf the Apocalypse. But close enough.”

“Figures. You’re my second until you die, retire, or someone better comes along.”

“Shift? Weapons?”

“You’re on duty when I’m off duty. “I’ll be 0500-1700hrs. I get up at 0300 and do my workout. We have a sauna, gym, showers. There is a large shower but so far, the ladies use the smaller personal showers.” Running through the rest of the routines and updating her on Alaina, Marcia, and The Prisoner. He told her of his idea’s and suspicions. And that he’d be getting verification soon enough.

“Were you and the. um.. Hacker.. involved?”

“No, we did have sex. Once. She was actually really good in bed, you’d have liked her a lot.” He said softly.

“Was she better than me?” Lupo asked, curious.

“Yeah, she could deep throat me.”

“Damn, What about you? Are you available? If I need some cock?”

“No,” he replied without explaining. “You’ll get a stun gun, like mine. Cuffs. We aren’t authorizing lethal yet.” Opening drawer in the desk he pulled out and slid her weapon over. “Keep it charged, and no sex games with it. Bertha notifies me if it’s discharged.”

“Rank changes, but you’re still no fun.” Lupo told him.

“Get some rest if you can. You’re on duty at 1700.”

Standing up Lupo saluted him and left. She understood the nonverbal ‘get out of my office’

When was she gonna have time for sex? Twelve-hour shifts? And on duty all night? Fuck her sex life just went to shit. Plus, she was gonna be in the Plant Lab helping Rita today.

Heading down to Horticultural Bay she looked at all the plants and stuff, wondering what the place was gonna do when meat eaters started demanding animals to eat.

“Hey, sexy.” she said as she approached Rita.
Alice and Mac in her office:

“Damn, your tight,” Mac groaned as Alice lowered herself onto his rock-hard cock.

She grimaced at the short-lived pain of his girth forcing its way into her. She groaned back, "And ... you're ... so ... big."

She meant it. Alice loved the way Mac filled her up. She took her time maneuvering to eventually take all of him inside her, but once he was Alice grasped the back of the chair tightly and began pushing forward and pulling back to take as much of his length in and out of her as possible without losing him.

"My God," she moaned. "I--"

Alice nearly said I love you but caught herself. They'd only known each other days, a week; it was far too early to be saying those words. And this moment -- while Mac's cock was causing her so much pleasure -- was definitely the wrong time to say those words, whether she was certain of them or not.

"I love this," she said instead, leaning down to kiss him erotically, their tongues dancing together. "I love making love to you."

Alice could have said fucking, but again she wanted to use the right words. Most people would have defined this as fucking, but it was so much more to her, just as she hoped it was to him.

She knew what Mac liked by now, and -- knowing that eventually there would be a knock on the door interrupting them -- Alice began a consistent motion back and forth until finally she was feeling his cock leaping within her and against her sensitive love button. She smiled, slowing to a stop once she was sure Mac had concluded spurting his load into her.

"Like that?" Alice purred as she leaned forward to kiss him between deep breaths. She continued working her lips on him, from his mouth to his neck and down to his chest. She loved seeing him like this, in post-coital euphoria. She took hold of his head, leaned forward with an arched back, and urged his mouth to her nipples, which were as swollen and solid as they ever got. Finally, she backed to look him in the face, smirking as she said, "My turn ... and maybe yours again."

She returned to rocking to and fro in his lap, this time with an arch to her back to caused Mac's cock to find her G-spot. It took a few minutes, and by the time her head fell back and a cry of orgasm escaped her, Alice's body was a sheen of sweat from neck to thighs. Her hands had shifted from the chair to Mac's upper arms; her nails dug into his flesh, but -- thankfully being professionally short -- they would only mark him, not cut into him.

Alice moved forward to lay against Mac, pulling his head into her bosom as she came down from another wondrous climax. She was in no hurry to leave his lap or have him vacate her vagina. But if she remained here in his lap like she wanted to, they were going to get caught eventually.

Kissing Mac again with deep emotion, Alice whispered, "I'll never tire of this ... of you."
Rita and Jo Lupo:

“Hey, sexy,” Jo said to Rita as she entered the Horticulture Lab.

The plant lady had been concentrating on her work and almost leaped out of her shoes at the other woman's voice. Giggling, she said without need, "You scared me." Rita glanced toward the exit for others and seeing no one, she asked, "Are you here to help me?"

As Jo neared her, Rita moved a couple of steps forward as well, closing the distance until there were only inches between them. Rita blushed, thinking things she hadn't thought since she was 14 and in bed with her cousin. She didn't know how to proceed, though, so she only smiled to Jo, licking her lips casually just in case a kiss was coming.

Rita was conflicted because -- dismissing that one time with her curvaceous cousin -- she'd always thought that her sexual future would with only with males. But kissing Jo last night had been ... oh ... spectacular.
Rita and Jo Lupo:
Reaching out Jo slid her fingers into the loops of the Cheerleaders pants, pulling her much closer. Breast to breast she smiled. And then kissed Rita slow and soft. “I’d like to pick up where we left off, if you have time.” Sliding one hand down she cupped the Plant girls ass cheek and held it, her other hand moving to a trim waist. “Or if you’d prefer, we can go someplace less open, and get much more comfortable. Or stay here and flirt like crazy.”

Either was agreeable to Jo, she played the long game or the quick. It had taken twenty minutes to get Candy in bed, and a year to get Ty in bed. Both had been fun, Candy was better. Had been better. She’d been dead for over a century by now. A hundred and forty-four years? Time flies when the government is involved.
After getting dressed again, he’d reluctantly left her office. Though he’d be seeing her again later tonight. He’d expected a line of staff at her door, all wanting a piece of Airman Young. Well at least he’d get his tissue samples before anybody else got their pound of flesh.

Heading down he collected his samples and hen headed for the Infirmary to run his tests.

“Dr. Hawkins, do you have any tissue and or blood samples from everyone? I’d like to run a cross comparison for something I found.”
Rita and Jo Lupo:

The kisses sent a chill up Rita's spine, causing her to tremble, then giggle.

“I’d like to pick up where we left off," Jo told her, "if you have time.”

Jo groped Rita's ass, causing her to giggle again, then blush. She still couldn't believe that she was doing this ... was inviting this. I'm not a lesbian, she told herself silently, quickly adding, but this is ... oh ... so wonderful.

As Jo's hands roamed over her, Rita mirrored the woman's actions; she wrapped one arm around Jo, holding them tight together as the other caressed about her waist. That roaming hand slid upwards as Rita tried to garner the courage to slip it between them and cup a breast.

“Or if you’d prefer," Jo said, "we can go someplace less open, and get much more comfortable. Or stay here and flirt like crazy.”

Rita giggled again. "I like flirting," she confessed, kissing Jo again. She looked to the door again, considering the options given. She pulled back a bit simply to not be screaming into the other woman's face as she called out, "Bertha!"

"Yes, Miss Reynolds," the AI responded immediately.

"I would like some privacy for a while," Rita said, reaching down to take Jo's hands in her own. "Please disable my locating device for ... what...?"

She looked to Jo for input; Rita had no idea how long to set aside for what was coming as she hadn't done what was coming since she was 14, more than 8 years ago. Continuing, Rita told Bertha, "Disable it for ... two hours. Only Captain Walker and Lieutenant Collins are authorized to locate me during that time, understand?"

"I understand, Miss Reynolds," Bertha responded.

Rita smiled to Jo, kissed her again, then passed around her leading her toward the Hort Lab's exit. She stopped at the door to check the foyer, saying softly, "Maybe..." She paused, embarrassed at what she wanted to say. She looked Jo in the eyes, confessing, "I'm a private person ... regarding sex ... you know?"

She wanted to tell Jo that maybe they should head to berthing with some space between them, but she didn't know how to say it without sounding like she was embarrassed to be sexually connected to the woman.
Leslie and Mac:

Leslie was tapping away at her computer when Mac entered, asking, “Dr. Hawkins, do you have any tissue and or blood samples from everyone?"

"Sure, some anyway," she said. "I've been doing periodic blood screens since we were all reanimated, part of the post-stasis medical checks."

As she was talking, she rolled her wheeled chair over to a second computer and tapped at the keyboard. As she did, she asked, "What exactly are you looking for?"

"I’d like to run a cross comparison for something I found,” he told her.

"Go for it," she told him invitingly. "Everything I've got is right there. Just let me know if there's more you need or if any of my records are hard to follow."

Leslie started to return to her work, then added, "Oh, there's another file on the home screen, labeled Pre-Stasis. It's got all the medical records for every Stiff and every member of the bunker's staff who is still here -- reanimated or not -- dating back to when they joined the Deep Space Exploration and Settlement Project's cryo project or the Garden of Eden Program.

"Most of it was classified," Leslie continued, "but Alice had clearance to open them for me. If there's anything still missing..." She shrugged. "Don't know what to tell you about that."
Alice and Marcia:

Alice had still been breathing hard as she put her last piece of clothing on. She smiled to Mac as he departed, waited a few minutes to put distance between them, then headed out and down to Level 4. She knocked on Marcia's door, got no response, then opened the door slowly and peeked inside; the woman was sitting on her bed upright in her bra and a pair of gym shorts, her knees pulled to her chest in the fetal position.

"We need to talk," Alice said. Sitting on the edge of the bed, they talked about what had happened with Greg for several minutes. Alice ended that part of the conversation with, "You're not facing punishment for what you did. It's my decision. Consider yourself on probation. You keep your nose clean ... and ... and we'll let this slide. Understand?"

Marcia had looked up into Alice's eyes for the first time while she forgave her offense, and now she asked with surprise, "Seriously, Captain? You'll let me off?"

"Can you not do anything like this ever again?" Alice asked, quickly threatening, "If you do anything like this again ... any act of violence against a bunker mate, animate or not ... anything that puts them or the bunker in danger, no matter how slight ... I'll put you back in stasis in a heartbeat. Got it?"

Marcia nodded enthusiastically. She repeated, "Got it. And ... thank you, Captain."

Alice stood again, smiling down as she said, "Now, go get a shower, get dressed, and get to the kitchen. You've got a sink full of dirty dishes." She lied, "I tried to get those assholes to do them, but hey, they had more important things to do."

"No, no!" Marcia responded, standing quickly. "My job; I'll get it done. Happy to."

Alice was surprised when the other woman suddenly surged forward to wrap her arms around her torso. She returned the hug. When they separated, Alice began to depart, then stopped. She told Marcia with a sincere tone, "You know that we don't see you just as a cook ... as a dishwasher, don't you? You're keeping us fed ... healthy. Without you, we'd be eating MREs right out of the box and cans."

"Thank you, Captain," Marcia responded, "I appreciate that."

Alice departed, feeling good about the exchange and feeling Marcia would be back on track soon.
Alice and Greg:

After leaving Marcia on Level 4, Alice descended to Level 6, stopping at the secured entrance to the Generator Systems Room to tap a code into the control panel and tell the AI, "Bertha, let me in."

"Yes, Captain Walker," the voice responded from the panel's speaker. A tone sounded, with Bertha adding, "Door unlocked."

The entrance wasn't unlocked, though, as Alice and Ty had instituted one last level of security of which only the two of them were aware for those special occasions when they didn't want anyone else getting into a restricted space. She lifted her arm up toward the panel, bringing the RFID chip embedded under her skin -- everyone had one, of course -- to within the required 2 feet to be sensed by the panel. A loud metallic click sounded, telling Alice that she could now enter without setting off alarms and scaring the crap out of Ty, wherever he might be at the moment.

Entering and crossing the machinery-filled room to the far corner, she found Greg watching her from his bolted-down chair. Alice circled him, studying him; the Airman watched her, turning his head but without a great deal of dispensed energy, not wanting to show concern for what was happening to him.

Alice wanted to remove the gag and have a conversation with him, but she doubted very much that she'd learn anything of use from him. Ty will, she told herself. Ty certainly will. Instead, she simply came back around into his view, studied him another long moment, then told him what she wanted him to hear.

"Before this day is over, you'll be dead," she began. "You can take the less painful way out and answer Lieutenant Collings's questions. We'll give you something to let you slip away into the darkness from which I suspect you originated in the first place. Or ... you can be a prick ... in which case the Lieutenant is going to hurt you endlessly until one of two things happens: you tell him what we want to know ... or he gets tired or hungry or horny and wants to leave ... in which case he has my authorization to simply cut your throat and let you bleed to death while he ascends to the bed, food, or pussy that he'd rather be with instead of you."

Alice looked for a response from Greg, something between anger and fear, depending upon his mood. What she got instead was just the same, cold stare. She contemplated adding more but instead simply turned and walked away. Behind her, the gagged and shackled Greg finally started vocalizing incomprehensibly and jostling about in his chair. Alice ignored him and left, hopping not to see him again until he was enveloped by a body bag.

After leaving the morning meeting, the French woman had descended to Level 4 to check in on Marcia, holding her still living lover in her arms while they cried together for several minutes over their deceased lover. She'd left just moments before Alice arrived, barely missing the Captain's approach by diverting to the Hygiene Room to splash water on her face.

As she returned to the Common Area and entered the stairwell, she stopped, contemplating a visit to Level 6 and the man responsible for Alaina's death. Ty and Alice had restricted access to the Gen Room after Marcia's attempt to kill Greg -- even more so than Adeline was aware -- and she doubted very much that she could gain access to the room, even if she manipulated Bertha with some skilled work at the door's control panel.

She ascended rather than descended, mentally shrugging off her desire to punish the Airman personally. Ty will take care of it, she thought, just as Alice herself would later when she went to visit Greg. On Level 1, Adeline entered the Monitoring Station, dropped into what had been Alaina's favorite chair, and began tapping away at the keyboard in front of her.

She looked for an indicator of a message from Ella only to find nothing new had come in overnight. She wrote her own message and programmed it for upload to the satellite, which would be passing over head in half an hour:

We lost a dear friend yday.

It was short and to the point, certainly not the 140 characters Adeline had available to her. But as she typed in additional characters, wanting to take full advantage of the max limit, she found herself repeatedly hitting the back space key, starting over, counting characters, and hitting the back space key repeatedly once more.

She tapped another key, bringing up the maps they had that showed the current situations in the British Isles, North America, and -- of course -- here in Greenland. The first two had come from the same satellite and were similar; the third, which of course had been the first one Bertha had found, came from another satellite. Adeline and Alaina had tried to access more satellites to find images of the rest of the world but had failed.

What about Europe? Asia? Australia? South America? What did they look like? She knew it would be similar, at least with respect to the rising sea levels. Would they find anything else? What Adeline really wanted was to see high resolution images of some of the world's big cities, the type of photos that Intelligence Agencies had used, the type that could spot a mite on the back of a flea on the back of a dog running through the backyard of some terrorist's home.

John'll figure this out, Adeline told herself. He'll find an answer ... even if I have to fuck it out of him.
Mac and Leslie in the Infirmary:
“Actually I need current blood and tissue samples, I’m looking for some exotic chemicals that don’t normally appear in standard work-ups and that you’d never have a reason to check for. If you still have the samples I can retest them. Although I’d rather just have new samples from today. I've already pulled samples from myself. If you could collect new samples. Blood and cheek swabs while you're doing your routine checks I’d appreciate it. If nothing’s happening, I don’t want to alarm anyone. And if anything is happening, I’ll give Captain Walker my report and let her make any necessary announcements.”
Rita and Jo Lupo:
She stopped at the door to check the foyer, saying softly, "Maybe..." She paused, embarrassed at what she wanted to say. She looked Jo in the eyes, confessing, "I'm a private person ... regarding sex ... you know?"

“I don’t kiss and tell, well... I do brag a little about how many orgasms I’ve had and how long my girlfriend kept me in bed.” Squinting she looked at Rita, “But that’s not what you mean is it? You want this... us... whatever us is... you want it on the Down low. Private.”

“Let me go first, I’ll get some coffee than I’ll join you in my quarters. They’re further away from everyone else.” Pulling Rita in she kissed the other girl softly, almost chaste in its tenderness. She’d been this nervous about sex... a long time ago.

Slipping out the door she headed for the saloon and got some coffee, drinking half of the first cup before refilling it and heading to her bedroom. The door wasn’t locked – she didn’t have anything worth stealing. Slipping into her own room she looked at what was waiting for her.
Lieutenant Tyrande Collins:
Stepping into the room Ty latched, and secured, the door behind him. He wasn’t afraid of Young getting out. But he didn’t want anyone walking in while he was working, mostly so they wouldn’t see what he was capable of. Especially Leslie. If she knew, she’d never talk to him again.

Walking to the table besides the Prisoner he took he cloth off the tools. Picking up on of Leslie’s scalpels he made an incision in Young's left forearm, then sprinkled salt in with a dash of vinegar. After sewing him up he looked young in the eye.

That was finally the look he wanted. Horror. Fear. Terror. “Now, Mr. Young when I take the gag off, I want some answers. If you refuse to answer quickly, I will put the gag back on and spend fifteen minutes doing more of the same to you with a variety of ingredients and chemicals. And each time I will add time to that statement. Dr. Leslie allowed me to take some things from the medicine cabinet as well. They’re going to hurt.”

Using a scalpel here moved young’s clothing. Leaving him naked and strapped to the chair. “Now, we already know your not an airman. What’s your real name, rank, and security clearance. Who assigned you to this facility. Whom helped you out? What are Your access codes to everything. These are just a few things I’m going to ask.”

Slicing open the man's leg, not deep, not deadly, but shallow and long he moved the cayenne pepper to easy reach. “Name, Rank, Security clearance.”

Reaching up he released Greg’s gag and sat back. But Greg's answer was rather surprising. Taking a slow deep breath the man/boy before hi looked angry, like he’d been betrayed. “Gulag!” he yelled.

Instantly all the power in the building went out. Lights. Generators, water pumps. Fire doors – released from their magnetic restraints - slammed shut. Many of them locking shut to stop the spread of fire.

Jumping forwards Ty punched Greg in the jaw, stunning the man enough to regag him before he could give Bertha another command.

In the Monitoring Station all the computers died. All the lights everywhere went out as one.

And everyone everywhere no-matter what they were doing instantly understood. The silence. The steady thrum of the Generators was gone. The background breeze and cool air... died. They had enough food, but no power to cook it. They had water, but no way to pump it. Unless they used ice melt from the flood.

All the Cryo units switched to internal power, but even that wouldn’t last long. A day at most? Then the podlings, the stiffs, would start to die. And what about the Garden of Eden projects? How long would that last without power? How long before genetic breakdown of all the samples.

Blinking a couple times Greg smiled behind his gag. A smile that said he was in charge, Ty just thought he knew what was going on. Ty was a child playing an adult’s game.
John was sitting in the Monitoring station waiting for The Captain to come give him access when the world died. The facility had a nuclear reactor, why did the power go out? Looking at the monitors he understood them to be dead. Offline. No access allowed. Instantly. All of them. Grabbing a tablet he saw the same. There was no way into the computer to get any information. He heard the door squealing as it closed, instantly jumping up he threw his chair across the room and wedged the door open. Looking at Adeline he sighed. “Hope I didn’t scare you with the chair. But I’d rather not get locked in here if possible.” Walking over to the door he shoved it open, but other than the chair they had nothing he knew of to keep it open.