"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:
Ty was able to hold, barely. His orgasm already tightening inside him when she started to beg and scream and moan and twist and writhe, and he couldn't hold back anymore. He tightened up, Shove deep inside her and exploded, black and white stars screamed through his skull, everything was quiet. Compared to the rushing wind in his head.

His cock pulsated inside her, pumping his liquid white seed forth. And he jerked forwards, his body driven to get it as deep inside as possible. A natural instinct to procreate. A driving need to be the one to impregnate, even if there were no conscious thoughts about the subject, the body was driven by nature.

He held them together even as her legs wrapped around his hips and ass held them together. Unfortunately for him, over stressed muscles didn't like certain movements, his right calf cramped up, his right foot tightening in a 'Charlie Horse'.

When he could think, and or, move again he looked down at her. "It's gonna take a second for me to move, not that i want to. But I seem to have pulled a muscle in my calf, and foot." he said, trying to make a joke of the pain.
Alaina and Marcia:

The sexual tension was rising and rising as Alaina's lips and tongue played everywhere about Marcia's pussy except on it. She found herself writhing not haphazardly this way and that but instead in such a way to put her womanhood directly before the beauty's mouth.

And still, her soft, sensitive lips and the pleasure button between them remained unpleasured. Marcia's begging led to Alaina teasing, "Was that ... Don't. Stop? Or don't stop? I think you said "Don't. Stop."

"Oh Jesus!" Marcia cried out, grasping the other woman's head in both hands now and squaring her off with her warm, wet hole. She let loose with a desperate laugh, commanding, "Lick me, for Christ's sake!"

The fire inside Marcia was burning as hot as the sun. She needed release, needed it now or she was going to explode in a not so pretty way. Ironically, when Alaina's mouth finally did find her womanhood, Marcia -- already a three-alarm fire -- would last less than a minute before she erupted in ecstasy, her body trembling to the core as she cried out loud enough for the pair fucking in the adjacent Exercise Room to clearly hear and understand.
Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:

Leslie was just coming down from her orgasmic peak when she felt Ty ram hard and deep into her and hold. His face and sounds revealed his own climax, pleasing her nearly as much as the euphoria still rampaging through her. She could feel his lower body twitch with each ejaculation inside of her. A drop of sweat generated by his exertion ran down his jawline to his chin, dropping to strike one of her tits, mixing with the sweat she herself had generated while on top of him.

They fell together as each of them descended from their ecstatic heights, followed by Ty donning an expression that Leslie didn't immediately understand. He told her, "It's gonna take a second for me to move, not that i want to. But I seem to have pulled a muscle in my calf, and foot."

Leslie couldn't help but laugh. When his eyes met hers, she lifted her head to kiss him -- it was the first meeting of their lips -- before saying with humor, "Well, it has been almost a hundred and fifty years since you exercised like this, so..."

She urged him away from her, telling him to sit on the bench as she grasped his torso and pulled herself up with him; his cock, still rock hard, made a wet suctioning plop sound as it pulled out of her. Again, Leslie laughed. She'd always gotten generously wet before and during fucking. She sometimes still found humor in what she and her high school years lovers had done to the quilt her grandmother had given her at 15. During her slutty years, she'd often had to wash it two or three times a week.

"Which side?" Leslie asked Ty, looking down to his legs. He told her, and she leaned to reach the twitching calf, massaging it with the skill of a professional massage therapist. Being a medical doctor with access to drugs, she offered, "I have dermal patches that'll knock that pain right out if you think you need one."

When she sat back up again, Leslie grasped Ty's cock and cupped his balls, massaging with the fingers of both hands as she again leaned in to meet his lips with her own. After a moment of tongue touching kisses, she whispered, "Before we're done tonight, you might need one of those patches for this bad boy."

She gave his still hard erection a hard squeeze. Then, wondering whether or not they might already be done, she asked, "Do you want to take a dip in the Jacuzzi and expend some more energy ... or ... are we finished for now?"
Alice, Rita, and Greg:

"I want to make my rounds," Alice told Rita as she stood and headed out around the table that had become her office of sorts. She explained, "In the 5 days before I had y'all reanimated, I sort of got into the habit of touring through the facility a couple of times a days."

She laughed as she led Rita toward the Monitoring Station's exit, confessing, "Actually, in those first days, I went up and down the stairs from this level to 12 so much that my legs ached. Gettin' in shape, though."

"You look good, Captain," Rita complimented, correcting as she'd been directed, "Alice, I mean. But you're right, exercise is good, particularly after what we've been through ... the cryogenic stasis, I mean."

Alice glanced back at the 22-year-old Rita in her loose-fitting standard issue overalls. With the exception of her generous C-cup bosom, the clothing did nothing to accentuate her delicious body, yet Alice sensed she was rocking below the polyester-cotton mix outfit.

Alice found herself a bit disappointed that Rita's sexual interests lay with men and not women; Alice, like Marcia, liked her woman petite yet bosomy. The two of them -- Alice and Marcia -- had differences as well. Alice tended to go for men more than women, while Marcia was the opposite, a fact that was being proven down in the berthing area at this very moment.

"Well, I'm going to take another vertical stroll through our new home," Alice went on. "You're welcome to join me if you wish."

"No, no thanks," Rita responded politely. "I need to turn off a strip of lamps I left on in the Hort' Bay earlier before I go to my quarters for a nap. I'm still a bit tuckered out from the cryo drugs."

The two had reached the facility's 2nd level by now and said their farewells as Rita peeled off toward her new work area and Alice continued downward. The Captain had descended to the 4th level and was about to continue to the 5th when she heard a concerning sound that stopped her cold. She hesitated a moment, heard it again, then entered the open area of the living quarters level ... only to very quickly realize that what she was hearing was the sound of a woman in ecstasy.

Alice's lips spread in a wide, delighted smile as she continued to listen to the unidentified woman crying out, "Don't stop, don't stop, oh my God ... DON'T STOP!"

Turning and tilting her head a bit as if a curious puppy hearing a strange sound for the first time, Alice pinpointed the source of the sounds of female delight, the Gym through a door to her right or possibly in the adjacent Hygiene Compartment, aka the toilet and showers room.

Alice should have turned and continued her rounds but instead remained where she was in silence, listening in the hopes of figuring out which of the three women -- Leslie, Marcia, and/or Alaina -- was the woman crying out in joy. The and/or part of her thinking was due to the fact that Alice suspected, as with her own self, that one or more of the women might also be into other woman, so the as-of-yet-unheard partner in the Gym might very well be female as opposed to male.

Then, surprising Alice even more than the first woman's demands of Don't stop, don't stop, oh my God ... DON'T STOP! came the demands of a second female voice from a totally new direction: "Oh Jesus! Lick me, for Christ's sake!"

That order had come from the direction of the private quarters on the far wall, indicating yet another hookup taking place on this one level. Alice had to cover her mouth as a loud laugh threatened to burst forth. Regaining her composure, she truly began to wonder about the couplings: Rita was upstairs, of course, which left the three other females and the two males.

"Captain?" a male voice sounded, causing Alice to literally leap and spin in shock; she found Greg standing in the stairwell looking at her with an inquiring expression. Apparently not having heard what Alice had, he asked, "Were you looking for anyone in particular?"

Alice glanced toward the entrance toward the Gym, then the other way toward what she believed was Alaina's room, then hurried forward toward the staircase answering, "No! I mean, yes. I was looking for Rita but I remembered she said she was going to the Horticulture Laboratory."

As she headed past Greg and realized that he was about to enter the berthing area, Alice quickly snagged him by the elbow and said nervously, "Hey, um ... why don't you walk with me. I ... I'd like to hear more about you ... and what you can do for us here in the facility now that you are up and around."

Greg hesitated -- he'd needed to pee and was heading for the Hygiene Room -- but knowing that he could use one of the toilets upstairs, he joined Alice as she headed up the steps. Arriving at the 3rd level, Alice's eyes widened at the sight of the descending PhD horticulturalist, who had said that she, too, was heading for berthing.

"Rita!" Alice said with feigned delight. "Hey, um ... why don't you join Greg and I--" Through the open door, Alice could see the Saloon bar and tables. She continued, "--for a drink ... and ... and some conversation. I have the code to the safe that they keep a couple of bottles of the good stuff in."

Rita was going to pass on by -- she wasn't a fan of hard liquor -- but getting caught by the elbow as Greg had been earlier and knowing that Alice was the boss, she turned and went along as well. Alice directed them to the bar and headed for the locker, tossing all sorts of personal questions -- where you from, where'd you go to school, what do you think about our new home, and the like -- as she got out three bottles of booze and some glasses, mixers, and ice. If it had still been 2040, you might have thought the three of them were sitting in an otherwise vacant bar at midday before the post-workday rush.

In her mind, as she pretended to listen to Greg and Rita, Alice was actually working out the couplings taking place one level beneath them. Four people were down there having sex: Ty, Leslie, Alaina, and Marcia. Alice's questions were who isn't supposed to stop? and who is supposed to be licking?
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Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:
"I have dermal patches that'll knock that pain right out if you think you need one."

"Unless My arm is ripped off or I have a sucking chest wound, I don't need medications. Pain is natures way of telling you to slow down."

She gave his still hard erection a hard squeeze. Then, wondering whether or not they might already be done, she asked, "Do you want to take a dip in the Jacuzzi and expend some more energy ... or ... are we finished for now?"

"Gimme a sandwich and I'll be good for another seven hours," he said deadpanned before he arched an eyebrow. "You might want to share me with the others."

"I'm not sure how seriously the others are affected by the cryo meds. Or if anyone else will come calling on me for my services. But I do need at least a little while to recover. If i'm available later I could stop by your room, if you'd like."

After multiple masturbations and a good hard fuck his cock was finally drained and he didn't have that urgant desperate need to fuck like a bunny. But her fingers and comments about a jacuzzi had his cock begging for more.
Alaina and Marcia:
"Oh Jesus!" Marcia cried out, grasping the other woman's head in both hands now and squaring her off with her warm, wet hole. She let loose with a desperate laugh, commanding, "Lick me, for Christ's sake!"

Alaina did just that, rolling her tongue to form a tunnel she slipped it up against the Chef's clit and into her mouth. Her teeth closing down on it rather gentle before she hummed. The vibration passing from her throat into her down through her teeth and straight to Marcia's clit.

And then she started licking soft an delicate at first then the tip of her tongue started working. Faster and faster until she was flicking it across that sweet little nubbin, a finger easing along those slippery pussy lips before she eased the tip inside, curling it as she stroked her finger in and out.

Her goal was to make sure this hottie came begging for more. Cause for damned sure Alaina had to much of a sex drive to be satisfied by just a one off. And she really liked the taste of pussy. Cum as well, but that was for Ty or Greg to find out.

Alaina didn't stop or slow down as she added a second finger and kept stroking her lover as she kissed, licked, and sucked on her clit. Rubbing her finger on the inside, just behind her clit she sought out her g-spot. Normally a place caressed by the swollen cock head as it withdrew, Alain knew how to stroke it with a finger, and did just that.
Alaina and Marcia:

It took no time for Alaina's skilled workings upon her clit and pussy lips to cause Marcia to orgasm. Her back arched, her thighs clamped shut around the other woman's head, and her entire body exploded in a deep tremble that Alaina would surely feel against her. Ironically, unlike most women, Marcia's climax came without moans, cries, or screams, the euphoria overwhelming her ability to produce any sound from her throat until, after a long, long moment of wave after wave of joy, the huge breath she'd drawn finally gushed out of her in a gasp.

After that, Marcia's verbal reaction to what Alaina had done to her -- was still doing to her, as her mouth and fingers were still at it -- became very audible. Cries of delight were intermixed with loud gasps and praise for her lover: "Jesus ... Jesus ... my god, you're ... you're incredible ... incredible..."

Marcia went silent again, though, as the continuing pleasure Alaina was causing her sent her into another orgasm ... and just seconds after she'd begun coming down from that second peak, she exploded yet again. Her mind was spinning, her skin was cold -- the blood was rushing to her vital organs, including her brain, as some instinctive but poorly understood need to protect them.

Marcia sensed nothing but the euphoria, though, her brain lost to the world around her. After she'd peaked the third time, her knees fell open and her limbs collapsed to the mattress. She was spent, her heart pounding like a jack hammer, her chest rising and falling with deeply drawn breaths.

When she finally regained her senses, Marcia opened her eyes and looked to Alaina, smiling as best she could through the continuing deep breaths. She purred, "My god, girl ... that ... was ... like nothing ... I've every ... experienced."
Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:

Ty spoke of what it would take him to need pain meds, finishing, "Pain is nature's way of telling you to slow down."

"Well, then perhaps we should slow down," She said, still massaging Ty's cock and balls.

He spoke of sharing him with the others, musing that some of the others would come calling on him for his services. Leslie didn't know how to feel about Ty speaking of fucking the others so soon after they'd just finished; after all, they were each still breathing a bit heavy and still coated in sweat, and he was already thinking about putting his cock inside another woman ... or perhaps the bunker's only other male, for all she knew.

But Ty was absolutely correct about the cryo horniness issue. Back before she herself went into stasis, the doctor had had access to the medical records of the USSF volunteers, each of whom had been in stasis once or twice before. After each test, many of the subjects had spoken of an enhanced sexual need, including their fearless leader, Captain Alice. Leslie had expected to feel overly excited upon reanimation, but she'd never imagined it would be like this.

"But I do need at least a little while to recover," Ty told her. "If I'm available later I could stop by your room, if you'd like."

"I'd like," Leslie told him, leaning in to erotically kiss him one last time while also casually but unhurriedly releasing her hold on his family jewels. She stood and threw her leg over the bench seat, then gathered her clothes. Giving Ty one last conspicuous ogle, she smiled and told him, "I'm going to shower and change ... then I'm going to the Saloon to make that sandwich you spoke of. If you have an interest in sharing it with me..."

Leslie winked, began to step away, then stopped to look back to Ty. The humor in her face was gone as she told him with a matter-of-fact tone, "I'm not the jealous type. If you want to fuck any of the others ... all of the others ... I will neither stop you nor be upset about it."

She glanced again at his groin; his cock was still more stiff than not, and she was tempted to return to him and suck him to another orgasm. Instead, though, Leslie confidently promised him, "But you won't find anyone here who can make you feel like I can."

She gave him one last smile, then headed away to get cleaned up.
Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:
Taking her hand T pulled her back to him, his semi hard cock brushing her hip. "I'm just being practical. It's not desire to fuck everything in here. Although I must admit that every female in here is a Ten."

"But if they are going through what you and I have been going through they may need some release as well. And I have to admit that after what we just did, my desperate aching need has subsided. Even if the hunger isn't gone I'm not.. 'starving' anymore."

One hand went to her jaw as he bent down and kissed her. Not a tongue throat kiss, but not chaste either. It was more of those I'm-giving-you-everything-i-can-right-now kisses. The kind of kiss that made you stop breathing until your toes curled.

And his other hand? That went to her hip and ass, pulling her against him, letting her know his cock still wanted more, even if he needed to rest for a minute. He'd be back. Often.

"Let me help you wash up before I make my rounds and make sure everyone is safe."

With his hand still on her ass he walked with her to the showers. He didn't fuck her, but he did press her against the wall, his cock in the crack of her ass as he caressed her neck with his teeth and made love to her breasts with his hands.
Alaina and Marcia:
When she finally regained her senses, Marcia opened her eyes and looked to Alaina, smiling as best she could through the continuing deep breaths. She purred, "My god, girl ... that ... was ... like nothing ... I've ever ... experienced."

"I admit I have a certain set skills," Alaina said laying in front of Marcia, facing her. "I don't need much," she said taking Marcia's hand and placing it between her own wet thighs. "Just touch me, you don't need to go down on me or anything. I just need to be touched."

Truth be told most of the sex she'd had sucked.. She masturbated more than fucked. Girls tried more than guys. All the guys she'd been with had fucked her until they'd cum then rolled away and fell asleep. Or they took showers. At least her boyfriend had been a dealer, small time, but he had decent shit. He'd never gotten her off, not with his tiny dick, not with his tongue or his fingers. She'd faked it for him. Or because she secretly desired girls. God she wanted a big cock to fuck her until she screamed in orgasm. She just hadn't been lucky enough. And now her Best friend B.O.B. was in a trash heap for the last 144 years.

Sliding as close as she could without invading Marcia's space Alaina stroked the girls face, and then kissed her. Maybe something was wrong with her? Maybe she wasn't as perfect for this place as the Suits had thought. What if she was mentally damaged and couldn't have orgasms from someone else's touch?
Lt. Ty Collins and Leslie:

Leslie was tickled to have Ty in the shower with her. The feel of his body pressing up against her own as his hands roamed over her wet flesh was such a delicious reminder of what the man had just done to her. Feeling his cock press between her fit ass cheeks, she peeked back over her shoulder to give him a polite but non-negotiable, "Don't think about putting that thing inside my ass. Not my thing."

As she pressed one hand and forearm against the shower wall to support herself, she used the other hand to encourage Ty's pleasuring of her breasts. They were more sensitive than usual, as was the rest of her body, and the chest beneath her mounds began swelling and shrinking again at the delight of how Ty caressed her and toyed with her nipples.

Leslie began rising up and down on her toes to stroke the cock pressing between her ass cheeks, the latter of which squeezed as she used the muscles to gain the extra inches of altitude. She could tell it was exciting him, and she was about to turn around to drop on her knees and suck him to a second orgasm when suddenly the room went totally dark. A moment later, the water flow ceased, too.

"What the fuck?" Leslie murmured. She called out, "Bertha!"

The AI had already detected the new issues and quickly discerned the reason for Leslie's bellow. As emergency lights powered by a central battery pack turned on to give the showers and compartment around it a soft, red glow, Bertha reported, "We've suffered a power outage."

Leslie turned to face Ty, shaking her head in disappointment. Only seconds had passed but she was already beginning to feel the chill of a slight breeze entering the shower at their feet as the warmer air surrounding them rose toward the overhead. She kissed Ty once, quickly, then told him, "I think we're done here. I need to check the Infirmary. I was transferring some medications, and they're in a cooler that isn't on the emergency power sockets."

She caressed a hand upon his chest, stood on her toes to kiss him again -- more erotically this time -- then passed around him to dry, dress, and depart. At the door of the Hygiene Room, Leslie paused to look back, admiring Ty's form, then winked. "We'll repeat this soon."
Alaina and Marcia:

"I admit I have a certain set skills," Alaina said after Marcia complimented her skills. The hacker moved up to lay next to the cook, telling her, "I don't need much. Just touch me, you don't need to go down on me or anything. I just need to be touched."

Marcia found the other woman's wetness and slowly, gently toyed with the swollen button there. She wasn't trying to drive Alaina to orgasm -- not yet and not quickly -- but instead was just trying to show that she, too, had skills with regards to pleasuring another woman.

The two pulled one another close, kissing softly but erotically. Like Leslie, Marcia was bisexual; unlike the doctor, though, the cook preferred women over men. Being here with beauty like this was magical, and while stasis had heightened her sexual needs, Marcia would have wanted to be here with Alaina without the artificial stimulus.

Then the lights went out. Unlike the Hygiene Room, which was a community space, the individual little berthing rooms had no emergency lighting; a very slight amount of emergency light from the level's foyer beyond the room's window came in, barely letting Marcia see Alaina's face.

"Did you arrange this, Allie?" she asked with a playful tone, using a nickname without ever having asked if it was okay, continuing, "This mood lighting?"

She kissed Alaina again before pulling her hand from between the woman's thighs and inserting her wet fingers in her mouth. Sucking the hacker's natural lube from her skin, she smiled and hummed happily, whispering, "You taste good."

Then, she set about rising from the bed, apologizing, "I'm sorry, but we're going to have to finish this ... I'm going to have to finish you later ... because I can guarantee you that any second--"

Just as Marcia was about to predict, the Captain's voice came over the intercom: "Alaina Carmichael, please report to the Monitoring Station. Lieutenant Collins, please meet me in the Generator Systems Room. All other personnel remain where they are if you are in a safe and secure location until you are cleared for freedom of movement. Thank you."
Lt. Collins:
Giving a shake as the cold hit him Ty watched as Leslie moved away. Moving to his own clothes he dried off and dressed. With the taser in easy reach he headed out, moving through the levels quickly. Making sure no one was stuck behind a locked door.

Making one circuit through the upper levels he couldn't find Greg, When the Captains Orders came through the inter comm he paused and looked up. "Bertha, do you know where everyone is?"

"Yes Lieutenant Collins, as well as being aware of the promotion The Captain bestowed upon you."

"How accurate is your tracking ability?"

"I track an isotope in your blood stream that was administered before you went into cryosleep. It was art of the inoculation process and was tested while you were still awake and walking around. I can pinpoint any subject with the base. Any location I supply is based on theoretical location of the heart. Or based on the multiple camera's installed throughout the facility."

"Where's Mr. Young?" Ty asked, curious how the young man had avoided being located so far.

"Mr. Young's last known location was in level eight. Cryo-stasis room Alpha Two. Camera's show him entering the room, but they are offline in most of the rooms on that level due to a mechanical failure. I am receiving no data from those lines."

"Have any pods in that room gone offline since our awakening?" Ty asked already moving.

"Negative," Bertha replied.

"Please inform me if any pods in any room experience any fluctuation," Ty commanded as he entered the Generator room. "You called, Captain?"
Leaning against the wall she watched as Marcia left the room. Getting dressed she headed for the Monitoring room, once there she set about reviewing the consoles for a few moments before she cracked her knuckles and started opening files and writing some processing routines. Within a minute she was writing code like most people spoke English.

Anyone looking over her shoulder would see letters, numbers, weird symbols, and wouldn't understand anything since to a layman it looked more like an alien language than anything else.

As it was on another monitor system settings were appearing as well as line charts showing massive amounts of data. Power usage, diisruptions, water levels, water pump functionality, and pretty much anything else her head could think of that anyone would want to know at a glance.

Including food supplies.. and how long such would last. The graph with that data wasn’t pleasent to see. If they added six people and went on emergency rations it would help stretch the food until hydroponics was fully functional, if they also skipped meals. At most they could awaken 2 people safely, beyond that the air scrubbers and food would be insufficient.
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Lt. Ty Collins and Captain Alice Walker, in the Generator Room:

Alice and Greg arrived in the Generator Room together, but as soon as she saw that there was no obvious cause for the power outage -- no fire, no flooding -- she ordered, "Check each of the levels below us for damage."

To the AI she asked, "Bertha, are communications working on levels 7 through 12?"

"Communications are fully functional on levels 1 through 7 and levels 10 and 11," the AI answered. "Communications are not functional on level 8 and 9. I do not know why but I am working on an answer.

"Mister Young, check 8 and 9," Alice clarified her orders, "and when you get to 10, send me a report before heading to 11 and 12."

"Yes, sir," Greg said turning back for the stairs.

"Does this look like Star Trek: Voyager?" she asked with a sardonic tone. Greg gave her a confused expression, and she was about to explain how Kate Mulgrew's Captain Janeway preferred ma'am over the unisex title of sir used for all genders throughout the rest of the Star Trek universe. Instead, she simply told him, "Captain or ma'am."

"Yes, ma'am," he responded before heading away.

Alice set about checking the room's equipment, from generators to electric panels to control consoles. She found nothing obviously malfunctioning. She heard footfalls in the stairwell and turned to await Ty, who entered the room and asked, "You called, Captain?"

She flashed a computer tablet to him, explaining, "Bertha gave me a list of things to check, to see if the problem is down here and not in the Monitoring Room's equipment. Alaina is up there working on her end. You and I will work here. We will figure this out. Ready?"
Alaina and Bertha:

When Alaina reached the Monitoring Station, the AI greeted her and reported, "Captain Walker ordered me to suspend the review of the facility's servers and rebooting to allow you full access. I must apologize, Miss Carmichael: there will be some systems and files still unavailable. Captain Walker has told me that you are skilled at recovering lost data and correcting malfunctioning systems, though. I am at your disposal. Any help you need I will provide to the best of my ability."

Bertha went silent a moment, responding to a question from Alice down in the Generator Room. Her answer was broadcasted only on Level 6 as that information was only needed there.

Alaina got to work, and Bertha made herself available for any inquiries put to her from anyone anywhere.
Lt. Ty Collins and Captain Alice Walker, in the Generator Room:
"Understood," Ty replied as he moved to the first bank of displays and began reviewing the outputs. "Captain, we do have an exit hatch or doorway of some kind, yes?" he asked.

Tapping a gauge he squinted for a second, "The tertiary automatic transfer switch isn't engaging properly.it's engaing and disengaging. Perhaps it's failing?"

Pulling a key for the handcuffs from his pocket he used it as a screwdriver to open the panel. With the panel out of the way he looked around. "Captain, I'm assuming there should not be spiderwebs and bug debris inside these?"

Alaina Carmichael:
"Captain, I'm showing intermittent powerflow from Junction L-7. According to schematics that on your Junction Box Lamda Section Four. Also it looks like someone tried to hack the computer about Hundred and twenty years ago and it corrupted a buch of files before the anti intrusion software engaged. Unfortunantly, it only killed the host not the spider it embeddded in the system."
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Alice in the Generator Room with Ty; Alaina on the Comms from Monitoring:

Alice listened to the conversation between her Head of Security -- who was also quite knowledgeable in mechanical systems -- and the hacker 5 levels above her in the Monitoring Station. Ty asked, "Captain, I'm assuming there should not be spiderwebs and bug debris inside these?"

"No, there shouldn't," she growled, stepping forward to look over his shoulder. "When this place was built and staffed -- at least according to what Bertha told me in my first days here -- it was regularly fumigated against such creatures. There shouldn't be a living thing down here 'cept us.

"Bertha, I'm indicating a panel with biological debris inside it," Alice said for the AI's ears as she aimed the computer tablet's infrared detector at the panel and tapped the screen; Bertha would know instantly of the location, even if her cameras couldn't see where Alice and Ty were working and would specifically look for issues in that physical location as well as in the systems that ran through it. Alice continued, "Bertha, please alert Alaina to the issue. It might affect her work."

"Location identified, systems being identified, Captain," the AI responded. In the Monitoring Station, one of the screens the hacker hadn't been using lit up with information about the problems 5 levels lower in the structure. "Miss Carmichael has been informed."

In the Monitoring Station only, the AI asked Alaina, "Is there anything more on this situation of which you need information, Miss Carmichael?"
Greg Young, alone on Level 8:

The third currently reanimated United States Space Force member had only descended a single level before he got distracted from the orders his Captain had given him. When he himself had been reanimated yesterday, he hadn't paid much attention to the other pods still occupied by either USSF volunteers or civilian shanghaies.

Now, though, he took his time to move from one pod to the next, peeking down inside to get a gander at just who was inside each. Greg wasn't worried about being chastised for dinking around; Bertha had reported that Comms were down on this and the next levels, and the eyes on the walls were dark and deenergized as a result of the power outage.

Greg eventually stopped to take a long look -- a hungry ogle actually -- at one of the pod occupants. It was a female in her mid-20s, a true beauty with long, fiery red hair and perfect, fair skin with light freckles. He tapped the control panel to energize the monitoring screen, on which he read about her.

Her name was Adeline Legrand, she was in fact 24-years-old, and she wasn't American but was French instead; there were no further details about her nationality or why she here in an American run facility, and while Greg could get them from Bertha once he was back in communication, he feared that asking about the doll might raise suspicions about what he was doing hovering over her pod while she was still in stasis.

Swinging around to the other side of the pod, Greg opened another panel with the simple twist of a wingnut. Inside the panel, he searched for and discovered an electrical terminal, unscrewed a connector, and pulled loose a wire. It was a simple operation that resulted in the disconnect of any alarms or alerts of the condition of the pod to the AI.

Greg had learned how to do this during the period between this last stasis period and the one before it, when he was part of the team maintaining the equipment at the cryo facility on a North Dakota air base. Once he knew he was clear to proceed, he circled back to the control panel on the other side of the pod and tapped some icons. The unit's internal pressure was equalized, replacing the special mix of purified air inside the pod with room air from outside it.

As this operation was taking place, Greg stripped down to his socks. By the time he was essentially naked, the pod door was lifting away, giving him access to the babe inside. He maneuvered into her stasis bed, pushing her knees apart; she was cool to the touch as he caressed his hands over her bare legs, up under her standard issue cryo blouse to her belly, then to her unbridled breasts.

Greg was hard as a rock as he pulled her shorts and panties down to mid-thigh, lifted her knees high, and violated her in the most egregious and unacceptable way. He grunted loudly less than 20 seconds and three pumps later as he filled her with his load. Then -- after taking a moment to lean down, kiss her, and ask, "Was it good for you, too?" -- he slipped out of the pod, redressed, readjusted Adeline and her clothes as best he could, and returned the pod to its previous state.

Or ... at least he thought he had. What Greg didn't think about was that the change in air quality inside the pod would be detected by the facility's AI after Ty and Alaina corrected the current power outage and system's failures. Bertha would automatically presume there was a failure with Adeline's pod and -- in standing with her current directions to reanimate pod occupants as she deemed necessary -- would inform Captain Walker and Doctor Hawkins that they would soon have another mouth to feed.
In the Monitoring Station only, the AI asked Alaina, "Is there anything more on this situation of which you need information, Miss Carmichael?"

"Probably not, once the debris is cleared and the connection remade power flow should resume at a continuous and unabated rate."

"Although why you have no power, comms, or camera's on Level's eight and Nine? When did the failure occur? I'll need a detailed report, unless you want me to poke around and find out myself."

Ignoring any response the Ai gave her Alaina began searching for corrupted code, checking all the systems errors ever activated was a start find out where the first thing went wrong and go from there. Once in the zone, you could have shouted in her ear and she'd have ignored it as she typed and scoured, fixing bits of damaged code here and there. Tracing the virtual spiders web, seeing what it had crawled into and how.

In the Generator room Ty used the tip of the handcuffs to pull out bug parts and dead spiders, finally reaching in with a finger to get everything else out. "I'm gonna need some tools to fix this." He said looking at the Captain. "A Couple bent wires and some corrosion on some contacts. Nothing big but, more than i can do with what i have on me."
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Alaina, in the Monitoring Station:

Questioning why there was no power, comms, or cameras on levels 8 and 9, Alaina asked the AI, "When did the failure occur?"

"I alerted Captain Walker immediately upon the failures occurring," Bertha responded. To Alaina's question about digging about in the computers, she said, "Captain Walker has authorized you full access, Miss Carmichael."

Then, showing a little humanity, Bertha asked, "May I call you Alaina? Or do you prefer Miss Carmichael?"

Ty and Alice, in the Generator room:

"I'm gonna need some tools to fix this."

"I'm sure we have what you need," Alice answered, adding, "here or in any of a variety of tool lockers throughout the facility. Over my six days here, I've come to realize that the Administrators wanted us to be able to keep this place running long term. How long is questionable, though."

Alice had told the others that they'd been here for 144+ years, of course. What she hadn't told them but which some of them were already thinking was that they might very well likely live the rest of their lives in this underground hell.

She needed to think about something else and called to the AI, "Bertha, put me through to Rita, please."

Rita, in the Saloon with Marcia:

When the lights went out and Alice and Greg departed for lower levels, Rita had continued to just sit in the low illumination of the emergency lights of the Saloon. She had no official duties, and the Captain had told her to stay put until the current situation was resolved. She looked down at the shot glass that was still mostly full of the whiskey Alice had poured her.

She was getting antsy when, thankfully, Marcia Weathers arrived. The self-appointed chef to the bunker hadn't expected to see Rita there, calling to her with delight, "Hey there, sexy, whatcha up to?"

Marcia had spotted the bottle of booze and headed directly for it. She plopped down, poured a couple of fingers into one of the already used glasses, and downed it in two gulps, grimacing at the harsh effect on her throat. She examined the bottle's label, saying, "It may say Jack, but that's moonshine."

She and the others would look around for a still over the days to come, finding no sign of it. That wouldn't keep the interested parties in the bunker from building their own still in the days to come, though.

From a nearby speaker came a soft alert tone, followed by Alice's voice asking, "Doctor Reynolds, what's your location?"

Doctor...? Marcia thought to herself giving the young woman a look of inquiry.

Rita just shook her head, as if saying I don't want to talk about that. She reported, "I'm in the Saloon with Marcia. Do you need--?"

"Head to Level 8, both of you," Alice ordered, adding, "Check on Airman Young ... Greg. I sent him to the cryo levels thirty minutes ago, and he hasn't reported in."

"Yes, Captain," Rita responded without the need for further clarification or other discussion.

A few minutes later, they arrived on Level 8 to find Greg sitting on a stool tying his shoe. He looked up with an oh fuck expression, quickly tossing out a reason: "Tripped on my boot lace. Nearly fell on my face. That's it. Nothing more."

Marcia sensed nervousness in the man and maybe even guilt over something. But she let it go for now as she saw panic in the Rita's face. She asked, "What's wrong?"

Rita hadn't realized that seeing the cryo equipment again would affect her so. Without hesitation she announced, "I'm going back upstairs. I ... I can't be here."

"You're okay on your own?" Marcia asked. "I'm going to stay with Greg ... check out the flooding down on 12 ... see how high it is."

Before Marcia even finished, Rita had already turned and begun heading up the stairs. She only got as far as 6, though, deciding to stay there near Alice and Ty rather than be alone on a higher level.

Marcia did as she'd said, joining Greg as he headed down to Level 9 to quickly inspect it, then 10, where he contacted Alice and told her all was well. He didn't mention his little tryst with the still-suspended Adeline Legrand, of course, although to his dismay and panic, the truth of the rape he'd committed would come out shortly.
“Sorry I meant the initial failures. Did they occur during the earthquake or before? Never mind, I’ll look for myself”

Pulling the keyboard closer she sighed as she began typing. “You may call me Cybertron,” she said with a grin. “Better make it Alaina, don’t wanna confuse people. And behave or I’ll change the voice synthesizer and turn you into David Tennet, he’s hot by the way. He’s my favorite Doctor, closely followed by Peter Capaldi and then John Hurt.”

Looking at the camera she smiled. “I do love an older man.”

Turning back to her work she delved back into the programming of the system, and wrote her own spiders, worms, and roaches to fix shit that had been broken by whomever fucked the system in the beginning. She even dropped a Squirrel to find out who did this.”

When she finally sat back he could hear her spine crackle. Looking over at the clock she realized she’d sat there for several hours.

Lt. Collins:
Moving into the hall, Ty found the tools, fair set in a recessed locker usable for pretty much anything on this level. Once back in the Generator room he set to work, using a piece of spare wire from the tool box to make a heavy duty jumper. Once wired back in he reset the tertiary automatic transfer switch. Watching as it stayed in place he turned to the Captain, “Well that’s fixed.”

“Better have the cook check for parasites, and rodents, in the pantry.” he added as he stood up.
Alaina and Bertha (in a sense):

“Sorry, I meant the initial failures," Alaina clarified her questions. "Did they occur during the earthquake or before?”

As the woman returned to her search for answers, Bertha began providing those she already had, listing in great detail the many systems failures that had occurred over the last century and a half. They included the smallest of issues, such as a malfunctioning of the computer chip that had caused indicator lights to go dark and larger issues such as a seized bearing on one of the pumps that was supposed to be emptying the bilge beneath Level 14.

The first failure Bertha listed had occurred more than two years after the last animated humans left the bunker; they'd put Doctor Leslie Hawkins in stasis, then left two days later for unknown locations. After that, the facility and the occupants within it were left on their own.

They were seemingly forgotten by the outside world.

After that, failures came at a progressively quicker frequency and led to the deaths of some of the pod occupants. Bertha reported to Alaina, "There were 9 deaths prior to the earthquake. The remaining 15 deaths came after the earthquake and the flooding of the lower cryogenic pod levels."

When Alaina suggested playfully that the AI could call her Cybertron, Bertha responded immediately, "I am aware of your hacker handle, Alaina. Your legal and illegal activities, so far as the Authorities are -- or were -- aware are part of your record. Although there are other personnel in cryogenic stasis who may have been capable of dealing with the systems issues, I concluded that you were the best person to reanimate. I hope for the sake of the others in the facility that I have made the correct choice."

Ty, Alice, and Rita in the Generator Room:

Rita had found a warm piece of equipment against which she could sit and quickly drifted off; the combination of heat, vibration, and droning hum was too much for her exhausted mind and body. She had been watching her object of lust work on various things about the level and imagining what it would be like to have him between her thighs -- to go where no man has gone before -- but even her desires couldn't keep her awake.

After fixing one of many problems, Ty suggested to Alice, “Better have the cook check for parasites, and rodents, in the pantry.”

The captain opened her mouth to call to the AI but then remembered the sleeping beauty nearby. Rita looked so sweet and innocent and, oddly, comfortable sitting there on a folded fire blanket with her coat reversed to cover her arms and chest.

Alice moved to the stairwell and spoke to Bertha there instead, with the AI's response coming only from the speaker on the wall there. Returning to the Generator Room, Alice neared Ty as he was finishing yet another repair. She nodded his attention to the young woman and -- knowing that Rita wouldn't hear them over the sound of the machine at her backside -- told Ty, "She's sweet."

She listened to his response, then informed him with a bit of a smirk, "She's got a bit of a crush on you."

Again, Alice listened to Ty's response before getting to her point. "I'm sure you're aware that cryo has had a certain ... effect on us all ... sexual affect."

Alice could have told Ty what she knew about the sexual encounters that had taken place a couple of hours earlier in the Living Quarters but didn't. It wasn't necessary, and it wasn't appropriate. Looking to Rita again, she continued, "Sleeping Beauty there didn't escape this effect any more than any of us did, but ... well ... what I'm about to tell you needs to stay between you and I."

She looked to him for a guarantee of secrecy before continuing. "Little Miss Reynolds had not had the pleasure of being with a man in the way of which you must understand I am speaking." She smiled, clarifying, "She's a virgin, in other words."

Looking toward Rita again, Alice continued, "She has expressed to me a desire to change that circumstance--" Looking to Ty she finished, "--with you, Lieutenant." She paused a moment before adding, "Ty, I don't know you enough to know whether or not you could treat a young woman like Rita in the way that she deserves to be treated. Her first time..."

Alice didn't continue; she knew Ty understood what she was getting at. Looking to Rita, contemplating what she was asking of the man, and considering how many things could go wrong if he wasn't the right cock for the job, Alice told him, "I just need to know that you could and would treat her right."
Leslie, in the Infirmary; Marcia in the Monitoring Station with Alaina:

After her unbelievable tension release session with Ty and the latter's departure to deal with the power outage, Leslie had headed to the Infirmary to check on medications she'd moved between two freezer units. She then dinked around for an hour or so in the low illumination of the emergency lighting, putting the Infirmary into better working order in case situations were to arrive in the near future.

Soon, though, her mind ceased to work efficiently as the anxiety once again returned. She casually looked about herself, taking in the locations of all three of Bertha's eyes in the Infirmary. With a bit of planning and shifting about of boxes, crates, and equipment, Leslie was able to create a blind spot next to her stash of Fentanyl dermal patches. She emptied the box and stuffed its contents into her pocket, then called out, "Martha, you there?"

"Always present," came the AI's response. "How can I help you, Doctor Hawkins?"

"I need you to update the medication inventory list, please," Leslie told her. She flashed the box -- once again closed, hiding its state of emptiness -- and falsely reported, "This box of 40 units is damaged. I'm tossing it into the trash."

"Correcting the inventory," the AI confirmed without question.

Leslie tossed the box, headed for the Infirmary's little bathroom -- which had no cameras, obviously -- and applied the patch to the back of her shoulder; luckily, Leslie had remembered to remove the first one before searching down Ty for sex in the Gym.

"I'll be in my quarters if anyone calls for me, Bertha," she told the AI.

Heading out and cautiously making her way through the low illumination, Leslie reached her bed and fell into it. She gave no further thoughts to the power outage or whether the others might need her help. Right now, she needed rest and relief.

After lying there and staring at the overhead for what seemed like forever, Leslie sat up, got into her lab coat's pocket, removed a second patch, and applied it to her other shoulder blade. Laying back, she finally began to feel the effects of the first patch ... and soon enough she was out cold.

Meanwhile, Marcia -- who'd remained in Alaina's bed recuperating from her incredible orgasms while the latter went to the Monitoring Station to deal with the power outage -- had finally gotten up, dressed, and headed after her new lover. She entered the Level 1 compartment, finding Alaina entranced by some report on a screen before her, her fingers tapping away at the keyboard or moving about the mouse. The bunker's cook admired the hacker for a long moment, then moved forward and closer until Alaina finally emerged from her own little world with a slight flinch.

Not hesitating, Marcia pulled the other woman's wheeled chair out from the console, turned it to her, and knelt before her. Again not hesitating, she reached to begin removing the clothes from Alaina's lower half, telling her with a devilish smirk, "I owe you a go-round."
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Lieutenant Tyrande Collins:
“Captain,” Ty began. “You are the second person in less than a day to insinuate that I’m a man of low respect, honor, or control.” as they were still in the hallway, and outside Rita's vision and ear sight Tyrande unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, followed by his undershirt. “Please have the Doctor examine my injuries,” he said showing the claw marks on his back, and chest, from his earlier lovemaking.

“If she determines that I received those, or any other marks on my skin, due to me forcing anyone to have sexual relations with me. Either through forced Rape, Manipulation, Coercion, or sweet talking you have my permission to cut my balls off and stuff them up my ass.”

“And if I can restrain myself while dealing with the super drugs those assholes pumped into us for over century and not rape whoever I did have sexual relations with, I sure as hell won’t RAPE anyone with the tension off my skull and cock.”

Putting his shirts back on he glared at her,

“I can admit that I have, shot, stabbed, hung, electrocuted, and tortured people – male, female, military, and civilian - when my duty required it. But my duty has never involved that. And any Command Officer that does order me to do THAT, I’ll personally shoot in the balls, and if they don’t have balls I’ll stick a glowing gun barrel up their ass and pull the trigger.”

Straightening his uniform, by grasping the lower edge and pulling it tight. “And Captain, if you think I’m the type of person that could even think of doing something like that, you should have this back.” he said pulling the taser from his hip and holding it out for her.

“Now maybe I’ve misunderstood your line of statements and you want to know if I’d be gentle, caring, and compassionate.” He said still holding the taser. “I can’t answer those questions, you’d have to ask whomever I’ve relieved my needs with. I cannot tell you their name because that would be disrespectful of them and dishonor what happened. You’ll have to investigate that yourself if you feel the need to know.”

“Once we’re done here I’ll report to the Doctor so she can examine my scratches and she can report to you if I should be shot or not.”