"The Forgotten": A post-apocalyptic tale

Not hesitating, Leslie pulled the other woman's wheeled chair out from the console, turned it to her, and knelt before her. Again not hesitating, the doctor reached to begin removing the clothes from Alaina's lower half, telling her with a devilish smirk, "I owe you a go-round."

“You don’t have to do that,” Alaina told her, “I’m used to not finishing.”

She wasn’t stopping her though, the girl was amazing and had well, tasted delicious. Hearing her moans had been incredible. She did have limited experience with girls. Hell, she’d never had sleepovers as a teen either. And after being used for so long by so many people she figured it was just natural to not get hers as well.”

Reaching over she hit a few buttons, turning Bertha into The Doctor aka David Tennent. Mock her skills would it?!
Ty and Alice ... and Rita:

Ty spoke of the insinuations that he might be some sort of rapist, to which Alice quickly countered, "No, please, Lieutenant ... Ty ... I never meant anything like that. I only meant--"

He spoke of what he'd been ordered to do as a man of combat, then spoke of the sort of orders he would never obey. Alice reassured him for the second time, "I would never ask you ... order you to do anything of the sort, Ty."

Twice Alice had used his given name as opposed to his rank in an effort to reassure him that she was talking man to man -- or woman to man -- as opposed to superior to subordinate.

“Now maybe I’ve misunderstood your line of statements," he continued, "and you want to know if I’d be gentle, caring, and compassionate.”

"You did," she said, adding, "and I do"

She looked down at the Taser he was offering to surrender but made no attempts to claim it. When Ty told her that if she wanted answers about how he treated women during sex that she'd have to ask the person with whom he'd been having it earlier but without identifying that person, Alice's mind filled with images of him fucking Marcia or Alaina; she even had a quick image of him with both women together, though she very quickly reminded herself that the directions from which she'd heard sex noises precluded that.

"You’ll have to investigate that yourself if you feel the need to know,” Ty told Alice.

She didn't respond to that, only giving him a slight smile and turning to indicate that she was ready to return to the Generator Room from the adjacent stairwell to get back to work. Upon doing this, though, Alice came face to face with none other than Rita, who had awoken at the most unfortunate time and headed for the doorway, wondering where everyone was. The young woman's eyes were wide with shock; she'd heard enough of the conversation about her impending deflowering to be horrified with it.

When Ty stepped closer and laid eyes upon her, the color ran out of Rita's face ... and a moment later, she did the same with regards to the workspace. She headed straight up the stairs as fast as her feet could carry her.

"Well, fuck," Alice murmured, more to herself than to Ty. She looked to her handyman, then headed slowly for the rising stairs as well, saying, "I'll talk to her."
Alaina and Marcia in the Monitoring Station:

“You don’t have to do that,” Alaina said.

Marcia, still unfastening the other woman's pants to remove them, quickly responded, "I want to do this."

Alaina added, “I’m used to not finishing.”

Marcia slowed, looking up into the hacker's face. She studied Alaina's expression. Marcia had always been good at reading, which was the reason she'd always been so good at poker. She returned to freeing Alaina's bottom half from clothing and said in barely more than a whisper, "That's so sad." Then smiling devilishly, Marcia promised, "You'll always finish with me."

She stripped Alaina's lower body of shoes, pants, and panties, then pulled the rolling chair closer; Alaina's knees were now to Leslie's side and her now freed pussy was just a foot before her, glimmering slightly in the low illumination of the emergency lighting and various console screens.

Reaching up to ever so gently touch the hacker's clit with a single fingertip, Marcia demanded, "Tell me exactly what gets you off ... because ... we ain't leaving here until you scream."

That was an ironic statement, of course, seeing how Marcia herself didn't scream or cry out during her own orgasms. Only after she was coming down -- or was that cumming down -- from her peaks of ecstasy did Marcia's gasps of delight fill a room.
Reaching up to ever so gently touch the hacker's clit with a single fingertip, Marcia demanded, "Tell me exactly what gets you off ... because ... we ain't leaving here until you scream."

Blushing – since now one had ever cared enough to ask, Alaina tried to explain it I usually use my vibrator and stroke my clit. It’s internal/external stimulation at the same time. And I tend to shove my Vibrator – he’s called b.o.b. – pretty deep. Until it hurts.”

“I’m not into whips or chains or beatings or anything like that. I’ve just never had anyone try before. My therapist said I need Cervical stimulation.” Alaina admitted, her face red. What if the Captain or anyone walked in on them? It’s not like they could lock the door?

Watching as Marcia started licking and stroking her pussy Alaina was quite quickly aroused by the sight before her. Marcia was certainly more attractive than anyone she’d been with before on the male or female spectrum.

She couldn’t help it as she fantasized about multiple different people doing what Marcia was doing. Brad Pitt. Johnny Depp. Tom Cruise. Angelina Jolie in her “Foxfire” days. Hell she even thought about the head of Security and the Captain taking turns on her in a three way.

When she did finally have her release it surprising, interesting, and weird for her all at once. When she could focus again, and ease her thighs apart enough for Marcia to get a breath and pull back, she started apologizing for not talking more. Not letting her know what felt better or worse.

God she was horrible with people!
Watching as Rita bolted for the stairs and the Captain apologized and followed the girl Ty shrugged. It was to damned hard understanding the mental shit women had.

When a guy wanted to just sit and watch a game, they wanted to talk. When a Guy wanted to talk they either A) didn’t want to deal with it right now, B) get mani-pedi-hair done C) started crying cause they figured you were breaking up with them, D) whatever other weird as fuck reaction happened.

Fuck guys just wanted to know what’s for dinner and when are we fucking next.

Looking at the panels he grabbed the tools and started pulling panel covers off. And for the next few hours he cleared out minor issues ranging from corrosion to bug debris across the entire level. Then moved to the next level down.

Why couldn’t women just say shit straight? They were like politicians say one thing, mean another, and possibly a third and why aren’t you reading their minds?

“Bertha, what’s the current location of all awakened staff?” he asked assuming it would be in the Cantina eating. “And who gave you that name? Is it an acronym for something?”

Putting the tools away he headed to the next level down and its tools as he began working on fixing all the minor shit problems here before they became major problems.

“Bertha please put Mechanical/electrical engineer on the list for the next round of people to be awakened. I may or may not be doing this right and I’d like a trained individual doing any serious repair work before my errors get too far.”
Alaina and Marcia:

The hacker told the cook what she thought she needed to achieve full satisfaction. Alaina said it might involve a bit of pain, quickly clarifying, “I’m not into whips or chains or beatings or anything like that."

"No whips, no chains," Marcia mused with a smile as she began gently massaging Alaina's clit, wetting her fingers from within the beauty's vulva. "I'll remember that."

Alaina talked about her therapist and the notion that cervical stimulation might be in order. Marcia moved in closer, rising to her knees to improve her position. Then, as she took over the clit massage with fingers from her left hand, she turned her righthand palm up and gently penetrated the woman's tight, wet hole with her three longest fingers.

Marcia watched Alaina's expression and body language for any signs of too much pain, and seeing nothing too concerning, began simultaneously stroking in and out with the lengths of her fingers while stimulating the front of the gently writhing beauty. Once she saw true enjoyment in Alaina's face and heard it in her sounds, Marcia dropped her head to between her parted thighs and began licking and sucking eagerly.

The hacker's response excited the cook almost as much as Marcia was exciting Alaina. It was gratifying to know that she could cause such pleasure to another woman, a bit of an ego trip. The more Alaina writhed, the harder Marcia worked to please her. When the woman climaxed, Marcia's fingers, lips, and tongue continued their efforts while her eyes lifted to watch the results. It was simply magical.

Marcia slowed her work, then -- as Alaina's legs relaxed and fell open again -- lifted her head to continue studying the aftermath of her lover's climax. She licked the other woman's juices off her lips, then cleaned off her chin with a fingertip, which then went into her mouth with an erotic gesture.

To Marcia's surprise, Alaina began apologizing for her show of satisfaction. Marcia laughed, telling her emphatically, "There's no need to apologize, girl. You're supposed to do that ... that's supposed to happen."

Marcia rose to her feet, put her hands on the chair's arms, and leaned in to kiss Alaina deeply; the hacker's juices were still on her lips and tongue. She said, "I sometimes wish I was louder when I cum. I've had people think I'm not enjoying myself ... or that I'm faking. Trust me, I never fake, and I definitely enjoyed you ... your mouth on me ... my mouth on you."
“Sorry,” Alaina replied. “I’m just not used to.. well doing that with other people. No one has ever tried before.”

“Thank you for the experience.” She added unsure how to talk to Marcie after the mind blowing experience. Everyone else had either rolled over and gone to sleep or left when they were done. Having Marcie still here was weird as fuck for her.

“When I’m done here, did you want to have dinner together?”
(OOC: I sort of forgot that Marcia was supposed to be with Greg in the lower levels. Oh, well, it won't be my last mistake in a multi-character RP.)

Alaina and Marcia:

"It was my pleasure," Marcia said when Alaina thanked her for the orgasm. The former kissed the latter passionately before gathering up her half-naked lover's clothes and turning them over. She giggled, saying, "Better hurry before someone comes in."

“When I’m done here," Alaina asked, dressing, "did you want to have dinner together?”

"Are you asking me to cook for you?" the group's self-appointed cook asked with humor in her voice and a smile on her face. "I'd love to cook you dinner ... and have dinner with you."

Not having to dress herself, Marcia backed away slowly, unable to take her eyes off the woman as she donned her clothing. She pushed her lower lip out in a pouting gesture, saying, "I'd rather you stayed naked, but..."

She laughed as she bumped into the door. Winking, Marcia turned and departed, heading for the Saloon. She wore a wide, happy smile, happier than she had been in almost a century and a half. She chuckled to herself, wondering how many different ways she and the others would make jokes like that in the days and months to come.

In the Generator Room:

Still working hard after Rita and Alice's departure, Ty asked the facility's AI, “Bertha, what’s the current location of all awakened staff?”

The AI quickly listed the other 6 with their locations: Greg was in the primary stairwell between Levels 10 and 11, descending; Marcia was in Saloon on Level 3 ; Alaina was on Level 1 in the Monitoring Station; and Alice, Rita, and Leslie were all in Berthing on Level 4, though Bertha didn't clarify that the first two were together in Rita's quarters and Leslie was alone in her own.

“And who gave you that name?" Ty asked once Bertha had gone silent. "Is it an acronym for something?”

"No, Lieutenant Collins," she answered. "After the full list of cryogenic stasis test subjects and facility staff was accumulated, the name Bertha was not on that list and was assigned to me."

It wasn't a colorful answer, but it was factual. Ty returned to working, then asked Bertha to put a Mechanical or Electrical Engineer or both on the list of people to be reanimated.

"There are four people who fit your description, Lieutenant Collins," Bertha answered without having to think much longer than a fraction of a second, clarifying, "three Mechanical Engineers and one Electronics Designer. The latter is a United States Space Force corporal; the others are civilians who I believe you are referring to as shanghaied."

A few minutes later, Marcia's voice came over the speakers facility wide: "Attention! Attention!" After a brief pause, she announced in a feigned tone mimicking a proper British butler, "Dinner ... is served." Another moment passed before she returned to her regular voice, demanding, "Get your asses to the Saloon while it's still hot or next time you can eat out of a bag."

The Saloon:

When the others began showing up over the next several minutes, they found one of the Saloon tables nearly full of platters, bowls, pitchers of food and drink. It was a far more extravagant spread than they'd had for dinner their first night out of stasis or for breakfast or lunch earlier in the day.

"I thought we needed something a bit more special," Marcia said once everyone was present. "It's still from cans, boxes, and bags, I'm afraid ... but we were provided a pretty extensive array of spices, sauces, garnishes, and more." She chuckled, adding, "Nice thing about those is they would have come in cans or bottles anyway."

Looking to Ty, Marcia said, "And thanks for the heads up on pests getting into stuff. I did find some bug damage. Nothing in the way of mice or rats, thank god. If there'd been any of those, we'd be overrun right now and without any food at all."
Ty had eaten spiders, centipedes, roaches, mice, worms, and a lot of crawling things he couldn’t identify during his service, so being told to eat out of a bag wasn’t a threat for him. Hell he’d eaten MRE’s before. And that shit was worse than bugs and grubs.

But he’d respect that she made food. So he went to the chow hall (Saloon) to eat whatever she’d prepared. Once he saw how much she’d prepared he paused though. At the rate she was making food they’d be starving in a month.

Looking to Ty, Marcia said, "And thanks for the heads up on pests getting into stuff. I did find some bug damage. Nothing in the way of mice or rats, thank god. If there'd been any of those, we'd be overrun right now and without any food at all."

“I understand we’re at least a century past the expiration date, and I greatly appreciate the buffet you’ve created, but should you be making this much food before hydroponics is up and running?” He asked her, knowing full well the Captain was in earshot, and he didn’t want to ‘step on toes’ as it were, so he was just asking a question. Hoping that all this stuff had been, contaminated with bugs or such and was going in the bin anyway. "Also, I'll be shifting to half rations once daily to extend the food supplies we have, until everything is up and running."

Alaina sat at a side table, a tablet in hand as she scrolled through lines of code. From the “hand writing” style of the code she was looking at it was probably ‘Cypher’, ’Crash Overdrive’ or ‘Heartburn’ that had tried to hack the facility so long ago. It was interesting that the system ‘Bertha’ knew about her ‘Cybertron’ name but didn’t know her other names. Probably because she’d been caught wile under the ‘Cybertron’ Name.

Absorbed as she was in her work she didn’t notice Greg standing on the far side of the room staring at her as he ate. Hell from where he was he could stare at all the females, and get away with it.
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One and all in the Saloon for Dinner:

Upon arriving for dinner, Alice had had a similar thought to Ty's about the size of the spread: too much. She would talk to Marcia about creating a daily menu that, as Ty had hinted at, rationed their remaining food stocks.

"Okay, everyone, eat up," she said, collecting a plate and silverware for herself from a second adjacent table. The table with the spread on it wasn't going to serve as a place to eat, obviously, leading Alice to comment, "It's like being at a buffet. Fill your plate and find a place to sit, right?"

She was a little disappointed at how the other chose their place to sit, though. She herself took a table adjacent to the faux fireplace, thinking the others would enjoy the ambiance. It didn't exactly happen that way...

Alaina didn't join her but in addition sat there with her nose in a computer tablet...

Ty didn't sit that far away but at the same time didn't sit with her. Leslie was one of the last to arrive and fill a plate, and while she shared a polite smile with Alice as she sought a seat, she chose one at Ty's table instead. And yet, she wasn't really sitting with him but rather was across from him and a seat down, as though stating for a fact that she wasn't with him. Alice would notice that she would peek around casually for peepers before whispering his way, indicating to Alice at least that had likely been Leslie who'd been hollering don't stop to him earlier in the day.

Marcia was one of the last to sit, and while she, too, gave Alice a friendly smile as she headed for a seat, she passed right by the Captain and sat across from Alaina instead. This, Alice surmised, indicated the second coupling of today's midday sexcapades.

Greg, Alice thought, was the most odd -- or is it oddest? -- of the seating choices. He walked entirely away from the others, sitting close to the small, raised dais at one end of the Saloon that she had envisioned soon being used for Karaoke or other music; the Saloon was furnished with a machine for the former and several instruments for the latter, she'd discovered in her first days alone in the facility.

Despite obviously wanting to sit alone, Greg's attention was almost continually on his bunker-mates, as if he was a lion on the savanna stalking a gazelle he was soon going to attack. Alice would have found it horrifyingly ironic to know that Greg had already feasted once already today.

It was Rita's choice of seat that bothered Alice the most, though, for she chose not to sit here in the Saloon at all. Very politely, she'd come close to Alice with her filled plate and glass and whispered, "Do you mind if I take my meal to my room?"

Rita and Alice had had a heart to heart after the incident in the Generator Room, during which the latter had apologized to the former for speaking to Ty without a heads up. Oh, sure, Rita wanted Ty to fuck her ... to claim her virginity was a more proper way to put it .. to be her first ... usher her into womanhood. But Rita hadn't expected to overhear the two of them talking about her as if she was a China doll in threat of being broken by a man Alice wasn't certain was the right man for the job.

Alice had reassured Rita that her impression of the portion of the conversation had been incorrect and that all was well. But the young woman had been mortified all the same to know that the two had been talking about her virginity and the imminent loss of the same. It would be a few days, Alice feared, before Rita was able to stare into either her eyes or Ty's without breaking into tears.

The companionship may have been missing from dinner, but the food turned out to be a treat. Marcia had done amazing things with what she had at her disposal, and Alice thanked her once she herself had finished her meal and was ready to call it a night.

"It's still early," she told the others and she made her way to the kitchen to help the cook with the dishes and storage of the leftover. "Tomorrow's going to be a big day, our first real day of real work, so ... I would suggest that everyone get to bed early and get a good night's sleep."

She glanced toward Leslie, saying, "The Doc here tells me that the drugs in our systems should be wearing away by morning, meaning our bodies are getting back to normal. By sunup -- if I can use that term down here in a sealed bunker -- we should all be ready to get to some serious work."

She glanced around at each of the others, considering quiet what their primary duties tomorrow would be. Alaina had the computer code errors; Leslie had more follow-up medical checks to ensure the health of each of them; Marcia would have hours of inventory and ration scheduling, particularly after Ty had pointed out the excess of this dinner; Ty, of course, had the repair to the bunker's wall that was allowing water to flood the space, putting all of their lives in danger; and Greg, well, Alice had decided that he would assist Ty because, simply, there was nothing else for him to do and Alice wanted him away from the women, who would all be working alone in their own spaces.

Alice glanced toward the Saloon's entrance -- toward Rita's egress point -- and thought of her for a moment. The young woman would be working in the Horticulture Bay every day, more often than not alone until they reanimated some more people who could assist her.

That only left Alice herself, and she knew what she'd be doing tomorrow and in the days to follow: anything the others needed her to do! She was the Commanding Officer when it came to Ty and Greg, but for the others she was simply the first person to have been reanimated and, therefore, their self-appointed leader.

It wasn't a post they'd selected for her, though; Alice would have been a naive idiot not to have wondered whether or not they might one day want someone else for the role. What would she do if that day ever came? Would she offer up an election? Make possible a vote for bunker mayor? Would she remind them that this was a military facility and that she was the most senior military officer, reanimated or not?

What about Ty? He'd made it clear that he was there to support her and keep law and order. But what if the others did vote her off the island, as it were, and asked him to back them up ... maybe even be the new leader? Would he? Alice wanted to believe that the dedicated and professional soldier would back her up, whether it was with his words or with one of the lethal weapons in the locker up on Level 1.

What Alice couldn't have known was that Ty had been there for her once already in the past ... a century and half ago in the past. Her current Head of Security and the man she herself had promoted from Master Sergeant to Second Lieutenant had been a member of the US Marines unit that had responded to the ISIS affiliate attack on her USAF unit in Dubai in her pre-Space Force days.

(OOC: I'm writing a scene for the rescue in an imminent post, but I wanted to get what I'd written thus far up because my battery is dying.)
Alice (continued):

In fact, Ty's previous involvement with Alice went far deeper than his unit having simply rescued her: Tyrande Collins had literally saved Alice Walker's life, not that she'd ever known that or even knew it now, what with the electronic redacting to the copy of his service record that she'd reviewed.

Did he know she might one day wonder if ever she learned of the connection?

Alice had been in a six-vehicle convoy transporting supplies from the capital city to a US air base on the UAE's east coast. They were passing through a small, safe village when they were ambushed. All six vehicles took hits from rifle and RPG fire, with some of them being blasted into bits by the latter.

Managing to get out of her burning vehicle, Alice spent what seemed like an eternity but was actually less than two minutes rushing from burning vehicle to burning vehicle pulling out her fellow servicemen, only a few of whom were alive and even fewer of whom would survive the ordeal.

Alice had seen combat from a distance before, but she'd never before been right in the thick of it. And yet somehow she'd kept her cool and braved the continuing firefight between the attackers and the convoy's Marine escort. Then, a vehicle's fuel tank exploded, sending her flying; the only thing that kept the blast wave from killing her was the body of the man she'd been carrying over her back.

After that, the events of the day came mostly second hand from others who'd been there. She remembered the sound of a helicopter, though she never actually saw it; she recalled a grunt lifting her from the ground, tossing her over his shoulder, and hoofing it through the continuing battle; and she thought she remembered said Marine looking at him through his goggles and promising, "I gotcha ... you're safe."

Alice would spend a month or so in a hospital, mostly a precautionary situation than because she was hurt; PTSD was a fear, but surprisingly she emerged from the incident without serious lasting mental or physical effects. She would receive a purple heart and two separate awards related to her actions during the attack. The one thing she'd really wanted but never received was the name of the man who'd saved her life; she'd wanted to thank him and check on the condition of his unit. Her unit had suffered 9 deaths and 22 injuries, but Alice had heard nothing about the Marines who'd save her and the others.
Keeping his voice low and his mouth covered by his fork, just in case anyone was able to lip read he spoke with The Doctor.

“I need a full medical exam, partly in preparation for my dive tomorrow. Partly to alleviate The Captain as to the nature of the scratches on my chest and back. So that she understands I didn’t – attack – anyone.”

“Give the reports to her, in paper. I’d rather it was not on file somewhere in case the Hacker comes across it, please.”

“Do you have any concerns I should be aware of about my deep dive tomorrow?”

Speaking his questions between eatingand listening to her as well was easy enough, it was a habit his squad had developed whenever in-country so spies couldn’t read lips. But back then they’d also worn face masks to prevent breathing in dust, ash, and/or sand.

So much ash whenever he and his team landed in country. Buildings, animals, people. Sometimes you just didn’t want to know what was in the air around you. Sometimes it was fellow squads.

When she leaned over and made her rather suggestive and forward comment he damned near choked on his feed, thank god it was easy to swallow.

After a small cough and a drink of water he raised an eyebrow and gave a nod of his head.
Looking up from the table Alaina blinked, fuck this shit was a mess but at least she had some information for the Captain/Mayor/Governor/Base Leader? Whatever not her problem, as Long as she herself wasn’t put in charge she didn’t give a fuck. Doctor, sure, she had degrees and was smart. The Lieutenant absolutely, Her lover the chef, no. Greg? Hell no he was kinda weird, a loner. He had a couple math degree, culinary in college. Nothing super wow, mostly his skills were in bio-engineering and DNA manipulation. He wasn’t a doctor though, he’d failed medical school twice. There was a comment in is official file. Apparently he’d been at a party on campus, a great deal of alcohol had flowed. He’d faced expulsion, along with several other fraternity members.

Then everything was dropped, he joined the Space Force, fast tracked through basic and was part of The Program. In fact according to his file he was part of the selection committee. He’d done the DNA testing on everyone. Making sure none of them had any illnesses, or genetic imperfections.

On a less personal note he was the finally part of the selection process. It’s like Space Force Command knew that they'd be asleep longer than 9 months. Perhaps they were preparing to send them into space and the 9 month story was just a ruse?

Either way, her attempts to connect with the Satellites in orbit, any of them had failed. She’d traced it to a burned out relay, outside the facility. Until they fixed that, they couldn’t talk to anyone.

She had found a few other problems with the base, including blueprints that hot and sexy had requested. Wow, hot and sexy? Was she still under the influence of the drugs? The need to shove a finger inside herself, especially one of his, said she was. The Captain said the drugs should mostly be out of their systems by the time they woke up in the morning. Was that a good thing? Right now she could use the drugs as an excuse to fuck him. Or rather to have him fuck the living hell out of her. She’d seen his file. That fucker had more redacted information than anything she’d ever seen. It’s like he only went on suicidal missions. Everything he volunteered for was against terrorist. Huathi, Zawahiri, ISIS, Taliban, al-Qa’ida, the Red Squad, Nightingales, and a host of others. Plus the missions he was assigned to.

Looking at his file kind of made her afraid of him. Like he killed people. A LOT of people. But it also kinda made her horny for him. It was like Beauty and the Beast.

With the base report open and ready to read, she made sure her other files were closed. Walking over to the Captain she showed it to her.
Leslie and Ty in the Saloon:

Ty spoke of his need for an exam to verify that he was physically fit enough for the dive to repair the bunker wall's crack. Then he turned the conversation to the scratches she'd left in his back and ass cheeks when she'd dug her fingernails into him during orgasm.

Covering her mouth as she giggled, Leslie whispered, "Sorry 'bout that. I'm not normally like that."

That was true; she'd always been loud during sex, but she'd never drawn blood before. Of course, she'd never been pumped up on aphrodisiac cryo drugs before. Although she hadn't said anything to Ty about it yet, Leslie was eager to get into bed with him again to learn whether he could do that to her again off the dope.

She diverted her eyes from Ty for a moment as she considered the word dope again. She shrugged her shoulders a bit, feeling the two Fentanyl patches she was wearing, one over each scapula. She had to remember to shed them before getting naked with him again.

After Ty spoke about keeping his exam restricted to Alice only, not to Bertha and her servers, he asked, "Do you have any concerns I should be aware of about my deep dive tomorrow?”

"One," she responded vaguely in a whisper matching his own soft voice. She peeked back over her shoulder toward the others, found no one paying them any particular attention, then said with a tone of concern, "I don't want you to panic or anything, Ty ... so ... let me finish before..."

She drew a deep breath, fearing that she might be telling him something he hadn't yet been told and, therefore, might not take well. Again looking for eavesdroppers and finding none, she told him, "The X-rays in your medical file show damage to your lungs ... typical of long term and or multiple exposures to air particulate ... smoke, toxic ash ... chemicals."

Leslie studied Ty's reaction to what she was saying, looking for evidence that he already knew this. She continued with a critical voice, "I could say more about it but even your medical record is highly redacted. Alice gave me access to your full military record ... or what of it wasn't also redacted."

She started to reach a hand across the table to take one of his but stopped after just a few inches. She didn't want the others to know that she and Ty were lovers. It wasn't because she was embarrassed or ashamed but was because of two things: first, she didn't know if they were breaking any rules; and second, she didn't know whether or not Ty wanted the others to know.

In the back of her mind, she couldn't forget what he'd said moments after their first fuck, that -- as one of only two males -- he might have to service some of the other women suffering from post-cryo horniness. She'd laughed it off at the time and essentially told him to do what was needed. But deep in her heart, she preferred to have his cock all to herself.

"I have a test I can run in the morning to verify your lung capacity," Leslie continued. "If I have concerns ... if it shows that that kind of depth under water on a makeshift breathing apparatus could be an issue..."

She paused, knowing that he wasn't going to like what she had to say. She said it anyway: "Ty ... if your body can't take it ... you'd be putting your life and in the long run our lives in danger." Again, the doctor hesitated, then concluded that part of the conversation with, "I'm just saying that maybe we should think about you having help. Greg maybe. Alice said he did some diving."

Looking about but not finding who she was looking for, Leslie offered another suggestion: "Or Rita. She was a swimmer as a kid ... won medals, made the National Juniors team before giving up the sport. She told me she once sat on the bottom of a swimming pool for almost five minutes to show up some boys in school. Three of them took her on, only one made it past two minutes, but even after he headed for the surface gasping, she stayed down there long enough to say she'd beat him by double."

Leslie studied Ty for a moment, smirked devilishly, then leaned in closer, not caring whether anyone was looking. She licked her lips, then whispered, "I can stay down for far more than five minutes ... you know ... if I had the right apparatus in my mouth."

Ty coughed on his food, raising an eyebrow in surprise. He nodded confirmation of what she was suggesting. Leslie didn't hesitate to stand, take her dishware to the kitchen, and promise Marcia that she'd do the dishes in the morning. Heading out, she glanced over her shoulder and smiled devilishly to Ty again.

In her quarters when he arrived, he found her already stripped to her birthday suit. She kissed him, stripped him, pushed him back onto her bed, and dropped to her knees between his. She worked his cock slowly, gently, patiently for almost half an hour, backing off any time she thought he might cum.

Only after she knew he just couldn't take any more did Leslie take his full length into her mouth and throat in long, faster strokes until he exploded, flooding her tongue with his seed. They made love for two hours after that, unconcerned as to whether anyone else on the Level could hear her cries or his moans.
Marcia, Alaina, Leslie, Alice, and Greg in the Saloon:

Marcia had been hoping for a night of sex with Alaina, so after delivering all of the food and drink to the tables, she immediately set forth cleaning up the kitchen. Most of the meal's constituent parts had been prepackaged meals, a step or three above military MREs in flavor and consistency. That meant that cleanup should have consisted of no more than sending the empty packaging to the compactor on the Generator Level.

But Marcia couldn't bring herself to cook that way, sticking the packages that needed heating into the microwave and simply spilling the rest out into bowls or onto platter to be eaten cold. Instead, she'd used the oven and stove burners to create more elaborate dishes, using a surprisingly vast array of spices to turn what had begun looking like Dollar Store TV dinners into 4-star restaurant delights.

She was nearly done cleaning the kitchen when Leslie entered with a stack of dishes, telling her, "I'll do these in the morning if that's okay with you."

"Don't worry about it," Marcia said with a smile. "I'll take care of it."

"No!" Leslie said, pointing a finger at her. "I'll do the dishes in the [/i]morning![/i] You've already done more for us than you had to. Let me!"

"You're the Doc," Marcia reminded the other woman. "You have a job."

"Yeah, sure, and I've really been doing that job, too, haven't I?" Leslie laughed. She suddenly felt a bit guilty, recalling that beyond the normal post-cryo checkups that she'd been doing, the only person she'd actually tended to medicinally was herself, and that had consisted of self-medicating with the Fentanyl patches. She pointed a finger back toward the dining area and threatened with humor in her voice, "If I don't see all of those dirty dishes sitting here in a sink full of water in the morning, there'll be hell to pay." She added, "I'll get Rita to help me. I helped her in the Hort' Bay earlier. She owes me."

Marcia continued to object, but in the end she gave in to the other woman. As Leslie began to leave, the cook asked, "Gettin' together with the handsome L-T tonight, are we?"

The Doc's eyes bulged with surprise. "What...? Whaddaya mean ... who ... I mean, why would--"

Marcia laughed aloud and tossed a dish rag at the other woman. "We heard you, silly." Mocking Leslie, Marcia said, "Don't stop ... oh my god, don't stop!"

Leslie's face exploded in a fiery blush as she hurried closer to the other woman, giggling while simultaneously threatening her not to tell anyone. The two of them talked in whispers for several minutes about Leslie and Ty's rendezvous in the Gym. Leslie was surprised that she could be heard as far away as Alaina's quarters. Marcia told her, "The bunker's outer walls may be 10 feet of steel reinforced concrete, but the inner walls are just metal studs and composite sheeting."

Marcia was tempted to confess that the reason she'd been in berthing at that time was because she and Alaina had been engaged in their own personal activities on the far side of the level. She chose to keep that to herself, though, instead sending Leslie off with some good advice: "Cover your face with a pillow if you don't want everyone else to know."

Alone in the kitchen again, Marcia filled a sink with water, then wandered out to check on the others. She told them all to just scrape their dishes and put them in the sink. Looking around, though, she didn't find a lot of food left on individual plates; everyone had pretty much eaten all they'd taken.

"I'll do that, Marcia," Alice said when she saw the cook putting the leftovers into containers. Just as Leslie had, the Captain stressed that the cook had done enough already. She took the containers from her and commanded, "Go sit an eat. I saw you nibbling at stuff while you worked, but you need to take a load off and eat a real meal."

Marcia did as she was told, filling a plate and glass. Then, looking around as if trying to pick a good place to sit, she casually moved to sit directly across from Alaina. The hacker was still reading and tapping away at her computer pads and barely even looked up. After a bit of silence, Marcia whispered, "Would you like to come to my room tonight ... for the night?"

Before Alaina could respond, Greg appeared close to them, thanking Marcia for the dinner. The cook looked up to him, smiled, and thanked him. Then, her smile faded as she realized that his gaze was on her bosom, not her eyes, and when he looked to Alaina, the same downward angle of his peepers took place. He told them, "Well, I'll leave you two ladies to talk. I'm going to the gym ... maybe try out that sauna. Supposed to feel great on the skin."

The way he smiled when he said skin creeped Marcia out. Things got even creepier, though, when -- just for the two of them -- he said in a softer voice, "If you want to join me, I wouldn't mind the company."

"I have to clean the kitchen," Marcia said quickly, even though she knew that she was done for the night. She looked to Alaina, waiting for her lover to make her own excuse...
He’d scoped in, the trigger halfway pulled, just waiting for that ‘yes’ when he heard the sqwak. The tip tap of code instantly translated by his brain.

“White King to Black Knight. Cancel God Mode. White Knight Override.” A string of numbers followed. He waited for confirmation from his Sergeant.

“We are not here. We were never here.” The man said. And then the Sergeant double tapped on his helmet with a bullet casing.

Ty had never taken his eyes from target. Two rounds went down range at 2,978ft/s it took 1.134 seconds for the rounds to hit the target. The first round blew through the armored helmet of the primary target and the left ocular socket of the secondary target. The second round punched in the primary target’s T-5 Vertebrae and through the second target’s breast bone.

Both were dead as soon as Ty had pulled the trigger.

No one else was with fifty feet of the two targets, and no one witnessed their deletion from life. In fact history would show it would take twenty-three minutes and forty-five seconds before they were discovered.

As soon as the second round was away Ty was moving, running for the stairs he hit the low concrete retaining wall/railing and rolled over it. His feet took the impact on the next floor down and he rolled with it. Bouncing upright he’d already engaged the active camouflage of his armor, night vision, and was reloading the weapon.

His CO paused long enough to verify both targets were deleted before he was on the move as well. Sliding into position in rear and front passenger seats, respectively, of the Mark IV HV Ty slid the weapon into it’s case and pulled up his secondary weapon.

Four minutes later they were entering the target zone. They could see enemy infantry moving to intercept. The CO pounded the roof as Ty jumped from the fast moving vehicle, the roof gunner laying covering fire as Ty Pounded across the ground.

With his Spartan II armor he covered ground almost as fast as the HV. But he wasn’t nearly as heavily armored or armed. Instead he was a silent blur in the night.

Standing upright behind the enemy combatant he grabbed him by the mouth, stifling a scream as his blade slid between ribs and punctured his heart. Sixty seconds on scene and he went through a wall, already destroyed by decades of battle it crumbled with ease as Ty ran for the chopper. The heat sensor showed only one life sign. Scooping it up he threw it over his shoulder and ran for the RV point.

As the HV rounded the corner he spotted a sniper moving from cover on the third floor of an abandoned building. No. Not a sniper. Anti-Artillery. RPG Launcher.

His right hand came up, his pistol in his grip. The launcher fired. Ty fired.

The Enemy combatant jerked, the HV detonated. The Enemy fell from the building.

And Ty watched as Michelle screamed from inside the HV. She was wearing her tight spandex/lycra uniform, as she tumbled through her routine. She was his biggest fan, and never let him forget it. Whenever his team one, he got an extra reward from her.

When the Team went state he spent the night while her parents were ‘away’. She made him dinner and dessert. And then they’d celebrated.

He watched as she flew through her routine on the floor exercise, her slender form moving like a goddess, twisting and rolling, tumbling and leaping like a gazelle.

And then she was burning. School sirens going off in his head. She was screaming his name. Screaming for him to save her.

He ran for her sinking into the floor until he was armpit deep in sewage, the squad was around him as they moved slow and steady, their weapons were all sealed in zylon bags, to prevent any moisture from getting to them as they moved into the sewer system.

Minimal gear was allowed as the enemy base was shielded by an Electro-Magnetic barrier. Anything electrical would set off alarms. Hell their weapons were all ceramic to prevent any magnetics from seeing them.

Dawson on his left muttered a startled ‘fuc’ before he blew apart.

Pushing himself down and backwards he grunted as something (A fragment of bone from Dawson’s right femor) punched into his chest. Submerged under sewage he felt the concussive blast, and the dozen plus that followed as secondary explosives went off. The explosions buried his squad-mates under six-tones of concrete.

Based on the after action intel it was discovered the enemy had lined the sewer ways with pressure sensors and thermite mines. To prevent just what his squad had been doing.

Command had determined that the information wasn’t ‘reliable’ so had not informed his squad of the possibility.

Laying in the hospital bed Ty looked up as the door opened and Michelle walked in. Setting his food on the table beside him she smiled and pulled the blankets away. Taking his hard shaft between her fingers she began stroking him as her face ignited and she began crying. “How could you? I thought you loved me?” she gurgled through a burning throat, as his CO, Lt. Colonel Trautman watched from the hallway.

Waking up Collins didn’t move a muscle, he didn’t even open his eyes as he lay there, listening. Doctor Leslie was in his arms, the night had been fucking amazing. At least until he closed his eyes and dreamt. Then it came back. It always came back. He kept his respiration at sleeping rate as he listened. His eyes parting slightly as he looked at the door. He watched a shadow moving, the door knob was half turned, then slowly relaxed. He heard footsteps walking away rather hurriedly. Good thing he’d locked it, but whomever had thought about entering hadn't gotten far enough in turning the knob to figure out it was locked.

“Bertha,” he said softly so as to not awaken Leslie. “Whom was at my door just now?”

“Alaina, sir.”

Alaina? What did she..oh, Ty realized.
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Blinking a couple times Alaina looked at the two of them, were they talking to her? Reviewing the conversations after she’d sat down she realized they had actually spoken to her. “Oh um sorry I have to fix this coding or well never get this shit running right.” She told them both, “I’m not sure when I’ll be done with the first part. I’ll have to run test simulations before I do a true upload to the main frame.”

Pulling her hair back with one hand she curled it behind her ear baring her neck for a moment. It was a totally flirtatious move, but Alaina was oblivious to that, she just needed her hair out of the way and she didn’t have any hair ties.

When Alaina looked up from the Tablet Marcie and Greg were gone, and she was sitting alone in the dark. Uploading the program to the hard drive she had it run in a simulator parcel before a final install in the mainframe. With the re-coding it would fix at least five percent of the coding errors caused by the intruder and shorten the over all code by a gigabyte.

She’d check for any kickbacks when she woke up. Pausing in the hallway she stopped near Ty’s quarters, wondering if he could scratch her itch any. He hadn’t said anything about catching her ass up with a hairbrush, so he could keep a secret.

She had her hand on the door knob, slowly turning it when she heard a noise. Or thought she heard one, moving from Ty’s door she realized she was being stupid, he’d never want her. Not with all the choices he had.

Making her way to her own bed, she locked the door and was naked, under the blankets, and asleep in minutes.
Morning: Alice's Day 8; the other's Day 3* (post for Alice, Ty, and Rita):

Alice awoke at what she thought was an early hour only to find that Ty was already sitting in the Saloon with a steaming mug of his choice of morning drink. As she headed for the kitchen to make herself a cup of century and half old freeze dried coffee, she asked with a friendly tone, "Coffee or tea? Or cider? My mother was partial to steaming hot apple cider in the mornings, even summer mornings. Never got that."

She emerged from the kitchen to sit across from Ty, immediately engaging him in conversation about and planning for the upcoming dive into the waters slowly flooding the bunker. At the current rate of rise of 4.5 inches per day, they'd lost another foot of Level 12 since Alice -- and Bertha, of course -- had reanimated her six bunker-mates.

"Has Leslie completed your physical yet?" she asked casually, sipping at her coffee. Alice had no notion of the conversation that Ty and the doctor had had last night before their marathon wrestling match in his bed. "If she hasn't, get that done first thing this morning, Lieutenant."

She used Ty's rank as a subtle way of indicating that that suggestion had actually been an order. Alice looked up to find Rita entering the Saloon; the young thing slowed at the sight of the pair of USSF officers, then smiled meekly to Alice and asked, "Is there coffee?"

"There's always coffee," Alice responded, smiling and pointing Rita toward the counter behind the bar. What Alice had meant was that all Rita had to do was stir up a hot cup of freeze dried java, not that they had an endless supply of the vital morning drink. She watched the young thing filling a mug and stirring in not just the coffee but sugar and powdered cream substitute, then said, "Come join us."

Rita did as ordered, sitting on Alice's side of the bench a proper distance from her; she looked to Ty, smiled, and gave him a meek, "Good morning, Lieutenant."

Like everyone else currently reanimated in the bunker, Rita was well aware of the ongoing sexual liaison between the USSF officer and the Doctor. During the night, she'd discovered what Leslie had after dinner the night before that the berthing walls weren't sound insulated for the kind of activity that had been taking place in Ty's quarters.

Rita hadn't actually been certain that the male portion of the sex sounds had, in fact, been coming from Ty until sometime after those sex sounds had been occurring, there had been a knock at Rita's own door that had been initiated by the only other reanimated male in the facility. Rita had risen and crossed to the door, pulled back the shade to see Greg's smiling face, asked him what he wanted, and upon being asked if she wanted company, had casually reached down to check that the door was locked, then smiled to him and said, "Thanks, but no ... I'm tired."

Greg's face had shown his disappointment, but after asking twice more if she was certain, he'd reluctantly departed. Rita had returned to her bed, finding herself unexpectedly trembling. Greg bothered her; Greg frightened her. The way he ogled her and the other woman was unnerving. If she'd known what he'd done to Adeline Legrand, she would have locked herself in the Hort Bay and refused to come out until Alice and Ty had done something about him.

Thinking of Ty again seemed to help. She still yearned to lose her virginity to him, even after overhearing him and the Captain talking openly about such an encounter. But as she lay there alone in her bed, he was currently shoving his cock in and out of another woman, and not just another woman but a beautiful woman.

Rita found Leslie to be absolutely stunning; in those first horny hours after reanimation, Rita had desperately wished that she was into other women. But she was pretty certain she wasn't. Marcia, after all, had flirted with Rita while each of them had been sitting in the sauna in little more than body-wrapping towels. (Ty, of course, had been sitting opposite them teasing his own cock at the time, and if Rita hadn't been such a shy and inexperienced waif, she would have known it was okay to shed her towel and jump his bones.)

"I hear that you're a swimmer," Alice said to Rita. Looking to Ty while speaking to the other woman, she continued, "I was thinking that the Lieutenant here might benefit from your assistance in his dive later today, assuming that Ty has figured out the whole breathing under water part?"

Rita didn't respond verbally, but her face went white as she contemplated working closely with the man she wanted to be her first, even while he was having an encounter with one of her workmates.

* Regarding the calendar: Alice/Bertha reanimated the others on Alice's Day 5.
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Leslie, in Ty's bed; also Marcia, Greg, and Alaina:

(OOC: Just a note about the image below. The Level 4 berthing area shows beds out in public. We have decided that the beds are in little rooms, lining 3 walls; the 4th wall includes the linen closets, the laundry chute (to the Generator Level laundry), and behind it the Gym, showers, toilets, and sauna. The Level 5 berthing area is as you see it: bunks out in the open.)


The doctor stirred, rolled, and -- even before she opened her eyes -- knew that she was alone within the bedding. The beds in the individual little rooms on Level 4 were doubles, bigger than the twin bed bunks on Level 5. Still, they weren't big enough for Ty not to be up against Leslie as they'd slept. It had felt nice, laying atop his chest and then later being spooned by him. It was comfortable.

She rose, gathered her clothes, peeked out into the Common Area for peeping eyes, and -- seeing none -- hoofed it for the showers in only her panties with the rest of her wardrobe pressed to her chest. Leslie was being a little naive in regard to the secrecy of her sexual relationship with Ty; she didn't want to believe that her cries during her multiple orgasms had been heard beyond the walls, even if she had muffled them with her hand, with her lover's chest, with his pillow.

She was also a bit naive about making it to and into the showers without someone seeing her and knowing what she was trying to hide. She'd barely gotten through the Hygiene Room door, heading for the nearby door to the showers, when a female voice off to one side said, "My god, girl!"

Leslie stopped short, spinning with a panicked expression on her face as she found Marcia standing at the sinks brushing her hair. The community's cook smiled, laughed, then asked, "Whaddaya think you are, a couple of bunnies?"

The pair of women had already had a conversation about Leslie and Ty's relationship the night before after dinner, of course, but that didn't stop them from spending another few minutes now talking about the doc's evening of mussing up the Lieutenant's sheets.

They were giggling like schoolgirls when movement caught their attention. They looked to the door simultaneously to find Greg entering and heading for one of the toilet stalls ... naked. Leslie's gaze fell instantly to the man's generous cock, waggling out before him with each step in a state of morning piss wood. Despite her females first preference, the bisexual Marcia couldn't help but be impressed by the Corporal's manhood either.

"Morning, ladies," Greg said with a smile as he continued onward. He looked the both of them up and down as well -- Leslie in her panties with the rest of her garments pressed to her chest and Marcia in her modest but still sexy panties and bra -- then turned his attention to the stall before him, only saying, "Looking good ... the both of you."

As he closed and latched the stall door, the two women looked to each other ... then laughed in amazement. Marcia whispered to the other woman, "No shame."

Leslie whispered back, "Got dick, though."

They laughed some more, whispered inappropriate things, and -- when Greg emerged and headed into the sauna -- went silent for a long moment, only to laugh and giggle and whisper some more. At a lull in the fun, Leslie nodded her head toward the sauna door and asked, "So ... are you gonna?"

Marcia didn't immediately know what the other woman was hinting at, and when she did pick up on it, she laughed and blushed. She responded emphatically, "No! I'm ... I'm..." She wasn't sure whether or not this was public yet, but it seemed a good enough time to reveal it. "I'm sleeping with Alaina."

Without hesitation, Leslie asked, "So...?"

The cook's eyes widened in surprise. "Whaddaya mean so?"

"You like guys, too, right?" Leslie asked. A moment passed before Marcia shrugged and nodded. Looking again to the sauna door, then back, the doc said, "There's a guy in there with an erection and the remnants of cryo aphrodisiacs still surging through his veins. You still have a little bit left in you, too. There's gonna be gone soon, probably today. Take advantage of them."

"I am taking advantage of them," Marcia countered, clarifying, "with Alaina!"

Leslie was about to point out that the hacker didn't have a cock when -- coincidentally -- Alaina entered the Hygiene Room, stopping when she saw the two of them staring at her. The three of them just stared at each other in silence for a long moment.

(OOC: My putting Alaina here like this is a bit of "god moding", and I apologize. But when you read my imminent PM, I think you'll understand.)
Alaina stared back at the other two ladies wondering what was going on for a moment before she yawned and headed past them to the showers. Peeling off her sweats she threw a towel over a bar and looked at the two ladies suspiciously before she stepped into the spray of hot water and closed her eyes.

Were they talking about her? Was Marcie talking about the sex that they’d had? Did she want Marcie talking about it? What if Marcie was criticizing how she was in bed, or bragging about it? Oh god! What if the Doctor thought she was a slut for hooking up with the first person to hack the hacker?

Should she stay in here and hid in the shower? Should she just ignore them? What if the Doctor wanted to give her an ‘examination’. Did she want to be with The Doctor? Would she say no? What if Marcie was passing her off like a cheap slut to the Doctor?

Did that mean Marcie was going to have sex with The Lieutenant? How did Alaina feel about that? She realized almost instantly she didn’t like that at all. She wanted the LT buried inside herself, not inside Marcie. Marcie had to stay wanting girls, otherwise Alana would never get a chance with him especially since he was fucking The Doctor into a screaming fuck bunny all night.

What about Greg? He’d probably force his cock into her ass, and although she might be intrigued by the thought the reality was kinda scary and made her nervous. What if she said no? Would Greg stop or just do what he wanted? Did she want a cock in her butt? Her e had expressed an interest in butt fucking her, he said she had a gorgeous ass a lot, but she’d never really given in. He’d also had a small dick and probably wouldn’t have noticed if he did stick in her ass when they were sleeping.

Where they still out there, talking about her she wondered as she washed her tits and shoulders. Moving her hand lower she massaged herself, stroking her clit as she closed her eyes and thought about the beautiful people around her. Maybe Rita would come seduce her, she was so cute. And her beautiful pale breasts were so daned nice to look at. She didn’t blame anyone that looked at Rita’s tits. Alaina kind of wished hers were that big. Maybe she’d get nicer Boy friends and girlfriends if she had bigger tits?
Waking up Ty slid from bed rather easily, like a ninja. Collecting his clothes he headed for the gym first. After putting in a 40 minute weight training set (shorts only), he shit, shaved, and then showered before getting into uniform. In the saloon he boiled water for everyone then made himself some rather strong tea. He didn’t object to coffee but observation over the last two days indicated everyone else drank coffee, so he drank the tea. A small small sacrifice for the community.

Looking over the blueprints and layout of the submerged part of the facility he was in process of determining what he’d need for the dive. When the Captain came over and sat down.

"Has Leslie completed your physical yet?" she asked casually, sipping at her coffee. Alice had no notion of the conversation that Ty and the doctor had had last night before their marathon wrestling match in his bed. "If she hasn't, get that done first thing this morning, Lieutenant."

She used Ty's rank as a subtle way of indicating that that suggestion had actually been an order. Alice looked up to find Rita entering the Saloon; the young thing slowed at the sight of the pair of USSF officers, then smiled meekly to Alice and asked, "Is there coffee?"

“I’m waiting for her to wake up and either report here for coffee and breakfast or Bertha will inform me if she gets to the Medbay first.”

“I was notified of a batch disposal of a certain medication this morning by Bertha. It doesn’t look good. You can view the camera feed yourself. Apparently as Chief of Security I was auto grated certain abilities and responsibilities. One of those is I get notified about any controlled substance activity.”

“Infirmary Camera J-2, I’m the Cop.. your the Judge.” he said with dip of his head and a lifting of his tea. “Also, I saw the hard liquor yesterday. I recommend that remain locked in your office, or mine. I don’t like the taste so I don’t drink.”

“Good Morning, Ma’am.” Ty replied, looking at Rita. “As you’re not Military and don’t have a rank what would you like me to call you? Do you have any Doctorates in your fields of expertise?” he asked trying to be both polite and sociable.

"I hear that you're a swimmer," Alice said to Rita. Looking to Ty while speaking to the other woman, she continued, "I was thinking that the Lieutenant here might benefit from your assistance in his dive later today, assuming that Ty has figured out the whole breathing under water part?"

“That can be resolved with an air tube for each person, we go slow and take oxygen from the tube, exhale the spent oxygen into the water, just like skin diving.”

“Minimal clothing to prevent snags, we don’t have dive or scuba gear so that’s out. At least one knife, a pry bar, and water proof flashlights.

Referencing the digital map he showed them the most likely path to take, unless something had fallen and blocked the way. “Unless either of you has a better plan?” he asked. Getting up gave the two of them time to look over his suggestion as he rinced the cup and placed it on a towel to dry. With the flooding they certainly had far more than enough water.
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Alice, Rita, and Ty in the Saloon:

Ty informed Alice of the disposed of drugs, pointing out that it was up to her to decide if anything was done about it. She didn't immediately suspect foul play on the doctor's part, but it was obvious to her that Ty was concerned about it. She only said, "I'll speak to Leslie about it."

“Also, I saw the hard liquor yesterday," he continued, recommending that Alice kept it locked away.

"Well, now you're just taking the fun out of life," she teased. More seriously, though, Alice said, "But you're right. I'll keep the bottles locked up."

When Rita arrived, Ty asked her about how he should be addressing her after calling her ma’am. She blushed, which -- considering her fair complexion -- was all too obvious. She said meekly, "Rita is fine ... if that's alright." She looked to Alice, then back to Ty as she asked, "That's okay, isn't it?"

They talked about Rita's swimming experience, and Ty suggested an underwater breathing technique. When he said they should wear minimal clothing, Rita again blushed. Ty had seen her wrapped in a towel in the sauna, of course, and -- as she was fleeing and her towel caught the door latch -- he'd gotten the briefest of glimpses at her bared ass. Now, though, she'd be wearing her exercise outfit while working with him in close proximity because her wardrobe didn't include a swimming suit.

They both would have covered roughly the same square footage of her body, of course. So why was she concerned? That was a matter of fabric type. Her nipples would swell the moment she put her feet into the water, pressing out against the exercise top's cloth, and when -- if -- she herself had to go into the water, the top would fit to her generous bosom like a second skin. Down below would present a similar situation: her muff, which was naturally a bit darker than the hair on her head, would also be on display. It was neatly trimmed and cut short, but it was still going to draw attention.

“Unless either of you has a better plan?” Ty asked after he'd presented his plan.

Alice studied the plan a long moment, then looked up and said, "I got nothing. I hate sending you down there like this, but I don't see an option ... unless we want to be up to our necks in cold water." Then, smiling politely to Ty, she told him, "It's a good plan, Lieutenant."

Looking between the two of them, Alice said as she stood, "Okay, so ... both of you check in with the doc. As soon as she gives you the all clear, we do this."

She headed away, giving Rita a gentle pat on the shoulder. Rita watched the Captain until she was fully out of sight, then looked to her mug of coffee. She didn't know what to say to Ty or even if she needed to say anything to him. If he didn't address her first within a dozen or score of seconds, she would bid him farewell and leave.
Ty and Rita:
Collecting the Captain’s cup and Rita’s as he stood, “No time like the present.” He said. “You’re very nervous around me. May I ask why?”

Taking the cups to the kitchen he washed them as he spoke with her, the view allowing him to see the room, and making sure no one eavesdropped on them.

“I believe it’s because you find me attractive and that you’re a virgin. You don’t need to be ashamed or nervous. I was a virgin as well. Once.”

“Hell everyone was, once.” Drying the cups he moved Rita’s, The Captain’s, and his now dry cup back to the cupboard.

“The Doctor needs to examine us and make sure we can do this,” he said as he guided her to the Infirmary, “She’s already expressed her concerns to me about my lungs. Combat injuries and such. But I don’t have a choice in this. I’m the most experienced and capable individual. If you don’t want to go, for whatever reason, you can say no. Maybe your afraid of being submerged under water, Sharks, the dark under water. Being with me. It doesn’t matter. You can walk away at anytime.”

Using his palm print he opened the door and activated the lights.”So, this is your chance to express anything you want. We’re the only two here, and I keep secrets.”
Ty and Rita in the Saloon:

“You’re very nervous around me," Ty asked Rita. "May I ask why?”

"I'm not nervous around you, Lieutenant," Rita responded with a rather unconvincing tone. "It's just..."

She'd begun that sentence without knowing what she was going to say. Ty took advantage of the lull to suggest, “I believe it’s because you find me attractive and that you’re a virgin."

Rita's eyes opened wide, her mouth fell open, and her face yet again flushed red. She wanted to respond, to say something! But what was she to say? He was dead on with both statements: Rita did find Tyrande Collins attractive and she most certainly was a virgin.

"You don’t need to be ashamed or nervous," the man continued. "I was a virgin as well. Once. Hell everyone was, once.”

Quietly, more to herself but still audible to Ty, Rita murmured, "Sure, but at 22?"

She'd been diverting her eyes from Ty, unable to hold his own glances her way. Now she looked at him, studying him a moment before asking him boldly, "How old were you when you lost your virginity, Lieutenant?"

He might answer; he might not. Rita was fairly certain that the man had become a man at a much younger age than she was now. Ty spoke of the doctor needing to see them and of his possible lung issues. He stated confidently about the dive and repairs, "I’m the most experienced and capable individual."

Unintentionally, Rita snorted in just the slightest of derision. When Ty looked to her, she smiled proudly. "When I was a girl, I was practically a fish: swim team, diving team ... I once sat on the bottom of a swimming pool for almost 5 minutes just to stick it to a boy who thought I couldn't do it because I was just a girl."

She hesitated a moment, though, imagining the cold, dark, equipment filled lower levels. It wouldn't be anything like the pools she'd done most of her pleasure and competitive swimming and diving in.

Ty must have read the hesitation in her expression, saying, "If you don’t want to go, for whatever reason, you can say no. Maybe your afraid of being submerged under water, sharks..."

Rita giggled at the word sharks, but as Ty continued, she flashbacked to some of the lake and ocean located movie scripts that involved killer beasts. Oh, it wasn't like there was going to be anything like that down there in the flooded levels, of course. But she'd also seen her share of movies in which characters got caught up in submerged equipment, couldn't get loose, and drowned. Rita had always seen drowning at the most horrific of deaths.

"You can walk away at anytime," Ty offered. "So, this is your chance to express anything you want. We’re the only two here, and I keep secrets.”

For the first time since entering the Saloon this morning, Rita looked to Ty and maintained her gaze. There were two topics fighting inside her skull for the right to form words in her mouth. She addressed one with a simply stated fact: "I can do this dive with you. I'm not scared."

For the other topic, though, Rita had to find the right words, contemplate the possible ramifications of asking them, toss them out for a better selection, and repeat. Finally, she asked, "Are you and Leslie like boyfriend and girlfriend ... dating, I mean. Like ... are you a couple ... exclusive couple?"
Alice and Leslie in the Infirmary:

After her talk with Ty about the discarded drugs, Alice headed for the Infirmary, wondering whether the Doc was in. Leslie most certainly was; she had the installation diagrams out that showed how to hook up the smaller freezer and fridge to the emergency power system, so she wouldn't be concerned about medications going bad yet again.

"I had a question," Alice began, setting a computer tablet on the countertop before Leslie; on it was the report of the destroyed Fentanyl patches. "I need to visually see these ... to ensure that they were properly discarded."

Leslie's eyes were on the work before her; she couldn't make eye contact with the Captain. She searched for the words, then lied, "I already to them ... the trash I mean ... to the compactor on Level 6."

When Alice didn't respond, Leslie peeked up at her nervously, then returned her eyes to her work. "I'm sorry, Captain. I didn't know that--"

"Alice," the other woman correctly. She smiled to Leslie, clarifying, "You aren't military ... and I don't like civilians calling me ma'am. You can call me Alice." She hesitated, watching Leslie's nod and smile, then pressed, "You were explaining...?"

"Yes, I, um ... I didn't know that you had to visually inspect them," Leslie said. "I showed them to Bertha." Looking toward one of the three cameras on the Infirmary wall as if eye-to-eye contact was needed, she asked, "Bertha ... didn't I show you the damaged box of Fentanyl patches I tossed yesterday?"

"Yes, Doctor Hawkins, you did show me the box of 40 Fentanyl patches that required destruction," the AI confirmed, unaware that she'd been shown only the empty box.

"And didn't I take the garbage to the trash chute right after that?" Leslie asked.

Again, Bertha verified what the Doctor was saying. Alice studied Leslie's expression and body language for a moment as the woman went back to work. Leslie was lying; there was no doubt about that. But Alice couldn't simply accuse her without proof. Instead, she only said, "Okay, well, in the future I have to toss this kind of stuff myself. And Doctor..."

Alice hesitated until Leslie looked up and met her gaze. In a sincere tone, she said, "And if you ever have anything you want to talk to me about ... confidentially ... no Bertha, no file ... you feel free to come to me. Okay?"

"Of course," Leslie said, returning the other woman's friendly smile. "I will."

"Okay, well, I have things to do," Alice said, turning and departing. She crossed to the Monitoring Station to see if Alaina was in and if she needed any help with preparations for Ty and -- likely -- Rita's dive into the watery depths of the Richardson International Bunker Complex.