The Friend's Cute Daughter is no More (closed to Bexyboo)

Bex smiled and clincked her glass with his. "Cheers." she said before pondering his question. "Well my weekend has been quite quiet actually this is the first time I've been out, out in awhile." She said with a warm smile as she sipped her drink.

"So is this your regular? Or are you just visiting?" she questioned playing along with his fantasy.

"So is this your regular? Or are you just visiting?"

He listened as she spoke, and replied almost instantly. "Kinda both I guess. I live, work out of town, but when I'm in London I stay in a hotel round the corner, and so I tend to come to this pub when I'm in the hotel. Slightly more relaxed than the hotel bar, and well occasionally I get drinks bought for me by rather attractive girls. What about your self Jane?"

He looked at her, the scarf covering her cleavage, yet the tension lines of her top suggesting she had reasonably sized breasts. And of course those rather provocative bra straps were also on display. He could feel his cock twitching.
She smiled at him and nodded as she listened happily while her fingers idly played with the beer mat in front of her. "Actually no, I live across town and I'm only ever this way when I have to work at my placement." She said sticking to the truth as much as possible.

"How long are you in town for?" She asked genuinely curious to what he's future plans were while her eyes casually roamed over his god like body. She felt her self become slightly moist at the way his shirt clung to his muscles, making them stand out for everyone to see.

"How long are you in town for?"

"Oh two weeks but I've been here a week already, I vacate my room next Saturday morning unless my meeting on Friday is cancelled then I'll leave during the afternoon... "

The two continued chatting, making small talk as Adrian looked at Jane, or Bex often allowing his eyes to wander. As they settled into a conversation he threw in the odd compliment albeit is a cheek joking manner, but there was a serious side to those compliments as well. And so after 20 minutes or so, his second pint was nearing on requiring a refill.

"So Jane, can I get you another drink perhaps?" He smiled as he met her gaze.
Bex glanced at her empty glass and nodded. "Yes please. Just a half of cider please." She asked with a warm smile. Though they were pretending to be strangers she couldn't help but note that conversation flowed easily between them just like it did when she used to hang around with him during her younger years.

She remained quiet as he went to the bar to get their drinks her mind betraying her with thoughts of her heel digging into his perfect ass as he made love to her even though deep down she knew that love making wasn't what was going to happen it was going to be just sex and nothing more though it would still be amazing.

As he was being served, he turned to look at her from behind, seeing her slender buy shapely form, his eyes momentarily transfixed on her bra-straps as het disappeared behind her vest top.

His moments of peaceful contemplation were spoilt by the quiet cough of the barmaid. smiling, he paid her before he picked up their two drinks and tuned to return to their table.

Adrian returned shortly with their drinks placing hers on the table in front of her. He returned to his seat in the corner and smiled.

"So what about you Jane? Is this your local, or are you meant to be meeting friends?"
"Honestly I don't really have any friends." She answered honestly. "Though I was meant to be meeting this guy and he unfortunately stood me up." She said again taking a big sip of her cider.

She knew for a fact if she wanted a good end to the night she would have to lay off the drink she'd only had a pint and a 1/2 and she could already feel the sweet liquid going to her head

"Honestly I don't really have any friends." She answered honestly. "Though I was meant to be meeting this guy and he unfortunately stood me up."

"No friends?" he remarked smiling. "I cant believe an intelligent girl like has has no friends..... And as to the guy who stood you up, well that is his loss is all I can say..."