The Isolated Politics Blurt Thread I: A New Beginning

Elon Musk backs down from $45 million a month pledge to Trump, says he doesn’t ‘subscribe to cult of personality’​

Elon Musk is not spending $45 million a month to elect former President Donald Trump, though he has created a new super political action committee (PAC) to fund the Republican candidate, the billionaire told conservative commentator Jordan Peterson during an interview Monday evening.

During the interview, which was hosted on Musk’s platform, X, Peterson asked Musk if he had “shocked” himself by donating a substantial amount of money to Trump’s campaign. Musk – who has previously criticized Trump, calling him a “bull in a china shop” – paused to correct the “media.”

“What’s been reported in the media is simply not true,” Musk said. “I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump.”

“I don’t prescribe to [a] cult of personality,” Musk said. But, he added that Trump demonstrated “great courage” after being shot by an attempted assassin on July 13, and that strength helps intimidate America’s enemies.


That LIE about Elmo donating $45 million a month to Trump’s campaign was the RWCJ’s “flex of the week”…More like - “flex of the weak”.

Poor RWCJ…


👉 RWCJ 🤣

Jamie Raskin and comer on a fox news live piece... Raskin :heart:

The interviewer asked comer if the Biden impeachment investigation was now officially closed:

“My job wasn’t to impeach; my job was to investigate,” the Republican congressman said, adding that “the American people know a lot more about what the Bidens have done because of our work.”

Raskin appeared to be suppressing a smile throughout Comer’s response.
“I think Chairman Comer did a magnificent job exonerating Joe Biden of all the fraudulent charges that were raised against him in this Congress,” Raskin chimed in with a laugh.
“And, of course, there was no high crime, no misdemeanor, and Joe Biden is a passionate public servant filled with integrity.”

Youngest Jewish member of Congress explains, in length, why they'll not attend netanyahu's speech today:


It’s never easy being Jewish in today’s world, but the past 10 months have been especially excruciating. Like millions of Jews around the world, I’m still grappling with the aftermath of Hamas’ horrific attack on Oct. 7 and the sharp rise in antisemitism that we’ve seen since. And I’ve also been deeply alarmed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brutal, unrelenting military operation that has reportedly left more than 39,000 Palestinians dead. This response hasn’t been proportional, strategic or effective — and I can’t in good conscience condone it by attending Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress.

For 10 months, the Israeli military, under the prime minister’s direction, has conducted intense bombardments on Gaza. Yet Hamas hasn’t been eliminated, and Israel isn’t any safer. From my work at the State Department’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, I know that civilian casualties fuel recruitment, radicalization and support of terrorism. Every civilian casualty that results from the Israeli government’s strategy provides an opportunity for Hamas and other extremist groups to prey on. There’s no justification for terrorism and nothing acceptable about Hamas’ actions — and that only makes it more important that Israel acts in a way that doesn’t drive more recruits into Hamas’ ranks.

The reality is: There is no military solution to this conflict. Even a far more precise and better-executed military campaign than the one being waged won’t work without acknowledging the root political issues. Israel can effectively counter the threat posed by Hamas only by first addressing the core grievances that have fueled recruitment and support for decades: the lack of a Palestinian state and Palestinians’ right to self-determination. And yet, Prime Minister Netanyahu appears unmotivated to reach a cease-fire deal and continues to repel the idea of a two-state solution, and he has even used this conflict to advance Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

there's a lot more, all worth reading
Trump’s one move is pretending he always wins.

MAGAs are participating in a public circle jerk pretending Trump always wins and therefore they always win too. Adult children playing dress up heroes.

The pretense of winning is everything.

Trump’s one move is pretending he always wins.

MAGAs are participating in a public circle jerk pretending Trump always wins and therefore they always win too. Adult children playing dress up heroes.

The pretense of winning is everything.

Smart stuff ^.


I’d like to believe many of us have already employed the speaker’s strategy of not debating MAGAts, and instead, pointing out that no matter how much Trump LOSES, the MAGAts always rationalize (painfully contort) those LOSSES into "wins" that only the MAGAts see.

Let’s keep holding up mirrors for those MAGAts so they are constantly reminded of what LOSERS they truly are.


Trump’s one move is pretending he always wins.

MAGAs are participating in a public circle jerk pretending Trump always wins and therefore they always win too. Adult children playing dress up heroes.

The pretense of winning is everything.

I didn’t watch the video, but I hope it is all about the irony. Trump has been a loser in most things. I was actually shocked that he decided to run again, because he’s been such a big loser.