The language of lust vs. porn

I shall unsheathe my sword, and rigorously beat it upon thy lips, madam.
Until you plead for me to probe the depths of thy maw, that hitherto remained untouched and so egregiously wanting.
I will enslave thee to my trouser serpent posthaste, addict thee to my seed, and bring gushing to the surface, thy inner trollop.
Only once you concede, shall I take thee for mine own.
And it shall no longer be incumbent upon thee to illuminate the refuscent beacon...


I shall unsheathe my sword, and rigorously beat it upon thy lips, madam.
Until you plead for me to probe the depths of thy maw, that hitherto remained untouched and so egregiously wanting.
I will enslave thee to my trouser serpent posthaste, addict thee to my seed, and bring gushing to the surface, thy inner trollop.
Only once you concede, shall I take thee for mine own.
And it shall no longer be incumbent upon thee to illuminate the refuscent beacon...



Yes. That’s all it took to make me your girl. :heart:
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It got me to thinking about how porn affects perception of real life sex. From the obvious horrifying issue and the way he casually describes sex as "pounding ass." Its alarming how non-chalant he and others were describing this.

*shakes jazz hands in disgust*
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It got me to thinking about how porn affects perception of real life sex. From the obvious horrifying issue and the way he casually describes sex as "pounding ass." Its alarming how non-chalant he and others were describing this.

*shakes jazz hands in disgust*

It's the way the different sexes think when it comes to mating.

Males are driven to find a mate, any mate that will accept them, to procreate offspring. Potential mates are selected based on a mental/genetic(?) template from the group available.

Females select potential mates by different criteria. Often it appears that they choose as their potential mate the one who stands out from the crowd in some manner, be it by success or prowess or some other standard only they are aware of either consciously or unconsciously. There have been studies done involving the senses including sight, smell, sound, as well as fertility cycles to try and determine what criteria females use as it is different from that which males use.

I believe some of the selection process might also be driven by both the size of the group to be selected from as well as daily or repeat interaction with that group.

Thus, the handwringing is rather silly in that context. A sexually mature male is a sexually mature male. Considered in that light only, a sexually mature female can certainly not be faulted for finding that male attractive enough for childbearing purposes regardless of whether or not the father can support her and her child.

As for the subtext of how it's described by younger males: Younger males are trying to find mates. They are young, strong, healthy and full of hormones. Their genetics and primitive hindbrains are telling them that only the strongest survive and produce strong offspring. How else does one expect them to respond given those facets other than to not understand why this is a problem.

Strong males mate with attractive females to produce strong viable offspring. Everything else is a fallacy created by society to allow the "not as strong" to have an equal chance at procreating. This may be good for the race as a whole (brains over brawn) but it's irresponsible of society to punish people socially or criminally for doing what they are genetically programmed to do. Note that this doesn't mean I support this, only that I, as a male, can relate to those who do not understand why it's a problem.

Finally - Porn. Porn is an art form created by the human race. It is a reflection of what and how we think, not something which shapes how and what we think. If it wasn't something we as a race find titillating, I suspect it wouldn't be such a big hit with everyone.

Thus, I don't believe that porn creates the "pounding ass" thought process. Instead I think that current internet society allows "stream of consciousness" expression and the idioms expressed are merely the thoughts which have been in our heads for eons.
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It's because on average men tend to have more active sex drives than women which gets extrapolated by a handful of idiots to the point that they think a younger man has no autonomy and is ruled by crazy sex hormones and therefore can't be sexually exploited because they must be a totally willing and receptive participant.
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It's because on average men tend to have more active sex drives than women which gets extrapolated by a handful of idiots to the point that they think a younger man has no autonomy and is ruled by crazy sex hormones and therefore can't be sexually exploited because they must be a totally willing and receptive participant.

I hear this a lot and I don't believe it. Men and women both have active sex drives. How their desires are expressed is different, not that sexual desire by women doesn't exist. Or is less than that of a man. To say otherwise is demeaning to both sexes.

The rest of what you say is nonsense because ANYONE can be manipulated through either their desires or hormones, not just teen males. This is so basic that advertising and the cologne and perfume industry attempt to achieve it on a daily basis. As well as the cosmetic industry and others.

That doesn't make anyone willing or unwilling. Nor does it mean that they were exploited. It is only when there is fraud, force, or authority that it becomes manipulation. Rape is force. But, then, so is a court order requiring someone to provide a sperm sample. Both are unwilling yet society condemns one and supports the other. And then says that sex between a minor and an adult is automatically rape even if no force is used.

Absent fraud, force, or authority it's consent, even if illegal under the law in some circumstances involving people younger than adulthood. Arguing otherwise involves an attempt to interject coercion into the discussion and trying to define coercion as force. Which is ridiculous. The sole purpose of the mating ritual IS TO COERCE the female to accept the male's advances.

So the whole issue is one of societal bias. Basically, one doesn't need to be 18 to know they want to boink that sexy creature over there. Not understanding why someone wouldn't know it solely on the basis that they weren't 18 is nutz. As is not understand them when they express that desire however crudely.

It's about sex. Everyone seems to confuse this with society and its rules and unproven assumptions. They are not the same thing. Not even close. One defies definition. The other changes definition constantly and inconsistently.
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I was referring to the comment cookie quoted as a example of idiots who don't think a teenager can be exploited. Otherwise I have no idea what you're trying to refute or argue for with 80% of that post.

Arguing otherwise involves an attempt to interject coercion into the discussion and trying to define coercion as force. Which is ridiculous. The sole purpose of the mating ritual IS TO COERCE the female to accept the male's advances.
If you're coercing anybody into sex you should probably, like, stop.
It's honestly like you think modern human interpersonal relationships are comparable to that of wild animals. Should I fight other men to the death for the attention of a female too?

I was referring to the comment cookie quoted as a example of idiots who don't think a teenager can be exploited. Otherwise I have no idea what you're trying to refute or argue for with 80% of that post.

If you're coercing anybody into sex you should probably, like, stop.
It's honestly like you think modern human interpersonal relationships are comparable to that of wild animals. Should I fight other men to the death for the attention of a female too?

*wiggles my feathered tushy at you*

I was referring to the comment cookie quoted as a example of idiots who don't think a teenager can be exploited. Otherwise I have no idea what you're trying to refute or argue for with 80% of that post.

If you're coercing anybody into sex you should probably, like, stop.
It's honestly like you think modern human interpersonal relationships are comparable to that of wild animals. Should I fight other men to the death for the attention of a female too?

I see. You weren't very clear and I took it to mean you disagreed with what I said. Which seems true regardless.

To this post: Where does one draw the line when it comes to coercion being a bad thing?

Love letters?
Valentine's cards/gifts?
Buying someone a drink?
Offering a lift home?
A coffee invitation after a date?
Asking for a second date?
A simple compliment?
Far's feathered tushy wiggling? (<--- see what I did there?)
All of the above?

See, the problem with coercion is that the definition has changed. It used to be an attempt to gain consent from one who was unwilling by use of nefarious methods. Now, it's being redefined as ANYTHING said or done by a man (never the woman for some reason) to a woman. This is the result of social justice engineering gone amok.

When it comes to mating rituals, we are all animals. Saying otherwise denies our biological instincts and primal urges. And, dueling was outlawed a long time ago. For good reason I suspect.
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Not sure if it was the heaving bosoms, South Park, jazz hands, banana pounding, or the vastly insightful narrative that caused the action.

It certainly was not coerced, I do know that.

Coaxed, perhaps.
I see. You weren't very clear and I took it to mean you disagreed with what I said. Which seems true regardless.

To this post: Where does one draw the line when it comes to coercion being a bad thing?

Love letters?
Valentine's cards/gifts?
Buying someone a drink?
Offering a lift home?
A coffee invitation after a date?
Asking for a second date?
A simple compliment?
Far's feathered tushy wiggling? (<--- see what I did there?)
All of the above?

See, the problem with coercion is that the definition has changed. It used to be an attempt to gain consent from one who was unwilling by use of nefarious methods. Now, it's being redefined as ANYTHING said or done by a man (never the woman for some reason) to a woman. This is the result of social justice engineering gone amok.

When it comes to mating rituals, we are all animals. Saying otherwise denies our biological instincts and primal urges. And, dueling was outlawed a long time ago. For good reason I suspect.

when i say no

Also - the article I posted is ABOUT A WOMAN coercing a young male.
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*wiggles my feathered tushy at you*
It's decided then.
Me and Necro will don our giant sabre teeth and go at each other like a pair of angry walruses until the other is either dead or cowering in submission, and not the nice kind!
Only the victor shall claim Farawyn's feathered tushy!
It's decided then.
Me and Necro will don our giant sabre teeth and go at each other like a pair of angry walruses until the other is either dead or cowering in submission, and not the nice kind!
Only the victor shall claim Farawyn's feathered tushy!

I accept your challenge.
When I defeat you, I promise to make it fast... And sexy.
Then when it’s all over, Far, you say “ Oh, what a lovely tea party.”

Hmmmm, it may actually be getting TOO erotic in here ;)
It's decided then.
Me and Necro will don our giant sabre teeth and go at each other like a pair of angry walruses until the other is either dead or cowering in submission, and not the nice kind!
Only the victor shall claim Farawyn's feathered tushy!

I accept your challenge.
When I defeat you, I promise to make it fast... And sexy.
Then when it’s all over, Far, you say “ Oh, what a lovely tea party.”

Hmmmm, it may actually be getting TOO erotic in here ;)

Peels a banana.
All contests of machismo aside, I was thinking about this today.
I think when men are insecure, whether because they just are, or maybe because they cannot write well, it’s socially acceptable to “pound that cunt.”

When I run out of words, I just usually retreat. Stop talking. Use humor to deflect.
Or, I call him, so he can hear my tone, which can convey more than text.

That being said, I am much more apt to respond to “pound my cake” than “gently fold my batter until it’s creamy.”

I’m hungry.

I also like “fuck my Cunt deep” over “impale me with your sword of lust”
Flowery talk completely is not the way to go, even if it is well written.
All contests of machismo aside, I was thinking about this today.
I think when men are insecure, whether because they just are, or maybe because they cannot write well, it’s socially acceptable to “pound that cunt.”

When I run out of words, I just usually retreat. Stop talking. Use humor to deflect.
Or, I call him, so he can hear my tone, which can convey more than text.

That being said, I am much more apt to respond to “pound my cake” than “gently fold my batter until it’s creamy.”

I’m hungry.

I also like “fuck my Cunt deep” over “impale me with your sword of lust”
Flowery talk completely is not the way to go, even if it is well written.
So you're a...


...kind of person?