The Limits We Thought We Had...Forever?!!

Changing limits mmm....when I was at school (Catholic) I remember thinking oral sex was DISGUSTING and there was no way on earth I would ever try it :D
_prudence_ said:
Changing limits mmm....when I was at school (Catholic) I remember thinking oral sex was DISGUSTING and there was no way on earth I would ever try it :D

LOL, I think a lot of people have been in that position. I remember the disgust the love of my life at the time had when I first attempted to give him oral (strange thing was I was acting on instinct as well as opposed to knowledge) when I was 15...needless to say I didn't get to follow my instinct at that point, and unfortunately he died without ever experiencing that pleasure.

Catalina :catroar:
I've expanded my limits a lot this year.

I said I would never do or play with a chick, I have, and while some things still don't take me over the edge there are some things i enjoy about it.

I said I would never do poly cause I could never share my man, and I've been there, okay so I was the second girl to come into the relationship but that's still sharing and it's okay.

I said i would never do pissplay, and I've gone there too. Again not something that totally rocked my world, but didn't kill me either.

there are still a few things on my "I'll never ever ever do that" list, but that list is shortening as I'm exploring myself. I'm having fun right now, and I'm pretty happy with my life most of the time, so I think I'm in a good direction.
the captians wench said:
I've expanded my limits a lot this year.

I said I would never do or play with a chick, I have, and while some things still don't take me over the edge there are some things i enjoy about it.

I said I would never do poly cause I could never share my man, and I've been there, okay so I was the second girl to come into the relationship but that's still sharing and it's okay.

I said i would never do pissplay, and I've gone there too. Again not something that totally rocked my world, but didn't kill me either.

there are still a few things on my "I'll never ever ever do that" list, but that list is shortening as I'm exploring myself. I'm having fun right now, and I'm pretty happy with my life most of the time, so I think I'm in a good direction.

Interesting how that happens, huh?!! :cathappy:

Catalina :catroar:
My limits have changed as well in as a little as 4 months. I used to have swallowing and anal as HARD limits....NOW I crave him cumming in my mouth in fact he now lovingly calls me his Cumslut.. and we have been workin for anal sex and I have had a couple of powerful orgasms..... MMMM So youre limits and restrictions can change.....=0) :devil:
I guess one taboo was appearing naked or topless in public. But in June, I went with Master and my husband and his Mistress to a club were I spent most of the night in just my fishnet stockings...
Yeah, so this bottom/submitting seriously to a xy thing....


Serious moment: I never thought I would actually get to pick up a cane. What's next, a whip? (I'm dreading that, because I am clumsy... I'd probably cause myself more pain than anyone else, and hey, I'm not a masochist!)

Not so serious moment: I am desperately in love with Netzach. But don't tell her, because she'll think I'm pathetic. Oh, wait, too late...
FungiUg said:
Serious moment: I never thought I would actually get to pick up a cane. What's next, a whip? (I'm dreading that, because I am clumsy... I'd probably cause myself more pain than anyone else, and hey, I'm not a masochist!)

Could make for quite and interesting scene to watch. :D

Catalina :catroar:
FungiUg said:
Serious moment: I never thought I would actually get to pick up a cane. What's next, a whip? (I'm dreading that, because I am clumsy... I'd probably cause myself more pain than anyone else, and hey, I'm not a masochist!)

Not so serious moment: I am desperately in love with Netzach. But don't tell her, because she'll think I'm pathetic. Oh, wait, too late...

I'm in the same boat. The cane turned out to be an awesome idea. The whip does not excite me. Yet. I own one, no idea where it is. My uncle brought it back from a trip somewhere and gave it to me as a kid. I about killed myself with it and put it away somewhere. It's in my stuff. No clue where.

Netzach, well, I'm pathetic too.
Homburg said:
The whip does not excite me. Yet. I own one, no idea where it is. My uncle brought it back from a trip somewhere and gave it to me as a kid. I about killed myself with it and put it away somewhere. It's in my stuff. No clue where.
If you change your mind and want to give whips a try (for use on a partner), I recommend Netzach's posts on this thread.
Breath-play for me was a big one. I don't do masks, or gags, or things like that, because they make me feel panic over claustrophobia issues.

Recently, when playing with a friend, as he was fingering me to orgasm, he covered my mouth and nose with his (altogether too big) hand... I panicked. His fingers in my pussy were relentless, his face was twisted knowingly and cruelly all at once, and I fought to pull his hand away.

Finally, he let me pull it away, and I gasped in breath, and had one of the most powerful orgasms I've ever had.

Not that I'll let just anyone do that to me again, but I will CERTAINLY let him.
JMohegan said:
If you change your mind and want to give whips a try (for use on a partner), I recommend Netzach's posts on this thread.

Self-use is a bad thing.

I did use "Yet." on purpose. I've been thinking about it. Thanks for linking that thread. I'll read it. While the whip doesn't excite me at this point, it is largely because I have a plate full of other skills to work on. Eventually, it's too amazing a skill not to want to learn its' use.

And to be frank, I don't want to expand our horizons too quickly. There should be something over the next hill.
Homburg said:
Self-use is a bad thing.

I did use "Yet." on purpose. I've been thinking about it. Thanks for linking that thread. I'll read it. While the whip doesn't excite me at this point, it is largely because I have a plate full of other skills to work on. Eventually, it's too amazing a skill not to want to learn its' use.

And to be frank, I don't want to expand our horizons too quickly. There should be something over the next hill.
You're welcome. It's actually one of my favorite threads.

If you read it, you'll understand my parenthetical "for use on a partner". Netzach's posts relate to that purpose; in contrast, a guy called Sheaf Beast wrote quite a bit about performance on stage.
JMohegan said:
You're welcome. It's actually one of my favorite threads.

If you read it, you'll understand my parenthetical "for use on a partner". Netzach's posts relate to that purpose; in contrast, a guy called Sheaf Beast wrote quite a bit about performance on stage.

I read it. Fantastic thread, thank you again for linking it.

I enjoyed your insights quite a bit as well, JM.
Homburg said:
Self-use is a bad thing.

I did use "Yet." on purpose. I've been thinking about it. Thanks for linking that thread. I'll read it. While the whip doesn't excite me at this point, it is largely because I have a plate full of other skills to work on. Eventually, it's too amazing a skill not to want to learn its' use.

And to be frank, I don't want to expand our horizons too quickly. There should be something over the next hill.

I have to admit to loving our bullwhip, though due to space and time restraints, we do not use it near as often as we would like. It has reminded me I was thinking earlier in the year about ordering a shorter whip handmade for him for Christmas...might have to get my skates on and decide and order it so it arrives in time. :cathappy:

Catalina :catroar:
Homburg said:
While the whip doesn't excite me at this point, it is largely because I have a plate full of other skills to work on.
Yeah, that's it in a nut-shell. I want to get good at something rather than barely adequate at lots of things. So I have this hugs toy-bag of things to try, but I like to focus on a few things first.
FungiUg said:
Yeah, that's it in a nut-shell. I want to get good at something rather than barely adequate at lots of things. So I have this hugs toy-bag of things to try, but I like to focus on a few things first.

I know that feeling. I've decided to limit myself on any new purchases until I feel like I'm sufficiently skilled with some of the current ones to move on. I might make a few more items, but that's hardly the same, right?

Why do I suddenly feel like Wenchie with her fabric issues?
Homburg said:
I know that feeling. I've decided to limit myself on any new purchases until I feel like I'm sufficiently skilled with some of the current ones to move on. I might make a few more items, but that's hardly the same, right?

Why do I suddenly feel like Wenchie with her fabric issues?

I try and limit my purchases so one or two per play session. So for example, last play session I finally got to play with duct tape. Just a little experimenting (skin patch to see if there was any allergenic response first), and plan to do more. The interesting thing about it is that it's waaaay easier to cut off circulation with tape than it is with restraints and rope.

Oh, and I bought a nifty little metal-wire brush. For intimate places. But that's not really new, just a variation.

And in the mean time, I am still working on rope skills (need to experiment with different kinds of rope), and other things like fisting and mental control.

So much to do, so little time! And my hard limits of not breaking anything, not drawing blood will likely never get challenged because I'd much rather push/extend in areas I at least know I have an interest in. Which means the whip is... borderline. I'm likely to draw blood with it, and it's likely to be my own.
That's pretty much my concern. I keep imagining the movie "A Christmas Story" and the line, "You'll put your eye out!"
CutieMouse said:
I just read the whole bullwhip thread... because he has an Australian 12' one...which is never used without great forethought and all, but... *shudder*

LOL, ours are Aussie handmade from kangaroo leather....beautiful.....the next one will also be kangaroo leather, but a different craftsman.

Catalina :catroar: