The lit old timers thread

I saw that either yesterday or today was "National Spread Sheet Day" and immediately thought of Cheyenne. Why??? It made me smile though.
There is such a thing as national spreadsheet day? Who knew? LOL
I've been retired for so long I can't remember the last spreadsheet I started.
It's nice to Cheyenne posting. Sweet! Update on my electrical issues after the storm -- fallen tree limbs "did something" to take out the "neutral" line -- melted the plastic casing. My son-in-law checked it out while I was away on a cruise with his wife. He called CenterPoint who sent a crew out...who completely cut all power lines to my house. Son-in-law got an electrician out. They made sure the housing and boxes were all secure. Then he had the tree guys over to take down a few trees and cut all the brush away from anywhere near the lines. Then CenterPoint came back and restored power. The neutral line being out really screwed up everything. AC was biggest worry, so Son-in-law got an AC guy out to take a look. Both ACs needed a new panel and Son-in-law installed those himself and got the AC working again. YAY. My PC was fried -- actually started smoking. Son-in-law is going to pull the hard drive and see if the data is retrievable. Both refrigerators are toast and the oven is gone. Microwave and dishwasher (both fairly new) still work. I never turned on the new washer & dryer, so they're fine. Oh ...and ALL the lights were blown. I'm in the process of replacing lightbulbs and wouldn't you know it? It seems like every single one takes a different size or type of bulb. Who designed this? I actually have part of an upstairs bathroom closet designated as the "lightbulb closet." Ridiculous.
I'm one of the forgettable ones. Took a long break and this place is definitely not how I left it. Nothing but fluff and all the drama moved over to the Political Board.

I remember coming here for the porn and staying for the free-er speech. Nice to see some familiar names still hanging around.
I'm okay. My AC is out so a few fans are my best friends now. I'm awaiting closing in a couple of weeks on Bluebie's rental house that he inherited from his parents. Once that happens, I'll be able to spring for a new AC. It's only money.... hahahahaha
Old timer here. I first joined in 1999. My name back then was Artoo-D2.

I frequented the general board to just chat about stuff but I avoided politics. I loved that we could chat. And also masturbate. Then chat again.

I was fresh out of the army back then and posted my body for the world to see. But now I'm 52, grandpa, and still like to cum here to get it done but miss the normal chat.

Sometimes you can get a hint of that inside a thread but it's not the same. Nothing ever is

But it's not all gloom and doom. I'm actually quite fond of these younger generations. Even the ones that don't like each other :)