The little things you've never done.

  • Thread starter La damnee elle la licorne
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I've done most of those other things and eaten lots of things on sticks. Even dead rabbit.
But I've never driven a car, truck, or bus. Those are big things.
Does the tutorial video include how to find my AAA card in my messy wallet and now to not feel like an incompetent idiot when they show up?
I've never eaten nor actually seen clotted cream.

Just the name kind of turns me away.

Is it just yogurt in disguise? Or thinned creme fraiche?

Is this something I should be sad about or is it one of those things I can live without ever experiencing?
It's the middle of my night, so I am a little tired.

Clotted cream is heavy cream that has been VERY gently , slowly heated. It gave it a slightly longer life in the past :)

It's cream made thicker. It had a slight butter crust in the packet that some love ( I do not like it, I leave this or my husband eats mine, but that is rarely on the plate or served: the butter forms a preserving layer. And it's VERY thick.

Clotted cream is a great goodness, but the texture needs to be right for what you eat in my opinion.

It's thicker than creme fraiche. More like....a really good cream cheese maybe. But it's cream; pure cream.

Thanks for the great explanation, Elle. It's just midnight here. I figured someone on here could educate me. I'm still not convinced I would eat it. So one would serve it with fruit, toast, etc., as one would a fine cheese?
The 'famous' thing is with scones. There is regional disagreement in the south west of uk about how to eat these, should it be scone, cream then a little jam ( jelly) or scone, butter, Jane then clotted cream? ! ( also there is debate if In should be Scone to rhyme with gone or own. I say it like gone) .

It's good where ever you might want cream!

It's butter, jam then cream ;)

I have never danced flamenco. Not yet anyway.
This side of the Pennines we rhyme scone with gone. Hubby's tribe from over the other side say it the posh way :D

I've never seen Jaws or The Exorcist.
Eaten mochi icecream ( I only learned of it today).

Mochi is ok I guess. I've only had the green tea and vanilla flavors and wasn't that thrilled with either. I think it was the rice that did me in but then, to me, almost nothing beats a black cherry sundae or coffee ice cream or mud pie when I'm in the mood for sweets. By contrast, Mochi is very understated for an ice cream treat.
Never sky dived before think I'd probably have a panic attack if not a heart attack if I tried. I'm terrified of heights plus why jump out of a perfectly good plane. Lol