The "Michelangelo Poetry" Game

Angeline said:
you are a very bad girl. lol.


Before we go on with the poetry, is it time to pull up the Christmas avatars already?
Hi Lauren,

Go for it, you mentioned something special. ;)

ok. don't look ee.

(tells the boob--i've been a good girl.)

yeah, yeah I know I'm Jewish but everyone knows the Chanukah boob isn't real.
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Angeline said:
ok. don't look ee.

(tells the boob--i've been a good girl.)

A good girl?:p I guess that makes me the Easter Bunny (since Santa was taken)

*Waits for Santa Lauren to dump Ange on her butt for telling blatant falsehoods*;)
*Waits for Santa Lauren to dump Ange on her butt for telling blatant falsehoods*

only the boob is santa. the rest is just lauren. and ty tess (falls on cushions)

honest katers, i was just telling it what i want for christmas

sorry about your nice thread darkmaas baaby

:) :rose:
Simulated outrage

Just a cotton-pickin' minute!

How come I get a spanking for quoting Michael Ondaatje when Teach used Virginia?

Angeline said:
He sighed profoundly and flung himself--............... web-like about his body.

Virginia Woolf
~from Orlando

Re: Simulated outrage

Tristesse said:
Just a cotton-pickin' minute!

How come I get a spanking for quoting Michael Ondaatje when Teach used Virginia?

Angeline said:
He sighed profoundly and flung himself--............... web-like about his body.

Virginia Woolf
~from Orlando


Just a spanking
for quoting

Originally he flung his body
from Orlando

Hmm. I'd rather not define poetry at all. It's words, they are designed to convey emotion, stir reactions. They are not regular prose. Them are all apples IMO. Or at least fruit, where what we call poerty is a whole diverse basket in itself. Song lyrics, sonettes, soapbox spoken-word, kennings, freeform rants, scribbled on a napkin, shouted from the rooftops, whispered in your baby's ear, tatooed on your butt or pouring out from MTV. Really, is there any difference?

originally posted by Icingsugar on another thread

define apples, emotion
words stir, fruit spoken
soapbox basket of freeform rants
whispered, screaming
Really, is there any difference?
tattooed on your butt,
pouring out from baby's ear...
Maria2394 said:
originally posted by Icingsugar on another thread

define apples, emotion
words stir, fruit spoken
soapbox basket of freeform rants
whispered, screaming
Really, is there any difference?
tattooed on your butt,
pouring out from baby's ear...

Then I just have to bite. :D

Define rants:
Tatooed apples spoken,
whispered words
pouring from your
soapbox, baby.
Icingsugar said:
Then I just have to bite. :D

Define rants:
Tatooed apples spoken,
whispered words
pouring from your
soapbox, baby.


baby ;)
Anyone else saw that one coming? :)

Anyway, here's a new chunk to chip:

"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

-Albert Einstein
so much more than an egghead