The Millennium Project

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Okay, picked myself up and brushed off, fell of chair laughing and now I'm totally red faced. All I can say, if we live thru this weekend it will be one to remember, Laurel I forgot to ask, can keep the pompoms, always wanted to be a cheerleader(thanks deb for bringing that dream true) Nurse what ever you suggested Crystal & I followed to the hilt as far as I can tell hehehe This is great! But as I said it's getting closer to mine and geez guys I'm petrified....(besides being horny)
I so agree with you Laurel. I'm sure everyone appreciates how you look after the site, and try to keep things positive.

(seriously, I may do my own take on the characters of Literotica. I’m yearning to really delve into the personalities here and XXplore the possibilities in my vision.)

Nah. That's what therapy's for. Let's keep it fun. Besides, I have no personality.

This series has been a blast. Kudos to all involved. I hear Laurel's planning another thread. Hmm. Maybe I'll jump onto the next one.

Again, I am nothing but impressed (and titillated) by the work here. The story thusfar is fun, sexy, and full of good spirit. Keep it up (pun intended).
Thanks girls (includes you XX)!

BTW, I'm just dying to know what you all wrote on those pieces of paper ("Since we each want something a little different, we'll just write it down on a piece of paper") and if your fondest wish cums true (HINT,HINT). Incidentally, I wrote on mine I wanted XX and Spellcheck to plunder my big fat butt like pirates.

Note to Mrhappy: Men! What will we do with them? The other version of your story you sent me, where you sandwich Laurel, you missed the slow boat. Duh! You had the right idea with your post, "I began to see Laurel as a Dominatrix (not a bad thing actually)... dressed in leather, spiked heels and swinging a 'a cat-o-nine-tails'(which I stole from you cuz it was so right)" Adolfa wanted to whoop your bad ass!

And somebody please put Spellcheck in their story. His blow-up sheep shows up at the door dragging the dope-on-a-rope (Spellcheck) behind on the leash, wanting to buy used condoms or some such thing.

XX, when you get rich and famous with your tabloid, don't forget your friends. Whatever happened to your other get rich quick scheme? You know, the one where you told Spellcheck to bend over (splat!) and you marketed that Poopsicle shit-on-a-stick stuff.

Happy New Year you girls (you two too, XX and Spellcheck, Literotica life wouldn't be half as much fun without you) and guys. Hope you all don't get buggered by Y2K.

And XX, I'm hoping for a full report on the Vegas party upon your return. Might be something I can use in my novel. So far two of the three dudes who have been murdered (blood sucked from their bodies and little head decapitated) got theirs in Vegas. Perhaps Spellcheck did make a wise decision to go to the islands instead of joining you in Vegas to ring in the new millenium.
Michael, I had to say I LOVED your chapter.. The whole thing with the concert.. *shaking head* Intelligent erotica is my favorite kind. Extra-steamy.. Plus there were parts that were funny as hell. You had NOTHING to worry about. *grin* Wonderful.
(seriously, I may do my own take on the characters of Literotica. I’m
yearning to really delve into the personalities here and XXplore the possibilities in my
vision. Really use the ‘people’ not just the limbs as much. Similar to Deborah’s, though
with a higher premium on the ‘sexual’ personality. If some get offended, oh well – I
assure you it wouldn’t be my intention to do so. )

When I wrote my section, I was careful to use only people that were either in the project or that I'd gotten permission from beforehand. You may want to consider doing that, as it may be a bit tacky to paint an unflattering picture of some unsuspecting reader - wouldn't be very nice. I don't care if you use me as a target (what could you say that hasn't been said/implied already?
) but others may not feel the same way... Just my $0.02 (now, can phantom have his change back?

Got in late last night & found Michael's chapter in my box - can't wait to read it! Boy, this thing is moving along at lightning speed... Time to start planning the next one, eh? I'm gonna start a thread for #2 sometime today... Hope you guys are up for it after this exhausting weekend!
Thank you, Endlessly, very glad you enjoyed it! I hope you'll contribute to the next such story that they do on here; I'm sure you could do a wonderful job of arousing,umm...interest!
Michael, I agree totally with Endlessly. Awesome chapter! Just the right blend of humor and erotic. I had no idea you were so funny!

No wonder Endlessly loved it. Rumor has it that was her crying "Daddy! Oh, Daddy!" in Mrhappy's room. Not to worry, Mrhappy, we'll all come visit you in prison if you get busted.
Laurel, something going wacko here with the BB. Either you got Y2K'd already, your new computer is garbage out or the wacker hacker is back.

I'm posting these messages on 12/31 at approx. 7:30 AM my time although the first one shows up as 12/30 at 4:28 PM.

Maybe it's just me. I get confused easily.

But anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! everybody, whenever it is. Dagnabbit, now I'm not even sure what day it is, let alone when the new millenium begins.
"And incidentally, here in Montana, the age of consent is 16. Did I mention I -like- Montana?"

Hmm, no wonder Horace Greeley said "Go west, young man."
And I thought the best thing about Montana was that there was no speed limit on the interstates!
Thank you, Deborah! Honestly, you deserve some of the credit, because your own chapter suggested a direction that was so easy to follow that mine all but wrote itself. And of course, the other authors had gotten us off to a great start. Thanks again.
Awwww.. Thankfully, my Dad looks nothing like Sean Connery, elsewise I'd never be able to fully enjoy a Connery movie again. *impish grin* Then again, there's no hurt in pretending, right? If viagra's as wonderful as MrHappy says.. *wink* And incidentally, here in Montana, the age of consent is 16. Did I mention I -like- Montana?

Michael, I might try my hand if they try something like this again.. This time I'm having a blast just reading! Good job, EVERYone.

[This message has been edited by Endlessly (edited 12-31-1999).]
Michael: hey, usually the winters are long and cold.. Gotta have SOMEthing for the young'uns to do. *grin* Actually, we now have a speed limit, but it's the highest in the US. There was lots of opposition to getting one, but I think there would be even more opposition to raising the age of consent. *grin*
"usually the winters are long and cold.. Gotta have SOMEthing for the young'uns to do."

That reminds me of an article I read once about some guy in an extremely remote area, maybe in Alaska, who had a business running groceries and other supplies to people with his private plane. He said he could tell how well the marriages seemed to be doing by the quantity of condoms included in their orders for provisions.
smile.gif might want to consider that animals, both wild and domestic, are a major contribution to Montana's livlihood. Perhaps the reasoning for keeping the 'age of consent' at 16 yrs. old, is for the safety of the wild life and cattle.
I know I'd be a lot less likely to jump a cow or badger, if I know it's OK to jump my neighbor's teenage daughter. Works for me!!!
Mrhappy, hunting is also a huge part of Montanan life.. But I don't think it's quite THAT kind of hunting.. *giggle*

Blessed New Year to y'all.
When I wrote my section, I was careful to use only people that were either in the project or that I'd gotten permission from beforehand. (Laurel)

Nope, I’m gonna write what comes to mind. If you don’t like it – you can refuse to post it. That’s your prerogative as webmistress. I wont make a stink (And uh, who said I would be painting an ‘unflattering’ picture? I specifically said that is NOT my intention. How is it that I’m this Oger looking to damage people – that’s ridiculous. Targeting people? Whatever – I’m the one being consistently targeted around here, hello! People chase me around – I’m not chasing anyone. (except Deb, but with that big ol ass, she’s so easy to find <g> ). You’re mistaken in your perception. Relax). The sole reason I didn’t get involved in this one is because I didn’t feel I could write freely. That’s how I write – freely. I have no idea who may pop in my head, and what they may do - while I’m writing. To yank them out later, after asking permission, may ruin the flow of it. Perhaps any who are certain they DO NOT WANT TO BE WRITTEN ABOUT – can Email me (or you), or post here, and say so beforehand. If I get enough of that, I wont bother beginning.

Once again, I have zero intentions of insulting, or degrading anyone. However, it’s certainly possible some may be offended by how I paint them sexually (the board is proof I’m often misunderstood). Hell, if my cock gets anywhere near some of these women – that’s plenty enough to offend them right there, eh. Keep in mind – it’s a story, fantasy, my minds creation. I don’t ‘really’ know anyone here. I can’t possibly state this fictitious occurrence as fact. It’s make-believe. I’m hoping people can appreciate my going in there and attempting to xxplore them at all. But it would only be MY take on them. And who the fuck am I?! Just some dude using limited information on some personalities and trying to have some fun with it for everyone.

Deborah seemed to do fine with it, eh? Is she not possibly offensive to many? Why am I not afforded the same range? Seems a bit ridiculous.

PS Deb, what do I need to satisfy your ‘pirate’ scenario. Just whip out my plank, and force you to walk on it? And thank you for finally confirming ‘splat’ to me. You are so very decent and thoughtful. The marriage proposal is back on the table (but Rodrigo can’t ‘plunder’ you on Thursdays – that’s my day. Deal?)

And uh, oh yeah. I single handedly beat the crap out of everyone of those fucking terrorist bastards. You can all thank me for your lives!! Thump, thump!
Yo, Double X, avast ye matie, write whatever you want, dog. Fight the power. I reserve Tuesdays for my plundering. Shiver me timbers, indeed.
Fight the power.

"Power"? What am I now - the White Girl trying to keep the White Man down? Puullease!!
people? Whatever – I’m the one being consistently targeted around here, hello!

(the board is
proof I’m often misunderstood)

That's unbelievably paranoid. I seem to remember you making personal attacks on people on this board (IaHarleyRider comes to mind), but I can't seem to remember at instance where you were attacked unprovoked. If being "targeted" means that sometimes people respond unfavorably to what you choose to post about them, then perhaps you should remember that free speech belongs not soley to you, but to everyone one this board, and that if you have the right to criticize others, then they have the right to criticize you. Don't dish it out if you can't take it, that's all.

Deborah seemed to do fine with it, eh? Is she not possibly offensive to many? Why am
I not afforded the same range? Seems a bit ridiculous.

At no point can I ever recall deborah complaining about criticism directed at her. She's aware that not everyone will be into what she says, and doesn't expect them to be. She doesn't complain about being "misunderstood". She takes all comments directed at her as an adult. She doesn't expect others to defend her when she makes outrageous statements - she defends herself. She doesn't have one standard for her actions and another for the rest of the world. That's the difference here.

Perhaps any who are certain they DO NOT WANT TO BE WRITTEN ABOUT – can Email

Or perhaps you can have the tact and decency to email THEM before you submit. I'm not exactly sure why this is such an issue for you. Many of the authors I've spoke to have done just as I said - asked permission before writing about people. Whether you paint a flattering picutre of them or not, it still remains a fact that not everyone on the board wants to be included in the story. However, what I posted was just a suggestion. I'm not going to force class and manners on anyone. You can do whatever you want to do - freedom of choice and all that. Despite your rather vivid imagination, no one here is scheming to keep you down. Just don't come crying to us when someone slams you because you wrote something offensive about them (whether you "intended" to or not is obviously not the issue when they feel that you've slandered them in print).

Your constant implications that you are somehow being persecuted on this board are a bit silly. That's the last I'm going to write about this. Like I said, do whatever you want to do. And when it comes time to accept the consequences of your actions, try to do so without resorting to blaming some big conspiracy.

[This message has been edited by Laurel (edited 01-03-2000).]
Hmm, Laurel, sounds like someone is taking your kung fu credentials very seriously.
this has gotten so completely absurd that I don't even want to read the posts for fear of a certain someone swaggering around talking about persecution. I thought you were gone, EH? Grow up and get on with it. Your panties only stay in a wad until you pull them out, you know.
Laurel, apparently your memory and awareness are in need of some extra Gigabites. Raise your eyebrows, that may help (However, you are correct – I did chastize harleyrider. That would be the only time I ‘instigated’ a personal attack. The rest of the time I was defending my right to exist as a man, have a penis, the right to MY opinion, and defend my little spermies) When I post I may question perception, or offer my impressions of a SUBJECT. Or agree with someones comment. If that appears as personal criticism, then my intentions are misunderstood. My apologies. I tend to state my opinions strongly, as I have conviction in my beliefs, but I do not claim them as fact. You’re seeing through rose colored glasses.

Paranoid? Should you not exxamine that question yourself? Any chance your mentality or understanding could be ‘not the correct one’. NO, no, of course not – what AM I thinking?! (Damn Viragos, mutter, mutter……… if I stick that smile at the end does that mean I’m pleasant?)

I don’t recall ‘complaining’ about being misunderstood. ‘Stating’ it maybe. In this case, the mention was in reference to the intentions of the story I wish to undertake. It’s possible, as happens on the board, that some happenings in my story will be misunderstood. I do not wish for that to be the case. I’m ‘positively’ certain, I wont be using private words written, manipulating them to fit a perception, and displaying them as a factual depiction of ANYONE. Period! I’m virtually certain nothing like that would ever be allowed here. Am I wrong? (Bitter? But of course. However that wont be the approach to my story. If it is – there’s always the delete button) As well, I would never take ANYTHING someone told me in confidence and post it here. Would you?

You’re correct, Deborah (hi baby) doesn’t complain – she just straps it on and shoves that fucker right up yer ass (and she instigates plenty – I get the humor, others may not). Yet, she HAS been quickly defended by you in several instances. Also correct - people are responsible for their own declarations. It’s nice to know who your friends are, however (thank you to those who extended their concerns in the past). I think you may be a bit too self-involved to understand that concept : )

I’ve previously stated why it would be difficult to contact members I may write about beforehand. As well as afterwards – since that may require a complete shift in the story line once written. Keep in mind you only had to contact one person for your installment. I don’t intend to be that limited (though I’m virtually certain based on your tone, that the story may meet the big delete button. Shall I not waste the effort?) BTW, no one has contacted me regarding the Millenium project – I’m only ecstatic to be included regardless.

I wasn’t aware I was so aware of this conspiracy against me. Thanks for enlightening me. (There’s some people who don’t like me, or claim to not. If there’s a ‘conspiracy’ – then I’m feeling pretty important!) BTW, I believe 7-11 carries Stresstabs, are you fresh out? I’m concerned for your health…….

Geez, I’m never gonna win sexiest Author now! Maybe I should set up a link from my website, so people who have nothing at all to do with Literotica, can drop by for the express purpose of voting for me – that may help, eh? Seems to be working for Helle………. Naw, that would be too completely absurd and discredit me completely. I could never do THAT! Seems to me the panties in a bunch reference is quite appropriate. Only – I don’t wear panties, eh.

………….I love my penis.
( “And that’s all I have to say about thaaat” Forrest Gump )

PS Rodrigo, Tuesdays are yours. Let me clear that with Deb….. right after I get done plundering Laurel here…… (assuming she can take it of course. I’m no DCL, but I’ve got a pretty decent cock.) End of speech.
Whatever gets your rocks off, honey. If it makes you happy to feel like your the center of the universe, that this board is built around you, that I and everyone else here lives our lives to torment you, then go for it. Must be tough to walk, with the universe rotating around you and all.

BTW, no one has contacted me regarding the Millenium project – I’m only ecstatic to
be included regardless.

Oh, I see.. I was supposed to send you an engraved invitation? Funny - everyone else managed to find their way to the BB, see the post regarding the project, and sign up without my prompting. Somehow you're different, you're special? And I seem to remember you emailing me (unbidden) shortly after the project and saying you refused to be involved for various reasons that I'll be tactful enough not to mention here. Interesting.

My final statement on the issue: (seriously. I know that bums you out because my responses give you a chance to post lengthy speeches, but Manu & I don't have the time for this right now. We're too busy running Literotica, answering email, editing stories, working on the new version of the site, trying to have social lives, and dealing with the people who LIKE Literotica to fight with you. Which brings up an interesting point: if you're so persecuted and Literotica sucks so bad, why do you keep coming back? It's a free site - you have no obligation to be here. Manu & I don't bust our ass so you can come shit on it - we do it so people will have fun here. You're not trapped - if it's such a horrible place, leave. I'm all for healthy criticism, but this constant "fight the evil dictator" routine is really wearing thin over here. This isn't high school - I'm not the fucking principal. Exactly who are you "rebelling" against - a couple of people who try to make a cool free site for people to enjoy? What's your point, exactly? I'd really like to know.)

Anyhow... My final statement on the matter is this: like I've said repeatedly, you can write whatever you want. If you'd signed up for the project in the beginning, you'd have a whole chapter to yourself. Instead, you chose to sit on the sidelines and beg for people to nclude you in their piece. Whatever - that's your decision. Either way, I'll be more than happy to publish your story whenever you choose to send it to me, provided it's publishable. It won't be included with the rest of the project, because you chose not to be a part of the project. And please, give up the martyr act. Everyone's really ill of it. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Laurel (edited 01-03-2000).]
Ummm.. NOT that I want to get into this (and after I say this I'll go run and hide, I promise).. but just to clarify, I thought Xx didn't mean that he wanted an engraved invitation to write in the story; it seemed he was saying that he was put into the story by a few people, none of which E-mailed him asking for permission, and he didn't mind.

Now, if you'll excuse me.. This entire thread is frighteningly caustic, not in the funny way, and not from any one person in particular. I'm going to go E-mail Dakota the pics of more guys I want sized up, or something. (I'd insert a damn smily-face if I knew how, so use your imagination.)
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