The Millennium Project

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First of all... is there ANYWHERE that this arguing DOESN'T take place? Good lord, give it up already!! Xx, don't be such a baby! If you're such a man, quit yer goddamn whining already!!!

Secondly, HOLY $#!+ Fallen! What a chapter!!! Good gawd, how the heck am I going to keep up with this level which seems to be climbing higher and higher with every chapter?!? That was a wonderful bit of fiction!! (And I'm not just saying that because I got some action in it either. lol!) The sex scene... geezus! The snow is melting up here in the great white north!

I thought Xx didn't mean that he wanted an engraved invitation to write in the story; it seemed he was saying that he was put into the story by a few people, none of which E-mailed him asking for permission, and he didn't mind.

Yes, but he gave permission by asking to be in the story (earlier in this thread). I'm not going to go into the whole thing. i'm tired, and i hate negativity as much as the next guy. I just get a little sick of being accused of sexism/censorship/whatever with no grounds or basis, that's all, Endlessly. I'll shut up about it now, 'cause I'd rather put my energy elsewhere. Just wanted to clarify that..

And, man, isn't Fallen's chapter amazing? Insanely witty, and very sexy! Damn... I was rolling in some parts!

I'm gonna start a new Millenum thread for feedback. I think a fresh start would be good right about now, eh?
Ahhh ha.. Thanks for clearing that up, Laurel. One good thing about being relatively new to the BB-- there's no one I have any problems with. *smile* I think I need sleep..

A new thread might be just lovely.

(I also loved Fallen's chapter. Good stuff!)

[This message has been edited by Endlessly (edited 01-03-2000).]
Hi, 'Evil' here to say a few words....

"Must be tough to walk, with the universe rotating around you and all."
It certainly IS!
How do YOU deal with the gravity?

"And I seem to remember you emailing me (unbidden) shortly after the project and saying you refused to be involved for various reasons that I'll be tactful enough not to mention here. Interesting."

That’s a complete bunch of shit!!!!!!!!! My God!! Oh my god!! I bowed out due to the very crap you’re spewing here! WOWSA!! Holy smokes – god save me! I’m in a world full of people blind to themselves, and there own words!! How did I get here?! I want to go back to the happy place, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
How very tactful – NOT!!!!!

WOW……………..uh, hmm, uh, where exactly did I say Literotica sucks so bad? Am I shitting on it? I’m totally unaware of this. You’re absolutely right – why am I here then?! Um, if I don’t agree with ‘you’ - does that mean I hate the site? ( I can recall several times encouraging your ‘family’ participation in the site’ I’ve contributed heavily with ideas) Uh………….. I just got viciously slapped by the mistress! Does this mean I’m not invited to any reindeer games? Hey, wait, in all honesty - do I really look an evil man like that?! Jesus! Is this reality? (nevermind, no one has the guts to post true thoughts – save my buddy spellcheck (better abandon me now bro!!!)

Uhh…………I want to write a lil’ story. You said that may be a lil’ boo-boo, bad, bad. I asked the ‘people’ to tell me if it is. Special K is out. How ‘bout the rest of you?

Laurel, have I ever told you (and I know it makes you nervous) ………………I love my penis! Oh yes, I do!

Wow! Fuckin' A' wow! Wait, did I say WOW! Ok then........WOW! Fuck ME, eh?
Laurel, I think you are doing an exceptional job, and I fail to see that anyone should have grounds for subjecting you to the kind of harsh criticism I have read here.

I joined this site on December 6th, having heard of it through one mention by a casual AOL friend. This friend does not post or publish here, so I knew no one on the board, had no agendas, and was not allied with any "side."

The first thread I came across, and posted to, was "A Final Word," to which I also posted a brief note. Then, I read some previous posts to try to find out what the ruckus was about.

As far as I can tell, this whole thing began because XX described his cum as his gift to a woman, and that remark rubbed Helle the wrong way. And it seems things went on from there.

I think Helle may have overreacted a little, but, having said her piece, she finally ceased on the matter, and in fact, has posted little recently on any topic. I have found most of what she has written to be very intelligent and worthwhile, and am sorry she's not posting more.

Although I have been annoyed a few times by a few things on this board and have sometimes taken exception very pointedly to a few things, I will say, overall, that this is one of the most enjoyable sites I have ever found, and I have truly enjoyed participating.

The posts by Helle, Deborah, Hullo_Nurse, Eve, SpecialK, Butterfly, Raven, Endlessly, Dakota, mrhappy, Phantom, Lasher, unclebill, Fallen, and others that I don't mean to leave out, so I trust you know who you are, always contain a lot of good sense and interesting comments, even though I don't always agree.

One factor, and one alone, has come near to spoiling this entire experience for me.

And that is the constant barrage of negative messages from XXplorHER.

I have seriously considered leaving the board several times for that reason and that alone. I am so tired of reading the constant complaining, griping, breast beating, swaggering, and self-martyrdom, that I don't know what to do.

XX, you remind me of what someone once said of the late Secretary of State John Foster Dulles: "He was like a bull who brought his own china shop with him."

You would never be able to equal Laurel's achievement in running a site like this. All you seem to be able to do is revile someone who can.

Laurel deserves our thanks, and your apology.
Whew! Michael all I can say is "DITTO" you said it so well there is no way I can put into words to add.

I've actually stopped visiting the BB much due to such things. It's getting to the point I'll read but I won't add my opinion call me chicken what can I say!

Laurel, Manu you guys are doing a fantastic job and Please keep up the good work.

Now about Fallen's chapter.....WOW! Now is my face red (but damn I sure did enjoy it...hehe) Yea, SpecialK hot is the word and melting is what happened. I'm with you on trying to follow all this but we'll do fine.
Thanks, Butterfly. The only thing I have to add to my previous post is that I regret I left Circe and Slutgirl out of the list of those whose posts I have very much enjoyed, and no doubt, there are still others I could think of.

Well, Butterfly, I suspect that the song "Deep in the Heart of Texas" has rather taken on new significance for you, following Fallen's chapter!

Fallen your chapter was simply superb, in my opinion, one of the best things I've read here. Beautifully written, witty, and very hot. Thanks for writing the lovely episode between K and me, and as for what happened to you, I'm going to have to hunt for my butterfly net.

I fear I don't look anything like Tom Cruise in real life, though I did meet Jeanne Tripplehorne, who played his wife in "The Firm," when she and walked into the grocery store at the same moment a few years ago. In any case, your chapter reminded me that when my daughter saw Tom in a video when she was about 4 or 5, she said, "Daddy, is that Tom Screw?"

Anyway, great work Fallen, and thanks for a terrific start to the day.
Hello all, I'm back at last and boy did I get a big surprise - those installments are great. I felt all a flustered!!
Bit dubious about me being the quiet shy one who is too shy to take her clothes off though! What did I do to deserve that? (was it the 'I don't want to have anal sex' post by any chance.) Loved the story anyway and I didn't really mind.

XX - I've decided that you really are a sorry case. What compells you to sit and write such long dreary paranoia-ridden drivel everyday. Do you not have a life to live? I said exactly the same thing to you as Laurel did when you mentioned using BB characters in the story and all you could do was to perceive it as yet another attack! Maybe you are agrophobic - too scared to go outside and face up to people so you sit at home on your computer trying to invent yourself a personality - I don't know - very boring in any case.

Great stories everybody - I think you'll all agree that it was a lot of fun. Can't wait for the final pieces!!

Lots of Love,
"Bit dubious about me being the quiet shy one who is too shy to take her clothes off though! What did I do to deserve that? (was it the 'I don't want to have anal sex' post by any chance.) Loved the story anyway and I didn't really mind."

Crystal, I'm sure Fallen just meant to save the best for last, but by the time he finished pounding out that story about him and butterfly, his ribbon was out of ink.
Can't really blame him, can you?

OK, one of you remaining authors be sure to write us a chapter in which Crystal, er...comes...into her own!
It's those quiet, shy ones you gotta watch for!
I agree with Michael and everyone. I was in chat yesterday and we were all talking about how much we were afraid to post on the bb because we didn't want xxplorer to attack us. I'm still afraid which is why I'm posting anonymously. Xx talks about how Laurel is so rude to everyone and plays favourites, but if that's so how come no one else has a problem with her? She gets along with everyone. But xxplorer is always getting into fights, always attacking people. He writes these mean things about her all the time and when she finally gets sick of it and says something then she's the bad guy. then he goes around acting like HE'S the one who we should feel sorry for, when he's the one that makes everyone afraid to post. A couple of people i talked to said they were going to stop posting because of him, like butterfly said. I think that's a shame. I don't think we should let him scare us out of posting our opnions. I'm curious, who out there supports xxplorer? All the people i talked to think he's being a jerk, and the posts above show that many people are tired of him. If you think he's right, then you should say so. I've seen people criticize Laurel before and she takes it in stride so long as it's not mean or anything. I'm personally just sick of pbeing afraid to say what i feel, but I don't read the bb to get attacked. If it gets bad enough here I'll just leave but I dont want to. Literotica is a great place. This should be a safe site, not one where everyone's scared of some rude jerk whose ranting aimless ignorant posts annoy and bore everybody and make then feel threatened.
Xx - since you asked for a show of hands, you may include me on the list of people who would feel uncomfortable being used as a character in your story in which you hope to explore the personalities and psyches of Literotica members, for reasons that should be clear to anyone who has read your takes on the various personalities and psyches of Literotica members.

May I also ask, kindly, that you take the high road and refuse to fight back on any of the above, particularly when it comes to Laurel who has garnered the respect and good will of everyone who comes to the site?

As for anyone who doesn't want to post because of Xx, please reconsider, as he himself reconsidered. And from this point on I would hope that personal conflicts be discussed via e-mail, which is braver, and more gracious.
I don't know what it is in me that makes me want to see everyone get along, but to quote one of the great TV moms, "Ward, don't you think that you were a little hard on the Beav?"
I think this site is tops, and I think it sad that we there's so much conflict, especially when we all seem to have our love of erotic fiction in common. Sure, Xx speaks his mind, but that's just what makes this board so interesting. We can choose as individuals to ignore it and let it go and probably be much happier for it, or we can allow our anger to take over, respond to it and provoke another round of arguing. Let's not let what one person says affect how you feel about visiting this site. Just think of it in these terms: in high school there was the class clown who always acted up to get a rise out of everyone, but when no one responded to him he stopped being the clown.

Okay, Pollyanna has left the building.

PS Fallen, your story was awesome.
Eve's right in a way. If we all ignored him, maybe he'd stop. It takes two to tango, you know. But at the same time why should i have to put up with abuse from a guy who is always complaining that he's being abused? The hypocrisy is obvious. I guess we'll all have to try and ignore his rantings, and maybe he'll take the higher ground like dixon said. we'll see what happens.
Eve, I'm curious: how rude WOULD someone have to be to someone else--in this case, rude to Laurel--before you would finally object?

The fence straddling approach only goes so far.
Extreme props to Eve for speaking my mind better than I could. *smile*
Eve said: "Sure,
Xx speaks his mind, but that's just what makes this board so interesting. We can
choose as individuals to ignore it and let it go and probably be much happier for
it, or we can allow our anger to take over, respond to it and provoke another
round of arguing."

Interesting response from someone who bit unclebill's head off for disagreeing with her religious views. Xxplorher's making serious accusations - sexism and censorship to name a few - against someone who publishes your stories and provides you with a free cool place to be and that's ok, but someone makes vague statements against some belief yyou have and that's not ok. I guess it comes down to this: you (endlessly and eve) aren't the brunt of the attack, so it's not importan. I doubt you'd feel that way if you were the ones he Xxplorer was insulting. Shame on you. I bet Laurel would defend you if you were in that situation. in fact, the argument was started because she tried to keep him from hurting other people's feelings.

Laurel, don't let the idiot get you down. We love you, you can tell that from the support you're getting. Thanks for all you do for us.
"How rude WOULD someone have to be to someone else---in this case, rude to Laurel--before you finally object?"

Well Micheal, I didn't realize I was condoning rudeness, and Laurel already knows that I think she's tops, but as I have already pointed out, people can only go as far as you let them. Your buttons can only be pushed if you allow someone to push them.
It would take one second to scroll past a message written by someone you don't care for thus elimanating the unecessary stress, as opposed to reading it, responding and getting angry. I know it's easier said than done, and believe me, there have been messages that have made me a little hot, but jumping on the I hate Xxplorer bandwagon, is not the answer, at least not for me and if that makes me unpopular on this board then so be it.

HotGirl, I think perhaps you should read that thread about religion again. Thouroughly. If you would like to make another comment in regards to that, please feel free to email me ( Would it make you feel better if I jumped down Xxplorer's throat and called him all kinds of names all in the name of defending Laurel? It looks to me as if she did a pretty good job of defending herself. It seemed to me that everyone else said what needed to be said, and I don't have to go along with the crowd just because it seems the popular thing to do at the moment or to prove my loyalty to anyone. It seems to me that you are trying to create more drama which is something I can certainly do without. I begin to see why people take long breaks from the BB. I think it's my turn.

"What I am is what I am, and what you are oh what"
Edie Brickel

[This message has been edited by *Eve* (edited 01-04-2000).]

Look - we can't let other people's negativity divide us. I appreciate very much the shows of support (thank you thank you thank you!) but at the same time I do think Eve kind of has a point. I don't think we should let a person steamroller another person. HotGirl is right about one thing - I started this mess because I was trying to prevent someone from unecessarily hurting other people. While everyone has the right to speak their mind, no one has the right to hurt someone else. Your freedoms end where mine begin.

So let's end this. Let's move on. Don't start fighting with each other - that won't help.
Affraid to post? AFFRAID?!? Are you serious? This is all pretend. Fake names and everything that goes with that. What are you affraid of? That someone will disagree with you? Who gives a fuck? This whole thing has gotten ridiculous. If you don't like the guy, ignore him. Simple. Me, I like the guy. I think Double X is funny. I get him. If he gets under your skin and that bothers you, that's your problem. The guy is as entitled to his opinions as you are to yours, even if you don't agree with him, or think he's rude or if you're affraid (AFFRAID?!?) of him.

Keep the faith, Double X. I used to think you were a little paranoid until I saw that everybody really was out to get you.

Oh yeah, Laurel is drunk with power and must be stopped. Fight the power.
>>Oh yeah, Laurel is drunk with power and must be stopped. Fight the power.<<

"Well Micheal, I didn't realize I was condoning rudeness"

Well now you know. You were. And you are.

"HotGirl, I think perhaps you should read that thread about religion again. Thouroughly... Would it make you feel better if I jumped down Xxplorer's throat and called him all kinds of names all in the name of defending Laurel? It looks to me as if she did a pretty good job of defending herself. It seemed to me that everyone else said what needed to be said, and I don't have to go along with the crowd just because it seems the popular thing to do at the moment or to prove my loyalty to anyone."

Hot Girl was right on the money. In every particular. She is right, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself. At least Xx openly detests Laurel and insults her to her face. You claim to be her friend and then stand by and wring your hands. That's not in any defintion of friendship that I know of. You need some starch in your backbone.

Many of the ones now fussing about xx's opinions are the very ones that asked him to stay and give them
I like many of his posts they have wit and insight and he isn't afraid to make a target of himself
But once the shooting starts and he is defending himself, it is win at all costs
You seem to have convinced yourselves that xx is THE problem here
He is one problem in many
The attitude of this whole board concerns me
I have blood on my hands for posting first and thinking later
Words once spoken can not be unspoken even with a delete button
You are like a bunch of coyotes and jump on someone as soon as another does
Some of you may not join in, just circle and watch
But is that blood on your hands from letting the others rip new posters apart
Many just young ones anxious to try their new wings and fly in cyber space
You ask for opinions but shoot as soon as someone gives one
Stop and think about how you want to censure xx or any of the other posters
Are you going to lynch someone for having a different opinion
Or being loud and colorful wanting to stand out in a crowd
Defend Laurel? Every few posts we praise her and pay homage
This site is her baby and we all appreciate her putting it here even xx
I love Laurel but one of the things I like best about her is that
She doesn't always agree with me and makes me think long and hard about my opinion
She may disagree with me totally and try and prove me wrong and stupid but does it tactfully
Listen up xx, yelling the loudest doesn't make you right but it doesn't make you wrong either
And that penis that you are so proud of
Keep poking it in people's faces and someone will bite it off
When I cook, I like to use seasonings but I don't want a mouthful of pepper
Don't we run the risk of offending or embarrassing with each story
This is an erotic site and almost all here use fake names
How many of you take and show your posts and stories to the neighbors or at work
Do you past this stuff around at the family reunion
Has the cyber community become so real that we must defend it at all costs
Laurel and others have expressed concern that people will leave
And go where? If any of you know of a better place tell me
I have searched high and low, I can find no other place like this one
That I know is why we guard it so jealously
It is the light in the darkness. A place of freedom and openness
XX and everyone else, there is nothing wrong with having your opinion
I want to hear you views and ideas
Just don't try and cram them down my throat
"in fact, the argument was started because she tried to keep him from hurting other people's feelings." (someone way back up there)

Actually, the argument started because that wasn’t my intention at all. I was going to use that project to heal some of this nonsense (as Deborah did).
But I can see I can’t beat that perception. And maybe it’s my fault (to me it looks like people are looking at me using others determinations (many of whom are just angry I don’t like them. And don’t have the guts to admit that – fact) but maybe that’s just because I’m stubborn))

In any case. I do not wish to scare people from posting.

So, no big deal, I’m not here to battle (even if that’s how it appears). I just like to test perception, and offer alternate views. I was correct in thinking I shouldn’t have returned to begin with. My bad.

('Eve', though I realize you weren’t necessarily defending me (and that’s not a condition). I thought you said it well. Don't get on her case! She wasn't on 'my' side)

I wouldn’t have posted this at all (just kind of snuk away). But that may only contribute to the gibberish. I’m evil, naughty me. Now be done with it and have some fun.

I can’t exist here as myself. My penis is just too damn large ; )

PS I don’t owe anyone an apology. Just as no one owes me one, eh. Peace
You said XX owes Laurel an apology. I
totally agree.

I'm not asking for one... I will, however say that I did misunderstand something
he said, and I regret what I said in return. Endlessly pointed out my error, but I
didn't fully understand what she meant until I just reread the thread (trying to
figure out how we go from point "A" to point "Loony"). When he said he hadn't
been asked, I thought he was saying he hadn't been invited to participate in the
project. Had I read that little bit a little closer, I wouldn't have repsonded the way
I did. So, I apologize for my rash response to that point. However, I stand behind
everything else I said.

Look - I appreciate all the input on this, and it's good to know that you all give a
shit about the site in your own way. However, we're starting to nitpick and nag
each other, getting into nasty arguments that are tangents off the original nasty
argument. Look - Fallen, Michael, Eve, Deborah, Mrhappy, all you folks - you like
each other. Let's not let this thread create friction where there was none before.
Let's all hug, huh? Remember the Reunion? How can you all hate people with whom
you just had glorious group sex?

Besides, SpecialK just started a wonderful new thread on the General board for
this sort of thing. However, I will say that if anyone does have an actual
solve-able (is that a word?) problem with me, I'd rather they emailed me first
instead of making it into a public circus and annoying the living crap out of
everybody. I think that's a good way to go with everyone. As Dixon said, that's
much braver and more polite. Keeps down the board clutter too.

Due to popular demand, I am closing this thread. Let's all hug, eh? You are all
supercool, really.
SpellCheck, please don't get so excited. You misspelled "afraid" four times. Keep this up and your credibility will be questioned.

People are going more than just a little too far with this debate. One lesson I learned some time ago is that there are two sides to every story and the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.

Now I get a personal message from Mrhappy wondering why I'm pissed at him. As if!!! Mrhappy, you fell on your LITTLE head, remember? Geez, now even he is getting paranoid and oversensitive. I'm not pissed at anybody, not even XX and SpellCheck, and they pick on me all the time. Boo hoo and I'm affraid.

Michael, I must say, although I agree with you much of the time and think I like you, you just took a cheap shot at Eve. You said XX owes Laurel an apology. I totally agree. But I also think you owe Eve an apology. Was I condoning rudeness and should I be ashamed of myself and do I need some starch in my backbone because I didn't jump up and defend Laurel? And she sticks up for me more than Mrhappy sticks up for Viagra, or so XX says.

The way I see this thing is that Laurel, the boss, has set some guidelines for proper behavior on HER site. Mostly common sense stuff about treating others like you would like to be treated. Most of us have real jobs and real bosses where we have to conform to some standards of behavior, do we not? If XX still wants to play he has to follow the rules. It's very simple really. If XX and Spellcheck want to "fight the power" they can become the competition and do their own site. Free enterprise, right? Everyone knows they have hoardes of adoring fans who would follow them to their new site like blow-up sheep.

I know what happened to the Y2K bug. It snuck up all of our asses. Time for some anti-virus measures. Like, let's get it back together and if we fight, fight friendly, ya know? Really, don't we all just have too much fun here, most of the time? Let's not ruin the rush. You're messing with my meta-orgasms now and you really don't want to see me pissed.
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