The Most Corrupt, Political Activist Supreme Court in American History

Hell! I’ll jump in on this

If ‘rump becomes ‘resident again without Melania there so he’s free to have anyone over at any time, I too will leave the political boards for not one or two but for the entire ‘rump Reich.

Or was the bet all of Literotica?

According Project 25, there will be no Literotica, so, sure! I’m in!!
The decision protects past, present and future presidents.

Fuck off traitor. You're happy that Trump won't be held accountable for inciting an insurrection before the election so that he can still try to win.

It protects Trump.
Surely back in time some Supreme Court Justice accepted a luxury tour bus as a gratuity.

Gratuity = Tip = TaxFree… just to finish that thought

Not illegal or taxable!