The Most Corrupt, Political Activist Supreme Court in American History

I didn't agree with the Dobbs decision, but overall, I've been happier than expected with the current court's rulings.

I don't agree with it either. The 4th Amendment clearly outlines a right to privacy in persons, houses, papers, and effects. Which means that gov had no business sticking their noses into the issue in the first place.

Procreation is one of the most basic and fundamental things that humans can do. It is a gift from God (or biology, you can choose whichever makes you more comfortable) that only those involved should have any input about because if gov can regulate if/when/how you procreate then it can also MANDATE if/when/how and with whom.

But, be that as it may, it is the law of the land that there's no Federal Constitutional Right to abortion and States may regulate it as they see fit. One can disagree with it but going against the law only leads to ruin.
I don't agree with it either. The 4th Amendment clearly outlines a right to privacy in persons, houses, papers, and effects. Which means that gov had no business sticking their noses into the issue in the first place.

Procreation is one of the most basic and fundamental things that humans can do. It is a gift from God (or biology, you can choose whichever makes you more comfortable) that only those involved should have any input about because if gov can regulate if/when/how you procreate then it can also MANDATE if/when/how and with whom.

But, be that as it may, it is the law of the land that there's no Federal Constitutional Right to abortion and States may regulate it as they see fit. One can disagree with it but going against the law only leads to ruin.
So you agreed with the Dobbs decision and needed to elaborate.

Got it.
So you agreed with the Dobbs decision and needed to elaborate.

Got it.


Can you not read at all? The very first sentence I wrote is that I didn't agree with it either.

Can you not read at all? The very first sentence I wrote is that I didn't agree with it either.
As Dobbs made it a state issue, which you agree with, the ultimate outcome is one you support. Whether you support that it was even a case is not in agreement with me.
As Dobbs made it a state issue, which you agree with, the ultimate outcome is one you support. Whether you support that it was even a case is not in agreement with me.

You still going all nutso?

I don't agree with Dobbs. I flat out said so. BUT, Dobbs makes abortion a State issue AND THAT'S THE LAW.

Or do you expect me to jump up and down screaming that I don't like the law and won't obey it?

Honestly, WTF are you drinking? 'Shine cooled through a used car radiator?
You still going all nutso?

I don't agree with Dobbs. I flat out said so. BUT, Dobbs makes abortion a State issue AND THAT'S THE LAW.

Or do you expect me to jump up and down screaming that I don't like the law and won't obey it?

Honestly, WTF are you drinking? 'Shine cooled through a used car radiator?
So you support a woman's right to make medical decisions about her pregnancy, without government interference or obstruction.

Got it.
lol, when you can only make a point by being "out of context"....a real Lawyer would have done better, much better!

A real lawyer just curb stomped your stupid ass. That you're too fucked in the head to figure that out isn't the real lawyer's problem.
Lol, it's like you think you're somehow important in the grand scheme of things.
Where have I ever claimed that? Perhaps you're just projecting on me something you think?

Rent free!!! No lease agreement...
Where have I ever claimed that? Perhaps you're just projecting on me something you think?

Rent free!!! No lease agreement...

Yup, you've got yourself a severe case of self importance. Or was that impotence?
I have a question. When a billionaire dies, who inherits their Supreme Court Justices?

I'm pretty sure the federalist society holds an auction. Then there's a getting to know each other period between the briber and the bribee. Can you imagine the honeymoons on private yachts or hunting lodges where the justice will get down on one knee and propose to interpret constitutional law through only a libertarian lens making the billionaire swoon for joy.

It's so very romantic as you can imagine.