The "Naked Lunch" STC

No one has voted for this posted poem although it's been read over 800 times (no! not all me, you sillies!:p). You can blame its existance on Perks and her voracious appetite for denis and how she thought we all should be feeding hale...


O fat man,
You grab at fleshy delights
You wallow in the slippery oil
Of passion.

O passion,
You suckle at the creamy tit
You founder on shallow shoals
Of sexuality.

O sexuality,
You lap up succulent juices
You feast on savoury herbs
Of pleasure.

O pleasure,
You give yourself for him to gnaw
You feed his lustful need and grow
O fat man.
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not fat, tho a man
sometimes fat, I'm a man!
immoderate is me
a man

(Glutton ... a pretty cool poem)
"Naked Lunch"

Is poetic prose accaeptable? I'm not a poet, but I live only a block & a half from the childhood home of William S. Burroughs -- I pass by it almost every day -- no wonder my writing takes on a surrealistic, aleatory style... and nobody better denounce this post as "off-topic." or I'll sic my talking asshole on ya... {you have to have read "Naked Lunch" to be "in" on that in-joke} ...
Goddessadorer wrote:
Is poetic prose accaeptable?

Of course. Hopefully this challenge is about metaphor and metaphor is not limited to sonnets. Write on!

The title of the challenge was intentional but alas it seems that the title has also been used for a book about David Cassidy, which is somewhat less ... er ... intellectually stimulating.
Thanks Ange

for the poem. As always, a more subtle approach to the topic than I seem capable of mustarding.
Thanks champagne

An ode to gluttony that is a meal in itself. Are you however implying that lean mean Denis Hale is the subject of this poem?

O Horrors!
Re: Naked Scotch

darkmaas said:
Fool said:

Well my kilty Fool!

How else would you have your scotch? The moment you try to dress it, it just tastes plaid.

But if you are poring, make mine a double. I realize its early but I'm told its almost tomorrow in Singapore.

For a moment, I thought that said kitty Fool and I was greatly concerned that darkmaas and Fool had pet names for each other.:eek:

Catbabe said:
For a moment, I thought that said kitty Fool and I was greatly concerned that darkmaas and Fool had pet names for each other.

That just tastes baad.
Re: Thanks champagne

darkmaas said:
An ode to gluttony that is a meal in itself. Are you however implying that lean mean Denis Hale is the subject of this poem?

O Horrors!
Ah m. d'maas, for you.

O Horrors!

A dire warning to the glutton,
As he commits a deadly sin,
For which the body suffers.
Agonies within
And torments,
In the third ring of hell,
With Cerebus, await
The evil doer with too much
Upon his plate.

This filthy over-indulgence
His afterlife, pollutes
All those Earthly pleasures,
As odious as rotten fruit.
The sickly smell of souls'
Corruption, will fill his choosy nose
And the shit and offal of his life
Squishes up between his toes.

Beware contemptible glutton,
For as your life is lived,
The fate,
In death,
Awaiting you, returns
All the moderation,
That in life, you give.
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Just a warning that the moment when the refrigerator door swings open to reveal... in all their raw naked glory...

Submit tomorrow (Thursday) for posting by the gnomes at lit on Friday.
Re: Bump

darkmaas said:
Just a warning that the moment when the refrigerator door swings open to reveal... in all their raw naked glory...

Submit tomorrow (Thursday) for posting by the gnomes at lit on Friday.

Mine is ready to eat, um, read. Not my finest hour, and I don't mind admitting that, but it is definitely naked food!

Syn :kiss:
does paring down a poem count?
or perhaps it should only be peeled...

regardless, mine is nude and waiting --

for lunch.
Syndra Lynn said:
I made dessert, too! Just like a pot luck, we'll get 14 cakes and no entrees!

Oh well - it's all naked so it's lo-cal.

Aww, damn, I didn't see this STC. Can I still invite myself to the Naked Lunch? Or would that be poetically gauche?

- neo
There is no gauche

in poetry. Although perhaps we should start a few splinter factions. How about "neogauchist epicurian poetry"?
Alright. Mine is done and submitted. It's not tasty. Not supposed to be. I wrote it while really iffed. :)

Liar said:
Alright. Mine is done and submitted. It's not tasty. Not supposed to be. I wrote it while really iffed. :)


What's iffed?

- Mindy, perpetually curious
I tried but nothing came out but Naked Fromage and that would just be smelly so I give up. Can't wait to read 'em all tomorrow.
minsue said:
What's iffed?

- Mindy, perpetually curious
Irked, irritated, pissed, miffed, jixed, and itched, all rolled up into one. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I realise that I screwed up. I've got food in the poem, but none in the title. Is there a penalty spanking for that?
Re: There is no gauche

darkmaas said:
in poetry. Although perhaps we should start a few splinter factions. How about "neogauchist epicurian poetry"?

Food fight poetry? Is that what you're hiding behind that fancy-schmancy title? :D
1. Is it too late to write a naked food poem?

2. Is it ok if I just write a food poem, but do it naked?