The "Naked Lunch" STC

Randi Grail said:
1. Is it too late to write a naked food poem?

2. Is it ok if I just write a food poem, but do it naked?

I can't speak for darkmaas, who started this one, but I think you should, yes, and post it in this thread. I've done it when I miss a same title challenge deadline.

Liar said:
Irked, irritated, pissed, miffed, jixed, and itched, all rolled up into one. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I realise that I screwed up. I've got food in the poem, but none in the title. Is there a penalty spanking for that?

I'm sure one can be arranged. :devil:
fawnie said:
i wanna know just how many asses you've made red??

good morning min!:kiss:


I'll never tell ;)
Thanks for all the nudity poets! (I can't help but think we should have waited for July 14th to show them off, but there ya have it.)

Talk to you later!

P.S. Does anyone have some time to be a judge for Fawnie's and my shootout over at the Judo gunfight ressurrection thread?

If so, please let Lauren know, I only counted two last time I was over at the corral.