The need to pee

Quint I have never had a uniary tract infection and I have never had a g-spot orgasm so you are not alone...

I do however squirt with g-spot stimulation. It is the strangest thing... but no orgasm. Everything I have read said it is not supposed to be that way but it is.
Azzy said:
Great subject for a thread! I, for one, ALWAYS feel the urge to pee right after.

Unfortunatley, I am also prone to urinary tract infections, which my doct advised me could happen right after sex.

For awhile, I was taking antibiotics right after sex for a few days as a precautionary measure.

Anyone else have this problem?

Azzy, I have this problem too. I am pasting part of a post I made on another thread (because I am too lazy to type it out again :) ). The other thread is not specifically about uti(s) but it does deal with infections occurring after sex. You might want to take a look.

"My partner and I are having a similar problem with uti(s) and oral sex. Since menopause (I am only 42 but am in menopause), every time she performs cunnilingus I get a bladder infection. This was very upsetting to her (so I understand your partner's feelings) and although she is willing to stop having sex this way, it is her favorite (no oral seems to be a soft After several uti(s) and quite a bit of discussion with my doc, I have found that taking 1 antibiotic after oral sex (or at the first sign of uti) prevents these infections. Many doctors will prescribe a preventative regimen of antibiotics when a predisposition has been established."

We are always very careful to be clean before sex. If I don't shower (or bathe) before, I always clean the genital area well just prior to sex and she (my partner) always brushes, flosses, uses mouthwash, and srubs her face well. We have a running joke about her using clorox as a mouthwash to ensure We try to make it light-hearted so that it doesn't wreak the mood, but it really is serious. I once had such a bad infection that it went to my kidneys and I ended up in the hospital for 3 days. That was not fun! (my own stupidity for not having a uti treated soon enough)

Anyway, I hope this gives you some ideas.

Opps sorry for the highlight, I edited it out.
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"Heeheehee....those pesky penises. (No, wait. Is this like cactus/cacti? Peni?)"

It's penises.
It's not just you...I have to pee right after as well, whether or not I have an orgasm. I think it's got something to do with friction around the urethral area, at least for me. Sometimes too, I have a worse problem. If we do anything remotely anal, I have to get up right after on occasion and move my bowels. We tried a pre-anal enema and I did NOT like it, so we're just using a small "anal douche", kind of looks like one of those kid's ear cleaners with the little squeeze bulb, to clean out the immediate area.

If you empty your bladder right before, there's not much you can do. Trying to limit the amount of water or other fluids you drink before play will only serve to dehydrate you, and that's not a good thing.

To the gals with UTI problems, I'm sure you've heard it before, but try cranberry. It really DOES work, I speak from experience. I went through a period that when I'd get stressed out or over tired, I'd get a UTI. Now I take cranberry capsules every day and it hasn't happened since.
My doc recommended cranberry and I used to drink it everyday. It didn't help me at all, but my kidneys are weak now and I seem predisposed to getting uti(s) no matter what I do, hence the preventative antibiotics.
This IS VERY Serious..

thank you Willow for the thread...
Cleanliness is upmost important and if there is ANY fever get your butt to a dr,immediately..U.t.i.'s can affect your kineys and if NOT properly taken care of could lead to being infertile.My daughter's pedatrician told me that as she had one ,one time and got down in her back ,was in MISERABLE pain,I took her in 2 the E.R. she had a fever ,the whole bit and was immediately put on anti-biotics...also for those who have mild u.t.i's yes cranberry juice or even drinking lots of plain cold water will help,a remedy proven true told to me by my granmother..:rose:
I'm doing the antibiotics,water,and cranberry thing.

I am also taking the OTC azo pills to help me with the frequency problem.

Now if only someone could let me know how to get rid of it fast,I'd appreciate it.

Man I am miserable.
Thanks so much ltr.

Now all we need is a night sans kids and we can give it a go :D
lovetoread said:
I'm doing the antibiotics,water,and cranberry thing.

I am also taking the OTC azo pills to help me with the frequency problem.

Now if only someone could let me know how to get rid of it fast,I'd appreciate it.

Man I am miserable.

First off let me say that I am not a doctor. That said, I have had my fair share of bladder infections. The reason that cranberry juice works is that it is high in vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It raises the acidity level in your urine and creates an inhospitable environment for the bacteria. I would imagine that taking massive doses of vitamin C in tablet form (1000 mg for every hour that you are awake) would help you with your plight. You might also try taking some acidopholous capsules as well. If you have been on antibiotics for a couple of weeks you could end up with a raging yeast infection on top of the bladder one. Vitamin C is water soluable and won't build up in your system so you don't have to worry about overdosing on it. It may give you a headache and loose stools if you take too much. If you get either of these symptoms lower the dose by 1000 mg. Also take the pills all at once, don't dole them out over the course of the day. Just get the plain old vitamin C tablets not the fancy time released ones. They don't work any better and they cost more. You will have to do this for a couple of days in a row. Good luck.

Never said:
"Heeheehee....those pesky penises. (No, wait. Is this like cactus/cacti? Peni?)"

It's penises.

What's the plural of vagina? vagini? lol... just teasin.

PBW "I love that word"
Minout said:

First off let me say that I am not a doctor. That said, I have had my fair share of bladder infections. The reason that cranberry juice works is that it is high in vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It raises the acidity level in your urine and creates an inhospitable environment for the bacteria. I would imagine that taking massive doses of vitamin C in tablet form (1000 mg for every hour that you are awake) would help you with your plight. You might also try taking some acidopholous capsules as well. If you have been on antibiotics for a couple of weeks you could end up with a raging yeast infection on top of the bladder one. Vitamin C is water soluable and won't build up in your system so you don't have to worry about overdosing on it. It may give you a headache and loose stools if you take too much. If you get either of these symptoms lower the dose by 1000 mg. Also take the pills all at once, don't dole them out over the course of the day. Just get the plain old vitamin C tablets not the fancy time released ones. They don't work any better and they cost more. You will have to do this for a couple of days in a row. Good luck.


Thank you so much.
May i suggest a few things (i am not a med prof either)

You may want to check your positioning during sex if he is pummeling the heck out of your bladder in a certain position that can lead to bruising and the bruising can lead to infection.

Check w/ a homeopath on you alkaline/acid balance- this is where the cranberry comes it, but its not the only option. When shopping for cranberry you want to look for something w/ as much cran juice as possible and as little sugar. Natural food stores usually carry 100% cran juice (if it says it in the grocery stores, its probably a blend rather than pure juice.) i think this is why most people don't think cran juice works for them.

i would strongly suggest you talk to Richard about it.

i hope its helpful
Oh about the orginal post- i didn't see anyone bring up the possiblity of female ejculation. i haven't had one, but i have heard it feels like you have to pee.
I've noticed that when he positions me in a certain way when he is behind me,that he is hitting something. It hurts.

Its usually after those times that I get my infections.

I didnt even think about it till now. Thanks.

Oh and I have an update.

I had an allergic reaction to the azo pills. I am all swelled and covered in a rash.

I dont think they will be taken again.
lost said:
Oh about the orginal post- i didn't see anyone bring up the possiblity of female ejculation. i haven't had one, but i have heard it feels like you have to pee.

Well I am a squirter. I never knew it until this last year. It only happens when he massages the g-spot. It doesn't really feel like you need to pee... actually it is a surprise when it happens.

We were on his boat 4th of July fooling around watching the fireworks... when he was behind me with a vibrator and I was on my knees in the seat. All of a sudden it just came gushing out of me.... and it was lot...

That's my story... it doesn't happen every time probably about once a month.