"The Need"

Robert found Angel's comment about the Olympics and the decathlon in particular very interesting. He wouldn't have been surprised to learn that she had no knowledge of the long ago abandoned world competition. Even so, she only knew of it because of her father's experience with it.

"It is true, a jack of all trades is a good man to be," he agreed with her, adding, "and a good man to be sometimes, too. I get the impression your father was such a man, yes?"

She nodded, and Robert apologized, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet him today, but I was occupied with a situation. Soon, though?"

She headed out with his laundry, and a few minutes later the members of his impending meeting arrived. When they finished and the men were departing, Robert caught some unexpected glances, winks, and grins. It wasn't until he himself stepped into the doorway and saw the beautiful blonde teen on her knees behind the coffee table that he understood the source of the humor.

"As you were, you filthy animals, as you were," he called to them, trying to sound authoritative but failing as he couldn't control the smile spreading his lips. After the last of them and the Sergeant guarding the door were gone, Robert said in an apologetic tone pretty much what she was thinking, "Ignore them. Men can be pigs sometimes."

She told him about his laundry and why she was on the floor. He laughed and told her he should be doing that -- "I'm the idiot who dropped them there our of laziness" -- but she stressed that she was the housekeeper, not him. As he moved to the wet bar in one corner to make a drink, he asked, "Did you eat? Dinner?"

She told him she did, and after some idle chit chat about her day, Robert excused himself to get in a shower. Rank had its privileges, of course, so his quarters -- which had been part of a previous leader's emergency bunker sleeping quarters -- had a full bathroom; it even had a Jacuzzi and a steam room, though Robert had never used them.

When he finished up, he emerged to find that Angel had left to retrieve his clean clothes. He was wearing thick, camouflage, Army issue sweat bottoms that were loose on his legs but hugged his muscular ass cheeks. A tank top clung to his equally muscular chest and even showed off his six pack abs as well. Robert hadn't donned them because he'd intentionally been trying to show off his fit form, but after they were on and he caught sight of himself in a full length mirror on the outside of the bathroom door -- what they called a Uniform Inspection Glass -- he wasn't concerned enough to take the time to change into something less emphasizing of his masculine form.

He made a second drink and finished it off, then made a third just before Angel's return to the room. His clothes were all neatly folded or hung as appropriate, and he told her, "You can just put it on the couch, Angel. I'll take care of it later."

But she was insistent that that was her job, so Robert led her to his bedroom where he opened drawers, cupboards, and the closet so she would know where things went. As she went to work -- even straightening out the existing disorganization -- he stepped back and sipped at his drink.

He began asking her random questions about herself, her family, and her life, simply to make conversation. In his state of growing inebriation, Robert was less interested in her answers than he was in watching her work or -- most specifically -- watching her body, particularly her tight little ass, as she moved about the room.

"Shit!" he said suddenly, turning his arm inward to look at his watch. The act of doing so caused the drink that his intoxicated mind forgot he was holding to pour all over his shirt. "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Robert set the tumbler on the dresser and pulled the now chilled, wet cloth away from his chest. Realizing how we was behaving, he apologized, "I'm sorry, Angel, forgive me, I didn't mean that."

Without thinking too much about it, Robert ripped the tank top up over his head. He tossed it into the otherwise empty laundry basket that Angel had returned to its corner. Then, turning back to the young woman, he paused at the look on her face.
"I get the impression your father was such a man, yes?"

"Yes, sir," Angel said with a proud smile. She talked about all the skills he'd had before being injured. When Robert expressed his regret for not meeting the man, Angel said, "He would be honored to meet you, sir. Oh, and he told me to thank you for the cigar."

She smiled and blushed. "I could have traded it, but he was so excited by it."

"Did you eat? he checked, clarifying, "Dinner?"

Angel lowered her eyes, instantly fearful that the Major knew she had pockets full of food she was taking home to her family. It wasn't much, of course, just one meal for one person. But it would be more than if she had gone home with empty pockets.

When she returned with his laundry, Angel denied Robert the ability to put his own clothes away. As she familiarized her with where he kept this item or that, she could feel his eyes upon her. Angel could have positioned herself and moved about in such a way that the Major didn't have such a free viewing of her womanly curves. But she did nothing to diminish the show. She knew it was risky, particularly with Robert being into his second, third, or even fourth drink, she couldn't know. Still, Angel continued to move about his bedroom, turning and twisting and leaning forward, giving the man his opportunities to ogle her ass, her bosom, her narrow waist.

Suddenly, he cursed, startling Angel, who was already feeling nervous and even a bit frightened. He'd spilt his drink all down his front while trying to look at the time; Angel didn't know that the Major had a date with the good doctor in less than an hour. She very nearly giggled at Robert as he fumbled about with his shirt, but then suddenly the wet top was off and tossed away.

Angel's eyes widened at the sight of his bared torso. She had seen men without their shirts before; it got hot here in the summer time, and many men worked for hours a day shirtless. But other than her father and her long deceased older brother, Angel had never seen such a man up close as this.

He apologized for his profane outburst, but other than the shock of his words, she hadn't noticed them. She didn't hear him, she only saw him. When he went still and silent, realizing that she was ogling him as he had been her, Angel's eyes dropped to the floor in an instant. After a moment, with her gaze still on the cracked concrete, she lifted a finger and pointed toward his belly.

"What is that?" she asked softly. She peeked up for just an instance, then down again, clarifying, "That scar. How did that happen?"

Angel really wasn't that interested in how the Major's body had been damaged. She was just looking for an excuse to be able to look at him in his current state of partial dress without looking like she was looking.
Robert couldn't help but notice the young woman studying his very fit body. She realized she was doing it, too, and quickly looked away. But then she peeked upwards, asking about his scar.

He didn't often think about it, even when he was looking at himself in the mirror, as he had earlier this evening. Robert glanced down now, then ran a finger along the 11 inch mark that stretched from just above his belly button to his left side.

"Where I come from," he began with a serious tone as he stepped just a bit closer to Angel, "the squirrels can get really mean, and they have these claws, sometimes more than six inches long..."

She looked up at him with the expression he'd expected, causing him to smile wide. "Joking. Actually..."

He traced his finger along the jagged line as he said with an actually serious tone, "Bayonet. Not joking this time. I was with a team from the UN, working in Africa. Some of what you could only call natives had some rifles that were better suited for a firearms museum. Most of them -- the natives, I mean -- didn't have ammunition, but one thing they all had was a bayonet. I was trying to talk a half dozen of them into surrendering with an exchange of gunfire when this screaming crazy man came out of nowhere and nearly sliced me open."

As he'd been talking, Robert had been moving slowly closer to Angel. He wasn't doing it for the specific reason of being more in her proximity; hell, with his mind foggy like it was, he didn't really even realize he was approaching her. When he finally stopped, well within her reach, he looked at her with a serious expression and said, "I died that day. They buried me in a shallow grave next to a coconut tree. My mother brings flowers on my birthday."

A smile gradually spread his lips, and Robert laughed as he enjoyed her reaction. After a moment, he turned his upper body a bit to better present the scar to her and said, "You can touch it if you want. It doesn't hurt."
Angel was actually falling for Robert's story about the vicious squirrels until he smiled, laughed, and began telling him the truth. She dropped her gaze again, embarrassed by her naivete, but looked back up to the man as he told his horrific story about nearly being gutted by a big rifle-knife. She'd noticed that he was closing on her with more consciousness that Robert was, and even though it sent a chill up her spine at the thought of what he might be doing -- preparing to seduce her? -- she said or did nothing to prevent it.

"I died that day," he said, again joking.

Angel's eyes widened and her mouth fell open; she'd again misunderstood and thought that maybe his heart had stopped and the people who'd rescued him had had to do that resuscitation thing to bring him back to life. But then he continued with his story and followed it up with a smile.

"Sometimes you are a mean man, Major," she said giggling, adding with a bit of a flirty tone, "and sometimes I like it. Sometimes. Not all times."

They laughed together, then a silence fell upon them as they simply looked into one another's eyes. Angel couldn't hold the stare long, though; it was too powerful a moment for her as her heart was beginning to pound with excitement, an emotion she only somewhat knew was a result of the sexual tension that was rising within her at the sight of the shirtless man.

"You can touch it if you want," Robert said.

Again, Angel's eyes widened and her lips parted in a combination of emotions she wouldn't have been able to fully explain if she'd wanted. She looked to the Major's scar again, then to the rest of his exposed, muscular body. Even though she knew it was wrong, she wanted to touch all of what she saw: the scar, the belly, the chest, the face and the lips upon it. Angel's heart was beating so hard with anxiety of the sexual tense moment that she could hear it in her ears and feel it in her legs.

"It doesn't hurt," he said, as if that had been any concern of Angel's.

"I shouldn't," she said meekly, even as she was fighting to keep her hand from rising to the man's body. "I..."

Angel had been about to say something relating to who she was, who he was, why she was here, and how inappropriate it was for her to be caressing his body, but no words came out. She looked up into Robert's eyes again, felt a blush explode through her, and diverted her eyes again. But, Angel simply couldn't not look back at the man's perfect torso, and a moment later her hand rose up and her fingers came into contact with his scar. She just barely touched it at first, but then reached to the inner end of it and began a slow, gentle tracing of it across his belly toward the other end of it.

"It is so hard," she said, adding a couple of seconds later as her finger partially contacted the skin above the wound, "but soft, too. It doesn't hurt?"

He responded again, about the time her finger found the opposite point from where she'd started. As her arm had stretched out to reach the end of the scar, Angel had moved just a bit closer to facilitate the touch. Now, adding the next two fingers on her hand, she reversed her slow, gentle caress of the scar, while lifting her gaze to the Major's eyes.

She didn't realize it, but her breathing had begun to accelerate and deepen at touching Robert's body, causing her bosom to swell and contract conspicuously. Her lips were slightly parted, and with the air blowing over them from the inhalation and exhalation, they were drying out; she licked them to ease the discomfort, closing her mouth, then opening it once again.

Then, Angel flinched violently and jerked her hand back at the sound of a female voice asking, "Am I interrupting?"

The girl stepped back from the officer as she looked to the door leading to the quarters' living room and found the Doctor watching them with a curious expression on her face. Samantha Davis pointed a thumb over her shoulder toward the entrance of Robert's quarters, saying, "I did knock. I guess now I should have waited."

She'd decided to wear her scrubs to the Major's home, despite the two of them being off duty and on a date, to give the impression that she'd come here on official business. There were three significant changes to her wardrobe, though: she was wearing an underwire bra that was boosting her B-cup breasts noticeably, which would have been obvious to anyone eyeballing her on her way from her private quarters to Robert's; underneath her dress, though, the other two alterations to her daily attire -- a tiny, lacy, white thong and a matching garter belt that was supporting stocking where Sam usually wore panty hose -- were only for Robert's viewing pleasure, assuming that their dinner had progressed to that point.

It was beginning to look, though, like Sam was all dressed up with no where for this night to go. She asked pointedly, "Should I leave the two of you alone?"

Even as the doctor was asking her question about the man she'd come to fuck and the girl who it appeared he'd been about to, that girl -- with her head down, unable to look into the other woman's eyes -- hurried out of the bedroom, mumbling about how it was late and she needed to get home before curfew.

Sam stepped out of the way to allow her to pass, watched her all the way out the door, then looked back to her dinner date with a bit of a shaking head and a smirk.
"I shouldn't," Angel said after Robert suggested that she feel how his massive scar felt. "I..."

He could tell she was a bit uneasy -- scared even -- about being in this situation with him, and -- despite not at all wanting to -- he was about to back away and ease the moment with some comic relief. But then Angel's fingers came out and began caressing along the jagged line cutting across his abdomen.

Robert was suddenly very happy he'd worn a tight fitting, constricting pair of boxer-briefs; his cock, which had already been awake and paying attention, instantly began swelling toward full hardness, something that would have tented the front of his sweat bottoms if he'd donned his usual boxers instead.

"It is so hard," she said, speaking of the scar tissue of the wound.

Robert chuckled, short and sharp, at the immediate thought that the teen was speaking of the erection that was now straining his underwear. But she continued, "but soft, too. It doesn't hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt," he said softly. "It looks scary, but honestly, it was just a flesh wound. The blade never penetrated my body ... never reached my innards."

Angel looked up into Robert's eyes after a long moment of tracing the wound, and when she did, he very nearly leaned right over to kiss her full on the mouth. But the desperate need to get a little physical with the younger woman suddenly dissipated with the sound of the woman Robert had been destined to be very physical with as the Doctor asked, "Am I interrupting?"

Angel withdrew in an instant, as Sam continued, "I did knock. I guess now I should have waited."

Robert looked away from both of them for a moment, then back to Angel; she was white in the face and looked as frightened as a kitten at a dog fight, and even in his intoxicated state, Robert knew he'd fucked up.

Sam continued, "Should I leave the two of you alone?"

Robert let loose one short, loud chuckle in disbelief that this was happening and began, "No, you're--"

But he went silent as the younger of the two women practically hurled herself out of his bedroom and out of his quarters. He remained in place until the door had slammed shut and the Doctor had turned her attention back before turning to retrieve one of the freshly washed, Army issue, fatigue green tee shirts from a still opened drawer. Donning it while he walked, Robert stopped a foot or so short of his date.

"She was putting my laundry away and I spilled a drink down my front," he began explaining. "She took notice of my scar and wanted to know if it hurt."

Everything he said was the truth, and yet it wasn't at the same time. And he could see in the Doctor's face that she knew that as well.
Sam listened to Robert making his excuse for what she'd seen, staring up into the taller man's face with a knowing smirk. When he finished, she said with certainty, "You're drunk, Major."

She listened to his response, then asked bluntly, "Are you trying to fuck Angel?"

Before he had a chance to respond, Sam pointed out, "She's not currently on birth control. I offered it, but she was hesitant. If you're going to fuck her, you need to protect her by using a condom ... please."

And with that, Sam turned and departed the man's quarters without a word, gently swinging the door behind her as she'd found it moments earlier.
"You're drunk, Major."

"I've been drinking, Doctor," Robert returned, using her title as she had his. He smiled and told her, "I liked it better when you called me Robert."

"Are you trying to fuck Angel?" Before he could answer, she warned about the teen's lack of pregnancy protection.

"First, who isn't?" he responded to Sam's question, ensuring she understood which question he was addressing by adding, "To fuck Angel. Who isn't?"

He had been attempting to add some comical levity to the situation. When it didn't seem to work, he told her, "What you saw wasn't what you thought you saw, Samantha."

But even as he was speaking, she spun on a heel and departed with haste, or with what seemed to the very disappointed Major to be haste. He stared at the closed door a long moment, then grumbled, "Well ... fuck."

Robert looked down to, then grasped his still mostly stiff cock, telling it, "Well, it's just you and me tonight."

He made another drink, downed it, returned to his bedroom, stripped, and laid back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He'd again taken control of his shaft without even thinking about it, but after kneading it for a bit without it returning to full stiffness, he just switched out the light and went to sleep.

"Can I speak to you about a medical situation, Doctor?" Robert asked when he entered the Infirmary the next morning. The only patient was being escorted out by the Medic, enabling Robert to close the gap between him and Sam and say softly, "I'd like to explain if you'll let me."
Sam was expecting Robert to stop by, knowing him to have a reputation for not letting issues hang unresolved. She nodded him into the infirmary and casually made her way to a back row of equipment to give them a bit more privacy from the waiting patients in the hall.

"I'd like to explain if you'll let me."

"I'll let you," she said softly, not looking his way, "if you can tell me that what I saw was the result of the alcohol you had in your system."

Only now did Sam look up into Robert's face, saying in a soft volume but stern tone, "With all due respect to your rank and your position in authority over me, Major, if you're just the typical horny dog army officer who thinks he can have me and some little girl from the neighborhood, too, you can head back to your bunker bedroom and suck your own cock."

She maintained her eye contact with Robert, awaiting his response.
Sam wouldn't look at Robert as he answered about last night's drinking with sincerity, "It was, Samantha."

She still didn't meet his gaze. Robert continued, "I was feeling a bit loose, Sam, and I did, in fact spill a drink down my front side."

He explained about remembering the time and their imminent dinner; the local woman who'd cooked some of the meal for Sam had dropped off some already cooked food that Robert was supposed to have put on a burner to keep warm, something he'd forgotten to do. He told her about looking to his watch and turning over his tumbler and -- "feeling loose", as he'd described it -- stripped off his shirt with the aim to clean up and change.

"The only reason you saw me like that ... us like that ... was that Angel noticed my scar and asked about it," he said, telling the truth in a rightfully sincere tone. He hesitated a moment, though, before admitting, "I'll be honest with you, Samantha. It felt good to his old man to have a beautiful young woman like Angel show interest in him. But continuing to be honest, nothing was going to happen last night. I was drinking, I was shirtless, the moment was a bit ... warm. But nothing was going to happen. I was waiting for you. I was waiting for you, Samantha."

She finally looked up to Robert and told him how she felt about men two timing women, particularly men in positions of power. He sincerely told her, "I'm not one of those men, Samantha. I was faithful to my wife throughout our decade long marriage, even if she wasn't. I haven't been with a woman since deploying while I tried to figure out whether there was a chance for the two of us to reconcile."

He turned and leaned back against the counter, looking off toward the Medic who had just entered with another patient. In barely more than a whisper he explained, "She emailed me three days ago that she'd filed for divorce."

Looking back to Sam, Robert said with emotion, "Please ... come to my room for dinner tonight. I'll cook. I'm a good cook."

He wasn't, but then he wasn't going to tell her that he knew where to find her cook and was going to pay her for a redo of last night's failed meal.
Robert explained about the previous evening, including admitting that it was an ego boost to have the beautiful teen pay attention to him. But then he told Sam, "But nothing was going to happen. I was waiting for you. I was waiting for you, Samantha."

She knew that he was married, of course, but that hadn't been an issue for her because she'd also known that his wife had left him; while mission critical secrets were well kept by the members of the Nine, personal secrets weren't so easily kept in a military community like the one here in the palace.

Robert spoke about how he wasn't the typical dog to which she was used to dealing. Then, he confessed to having been celibate for months. Sam looked up into his eyes again, looking for and -- she believed -- finding a sincere, honest expression in them.

"Please ... come to my room for dinner tonight," he requested. I'll cook. I'm a good cook."

"Yeah, right, liar," she said laughing. "You probably put the food my woman brought you last night in a leftover container."

Looking up, she caught a glint in his eye and laughed loudly. "My God! It's true. You were going to heat up leftovers for me. Dog!"

Sam turned away with a tray of equipment, delivering it to a distant table as Robert casually followed in behind. She looked for the Medic and his patient, then turned back to the officer. Quietly she said, "Six o'clock. I'll bring dinner. You supply the wine. Have a shirt on this time. Now, get out of here. I have patients to see, and you have a peace keeping mission to supervise."

She gave him one last smile ... then ... feeling less concerned with last night and more hopeful about tonight, she let her hand gently caress across his upper arm as she passed by him, saying, "See you tonight, Major."


Angel popped up from the chair in the hallway across from Robert's quarters as the man came around the corner following his meeting with the Doctor. He slowed at the sight of her but continued forward, and when he arrived, Angel -- barely able to keep her eyes on him -- said meekly, "I wasn't sure whether or not you needed me, Major. I would understand if you don't need me today ... or ever."
Robert couldn't help but laugh at Sam calling him on the whole food situation. He admitted to his plan of contacting her cook for a second meal tonight, which was nearly as bad as serving Sam the leftovers from the previous evening.

"Six o'clock," he agreed. When he told him goodbye and brushed a hand over his arm, Robert's lips spread in a smile and his cock twitched with hope.

Back at the entrance to his quarters, his cock awoke a second time in that very short period. Angel expressed her concern that he wouldn't employ her anymore, but Robert waved her inside -- leaving the doors open -- and led her to the wet bar where he opened a pair of water bottles.

"You did nothing wrong last night, Angel," he told her with a serious tone. "I was drunk, and I should have behaved better. You're a beautiful young woman, and ... and I sort of lost myself. Please, will you accept my apology?"

Once they were beyond all that, Robert told her to follow him to the storage room. "You left without your pay last night."

Without asking her to pick things, the Major began filling a knapsack with things -- food mostly -- telling her, "These should be used up soon before they go bad. They're all still good, don't get me wrong. But I have more than I can consume before they do go bad."

When he thought he'd compensated her for the night before, Robert said, "Why don't you go ahead and pick out half this amount more for tonight, okay? All I need from you is for the kitchen to be cleaned."

He hesitated a moment, then informed her, "The woman who was here last night, the doctor ... you know her. She was coming here to have dinner with me. She's coming again tonight because last night ... well ... let's just say it didn't go the way I had planned and that's not your fault, Angel!"

Robert added that last part on, fearful that the teen beauty would think he was blaming her. She went to work, and Robert went to his office for a while. Angel finished quickly and when she asked if he needed anything more, he told her no, that she could take off.

"Angel," Robert said as she was heading for the door. When she turned to him, Robert had to draw a breath at the sight of her again; she was simply incredible, and it killed him that she was so young, innocent, and a bit vulnerable in this world of his. He had a lot he wanted to say, but instead he simply told her, "Thank you."
Robert apologized for being drunk the night before and for acting inappropriately, begging, "Please, will you accept my apology?"

"Yes, of course, sir," Angel said immediately, adding, "But it was I who was wrong.
I should not have touched you."

They settled who was wrong for what reasons and moved on. They filled another goody bag, and they both went about their work. They tried to ignore each other for the next couple of hours, but for Angel, it was difficult. Each time she caught sight of the Major working, her mind was filled with the image of him standing before her with his shirt off.

She was coming to realize that she not only no longer had a fear that he would take advantage of her sexually ... but that she was actually hoping he would.

She finished her work in the kitchen, and when she asked if there was more to do, Robert told her no, that she could take off for the day. He asked her to come back in three days, and she said she would. As she was heading out, he said, "Angel ... Thank you."

"No, thank you, Major, thank you for everything," she replied. She took one last long look at him, thinking that maybe he was doing the same to her, before blushing, turning, and hurrying away.


A couple of hours later, Sam knocked on the door of Robert's quarters and heard him call for her to enter from some distant location inside. She entered to find him occupied with a task; she closed the door behind her, and entered to wander about while he finished. She'd come dressed as she had the day before, in a fresh scrubs dress that reached midthigh and had the front zipper pulled down a couple of inches; from the right angle and height, Robert would be able to see the lacy black frill of the pushup bra adding cleavage to her B-cup tits.

Underneath in addition to the sexy bra were a pair of thong panties, a garter belt, and stockings; the former were a different pair from the day before but the latter two were the same Robert hadn't had a chance to appreciate the day before. She felt very sexy, and if things went at she wanted, Robert would see that she was dressed sexy enough for both of them.
Robert dreaded not seeing Angel for the next three days, but there simply wasn't anything more for her to do. She'd cleaned everything and done about all the organizing possible. He could have assigned her some make work -- dusting clean surfaces, sweeping clean floors -- for which he would pay her, of course, but it had simply seemed silly to him. Plus, people would seriously begin to think that he was fucking the young woman if she was spending so many afternoons and early evenings in his quarters behind closed doors.

It was a relief, then, when Samantha arrived. She and Angel were similar in so many ways and at the same time so different. They were both beautiful women, though Angel had this natural, exotic, and even erotic cuteness to her face while Sam's body was more well rounded, with larger breasts and one fucking wonderful ass. But while Angel was quiet and shy, Sam was outgoing and openly flirty.

Robert loved the idea of introducing the young, innocent local girl to the ways of sexual wonder, but he also knew -- wrongly, he might find out? -- that the odds of that were minimal. However, he was fairly confident that if he didn't fuck up again like he had the previous night, he might very soon be enjoying the magical feeling of sinking his big cock into the wet, warm pussy of the palace's doctor.

"Good to see you, Doctor," he said as she entered. He was in his office and explained that he was just putting some files together as she closed the door behind her. "Come in, please."

He hurried out to help her with the large pot she was carrying. As he took it from her, he drew a deep breath, saying, "Wow, that smells good. What is it?"

She told him as he placed the pot amongst the dishware Angel had arranged for his dinner. He asked if she wanted a drink and went to the wet bar. Gesturing her to the couch, he told her, "Your cook came by earlier with the side dishes. They're on the stove, warming up, but we have a few minutes before they're ready."

He sat near enough to her to give a bit of an intimate feel to their proximity but not enough to feel creepy, then looked into her eyes and made a discovery. "One blue, one green ... or is that hazel?"
(OOC: I found an image we are going to use for Claire Roosevelt, but the uniform says Robles on it, so we are changing her name.)

A couple of hours earlier:

As she was leaving the palace's interior, Angel heard a female voice cry out to her. It was Claire Robles, the pretty young corporal who had made it clear to Angel that she liked other women and wouldn't mind having the young local girl as her girlfriend. Angel's stomach rolled over anxiously as Claire hurried over toward her; Angel didn't have anything against gay women -- she knew an in-the-closet lesbian couple and liked them both dearly -- but she was so new to even thinking about sex with a man that she couldn't grasp the concept of maybe having a sexual relationship with another woman.

"Hi, Claire, I was just heading home," Angel said as the enlisted woman stopped before her. Angel couldn't help but feel like the other woman was just a bit close for not knowing each other. Not knowing what else to say, she only asked, "How are you?"

(OOC: We will get back to Robert and Sam as soon as this interaction catches up. HornyDog is going to write Claire.)
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Claire Robles was off duty and had been hanging with some of her unit when she caught sight of her CO's cute little house keeper..

"I'm outta here," she told the others. She looked to one of her team that knew of her yearning for the petite local girl and nodded her head Angel's way. "Gonna give this another shot."

The other soldier whispered regarding Angel's preferences in the sack, "You don't even know if she likes what you like."

"I know, but hell, if I let that stop me, I wouldn't have had you," Claire said, laughing. Her friend wasn't actually a lesbian, but Claire had gotten her drunk one night, took her to bed, and introduced her to the pleasures she herself had enjoyed since her teens. "You liked it. Maybe she will."

The other woman just laughed and waved Claire off.

"Hi, Claire, I was just heading home," Angel began ending with "How are you?"

"How about I walk you home?" Claire offered. "There's a little bar we're allowed to patronize. It's just past where you live."

Claire wasn't going to let Angel just say no easily, so she reached a hand inside the younger woman's elbow and turned her for the gate. She quickly asked about her work for the Major, then about the girl's parents, who'd been here to see the doctor. They were to the outer wall gate before Claire gave Angel even the slightest chance to get a word in edgewise.
"How about I walk you home?" Claire offered.

Angel was surprised by the young soldier's offer. They didn't know each other, not really; they'd sat together at lunch in the Enlisted Mess that one time, during which Claire had seemingly propositioned Angel to partake of a lesbian encounter or maybe even a relationship. Maybe she'd been joking. Angel was simply too naĂŻve and innocent about such things to know one way or the other.

"There's a little bar we're allowed to patronize," Claire continued as she clutched Angel's elbow and led her toward the gate. "It's just past where you live."

Angel found herself being peppered with all sorts of personal questions, and as soon as she would answer one -- sometimes with one word, two words, seldom more than three or four -- Claire would hit her with another one. Angel didn't mind, though, to be honest, she didn't feel she knew this young woman well enough to be be so engaged in a conversation like this.

But at the same time, Claire was friendly and peppy and happy go lucky, and Angel liked that. She herself was shy and reserved, and it was kind of nice to have someone show an interest in her like this. Angel didn't really have friends out in the Zoo who weren't relatives, so, she was very quickly coming to like the rapid fire conversation in which the other woman had engaged her.

They were just about to reach the outer perimeter check point when Angel finally got to ask, "If I don't want to be your girlfriend, Claire ... are you still going to want to be my friend?"
They were just about to leave the palace grounds when Angel asked Claire, "If I don't want to be your girlfriend, Claire ... are you still going to want to be my friend?"

The younger woman's question wasn't unexpected; Claire had been asked different versions of it in the past when she'd developed an interest in a straight girl. She quickly answered, "Of course, Angel. I like you. I want to be your friend."

She didn't say anything more right away as she had to check herself out with the perimeter check point guards. They didn't like that Claire was going out into the city in her uniform with her weapon on her hip; contrary to popular belief, it was actually safer for military personnel to be unarmed and in civilian clothes, something that made them less obvious to potential militia threats.

"I'll be alright," Claire told the guard, who she knew fairly well. "Just list me as escorting the Major's house keeper home."

The guard did as told, then told Claire he would be off in an hour and would come out to the bar with some of the others. And grasping Angel's arm again, the Corporal left the relative safety of the palace and entered the Zoo. Even though she should have been, Clair wasn't too worried about being out here in the dangerous community, particular as she was walking with a local girl. The militias that surrounded the palace were actually relatively cautious when it came to civilian deaths and injuries, unlike Clair's first deployment location, where suicide bombers had been killing ten times as many civilians as enemy combatants on a regular basis.

"Tell me about the Zoo," Claire asked Angel as they headed away from the clear out buffer zone between the palace and the city proper. "What's it like living out here?"
"Of course, Angel. I like you," Claire said, seemingly with sincerity. "I want to be your friend."

Angel was unsure whether the older woman was telling the truth, but in all honesty, her experience with friendship and romance was lacking compared to many people from many cultures and communities. But, Angel wanted to be the Corporal's friend, too, so she decided that without some firm reason to disbelieve Claire, she'd would take her at her word.

"Tell me about the Zoo," Claire asked as they headed across the open area toward the buildings that were the city. "What's it like living out here?"

"Well, first, we don't call it the Zoo, we just call it home" Angel said, smiling a bit, then blushing for reasons that baffled her. She started talking about her family, then her neighborhood, then the hardships of life: the shortages, the violence, the constant fear. "I've never known anything different, so ... I dunno, it's just the world I live in."

They slowed at a corner and Angel peeked around. She nodded to Claire and continued on, explaining, "The militia controls the next block down."

They continued toward Angel's house for most of a block before Angel's courage rose enough for her to ask, "What is it like ... being a girl with another girl?"
"Well, first, we don't call it the Zoo, we just call it home" Angel said.

Claire chuckled, apologizing, "Yeah, sorry about that. I meant no offense."

She told the younger woman about how her own neighborhood growing up had been virtually a war zone because of gang violence. They had something in common, and Angel spoke true when she said, "I've never known anything different, so ... I dunno, it's just the world I live in."

They made their way cautiously through one dangerous neighborhood, skirting an even more dangerous one, until Angel surprised Claire by asking, "What is it like ... being a girl with another girl?"

This made Claire beam with joy. Was this Angel's first curious step toward a possible lesbian encounter with her? She could only wish! They weren't the only people on the street, so Claire spoke a bit more quietly, "It's incredible. Girls, they're ... just incredible."

Claire giggled a bit as she pulled Angel closer by her elbow. With a dreamy tone, she began talking about how other women were so soft and sweet and smelled great and more. Looking to Angel to see how she was accepting what was slowly becoming more intimate, then more erotic, Claire whispered, "And they taste so good."

She smiled wide, laughed again, and asked with a bit of doubt in her tone, "Have you really never even kissed a girl before, Angel?"
Angel was surprised to hear Claire speak of her own home city as a war zone. It seemed that no matter where you were during this horrific time in history, someone was always trying to kill you for what you had, who you were, or maybe for no particular reason at all.

She found herself very conflicted over the next couple of minutes as Claire began speaking explicitly about what it was like to be intimate and even sexual with another woman. Angel had never spoken to a woman about this before; her lesbian friends kept their personal life person, not even holding hands or kissing while others were present.

Then Claire leaned in close and whispered, "Have you really never even kissed a girl before, Angel?"

Angel giggled and felt her face explode in the heat of a fiery red blush. "No! Of course not!"

They continued on a bit, with people passing by and Angel waving to or verbally greeting some who she knew personally. She was giggling nervously in between, peeking over at Claire occasionally but looking away quickly as the other woman met her gaze.

"I mean..." Angel began, going quiet after just those two words. When Claire asked her what she was going to say, Angel confessed, "I ... I've never kissed a girl ... because ... because I've never kissed anyone."
Claire could see that the younger woman was feeling embarrassed about the conversation. Claire liked that, though. She'd always been the more aggressive and more suggestive of people in an up and coming sexual encounter; while she didn't know it, Claire was very much like her Commanding Officer in this regard.

"No! Of course not!" Angel quickly answered when Claire asked the girl if she'd ever kissed another female.

Claire laughed, asking, "Whaddaya mean of course not. You make it sound absolutely fantastical, like it could never happen in a million years."

She gave the young beauty a nudge with her shoulder and asked, "Didn't you learn to kiss by kissing another girl, like me, like many girls...? A sister, a cousin, a friend from school or the neighborhood?"

That was when Angel confessed, "I ... I've never kissed a girl ... because ... because I've never kissed anyone."

Claire stopped dead in her tracks, looking at Angel's backside with shock. When the fair skinned blonde stopped and turned to look at her, Claire moved to her again and asked with a shocked tone, "You've never ... kissed someone else...? Boy or girl? Man or woman?"

Angel verified what she'd said, and Claire just stated at the teen with a devilish grin. Looking around and seeing that no one was really paying attention to them, Claire took hold Angel's hand and hurried her into the entry alcove of an abandoned, partially burned out commercial business. She looked again for prying eyes but knew that no one could see them in the shadows here. Moving closer to Angel, Claire said softly, "Kiss me."
Angel didn't know what Claire was doing, pulling her into the shadows; her first instinct was to look for danger beyond them, thinking that maybe Claire had seen gunman or men who were simply suspicious.

But then the Corporal said softly, "Kiss me."

Angel immediately gave out a loud, shocked laugh, then covered her mouth to silence herself. She stared at Claire with wide eyes, blushed so dark she felt as if her face was going to catch fire, then finally after a long moment opened her hands to ask, "Here? Now? On the street?"

But Claire was serious, and her closing proximity only strengthened Angel's belief that she was. Angel laughed again, her hands still over her mouth. But as the seconds ticked away, Angel's curiosity began rising exponentially. She recalled that American singer's song about kissing a girl and liking it, and she found herself looking at Claire's lips, wondering Would I like it, too?

Finally, she lowered her hands until they were one over another between her smallish but incredible breasts as she somehow managed to get out, "You kiss me!"
"Here? Now? On the street?"

"We're not on the street," Claire said, moving in a bit closer. She looked over her shoulder to the neighborhood, mostly for appearances sake, not because she really cared if someone could see them. Most of the buildings were either abandoned or boarded up, so unless someone was standing right in the entrance to the alcove, Claire doubted they could be seen. She answered the rest of the local girl's questions, "But yet, right here, right now."

She inched up a bit closer again, until there were just an inch or two from her bosom and the arms and hands concealing Angel's own. She could see in the teen's face that she was walking the razor's edge between wanting to at least give the outrageous request a try and fleeing in panic.

Then, Angel surprised Claire -- and made her smile wide -- by telling her, "You kiss me!"

Claire moved closer yet, until her breasts pressed against Angel's hands. Looking down at them, Claire reached up to take hold of them, whispering, "Trust me."

Angel surrendered control of her limbs, and Claire moved the slowly downward, over the girl's belly and to her sides. Again, Claire moved forward, ever so gently her bosom and belly came into contact with the same of the young housekeeper. Claire was smiling with delight, her gaze shifting from Angel's eyes to her lips and back. She licked her own lips as she slowly moved the teen's hands a bit farther back, bringing them behind her back, to the small of her back, her fingers slipping between Angel's to interlace with them.

Their bodies were very intimately pressing against one another when Claire tilted her head slightly and moved her mouth to press against Angel's...
"Trust me."

Angel smiled nervously at the other woman's request. She didn't know Claire, not enough to simply trust her with what was about to happen. She was going to kiss someone for the first time, a stranger really, and a female stranger at that; this was so wrong, and at the same time it was so exciting that Angel was trembling down deep in her core and her chest was rising and falling noticeably.

"I trust you," she whispered so softly that she barely heard it herself.

Claire moved her hands downward, exposing their front sides to the other. Angel felt the soldier's body press into hers; she drew an even deeper breath and let it out in a frightened giggled as her boobies, her belly, and her groin were all eventually pressing to same of Claire's body.

Again, as if trying to convince herself, Angel whispered just after wetting her lips with a trembling tongue, "I trust you."

And then their mouths were together. It was such a gentle touch, Claire's ever so slightly parted lips pressing against her own as the sides of their noses gently brushed. Claire's mouth pulled back just enough to barely be considered no longer touching Angel's, then -- surprising even herself -- Angel licked her lips again and moved her face forward just enough to contact the other women's mouth again. The second kiss was much like the first: soft and intimate, but with lips just barely parted more and pressing a bit more noticeably together.

A chill suddenly ran up Angel's spine, causing her to tremble such that even Claire noticed it and reacted; goose flesh exploded all over the younger woman's skin coming alive from her shoulders to her wrists, her thighs to her ankles. Angel giggled, squeezing her interlaced fingers tighter around the other girl's.

"That's nice," she said in a whisper, her gaze moving all about Claire's face. She wanted to say more, but what would she say? She was partaking of her first kiss, and it was with a woman from a foreign country who she'd only met yesterday. There was a very distant sound of gunfire that made Angel flinch, then laughed nervously. She began to detangle their bodies as she said, "Thank you, Claire. We, um ... we should probably go, but ... thank you. That was very nice."
"We, um ... we should probably go, but ... thank you. That was very nice."

Claire had barely even registered the gunfire; she'd been around it almost constantly for four years in three different deployment zones, and she knew when to be concerned about it and when to be concerned in other things, such as kissing a beautiful, sexy, young woman.

She moved up against Angel again, wrapping her arms around the 18 year old's petite body, and pulling them tight together as again she pressed their lips together. Without seeming to be overly aggressive, Claire parted her lips and extended her tongue, just enough to urge Angel to do the same: if Angel resisted, the soldier would stop and pull back; if she didn't, Claire would show her what a kiss really was.